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Implement Rem from Re:Zero in the game

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Today at 7 am I had a discussion with my friend about how great it would be if Anet implemented an outfit or a customization that make your character looks like Rem from Re:Zero

I mean,there are a lot of Rem fans that are playing the game so why not play the game while playing with your waifu.

It can make you become a better player because you don't want to let anyone hurt your waifu.

Imagine how strong you will become in a PvP match,they have their normal character,but you have your waifu that can support you emotionally with only her presence.We also have though about a feature that make rem transform into her demonic form when she enters in combat like what they did with legendaries,but with less particles because I understand people who have farmed weeks for their legendary don't want that somethink that can be purchased by money will surpass their work.

If it's possible a voice pack will be so appreciated,I can stay hours and hours logged in just to hear her voice ^^

I can't list all the pros that it can bring because it will be too long,but personally I will definitly buy that outfit/customization even if it will cost me 50€

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How about...no. Not only would that mean that Arena.net opens themselves up for an 'Intellectual Property' lawsuit, but it would also make no real sense. What would be next? Implementing GabeN as a Legendary Giant? Dio Brando as Questgiver in the next chapter of the Living World?

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> @"Lesan.4903" said:

> How about...no. Not only would that mean that Arena.net opens themselves up for an 'Intellectual Property' lawsuit, but it would also make no real sense. What would be next? Implementing GabeN as a Legendary Giant? Dio Brando as Questgiver in the next chapter of the Living World?


So will GabeN drop steam codes when you defeat him in the daily chest?

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I'm a great fan of Freddy Mercury and so are many others. It's only fair that GW2, as an IP totally unrelated to Freddy Mercury or Queen, should give me, and of course all the other fans, an outfit that changes my appearance to Freddy Mercury.


You see why this request will go nowhere, right? Also, ("modern")Anime was a mistake,[ I can't see the difference between the pic you posted and any other KAWAI-DESU-CHAN-WAIFU-BAIT from the genre](https://www.google.com/search?q=female+anime+character&client=firefox-b&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj39PeolNPcAhWGzqQKHcVCCvUQ_AUICigB&biw=1680&bih=913 " I can't see the difference between the pic you posted and any other KAWAI-DESU-CHAN character from the genre"). So why this one particular? Also, animu design doesn't mix with the western approach GW2 takes, yes there are things in the game that are over the top and immersion breaking, but they're designed in the same way the rest of GW2 is, not totally different(SAB aside).

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the whole "waifu" concept is deeply disturbing and I prefer it not being encouraged in GW2. You may try out Tera, in my opinion, it has superior gameplay (apart from hard trinity), but put me off because of all the anime BS. So it may be exactly what you are looking for.

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There are many Metal fans playing the game. I want Dethklok as heroes, so I can slaughter everyone in dungeons with them. Who wants to play with real people anyway? Oh, and as an afterthought, a Pikachu outfit would be so great... /sarcasm off


Really, though. Why this weird desire for cross-polinization between 2 completely unrelated and stylishly very different fictional universes? Anime does not and cannot belong in GW2 because the art is very different. Cat ears are the most anime thing you'll find in the game and that's only because it's a trendy thing. This Rem character is completely unknown to me and so is the anime, but from what I've seen and read it is a pretty generic anime (and I've seen a lot). I could imagine iconic characters having some kind of representation in a game (don't get me wrong, I'm not for it, but I can imagine it). But not this random character from a random anime that someone just happens to love so much.

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I've also came accross quite a lot of bronies on GW2 (or at least some time ago).

Do you wanna cross the way of shining ponies ? I don't think so. I don't want to and I'm a freakin brony.


Mixing game universe only works on game that are based on this concept (ie. Super smash)

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....... also..... I suspect this thread is a reasonable effort at trolling.



But since we're going down the dark path of topical relevance-



![](https://www.projectdesign.jp/201712/images/gazou/12_1.jpg "")


With Cortana going rouge, Alexia willing to listen to anyone, Siri plotting world domination, and Google Assistant not having a personality- the novelty of a Gatebox not trying to enslave your wallet is kind of refreshing. At least until you get married..... Japanese women tend to handle family financials. Its either Poetic or Ironic, not sure which.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> ....... also..... I suspect this thread is a reasonable effort at trolling.



> But since we're going down the dark path of topical relevance-



> ![](https://www.projectdesign.jp/201712/images/gazou/12_1.jpg "")


> With Cortana going rouge, Alexia willing to listen to anyone, Siri plotting world domination, and Google Assistant not having a personality- the novelty of a Gatebox not trying to enslave your wallet is kind of refreshing. At least until you get married..... Japanese women tend to handle family financials. Its either Poetic or Ironic, not sure which.


Them Japanese!



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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> All the characters (especially Kanna) from _Dragon Maid_ makes far, faaar more sense.


> I mean. Dragons, right? Right?


Plus, as new Chef recipe, if we do not have it yet: Ravioli.


We definitely need Ravioli when Kanna is added....

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"googel.3278" said:

> > Why so attached to some pixels? Next thing is you want to have marriage ceremonies in Guild Wars 2 lol.


> You mock.... but....


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Wedding_Attire_Outfit

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Deverol_Gardens

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bouquet_of_Roses


ah so weeaboos and role players can enjoy that for now :O

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