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DuoQ and No more PvP ladder Titles from S13


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> @"breno.5423" said:

> > @"Abelisk.4527" said:

> > Instead of titles, make boxes that lets us choose three items from an assortment of PvP armor, finishers, minis, weapons, and maybe even have the top 3 be able to choose a trophy consumable like the ones you win from monthlies (bronze trophy for 3rd, silver for 2nd, gold for 1st)

> >

> >


> "Armor, weapons"...

> We wont use these sh1ts at sPvP.


byeah everyone plays with naked character. Also if you want to be pro player you shouldnt use weapons

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Brilliant decisions being made at A-Net. This kind of logic can be applied to anything and can solve so many problems!


> 1. People robbin banks? Well lets just stop putting our money in the banks, problem solved!

> 2. Hackers? Pfff! Lets just all stop using the internet and computers! Problem is tEh solved.

> 3. People are cheating to win prizes?? Bah! Lets just remove the prizes! P r o b l e m SOLVED! PWNED


In this case the people that are robbing, hacking and cheating prizes all have 'get out of jail free/ crime immunity cards.' The logical solution for all of this would of been to send the offenders to prison(account ban) to send a message it's not okay to do this. Though anet decided a slap on the wrist was better despite repeated offenses, and some people argued for offenders that permanent dishonored was just fine and basically a perma ban despite having a big loophole that just lets offenders bypass the perma dishonored with a alt account. Then people said they don't care about ranked competitiveness, titles and ranked placement is meaningless etc, and now they just want to play with friends for fun and rewards. They're getting what they want now having duo queue back, and now there really won't be a reason to throw/manipulate matches with titles gone. I'm starting to think **_some _**of the people vouching for return of duo/multi man queue under this guise of not caring about competitiveness and being all for fun with friends with good rewards were really only vouching for it to get a easier time to get those top 250 titles and now they're upset because Anet is removing the whole point to get the queue back and calling it bad. As I said previously in other post if you really are that upset with it all, you can thank your top end players that didn't give a skritt's behind about the health of the game mode for everyone and more about their image/clique, we're at this stage because of them.

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Jesus, look what you guys are talking about.

You guys prefer the end of the competitiveness of sPvP instead getting these guys banned (or any similar solution), lol.


PvP isn't a place for casuality, PvP is a competition.

If you take out the competitiveness its gonna die.


The titles are an incentive to the competitiveness, at least for me.


I'm actually Ruthless Legend, and seeking for relentless (got close). My guild mate (Zenyus) got Immortal Legend this season and this felt really significant to him.

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Anet stop pretending that you care about PVP.


This kind of suggestion to remove the titles just demonstrates that you DO NOT know the pvp players.


Recognition is our greatest goal. We do not need gold or equipment, we need RECOGNITION.


And how can we get recognition? only through the titles offered by the leaderboard.


These desperate measures only reflect their inability (or laziness) to think of a good solution to deviations from conduct in pvp.


My suggestion: If you do not want to actually work for PvP, leave it as it is now.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Brilliant decisions being made at A-Net. This kind of logic can be applied to anything and can solve so many problems!


> 1. People robbin banks? Well lets just stop putting our money in the banks, problem solved!

> 2. Hackers? Pfff! Lets just all stop using the internet and computers! Problem is tEh solved.

> 3. People are cheating to win prizes?? Bah! Lets just remove the prizes! P r o b l e m SOLVED! PWNED


> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> Brilliant decisions being made at A-Net. This kind of logic can be applied to anything and can solve so many problems!


> 1. People robbin banks? Well lets just stop putting our money in the banks, problem solved!

> 2. Hackers? Pfff! Lets just all stop using the internet and computers! Problem is tEh solved.

> 3. People are cheating to win prizes?? Bah! Lets just remove the prizes! P r o b l e m SOLVED! PWNED



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If you gonna take away the titles and allow duo queuers with your AWESOME matchmaking, why not just allow 5 man groups and remove matchmaking entirely? Worst case scenario is people won't even notice the difference anyway. Tbh, matches will probably be better than with the currently mm.

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> @"breno.5423" said:

> Jesus, look what you guys are talking about.

> You guys prefer the end of the competitiveness of sPvP instead getting these guys banned (or any similar solution), lol.


> PvP isn't a place for casuality, PvP is a competition.

> If you take out the competitiveness its gonna die.


> The titles are an incentive to the competitiveness, at least for me.


> I'm actually Ruthless Legend, and seeking for relentless (got close). My guild mate (Zenyus) got Immortal Legend this season and this felt really significant to him.


It's not like Anet is going to listen to the community now, after the first few big scandals it's clear they made their decision a while ago. They're not going to ban them, just slap them on the wrist and shrug. The titles getting removed are pretty much the cost of what happens when you let exploiters/system gamers get away with everything, but hey duo is back. Without titles we're going back to old Gw2 ranked (When we had website leaderboards), but a much better version of it. I'm going to guess now the real competitive part of the mode will be in ATs(Once on-demand versions of it roll in). Maybe ATs won't be complete landslides once more people are able to participate.

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> @"suffish.4150" said:

> Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?


Well, most of these players do start close to their previous rank, and everyone agrees that matchs above 1650 aren't the same as matchs between 1300 and 1600 in terms of matchmaking and competitive teammates. With all due respect to top players, i'm pretty sure if i was placed at 1800, i would remain around it at the end of the season and not decrease below 1700., and several players are in the same case.


Fact is matchs below are a huge pain, and like you said, you need to play a lot of games to get your deserved spot. Too many chain loses and frustrating matchs, forcing you to play in ridiculous way to get secured wins.

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?


> Well, most of these players do start close to their previous rank, and everyone agrees that matchs above 1650 aren't the same as matchs between 1300 and 1600 in terms of matchmaking and competitive teammates. With all due respect to top players, i'm pretty sure if i was placed at 1800, i would remain around it at the end of the season and not decrease below 1700., and several players are in the same case.


> Fact is matchs below are a huge pain, and like you said, you need to play a lot of games to get your deserved spot. Too many chain loses and frustrating matchs, forcing you to play in ridiculous way to get secured wins.


As someone who got placed silver/gold in a few seasons and climbed to legend every single time, you are delusional.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > > Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?

> >

> > Well, most of these players do start close to their previous rank, and everyone agrees that matchs above 1650 aren't the same as matchs between 1300 and 1600 in terms of matchmaking and competitive teammates. With all due respect to top players, i'm pretty sure if i was placed at 1800, i would remain around it at the end of the season and not decrease below 1700., and several players are in the same case.

> >

> > Fact is matchs below are a huge pain, and like you said, you need to play a lot of games to get your deserved spot. Too many chain loses and frustrating matchs, forcing you to play in ridiculous way to get secured wins.


> As someone who got placed silver/gold in a few seasons and climbed to legend every single time, you are delusional.


I wouldn't disagree with you for past seasons, but my point is more likely nowadays in a low population scenario.

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The remove of Titles is absurd!!!!!!! The return of titles was suggested many many times by old pvp players. I worked to my Ruthless and will work in relentless. You shoud ban the win traders! I know that the win traders are good players and old from pvp scene, but not all of us deserve lose things because of them. You solution is so lazy. And about duo queues I think its not a good Ideia. You will see 3 players queuing again together 2 in duo and 1 in a alternative account to win or quit game.

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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> Yes, the current plan is the remove titles next season. The leaderboard itself will remain. We won't remove titles for people who've already earned them.


> Current plan is to also bring back to duo queue for next season.


> We'll have a blog post when the next season is getting close to starting.

I hope you guys realize that by doing this you punish all new players while at the same time doing nothing about previous title cheaters by leaving titles in game. Either commit to fixing spvp win trading and match manipulations and allow titles for good players or remove it completely. This is a very half-baked response which will alienate a lot of serious pvpers looking for higher ranks for prestige. like that one guy said before you're only treating the symtoms while ignoring the disease itself.

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> @"BeLZedaR.4790" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > @"suffish.4150" said:

> > > Why, if rating is not a good representation of skill, do the same players almost always reach the highest spots on the leaderboard season after season and no unknown names reach the top spots at the end of the season?

> >

> > Well, most of these players do start close to their previous rank, and everyone agrees that matchs above 1650 aren't the same as matchs between 1300 and 1600 in terms of matchmaking and competitive teammates. With all due respect to top players, i'm pretty sure if i was placed at 1800, i would remain around it at the end of the season and not decrease below 1700., and several players are in the same case.

> >

> > Fact is matchs below are a huge pain, and like you said, you need to play a lot of games to get your deserved spot. Too many chain loses and frustrating matchs, forcing you to play in ridiculous way to get secured wins.


> As someone who got placed silver/gold in a few seasons and climbed to legend every single time, you are delusional.


How is it even possible for someone who is worth 1800+ MMR to start below 1200 (silver/gold border)? Do you throw all placement matches on purpose or what

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I'm new to the game and do not really understand it.

They take titles out of the game and they will never be available again?

What is great about it <- <?


Is not that something unfair to newcomers? They will never have the opportunity to earn these titles.

I thought the game is about collecting skins, items ect.


Can one still earn it differently?

No matter how long it would take main thing you can still earn it or rather earn it. :/


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> @"Tiale.2430" said:

> And about duo queues I think its not a good Ideia. You will see 3 players queuing again together 2 in duo and 1 in a alternative account to win or quit game.

And if that becomes a thing (again), we lose duo que (again) and we get to have this "why can't we have nice things" conversation (again). lol

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Guys, it's fine. ATs are where the real competition is at anymore anyway.


^ This, you want to have real competative matches ATs are where it's going to be at. Want semi-competative matches you go with ranked. Ranked without titles means no exploitive/system gaming fuel for the top end unless individuals are really just that troll at heart.

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> @"Exalted Quality.8534" said:

> It seems a bit strange that this is the method they are using to discourage win trading. How about you remove titles from and perma pvp ban all cheaters, then bring back the old pip based system without the leaderboard.


> If you must remove titles, how about deleting rank 1, 2 , and 3 but leaving 10, 25, 100, and 250? Titles provide a sense of accomplishment for those who earn them. Punish the cheaters for once, not the people that play fairly.


Yeah sorry but that pip system and leaderboard was an absolute joke designed to allow mediocre pvp enthusiast to pretend they're good at the game by grinding long enough. Your pip rank was strictly grindable and unrelated to true "skill". Getting legendary meant nothing.


To add to that, the way the matchmaking worked based off it made things SO much worse especially season 2 and 3. The best pvp season we've ever had was S5; at least for EU. Unfortunately they copy pasted S6 from S5 only to realise that was a bad idea.


The pip system effectively helped us kill PvP extra quickly. Also NA in general is so dead it's a joke. Sorry bois. NA just doesn't have the playerbase for competitive matches. Also even at 150 ping getting top 100 there is fairly doable. You'd be suprised at the amount of EU players grinding on NA (alts) to grab higher titles.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Guys, it's fine. ATs are where the real competition is at anymore anyway.


Not with the actual format. Having average players not be able to get better isn't really competition to be honest.. If i joined a random plat group right now, i can tell you we'd lose 500-100 to any of the top10 teams, and alternatively we'd win 500-100 to anyone below plat. This isn't really competition, and this happens since AT's were implemented.


We need swiss rounds tournaments to reduce the gap between players.

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > Jesus, look what you guys are talking about.

> > You guys prefer the end of the competitiveness of sPvP instead getting these guys banned (or any similar solution), lol.

> >

> > PvP isn't a place for casuality, PvP is a competition.

> > If you take out the competitiveness its gonna die.

> >

> > The titles are an incentive to the competitiveness, at least for me.

> >

> > I'm actually Ruthless Legend, and seeking for relentless (got close). My guild mate (Zenyus) got Immortal Legend this season and this felt really significant to him.


> It's not like Anet is going to listen to the community now, after the first few big scandals it's clear they made their decision a while ago. They're not going to ban them, just slap them on the wrist and shrug. The titles getting removed are pretty much the cost of what happens when you let exploiters/system gamers get away with everything, but hey duo is back. Without titles we're going back to old Gw2 ranked (When we had website leaderboards), but a much better version of it. I'm going to guess now the real competitive part of the mode will be in ATs(Once on-demand versions of it roll in). Maybe ATs won't be complete landslides once more people are able to participate.


So you are telling me that duoq and old system are the solution?

Can't understand your point. The old system was much worse. The current system is the best so far.


Duoq is going to allow a bigger manipulation scenario actually.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Guys, it's fine. ATs are where the real competition is at anymore anyway.



99% od sPvP community are soloq dudes and most of it conforms to being well placed on the leaderboards, or to get titles and badges.


These guys have their place in the competitive scenario too.

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> @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> I'm starting to think **_some _**of the people vouching for return of duo/multi man queue under this guise of not caring about competitiveness and being all for fun with friends with good rewards were really only vouching for it to get a easier time to get those top 250 titles and now they're upset because Anet is removing the whole point to get the queue back and calling it bad.


Oh hey, who put that elephant there~


> @"guigui.9420" said:

> Recognition is our greatest goal. We do not need gold or equipment, we need RECOGNITION.


Now couple things:

I get that the titles are a huge motivating factor to PVP at all, and I'm generally against taking away motivating factors for PVP. to be honest, we need as many of those as we can get and it seems to me that there should be more focus on removing/clearly identifying the cheating players than removing the incentive for them to cheat in the first place.


Some perspective though. If you need a title to be recognized as a good or notable player I think you're going about it wrong, especially when those same titles can be achieved by gaming the system. Not trying to argue for their removal but I think there are less exploitable ways to be feared/renowned in the pvp community.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Lucentfir.7430" said:

> > I'm starting to think **_some _**of the people vouching for return of duo/multi man queue under this guise of not caring about competitiveness and being all for fun with friends with good rewards were really only vouching for it to get a easier time to get those top 250 titles and now they're upset because Anet is removing the whole point to get the queue back and calling it bad.


> Oh hey, who put that elephant there~


> > @"guigui.9420" said:

> > Recognition is our greatest goal. We do not need gold or equipment, we need RECOGNITION.


> Now couple things:

> I get that the titles are a huge motivating factor to PVP at all, and I'm generally against taking away motivating factors for PVP. to be honest, we need as many of those as we can get and it seems to me that there should be more focus on removing/clearly identifying the cheating players than removing the incentive for them to cheat in the first place.


> Some perspective though. If you need a title to be recognized as a good player I think you're going about it wrong.


please delete the leaderboard entirely and reenable team que i'll take that trade anyday


on a side note who cares about leaderboard and fancy titles if you dont have friends to gloat and compete against so what im the best of a graveyard shift group WHOOPIE LOL



edit - my .02 no one gives a rip about the leaderboard.... yes yes it's nice to get a fancy title and all but honestly who cares....even if you did achieve this fancy title it will be marred by those who don't and say you probably win traded to get it lol w/e delete all of it if you ask me.

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