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I'm tired of swapping

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I kinda get you. I don't run anything high DPS end like raids or fractals, but even so I like a little challenge on my characters. But every now and then, I just want to follow a commander, hit things, and press minimal buttons. This I find super relaxing.


I think you need an alt you can turn your brain off and just auto pilot. Ranged works often.

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I'm so annoyed at the people in this thread telling the OP that "if he doesn't want to swap, then don't," or "play how you like, no one is forcing you into this." Some of those people even claim they're PVEers. Have you been in a fractal or raid? Apparently not, because you have to have optimum DPS or you're kicked, even from a fractal that isn't advertising itself as demanding. It just takes one asshole with arc dps to judge you and say, "hey man, we should have killed that boss in 5 minutes, not 6. Your dps sucks." So, yeah, you can't play how you like.


I personally also hate the swap requirements, but only when raids came out. That's when the min/max ers got to be real Nazis. I always looked at weapon swapping in games as something of a back up for you to have readily available to face different situations and as a limitation to an near infinite inventory. For example range vs. melee, or offence / defense, or damage / healing.


An easy solution to this would be to put weapon swapping on a longer CD, like 20 seconds and / or make ranged weapons un-effective at under 300 range.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> Have you been in a fractal or raid? Apparently not, because you have to have optimum DPS or you're kicked, even from a fractal that isn't advertising itself as demanding. It just takes one kitten with arc dps to judge you and say, "hey man, we should have killed that boss in 5 minutes, not 6. Your dps sucks."


This has to be the biggest overexaggeration that is being repeated. I've played countless of fractals since ArcDPS got released, in various groups, from most casual to "toxic elitist" and I have yet to see a person kicked for the reason you provide. The only reason I saw someone kicked for is when they have completly no clue what is going on and completly ignore chat when you try to explain anything. I'm not saying it doesn't happen but it's nowhere close to be as common as some people make it to be.


> An easy solution to this would be to put weapon swapping on a longer CD, like 20 seconds and / or make ranged weapons un-effective at under 300 range.


You want to play how you like and don't want to be forced to play in certain way BUT at the same time you want changes that will force other people to play how you want. K.





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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> I'm so annoyed at the people in this thread telling the OP that "if he doesn't want to swap, then don't," or "play how you like, no one is forcing you into this." Some of those people even claim they're PVEers. Have you been in a fractal or raid? Apparently not, because you have to have optimum DPS or you're kicked, even from a fractal that isn't advertising itself as demanding. It just takes one kitten with arc dps to judge you and say, "hey man, we should have killed that boss in 5 minutes, not 6. Your dps sucks." So, yeah, you can't play how you like.


> I personally also hate the swap requirements, but only when raids came out. That's when the min/max ers got to be real kitten. I always looked at weapon swapping in games as something of a back up for you to have readily available to face different situations and as a limitation to an near infinite inventory. For example range vs. melee, or offence / defense, or damage / healing.


> An easy solution to this would be to put weapon swapping on a longer CD, like 20 seconds and / or make ranged weapons un-effective at under 300 range.


an easier solution would be not to change it at all, as there is no problem. hitting the swap key is no more effort than hitting 1 or 5. What I hate too though is that rotation stuff. With GW2s more dynamic combat, I was originally hoping skills would be used more situational. But here we are back at memorizing key sequences just like in "traditional" mmorpg :/

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I wanted to play fire ele in solo PvE. It does not work very well ?


In open world PvE you could camp a weapon on a class with little damage inefficiency. Examples:


Guardian GS

Warrior axe/axe

Mirage axe/pistol

Ranger GS

Chrono sword/sword

Chrono GS


Honestly, I think gurdian power DH is the class the can get away the most with just running GS. Scepter is only damage increase against large boxes most of the time. I agree with you though there is a huge weapon disperatiy in PvE. I wanted to play dagger warrior in PvE cuz the animations are awesome. The damage though is non-existent... I also love sword guardian animations, but it is a damage loss in PvE in most cases...

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I don't understand what's wrong with having additional utility available to you in the form of two weapons or four attunements.


I also don't understand what's wrong with some weapon choices being a net DPS loss over others. Different weapons serve different purposes. Some weapons offer a lot of CC, some weapons offer a lot of mobility, some weapons offer group buffs, some weapons offer a mishmash of different things, some weapons offer tons of damage, etc.


It's not just about what does the most damage. It's about what choices are the best for the situation. It doesn't make any sense to me for Fire Attunement Elementalists to be the absolute best in PvE, to the point where you just camp that attunement and forget the others. How boring would that be? Sure focusing into one element or skill worked in Guild Wars 1, but Guild Wars 1 had a completely different skill/spell system, as well as a completely different system for forming parties (it had a holy trinity).


Every class needs to take advantage of all of their utility in order to be competitive in Guild Wars 2. If you want to be a Fire Mage or something like that, you should probably be looking at World of Warcraft and not Guild Wars 2.


I, for one, welcome all the weapon types and combinations I can try out, and I enjoy changing between them. It isn't like it's even hard to change. You press the ` key. That's it. All of a sudden, you have fresh skills while your other weapon is on cooldown. Pressing other buttons besides 1 and 2 is a lot more fun to me than just camping one weapon.

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A full preset system is the solution. Save the character's current look, equipped weapons, armor, trinkets, dyes, outfits, traits and switch whenever you want.

Ofc it should come with some limitations per game mode, like being out of combat in open world PvE.

In PvP presets should not be swappable during a match to prevent abuses, or they should be swappable in spawnzone.

In WvW you must swap presets in the Hill(your server's spawnbase).


This would make a cool feature and it was already suggested a lot before, but players are really looking forward to see it.

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> @"Spurnshadow.3678" said:

> I'm so annoyed at the people in this thread telling the OP that "if he doesn't want to swap, then don't," or "play how you like, no one is forcing you into this." Some of those people even claim they're PVEers. Have you been in a fractal or raid? Apparently not, because you have to have optimum DPS or you're kicked, even from a fractal that isn't advertising itself as demanding. It just takes one kitten with arc dps to judge you and say, "hey man, we should have killed that boss in 5 minutes, not 6. Your dps sucks." So, yeah, you can't play how you like.


> I personally also hate the swap requirements, but only when raids came out. That's when the min/max ers got to be real kitten. I always looked at weapon swapping in games as something of a back up for you to have readily available to face different situations and as a limitation to an near infinite inventory. For example range vs. melee, or offence / defense, or damage / healing.


> An easy solution to this would be to put weapon swapping on a longer CD, like 20 seconds and / or make ranged weapons un-effective at under 300 range.


In other words, you want to dumb down the game? Swapping is what makes rotations interesting and complex, otherwise certain builds, engineer and elementalist notably because they have no weapon swap, would be left with spamming their auto attacks forever. The OP and anyone that doesn't like swap can simply not use it and play like they want, nobody is forcing them to use swap. But, if they want to join content that requires efficiency then yes, they'd need to swap a lot in order to keep the optimal rotation up.


> "hey man, we should have killed that boss in 5 minutes, not 6. Your dps sucks." So, yeah, you can't play how you like.

And this part specifically is silly as most builds require some form of swapping to even play properly. An Elementalist staying only in Fire won't do even a tiny fraction of the damage an elementalist that changes attunements, and uses conjures, will do. And let's not talk about condi Engineer, if they only use their pistols and not their kits, their DPS will be garbage. It's more like "if you don't swap we won't even kill the boss". Let's not forget that Chronomancer depends on a swap-sigil (concentration) and a condition Soulbeast depends on a trait (Quick Draw) that triggers on swap and many others.


> An easy solution to this would be to put weapon swapping on a longer CD, like 20 seconds and / or make ranged weapons un-effective at under 300 range.

A "solution" requires a problem. Breaking your immersion because you want to roleplay a character with a specific weapon isn't a "problem" therefore it doesn't require a solution.

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This... isn't a new thing. Since the game has existed, if you wanted the **"BEST"** DPS then you had to do some swapping of some kind. That wasn't as well understood of course before there was any content that actually required DPS checks (Bosses in Raids with enrage timers) but there has never been a time in the game's history that Elementalist or Engineer wouldn't have done its best damage by rotating attunes/kits because what a surprise **skills that are on cooldown do zero dps**.


Do you HAVE to play the game that way? No, not at all. You're making the game "harder" for yourself in some ways by making things take longer to die, though that can be mitigated by taking more active defenses on your class instead swinging the game in to the easier direction again. You're also making things harder on the people you run with, but not everyone cares about that either. It means you're more likely to have to find a casual/relaxed fixed group to run with that prefers people who know their class and how to play it over people who run a meta they can't use.


These groups absolutely exist, but the onus of play your way does and always has come with some stipulations: I.E. it's up to you to do the leg-work. Don't expect everyone playing **their** own way to be tolerant of someone lowering their survivability or making encounters harder than they are used to by lengthening the time it takes to kill stuff. Let them group with their kind, and do the leg-work yourself of actively seeking out people who think more like you, or people who do play optimal builds but don't necessarily care if others do.

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Im tired of ppl complaining about anything on that game than can be automated.

You want what? One single weapon, press a couple skills and be done with?


GW2 is nice because you can play an Air Ele, or D/D Thief... you dont have to swap anything, but if you do you get the reward of more damage if you rotations are well enough.


GW2 got me because of how awesome i could be carrying around 4 different types of weapons, i love the differences on them and how i can use them whenever i want without stoping to change it to another weapon


PLUS: If we dont swap, that makes 1 good weapon and rest all SUBPAR ones, so your next complaint could be "why only Staff is being used now? Why no love for other weapons?" People are never satisfied

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For the record, I play staff Ele (weaver) main and I sit in Fire 95% of the time.

There is nothing saying you have to play any specific way. If you want to "not swap" then don't. Just remember that if you don't, there will be parts of this game that will be very difficult for you. Good luck to you!

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