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Boss Blitz Bonanza

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> I take back what I said.


> 5 Celebration Boosters and







> The boosters are neat, I guess. But the boxes? Faith = destroyed



Not even worth the loading screen time lmao

Anet should be giving out Onyx or Gold Lion weapons (a single skin to all who participate). It makes them look generous and it might convince completionists to buy their 2k gem packs from the store.

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I suspected it was going to be 10 of something account bound that would be nice to have. Like 10 favors of the festival.

And if they were 10 Rare Zephyrite Curio boxes or 10 Gnashblade Zephyrite Supply Boxes, more people would probably considered participating.

The normal supply boxes only give something like 1-3 tokens each, sometimes the occasional vial of weak blood, so I got from them was almost worse than getting nothing at all. I should have just sold the materials in the trading post instead getting the boxes, since I had to get the items in the trading post anyways after emptying my material storage, which was by the way maxed to 2000.

Great way to teach players "Never engage in festival activities, you will only be punished for it".


And I have a stack of Birthday boosters, which I never used since they are pointless and counter-productive as they go on a timer instead giving a flat bonus like "Pools of Reflection" add a fixed amount to your own exp in Diablo III, consuming the bonus like 'fuel' in the process.

Timer-based boosters put on you the pressure to do things quick and without breaks or the booster runs out, wasted. No time to look around, no time to just chat with a friend you just met, keep going, the timer is ticking.

That is not a reward, that's a shackle.

That's why 'fuel' boosters are the only good ones. You get a bonus that will apply to whatever you do, and you get the bonus added to your earnings as you do things, on your own time, and as you earn the bonus it gets deducted, like a 'fuel' or a 'currency'.


Now, I am so disappointed I am going to go to Chahbek, the farthest point in the world from the Gauntlet, and stand there doing nothing, just looking at the distance, marinating in my existential angst.


Wonderful idea, but sadly, appalling execution.


Silver lining, now people won't strain themselves trying to get the reward only to be horribly disappointed with it.

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> @"MithranArkanere.8957" said:

> Well...


> I suspected it was going to be 10 of something account bound that would be nice to have. Like 10 favors of the festival.

> And if they were 10 Rare Zephyrite Curio boxes or 10 Gnashblade Zephyrite Supply Boxes, more people would probably considered participating.

> The normal supply boxes only give something like 1-3 tokens each, sometimes the occasional vial of weak blood, so I got from them was almost worse than getting nothing at all. I should have just sold the materials in the trading post instead getting the boxes, since I had to get the items in the trading post anyways after emptying my material storage, which was by the way maxed to 2000.

> Great way to teach players "Never engage in festival activities, you will only be punished for it".


> And I have a stack of Birthday boosters, which I never used since they are pointless and counter-productive as they go on a timer instead giving a flat bonus like "Pools of Reflection" add a fixed amount to your own exp in Diablo III, consuming the bonus like 'fuel' in the process.

> Timer-based boosters put on you the pressure to do things quick and without breaks or the booster runs out, wasted. No time to look around, no time to just chat with a friend you just met, keep going, the timer is ticking.

> That is not a reward, that's a shackle.

> That's why 'fuel' boosters are the only good ones. You get a bonus that will apply to whatever you do, and you get the bonus added to your earnings as you do things, on your own time, and as you earn the bonus it gets deducted, like a 'fuel' or a 'currency'.


> Now, I am so disappointed I am going to go to Chahbek, the farthest point in the world from the Gauntlet, and stand there doing nothing, just looking at the distance, marinating in my existential angst.


> Wonderful idea, but sadly, appalling execution.


> Silver lining, now people won't strain themselves trying to get the reward only to be horribly disappointed with it.


Boosters only count for your time spent on the character though, that's a pretty good compromise.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> Do we have to keep the character parked on the map in order to be eligible for the final reward(s)? I commanded three events earlier but then left for Divinity's Reach.


I think they did something similar with Southsun -- they can track participation, and later send rewards in the mail. Obviously, I can't say they will, but I'm pretty sure the capability exists.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Silver lining, now people won't strain themselves trying to get the reward only to be horribly disappointed with it.


> Boosters only count for your time spent on the character though, that's a pretty good compromise.


A good compromise would be something like a BL Trader or the Boost Enchantment Researcher at the Vault trading the timed ones for ones giving a flat bonus by paying with Boost Enchantment Powder, so people could exchange some coin for getting rid of the timer pressure.


Having only timed ones, the only alternative is the character selection screen.

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Someone in this thread has already pointed this out, but just to put some emphasis out there, **bloss blitz is a gold sink**, and this is exactly what they are doing for this whole festival, which is to sink as much gold as they possibly can. They might as well give everyone 100 zephryte boxes (I can bet it's going to be much less) as long as they create over 1000 instances that deposited their gold into the nothingness of Evon's pocket. So don't be innocent about it, they only want the population as a whole to sink some gold so they don't have to worry so much about their TP every release.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> I think they did something similar with Southsun -- they can track participation, and later send rewards in the mail. Obviously, I can't say they will, but I'm pretty sure the capability exists.


Yep, figured as much, since there isn't even a tracker onscreen, even though the Twitter screenshot suggests one. Thanks. :)

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Ze Dos Cavalos.6132" said:

> > If people don't like the rewards of the pavilion they shouldn't have asked so many times to bring the pavilion back.

> > Like I seen people ask for old content to be brought back and when we get it they complain lol.

> >

> > But from what I see I doubt we will get the 5k kills, even if we get I don't expect the reward to be good ( maybe 1 booster + 10 zephy box for each player lol)

> >


> See, once upon a time we had the chance to get these items from killing the arena bosses with gambits turned on and they where worth the time put in. On top of that there where events that spawned in the lower arena where the bosses spawn as well, making the over all event much more rewarding for players. But anet removed those for this event.


> I *HOPE* they bring them back next year, cause otherwise ill just finish off getting the weapons and get the AP from next years event and just not waste my time. It is however, to little to late for this years event to do any changes to it.


So people want anet to bring back the rewards not the events themselves.

I agree the rewards are bad and all that, but im happy the festival is back and I was able to play it again after all these years.

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Well, it's the first iteration of the reworked festival. They can clearly improve many things, but let's be real here for a sec: They won't.


It's in the same state every other festival is in and has been in and it's sad, but at least the gold and material sink part of it will stay relevant.

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> @"Malediktus.9250" said:

> Sounds like a waste of time unless you everyone gets 1000 Zephyrite chests

> Definitely will not do more than the festival dailies require me to do with these lame rewards


1k Zephyrite chests to every single players? I don't mind at all!!! :p

but tbh I think we are getting a bit more and more mmmm the chinese says get 1 inch ask for 1 foot, get 1 foot ask for a mile. :P


I got a confetti infusion with daily Zephyrite chests (I don't gamble only bought around 20 chests). Thanks A-net to bring back these festival of four winds .. it brought back so many nice memories and when I have my character afk in the map with my computer turned on while I was in another room, I could hear the Labyrinthine Cliffs map music .. its really nice lol.. I hope we get to have these festivals back every year just like the SAB and all. if we have events updates it will be really nice. also will be nice to see the other open map living story events to return too. Many new players could get to play the events that they have missed out in the early days.





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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> A lot of posts in this topic seem contradictory to me. If the rewards aren't worth going for then why does it matter what it takes to get them? If you don't want it then just don't join in. Or just do what you'd do normally and if you get it then it's a free bonus.


> I'm kind of annoyed, but only because it's also Eevee weekend in Pokemon Go and I do have stuff to do besides playing video games so I'm not sure how much time I'm going to have for this. But I assume Anet picked 5,000 bosses killed because they think it's an achievable target, and they will have the data to work that out. There's not really anything for them to gain by making it so difficult we're unlikely to manage it, that would just disappoint a lot of people. (Especially since we have no way to track it, so it's not like there's any risk of people stopping once the goal has been reached.)


It's Eevee weekend??? Well, that's one way to make sure I get an early start to the day!

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > Or they know and decided not to do anything about it this year, because the event is almost over as is, and theres no point in trying to rush a patch out that may cause more issues than it would fix.


> Most likely this. I am certain we will see several things being addressed and changed by next year. :)

I heard this already the previous time around. And yet none of the problems known then has been addressed. Including rewards, that were considered to be poor even then (and remember, that the average reward level is now higher, and so are player expectations). In fact, the only thing they've "improved" was _removing_ the (already heavily nerfed) rewards from Gauntlet bosses.


Somehow i'm not optimistic about the next year.


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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> In fact, the only thing they've "improved" was _removing_ the (already heavily nerfed) rewards from Gauntlet bosses.


Wait, what? Really?! That is absurd! Why, ANet, why? :/


> Somehow i'm not optimistic about the next year.


Thanks for robbing me of my hope as well. ;)

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