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"Competing" traits you're most torn about

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Haven't seen a thread like this in a while (possibly ever?). Share traits you have the most difficulty choosing between! Obviously, this is mostly for non-meta peeps.


My top pick would be the agonizing choice between Spiteful Talisman and Bitter Chill for my Reaper. Axe/Focus is my default setup and I run ST... but there are so many ways to apply chill and those three vuln stacks would help in getting stuff killed faster, seeing how I dumped Precision and mostly rely on Decimate Defenses for crits... Arrrgh, I want both!

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It's usually utility and weapon traits for me. I can't do with running untraited skills! So any set of traits where I am pigeonholed into certain traitlines and choices by the weapons and utilities that I want to run.


For example on a power Soulbeast I want to run greatsword and longbow so I must take beast mastery and marksmanship to trait both weapons. This leaves me without Remorseless (the whole reason to take marksman on such a build) and with poor defensive options since I'd rather take Wilderness Survival over Marksmanship anyway. This kinda leaves me with Axes as the only other traited ranged option, but main-hand axe is more hybrid-condi than power!


Much of this is only psychological since you can just run Longbow as your ranged option untraited, but then I feel like it's tacked on as an afterthought in spite of being a perfectly serviceable single target ranged option.

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It's usually utility and weapon traits for me. I can't do with running untraited skills! So any set of traits where I am pigeonholed into certain traitlines and choices by the weapons and utilities that I want to run.


For example on a power Soulbeast I want to run greatsword and longbow so I must take beast mastery and marksmanship to trait both weapons. This leaves me without Remorseless (the whole reason to take marksman on such a build) and with poor defensive options since I'd rather take Wilderness Survival over Marksmanship anyway. This kinda leaves me with Axes as the only other traited ranged option, but main-hand axe is more hybrid-condi than power!


Much of this is only psychological since you can just run Longbow as your ranged option untraited, but then I feel like it's tacked on as an afterthought in spite of being a perfectly serviceable single target ranged option.

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> @"Orion Templar.4589" said:

> I think Holosmith traits do a good job of making you put some thought into which one to select. At each tier there are good reasons to take the various traits.


Yeah, but it's easier for the devs to build traitlines from the ground up for elite specs and shape them any way they see fit. With core specs, they basically had to assemble a jigsaw puzzle of existing traits into five lines that would have to make at least rudimentary sense. There's still some oddities here and there years later.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> I wish there were more competing traits.


> Usually it's more like 'wow ... these suck I guess I'll take the least crappy one'


ROFL... omg I laughed so hard when I read that! I'm literally crying... =) (And yes I totally agree.... most of the time its sooooo true!!! ANET might want to re-look into some of those traits to "tweak/alter" down the road.

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depends on the build and the gamemode ofc.



**banshees wail and vampiric presence** (pve and some off meta builds in wvw)

blighters boon and reaper's onslaught (pvp/duelling mainly)

spiteful talisman and bitter chill (although the environment and grp constellation decides which one to use)

soul eater, chilling victory and decimate defense (solo play)



alchemy grandmaster traits (!)



bolster fortification and shared empowerment if group might is not capped.

(harmonize continuity and shared empowerment in wvw)



perfect inscriptions and righteous instincts (group pve with bane signet for [breaking defiance bars](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exposed_(effect) "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Exposed_(effect)") and [buffing the group with extra 216 power](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfect_Inscriptions "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Perfect_Inscriptions") .... vs valkyrie armor with more hp and still 100% crit chance)


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