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> @"Omyrah.7389" said:

> That's part of a new skin pack that was just released today. I'm not sure why we can't see them in the preview in the hero panel, though, because I'm having the same issue.


Apparently gem store items which would normally show up in the wardrobe are typically added to the game during the update before they're released but with a code which hides them from the wardrobe so they can't be previewed early. Sometimes Anet forget to turn that code off when they're released so they take a while to show up.


I assume the same is true for mount skins, which don't appear in the Wardrobe tab in the bank, but otherwise appear to be the same.

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OMG - the visual effect for the teleport is SO MUCH BETTER than that sand effect on most of the jackal skins. I really hate the sand teleport effect - especially if playing fairly zoomed in which often in pve on mounts I like to do - it covers a lot of the screen and is an eyesore, almost as bad as the white flash of mirage cloak when playing zoomed in.


Would love to have that port effect on Stardust jackal, and every single jackal skin instead of the awful sand effect.


Edit - for the record, jackal is my second least favourite mount (raptor is least), but this teleport effect is so awesome I'm going to get this skin. And on that note I don't care for the stereotypical mesmer style skin anyway (would rather have Stardust) - I just want it for the teleport! :D

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> OMG - the visual effect for the teleport is SO MUCH BETTER than that sand effect on most of the jackal skins. I really hate the sand teleport effect - especially if playing fairly zoomed in which often in pve on mounts I like to do - it covers a lot of the screen and is an eyesore, almost as bad as the white flash of mirage cloak when playing zoomed in.


> Would love to have that port effect on Stardust jackal, and every single jackal skin instead of the awful sand effect.


> Edit - for the record, jackal is my second least favourite mount (raptor is least), but this teleport effect is so awesome I'm going to get this skin. And on that note I don't care for the stereotypical mesmer style skin anyway (would rather have Stardust) - I just want it for the teleport! :D


The ice flow jackal is made of ice and water. So the teleport is water instead of sand, which is great.

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> @"wrathmagik.3518" said:

> Is there a way to preview all the new mounts? I cant find one in the gem store?


They aren’t yet in the Hero Panel either. Fortunately Dulfy has posted pictures and videos on [her site](http://dulfy.net/2018/07/31/gw2-gemstore-update-desert-racer-mount-licenses/). That’s the best option I know of.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> Does that mean they pulled the Istani mounts out of rotation?


I've not checked for the last 10 hours (was asleep, now at work) but last time I looked the Istani mounts were still up.


There was a while when both the Istani mounts and the original adoption licence ones were available. If I remember correctly it was about 2 weeks - one where both were listed normally and one where the original licences were on the removal countdown. Which was good for me because I was planning to buy some/all of the original ones once I had enough gold then the Istani ones appeared and I had a dilemma over which to buy. I'd just decided I preferred the Istani ones anyway when the originals were removed.


They might do the same here - give it a week or so and then remove the Istani ones. Or it might be that the originals were removed mainly because the pure-RNG acquisition was so controversial, or because they thought 30 + 15 + whatever standalone/pack mounts was too many, and with these sets they'll keep both up together.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > OMG - the visual effect for the teleport is SO MUCH BETTER than that sand effect on most of the jackal skins. I really hate the sand teleport effect - especially if playing fairly zoomed in which often in pve on mounts I like to do - it covers a lot of the screen and is an eyesore, almost as bad as the white flash of mirage cloak when playing zoomed in.

> >

> > Would love to have that port effect on Stardust jackal, and every single jackal skin instead of the awful sand effect.

> >

> > Edit - for the record, jackal is my second least favourite mount (raptor is least), but this teleport effect is so awesome I'm going to get this skin. And on that note I don't care for the stereotypical mesmer style skin anyway (would rather have Stardust) - I just want it for the teleport! :D


> The ice flow jackal is made of ice and water. So the teleport is water instead of sand, which is great.


Ooh, thank you I seem to have missed that! :o again looks far better than the default sand effect.

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> @"Curunen.8729" said:

> OMG - the visual effect for the teleport is SO MUCH BETTER than that sand effect on most of the jackal skins.


It is exactly the same as they used on the Shrine Guardian skin, minus the lighting around the spiral.


> @"LucianDK.8615" said:

> The forged jackal also have a very unique warp animation.


I so regret buying that one. Most colors look awful on the metallic surface, and all in all, it is not that great. More generic sometimes looks better. ;)



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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Curunen.8729" said:

> > OMG - the visual effect for the teleport is SO MUCH BETTER than that sand effect on most of the jackal skins.


> It is exactly the same as they used on the Shrine Guardian skin, minus the lighting around the spiral.


Good to know - I kind of dismissed the shrine guardian because I wasn't fond of the skin itself, but at least this awesome teleport effect might then be used on more jackal skins as well in the future. :)

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