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Solution for rev (burst issue)


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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"Yannir.4132" said:

> > > > Honestly, just slapping a 5 second ICD into Incensed Response would curb this overstacking of Might on Rev. There would still be a lot of Might but you would actually have to build for it instead of Facet of Darkness generating it for you rather passively.

> > >

> > > Or just giving Equilibrium back...

> > >

> > > No one even asked for a second 25 might trait in Invocation, we already had it in Devastation with Nefarious Momentum. They took away our boat and gave us two paddles.

> > >

> > > Before any nerfing happens to rev, something's gotta change because right now the class is barely viable and relies on having 25 might all the time. On any other class perma 25 might would be considered OP right away, but on revenant it makes the class like a solid B-. I want that problem solved first.

> >

> > How is it B- when r55 runs 2 revs in monthly AT finals? If they are B- why not get something else?


> It’s B- because it’s only affective when the player is good. Rev has a high skill cap and r55 can use it to its full potential with their revenant.


D/P thief was considered high skill cap back in the day, and it was considered an S tier build. Potential is included in the tier rating.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> It probably is the 25 might stacks, my hydromancy sigil strikes anywhere from 2-5k in wvw. Yes, 5k...


> thinking, maybe those sword skills need 15e costs on them. I know I know..."but weapon skills shouldn't have energy costs!".


I don't think anything (except staff4) gets the dreaded 15 energy cost unless it has hard-cc or i-frames attached to it, nor should it... Plus, 15's way too high for how easy they are to dodge, imo. In order to land them against semi-competent players you need to either come in from out of nowhere as a +1, which is adding PT's cost to them, or bait their dodges first--which attaches a hidden, unwritten energy cost to the skills. In their current state, they're worth using just to see if you can land them or to make your opponent waste a dodge... If they had that extra second of energy on them, I don't know if I could justify their use so much except in the 1% of circumstances you know you can land them... Or to like, down-cleave, but eff that.


And if yer talking WvW, I don't even see why the 25 might stacks should be an issue, it's only strong/noticable if you're solo or small group roaming since in any big fight, everyone has 25 stacks of might all the time anyways. And if you are talking solo roaming,I don't think anybody would put Rev at the top of the tier list in 1v1's. I mean, the 25 might certainly makes them competitive in the right hands, but if it wasn't there, you would have literally zero chance against good players playing the meta roaming/dueling classes (Mirages, Druids, Breakers, Thiefs, even Holo's), since your only hope is to burst them down when they leave an opening and before they have the chance to out teleport you or stealth spam to safety--not to mention all the other get-out-of-jail-free cards they have built into their builds.


Taking away a Herald's ability to self-boon and use those boons to burst would be like taking away deadeye's stealth spam or mirages ambush spam... It's literally like the core-value of the entire elite spec.

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It will be a funny season. Yesterday in the 1 v 1 tournament hosted by Jawgeous saw a Deadeye deleting a Herald in ~6 seconds; Mesmers dominated the whole duels. This afternoon seems that most of players did take note: most of matchs I played had 2-5 Mesmers, and you could only fight the bad ones. Almost impossible to do a crap, outside run.

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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> It will be a funny season. Yesterday in the 1 v 1 tournament hosted by Jawgeous saw a Deadeye deleting a Herald in ~6 seconds; Mesmers dominated the whole duels. This afternoon seems that most of players did take note: most of matchs I played had 2-5 Mesmers, and you could only fight the bad ones. Almost impossible to do a crap, outside run.


It'll be the same as last season if they don't push through meaningful balance changes this season.

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With all the evades, invulnerabilities, classes stacking stability like mad cows and doing way more damage than sword 4+5 (hello backstab?Deadeye?) and having way WAY more sustain than Revenants could ever dream of...


Is it really an issue or something that you made up?



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> @"Scar.1793" said:

> With all the evades, invulnerabilities, classes stacking stability like mad cows and doing way more damage than sword 4+5 (hello backstab?Deadeye?) and having way WAY more sustain than Revenants could ever dream of...


> Is it really an issue or something that you made up?


It’s not an issue at all to me. But it apparently is for some other people. I have seen a lot of people complain about revenant burst and that’s why I suggested this. I don’t want it to get nerfed because some people cried about it. Shield needs a buff regardless.

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Scar.1793" said:

> > With all the evades, invulnerabilities, classes stacking stability like mad cows and doing way more damage than sword 4+5 (hello backstab?Deadeye?) and having way WAY more sustain than Revenants could ever dream of...

> >

> > Is it really an issue or something that you made up?


> It’s not an issue at all to me. But it apparently is for some other people. I have seen a lot of people complain about revenant burst and that’s why I suggested this. I don’t want it to get nerfed because some people cried about it. Shield needs a buff regardless.


The burst can be seen and avoided unlike Mirage or Deadeye stuff. Must be a serious L2P issue with guys wearing zerker gear.


Shield has been trash since ages yup, it needs help.

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  • 2 weeks later...

one way to make Shield more viable is to separate it from Herald: make it CORE... then give Herald something more Herald-like, like a Warhorn.


i've never felt that the shield ever fit the e-spec, and always hated that i had to trait boonbot espec to gain personal defense via shield. shield just doesn't fit thematically with Herald in my opinion.


Which trait line for shield then?

~ Ventari? add a trait that turns the healing into AoE.

~ Jallis? give a trait makes the blocking into AoE.

~ Invocation? give a trait that grants AoE retaliation on skill use.


maybe best line for shield would be Invocation since there's no weapon tied to it. (due to the fact that Invocation doesn't have a specific legend due it being the class mechanic trait line)

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