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Crafting immersion


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Hi everyone!


Not sure if this as been brought up recently or not but, as player who enjoys immersion in any game, and being crafting an important part of this game, what are your thoughts on having **crafting animations?** Probably a bit niche, but...


I've always liked the sound of blacksmiths, the hammer meeting the anvil with a small surge of flames and sparks or the soft and strong sound of a leatherworker tanning skins, more so when we can see that actually happening.


Do you think it would be nice to have such thing in GW2? Maybe increase the range in which you can intereact with a specific crafting station and doing so your character spawns an anvil and starts hammering (Weaponsmith and Armorsmith example)?


Crafting has a great role in GW2 but the whole thing feels like I'm using a smartphone, just a bunch of dudes staring at the crafting station, no sound no movement, imagine if wood cutting would only require you to stand near the tree waiting for the loading bar and then the tree falling over by herself… you get my point even if oddly described ;)


And while we´re at it, is there anyway to begin crafting with all the category tabs closed from the start?




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There's actually animations that would work for this.


All 5 races have a "tinker" animation in which they seem to be doing something with an small object in their hands, and a an "stand up interact" animation in which they seem to be manipulating an object like a chest of a keyboard.


Triggering those while a crafting panel is opened would be a decent start.

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> @"Regh.8649" said:

> Do you think it would be nice to have such thing in GW2? Maybe increase the range in which you can intereact with a specific crafting station and doing so your character spawns an anvil and starts hammering (Weaponsmith and Armorsmith example)?


Only if it's not like FFXIV. I don't want to hear *you* hammering on stuff just because I'm near where you're working. The animations themselves, sure, why not, but not sounds that other players can hear.

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Yeah it would be cool but can u guys imagine every one doing those animations out of thin air?


It would be like playing air guitar.... xD, so i imagine several plaeyrs doing the hammer bash animation on nothing, now imagine 10-20 players arround a npc with station doing that...

It would be kinda immersion breaking IMO.


If we had a instance with forges/and other stations and would be 1 per player that would be diferent.

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The change to crafting that's really needed, is for your crafting window to stay the same when you close/reopen it. I hate how if you close it to go to the TP, and come back, you have to find where you were again. It should default back to whatever you were making before you closed the window, and only reset at log out.

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