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Ok there is something going on here. On the verge of quitting

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Spvp i think is in a complete mess due to balance error on anets end. You can say this is true for pve and wvw as well. The core of the game is falling apart and its destroying the games population. So less ppl to play with the more likely your going to get dead time zones i guess that what going on.

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > > Now that you guys mention alt accounts and I really thinking and did notice this. Players sold accounts on that game (Overwatch) quite a bit and I do believe I was a victim of reverse smurfing. Bad players buy high level accounts then said bad players get tossed on your team because the game actually thinks they are GrandMaster skill level and you start to get steamrolled.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > That's not the case here probably. The matchmaker just doesn't have enough high tier people to put together into two teams. That's the same reason why you can't even duo at that tier.


> So simply put there's just nobody playing PvP? Whenever one queues they are just getting tossed into a match with the next 7 people regardless of rating waiting in line also?


Not really, it's more complicated than that...

The matchmaker has a puzzle to make, and there's not enough pieces for it to make the puzzle with only one color, so it has to get pieces from the other colors.

What happens is that at the time you're queuing in order to make both teams have the same overal rating, it was needed to pair you with lower ranked players. It doesn't mean that the same didn't happen in the other team, though.

> @"moonstarmac.4603" said:

> I think the best fix to this would be a change to the Ranked Que mode. For instance, instead of a single, ranked que system, set the Ranked que to correspond to the player's rating. Or change it so that you can select the category you want with the requirement you be 1 +/- of said que. IE: Bronze for Bronze/Silver Players, Silver for Bronze/Silver/Gold players, Gold for Silver/Gold/Plat, and Platinum Gold/Plat Players.


> My account stays Gold 1 - 3 most of the time, but I am not a hardcore PVPer. I must admit though, even I have seen exactly what the OP has stated happen in too many games. Especially that one rage/quit or rage/afk person that seems to think he/she is just too 'leet' for everyone else.


That would lead to hour long queues, especially at the highest ranks.


The problem is that instead of being for "hard-core" pvpers ranked is for people farming loot, because it has a disproportionate reward that isn't linked to rank or reward. That means it's easily farmable without any proper investment, you can just have your cat run on the keyboard, and you'll get your loot.


Of course at this point, idk if there's a solution to pvp, the mismanagement drove away a lot of people, and the lack of consistent quality balance drove away almost everyone else that is concerned with a competitive pvp. That leaves the people that just want to farm ascended and legendary stuff.


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imo solo que is what caused the massive player leave ( im one who left i just check here to see if they ever roll that back) people will say oh no it was balance but people have been complaining about balance since the game was released and i never felt like people were leaving the game over it just lots of complaining about it.... but killing the ability to enjoy the game with friends was extremely difficult to overcome and for me wasn't possible as i moved to other multiplayer outlets

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Lower number of people queuing means you get matched with more volatile rank difference. This is mainly to prevent someone from sitting in Q for too long, although it can be a bit too forgiving at times. For instance right now I sit around Plat II ~ Plat I, getting matched with high gold players isn't so bad and many are platinum I players that are in a slump -plenty of them are at least basically capable. The problems start when 1200 or lower players are in my games regardless of which team they are on as they simply do NOT have the mechanical skill or know-how to keep up in a match with multiple top 250 players. So the result is they just get farmed and are utterly confused by what is going on. This results in a landslide match with many AFKs and really isn't fun for anyone.


As for why the population is lower, it's mainly just a lack of dev focus on PvP. The biggest problem imo is the **blatantly obvious class favoritism** present in the balance team. Classes that have been without a meta build for multiple seasons in a row are given either nothing or insignificant buffs such as "wew this skill casts 0.1 seconds faster very buff much wow". Meanwhile classes that have had multiple meta builds get wristslaps ( or sometimes even BUFFS lol ) that don't even touch on the core design flaws that make them overtuned and/or just flat out unfair to fight against. This nonsense makes people stop caring because the balance team continues to consistently disappoint to the degree where the sPvP community just **expects** disappointment these days. We don't think "Oh boy new balance patch xxxx is finally getting nerfed" we think "Oh great...a new balance patch with yet again zero preview or input from the community. what will they screw up this time?" That is what is making people quit.


What Anet needs to do imho is get fresh eyes and new sources of input on the direction of conquest and PvP balancing. The stale balance decisions and lack of foresight are a constant drain on an otherwise very fun game mode.

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Lower number of people queuing means you get matched with more volatile rank difference. This is mainly to prevent someone from sitting in Q for too long, although it can be a bit too forgiving at times. For instance right now I sit around Plat II ~ Plat I, getting matched with high gold players isn't so bad and many are platinum I players that are in a slump -plenty of them are at least basically capable. The problems start when 1200 or lower players are in my games regardless of which team they are on as they simply do NOT have the mechanical skill or know-how to keep up in a match with multiple top 250 players. So the result is they just get farmed and are utterly confused by what is going on. This results in a landslide match with many AFKs and really isn't fun for anyone.


> As for why the population is lower, it's mainly just a lack of dev focus on PvP. The biggest problem imo is the **blatantly obvious class favoritism** present in the balance team. Classes that have been without a meta build for multiple seasons in a row are given either nothing or insignificant buffs such as "wew this skill casts 0.1 seconds faster very buff much wow". Meanwhile classes that have had multiple meta builds get wristslaps ( or sometimes even BUFFS lol ) that don't even touch on the core design flaws that make them overtuned and/or just flat out unfair to fight against. This nonsense makes people stop caring because the balance team continues to consistently disappoint to the degree where the sPvP community just **expects** disappointment these days. We don't think "Oh boy new balance patch xxxx is finally getting nerfed" we think "Oh great...a new balance patch with yet again zero preview or input from the community. what will they screw up this time?" That is what is making people quit.


> What Anet needs to do imho is get fresh eyes and new sources of input on the direction of conquest and PvP balancing. The stale balance decisions and lack of foresight are a constant drain on an otherwise very fun game mode.


Very well written, and definitely on point. I usually don't agree with much you say (no offense) but this is the exact same way that I feel.

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I myself just went through a 0-9 streak. I literally had the same 2 team matchups 2 games in a row. Same result both times. Then had the same guy who would run mid, die and then quit i think 3 games in a row. Even after taking a break I'd get matched up with the same exact players multiple games in a row. It just breeds more toxicity and I suppose shows how low the population actually is.


Balance is one of the biggest issues with PvP right now. Sorry but I don't think the balance team knows what they are doing right now. They just do whatever they feel like doing at this point no matter if it hurts the game or not. That and they can't bring back team Q's or everybody would be waiting on 10+ minute Q times.

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Well, OP. I don't blame you for considering quitting pvp, I mean, I've done it myself! lol! I only came back to pvp for my guild and that is all. Unlike other posters here that keeping telling you to keep at it and you'll get to your "proper" rating, or those that say matchmaking is bad because of this-or-that reason, I'm going to give it to you straight OP:


pvp sucks because there is a LACK OF SUPPORT and a LOW POPULATION. If there is a lack of support for important things such as balance, new game modes, bug fixes, anti-cheat procedures (hello wintrading!) what happens? People leave. When people see that there is a lack of incentive from the developer side, how are they expected to stay? I'm sorry, but balance patches every three months ain't going to cut it. When people leave, matchmaking can't do jack because there's nobody playing! I mean is it even a surprise?

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> @"Master Ketsu.4569" said:

> Lower number of people queuing means you get matched with more volatile rank difference. This is mainly to prevent someone from sitting in Q for too long, although it can be a bit too forgiving at times. For instance right now I sit around Plat II ~ Plat I, getting matched with high gold players isn't so bad and many are platinum I players that are in a slump -plenty of them are at least basically capable. The problems start when 1200 or lower players are in my games regardless of which team they are on as they simply do NOT have the mechanical skill or know-how to keep up in a match with multiple top 250 players. So the result is they just get farmed and are utterly confused by what is going on. This results in a landslide match with many AFKs and really isn't fun for anyone.


> As for why the population is lower, it's mainly just a lack of dev focus on PvP. The biggest problem imo is the **blatantly obvious class favoritism** present in the balance team. Classes that have been without a meta build for multiple seasons in a row are given either nothing or insignificant buffs such as "wew this skill casts 0.1 seconds faster very buff much wow". Meanwhile classes that have had multiple meta builds get wristslaps ( or sometimes even BUFFS lol ) that don't even touch on the core design flaws that make them overtuned and/or just flat out unfair to fight against. This nonsense makes people stop caring because the balance team continues to consistently disappoint to the degree where the sPvP community just **expects** disappointment these days. We don't think "Oh boy new balance patch xxxx is finally getting nerfed" we think "Oh great...a new balance patch with yet again zero preview or input from the community. what will they screw up this time?" That is what is making people quit.


> What Anet needs to do imho is get fresh eyes and new sources of input on the direction of conquest and PvP balancing. The stale balance decisions and lack of foresight are a constant drain on an otherwise very fun game mode.


i have to disagree on one thing and that is when a new patch is out i have 110% hope that this patch will start the change for the spvp but my hope get instantly destroyed and i have to start my hopes all over again from zero


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Simple answer: No one is playing pvp. If you queue at a determined hour and there is no plat 2 or plat 3 queuing at the same time, you will get matched with plat 1, gold or even silver.


It all comes down to two options: Would you rather queue 30 minutes, maybe more, to get 10 people with similar ranking, or get fast queue no matter the ranking? Tbh Anet should really take this question into consideration as well as the opinion of the community on it.


Personnally, I rather wait 20 minutes to get 1 good game rather than not waiting at all and get 10 games where ppl are 2-3 capping points or 4v1ing one guy all game.


Aside from this, you should really realise that gw2 pvp is dead and either move on or be ready for what you're going to get. This will release frustration.

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Listen, this stuff sucks when it happens. But a massive win streak will come to balance things out (assuming you are indeed a plat2+ player). If you quit now you are really missing out.


One piece of advice I can offer is that you need to walk away when you sense things are tilting against you. Go play WvW for a day or two for your competitive fix, or simply attack the boring stuff you might need done in PvE. You gotta let things settle and balance out when a streak like this happens.

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> @"Hydrangea.6014" said:

> Did you change your build significantly or come back from a long break? i came back from a six month break and tried out Renegade in PvP and man, that 10-game losing streak hurt.


> It definitely seems like matchmaking is struggling to make games with even players.


No, it's working as intended in your case. Renegade is the worst thing Anet has ever designed from a PvP POV, it's completely garbage tier spec. When you play renegade you're expecting the other players on your team to carry a 4v5.

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I don't know how many players does this, but do like me. Just don't care no more.

Just do you in spvp &win or lose, just don't care. I go for more kill's then focusing on winning.

As you said, you can't count on the match maker & if you gonna lose, you might as well have fun doing it.

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> @"Nova.3817" said:

> imo solo que is what caused the massive player leave ( im one who left i just check here to see if they ever roll that back) people will say oh no it was balance but people have been complaining about balance since the game was released and i never felt like people were leaving the game over it just lots of complaining about it.... but killing the ability to enjoy the game with friends was extremely difficult to overcome and for me wasn't possible as i moved to other multiplayer outlets


More likely seasons. As long as you can have people lucky enough to skyrocket at 1500( although they deserve 1200), you will have matchs that are partly random.

Long term ladder, everyone would deserve his spot. On a short period, this gives better fun but also more frustration because you can have anyone anywhere, which is even more accentued on a low population scenario.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"Nova.3817" said:

> > imo solo que is what caused the massive player leave ( im one who left i just check here to see if they ever roll that back) people will say oh no it was balance but people have been complaining about balance since the game was released and i never felt like people were leaving the game over it just lots of complaining about it.... but killing the ability to enjoy the game with friends was extremely difficult to overcome and for me wasn't possible as i moved to other multiplayer outlets


> More likely seasons. As long as you can have people lucky enough to skyrocket at 1500( although they deserve 1200), you will have matchs that are partly random.

> Long term ladder, everyone would deserve his spot. On a short period, this gives better fun but also more frustration because you can have anyone anywhere, which is even more accentued on a low population scenario.


i do not disagree with your point that team que could allow players to be rated higher then say a better player who has chosen to solo que thus handicapping themselves in a team game....but still stand that i think the removal of team que did more harm (from a pvp community standpoint) which again (In my opinion) led to the low pop that we now see....


No one is saying solo didnt lead to a more transparent ladder or accurate one i think its more accurate then it ever has been....but whats the point if no one is playing at the end of the day it has to draw players to the game mode else it will die...

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> I don't know how many players does this, but do like me. Just don't care no more.

> Just do you in spvp &win or lose, just don't care. I go for more kill's then focusing on winning.

> As you said, you can't count on the match maker & if you gonna lose, you might as well have fun doing it.


This. I quit caring about rating a long time ago. I sat down and tried to learn strategy and pvp builds when to rotate to where during a match, but when you have 4 other random people on the team that may be less experienced or just don't care, coupled with the matchmaker thrown all out of whack, winning becomes a chore. So I've fallen into the pit that most other pvp'ers are in....just playing for rewards.

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> @"Classic Perception.2507" said:

> Simple answer: No one is playing pvp. If you queue at a determined hour and there is no plat 2 or plat 3 queuing at the same time, you will get matched with plat 1, gold or even silver.


> It all comes down to two options: Would you rather queue 30 minutes, maybe more, to get 10 people with similar ranking, or get fast queue no matter the ranking? Tbh Anet should really take this question into consideration as well as the opinion of the community on it.


> Personnally, I rather wait 20 minutes to get 1 good game rather than not waiting at all and get 10 games where ppl are 2-3 capping points or 4v1ing one guy all game.


> Aside from this, you should really realise that gw2 pvp is dead and either move on or be ready for what you're going to get. This will release frustration.



I 100% agree with everything you said

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Short answer:

> Around season 5 half the player base left for some "random" reason, around the same time a few builds popped up that were good for yolo play that needed balancing and still do, so more left and now the match maker is doing it's best with what's available.


> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > Short answer:

> > Around season 5 half the player base left for some "random" reason, around the same time a few builds popped up that were good for yolo play that needed balancing and still do, so more left and now the match maker is doing it's best with what's available.


> What was the random reason so many people left? How long ago was season 5?


The random reason was that esl tournaments and pro league got removed as well as teamq. For me this is reasonable af for half the population to leave. No reason to play pvp really.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> GW2 PvP died years ago.


Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.


In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.


This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > GW2 PvP died years ago.


> Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.


> In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.


> This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.


Or maybe it was the lack of new maps, ne modes, balance, pay to win with HoT...


Don't reduce everything to that single question. That's too easy.

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> @"Alin.2468" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > GW2 PvP died years ago.


> Yes, but not because designers wanted so, it's because a few years ago players aggressively asked for solo play, players voted for solo play, even top teams promoted solo play, and now we have special ranked rewards only for solo play. The irony is that we voted for 5v5 team-game played without teams, and now we complain about the computer not rating us properly against each other. Like this irony is not enough, we go into sarcasm blaming Anet for it.


> In my opinion we killed the PvP with our laziness, not wanting to create simple teams with voice chat and have fun together. This is what 5v5 means, but hey, we want SoloQ, and we want to win many rewards, forgetting that the other guys want the same thing. That's why we now have rewards for loosing. So... enjoy acting like a bot in solo play and be happy for your faming rewards.


> This is how PvP should be, and should remain for many years to come. It defines our laziness for teamwork and teamplay, all wrapped up nicely in concepts about casual play.


Even with third-party comms and relatively consistent, player-driven shout-casts (which were a pretty consistent thing for a bit post-launch; one guy who did a lot of them even ended up going to shoutcast for CS:GO tournaments), GW2 suffered from the same issues as it does today: shallow combat and homogenous class designs. Even in the very early stages of the game, the meta quickly settled into 3-4 d/d-cantrip Elementalists, 1 Portal Bot (or a Shortbow 5 spammer) and *sometimes* 1 other class option which typically rotated in and out based on flavor of the month memes like Spirit Ranger, Decap Engineer or the ubiquitous Thief (because no-cooldowns in a cool-down based game is always going to be overpowered and silly on some level--especially if the only skills which one ever uses all revolve around evading while attacking, teleports, instant invisibility and single strikes that can do 30%+ of a players HP).


And computers are rarely ever going to accurately gauge "player skill" even in a game with some level of depth to its engine mechanics and possible combat roles. Such computers only fair worse in games like GW2, when the flow of combat is heavily reliant on hard counters rather than "player skill." Many builds will just either not do damage to each other and fights will stall out forever in PvE-rotation limbo, or some class match-ups will outright destroy others in 1v1 or 2v2 situations (consider how Scourge is completely busted when buddied up with a Firebrand--even sometimes against multiple enemies--but it's often pretty worthless on its own). GW2 is a lot closer to rock-paper-scissors than a game in which team-work or player ability governs how a match resolves (things like RTSs, some FPSs or even MOBAs with their team-comps comprised of champions which are purposely pigeon-holed into very stringently unique roles and abilities).


Talking on a team-chat doesn't magically make GW2 deeper than it is; it just gives any one player slightly more mini-map information: the game is still one entirely of hard-counter match-ups and rotations; not skillful combat. Due to this, the game is not only difficult to rate by computer means alone, but it's very unrewarding for the players themselves as they are constantly forced to either only take fights which they are supposed to win or just bail and go to a place on the map where they can stand on a circle or press [F] on some map gimmick while nobody else is around. It's not like Quake, where a better player could just spawn with a chain gun and manage to kill some guy with a better arsenal by means of movement, aim and map knowledge; GW2 is binary: you either fight these guys who you *know* you can beat, or you run away and stand around in some other corner of the map. It's terribly unrewarding and unchallenging (because due to rock-paper-scissors combat and the presence of the mini-map, people *aren't* really supposed to lose if they just "play the meta builds"), and incredibly frustrating to lose--moreso than most other games.

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killing teamplay killed pvp imo when they removed it a ton of the pop left the game me included (although i have played not spvp but played a little lately) people try to say esl and all had something to do with it and maybe it did for the TOP players.... but ESL wasn't apart of gw2 since launch but team que was.... and always has been in the game and then they removed it and no one can figure out what happened..... you killed every spvp guild (not the ESL teams/guilds) but the larger community SPVP guilds and that magic of friends saying hey want to spvp in gw2 now you must decide to play a game SOLO and NOT play a MANY other games in which you can play together with those same friends... not rocket science

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> @"aswedishtiger.7320" said:

> I used to play this game all the time. Literally all the time a year or two back and some at launch. I played so much PvP even through HoT release I literally didn't even know how to PvE. Never done a story quest, never did an event type of player.


> That being said.


> What is going on with this game now and matchmaking? I have been randomly polling people when I queue and get matched and they range from Top tier, platinum to silver. How is the matchmaking matching players of such a varied skill level? How is that algorithm even permitted? Why am I Plat 2 getting teamed up with Silver 1 players? Why? No seriously why?


> I peaked at Plat 3 earlier today and then I lost 17 games in a row. You read that right. 17. I even took my notebook out at around the 4-5 loss mark and started to record my findings. 5 of the games I had some player just rage out. Whether we lost the fight mid, or he lost his 1v1 whatever the case. almost 30% of the games somebody said "I'm out". I STILL LOST RATING. So during my plunge to Gold 1 from Plat 3 I noticed 1 common thing. I was getting teamed up with the exact same terrible players EVERY SINGLE TIME. I even stopped queueing for 20-30 minutes took a break, ate some food etc. Only to sit back down and get MORE TERRIBLE PLAYERS. Then as I queue'd the game continued to throw them on my team


> This is no coincidence


> Earlier in the day I think I went 8 or 9 in a row wins. Lost a couple. Would win 3-5 more. Then out of nowhere the 17 game plunge commenced. I'd really like some clarity as to why this is even considered acceptable? "GW2 PvP is dead" responses are just going to toss me over the edge of quitting even quicker


> Thanks in advance


Did you by change classes when the losing streak began?


I main mesmer, and I'm pretty good at mesmer since I have been playing since launch, but since I wanted to get the pvp backpack I had to play a lot of other classes for the achievements. I was always platinum as mesmer in terms of skills, but my skills on all other classes were like bronze. Whenever I changed classes, I'd have like 15 losses in a row, because I was simply placed too high to be of any use to my teams on any other class. So the mmr system was pushing me back down to a tier where i actually belong on those classes. But when I got on mes, i'd have huge win streaks back to plat, then repeat to huge loss streaks on other classes. This is the only time I had big win and losing streaks, but it makes sense to me. I think the system should separate ranks per character instead of per account.

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