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how do i beat a mesmer in a duel scenario?


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good morning friends, first of all, i am trying to keep the rant to a minimum but what am i supposed to do against a condi mirage as a warrior? i've tried several builds, at some point even putting 3 condi cleanses as utility and going mending aswell, i can't sustain against the pressure because either my condi cleanse isn't enough, my resistence gets ripped or my bursts won't hit to proc cleansing ire simply because mesmer can just blurr it with an evade or blind me. trying to range with a rifle also didn't do the job for me because they just have so many gap closers. any advice?

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I would say that condi mirage still a little strong, so dont expect to win a 1v1 against every single one of them, as someone who have problems dealing with mesmer myself, I just pray that the player is new and dont know how to use the whole Mirage kit at its full potential or someone from my team have a better understading on how to counter them...my computer is kind of bad, so every time the mes go invisible and keep spamming clones and stuff, my game cant handle it and no longer load the characters models, so its basically "perma" stealth lol I can still see the names and stuff, but makes things harder to deal with haha


So basically, its 5v5, you dont need to win every 1v1, theres 4 other people on your team to help you out.

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you have basically 3 attacks to evade/bloc : f2, 3 axe, torch burst.

F2 animation : 2+ clone pop and they move on you.

3 axe : jump animation and illusion repositioning.

torch burst : fantasm cast animation + timing on stealth.


If you haven't confusion, cleave a lot on illusion and kill them to disable axe clone ambush.

Reckless dodge can be very usefull to instant clone & dps mesmer.

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> @"boumz.9851" said:

> good morning friends, first of all, i am trying to keep the rant to a minimum but what am i supposed to do against a condi mirage as a warrior? i've tried several builds, at some point even putting 3 condi cleanses as utility and going mending aswell, i can't sustain against the pressure because either my condi cleanse isn't enough, my resistence gets ripped or my bursts won't hit to proc cleansing ire simply because mesmer can just blurr it with an evade or blind me. trying to range with a rifle also didn't do the job for me because they just have so many gap closers. any advice?


Cleansing Ire trait it's GG against condi mesmers. You can land burst skills on clones and get the trait proc.


Watch constantly their boon bar, every single evade is showed there, when you see superspeed means they are evading, when you see the "PINK BOON", that's distortion, don't use your CCs when they are evading and with Cleansing Ire plus berserker stance you will win easily even as core warrior. With spellbreaker you even have the resistance from full counter, which clones will proc everytime, berserker stance, and the featherfoot grace resistance too.


If you spam your CCs and main damage skills, shield stun and dagger stun or bull's charge, when they are evading of course you lose.


Dueling in wvw as core warrior, switching to cleansing ire trait in defense i never lost to a condi mirage.


Another tip is keeping track of them always and pressure them melee range always unless when they have sword and they are about to use sword2, which is an evade showed in the enemy boon bar and does pretty high damage.


Cleave the clones and use them to your advantage to proc full counter or cleansing ire landing the bursts skills.



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> @"mortrialus.3062" said:

> > @"boumz.9851" said:

> > > @"guest.9472" said:

> > > yea. reroll mesmer for starters. its the lead dev's main class and it will always be meta

> >

> > is there no other way? i really like warrior though.


> In top level play spellbreaker vs condi mirage results in a stalemate and stalls out every time.


> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> Just... shake it off, and get roused by your resilience.


> Oh and, use elevation & drops to your advantage to stop clones from shattering on you. Jumping up a box or jumping off a little ledge, this stops clones from pathing and shattering on you.


Both of these so much, Exploiting the game engine is Mesmer's downfall. The Clone AI is just as **pathetic** as pet/minion AI. You hear that @ANET , **PATHETIC!!!!!!!111one**


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> @"boumz.9851" said:

> good morning friends, first of all, i am trying to keep the rant to a minimum but what am i supposed to do against a condi mirage as a warrior? i've tried several builds, at some point even putting 3 condi cleanses as utility and going mending aswell, i can't sustain against the pressure because either my condi cleanse isn't enough, my resistence gets ripped or my bursts won't hit to proc cleansing ire simply because mesmer can just blurr it with an evade or blind me. trying to range with a rifle also didn't do the job for me because they just have so many gap closers. any advice?


Okay so a bit of real advice. Spellbreaker is currently meta for a reason. And the best setup for a warrior doesn't use rifle. It's just a subpar weapon. As I said, in the highest end of play, spellbreaker vs. condition mirage is going to stall out every time.


This is the build you're going to want to be running if you want to fight condition mirage.




If you don't have access to spellbreaker, this is a perfectly viable core warrior build though it's less of a 1v1er and more of a teamfighter so you shouldn't be 1v1ing Mirages with this build so much.




The ultimate deciding factor in Spellbreaker vs Condition Mirage is going to be a factor of how well can the spellbreaker avoid damage by chaining their plentiful supply of defensive options, how well can the mesmer feint attacks into tricking the spellbreaker into wasting defensive abilities, and how well can the two of them both kite and avoid being kited when they need to go on the offensive and defensive.


My biggest advice is to run a build that's better for fighting Condition Mirage and then just spend some time dueling a good condition mirage player. There's a few things you need to look out for. First of all, avoiding shatters. Cry of Frustration is the bulk of a Condition Mirage's damage. You'll need to get a feel for when the Mirage is going to shatter by being cognizant of their clones and where they are. Kiting the clones is better, but if you need to use a defensive option you have plenty of them.


The next skill you want to watch out for are the two torch skills, which while nerfed from their previous instant kill status still do a ton of damage. The prestige is a 3 second stealth and after that results in an explosion applying burning. A lot of mesmers are going to time their entire burst on this explosion so getting the rhythm down and being capable of dodging this skill or using a defensive skill on to avoid this. Next of is the phantasmal mage which when initially cast pulses fire around the mesmer like the prestige and summons a phantasm that floats up, does a hadoken and pulses out a cone of burning. The phantasm can have a hard time tracking a moving player and when it starts casting isn't going to change so you can just move out of the cone of damage to be safe.


Next up is Axes of Symmetry. It has a pretty predictable anticipation frame. The clones will all teleport around you an do an axe leaping axe strike. You can dodge this, or kite it by staying mobile or using a defensive skill.


Being able to avoid these skills will prevent the mesmer from doing the bulk of their damage. Then Resistance like Featherfoot Grace or Berserker's Stance and Healing Signet will help you cover the condition chip damage that comes through the cracks in your defense as well as providing an out if you do take a hit. Be careful though, a lot of Mesmers are running Arcane Thievery and will try to strip your resistance.



This video is still mostly relevant, and while you don't play a thief will help breakdown what Condition mirages are doing and how to avoid it regardless of which class you're playing.

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So the best way to do it is to just make a perma-stealth Deadeye and fight them for 10 minutes while everybody in the arena cusses you out and the mesmer (the most cheese stupid ass class in this game) calls you a pansy and says you're bad while auto evading, reflecting, and perma evading everything for like 9 of those 10 minutes.

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> @"Arlette.9684"

> Both of these so much, Exploiting the game engine is Mesmer's downfall. The Clone AI is just as **pathetic** as pet/minion AI. You hear that @ANET , **PATHETIC!!!!!!!111one**


So are you angry that exploiting the bad AI of clones is damaging to Mesmer and want them buffed, accepting that exploiting the clone AI is one of the only ways to fight your class, arguing that clone exploiting makes Mesmers balanced, all three, or none of those?




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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Murmaider.1805" said:

> > Both of these so much, Exploiting the game engine is Mesmer's downfall. The Clone AI is just as **pathetic** as pet/minion AI. You hear that @ANET , **PATHETIC!!!!!!!111one**


> So are you angry that exploiting the bad AI of clones is damaging to Mesmer and want them buffed, accepting that exploiting the clone AI is one of the only ways to fight your class, arguing that clone exploiting makes Mesmers balanced, all three, or none of those?



Dude, did you get your quotes wrong or is it a bug?^^


On topic: Yeah, mesmer needs another rework. Improve AI and all that. Make shatters ranged 1500.

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> @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > @"Murmaider.1805" said:

> > > Both of these so much, Exploiting the game engine is Mesmer's downfall. The Clone AI is just as **pathetic** as pet/minion AI. You hear that @ANET , **PATHETIC!!!!!!!111one**

> >

> > So are you angry that exploiting the bad AI of clones is damaging to Mesmer and want them buffed, accepting that exploiting the clone AI is one of the only ways to fight your class, arguing that clone exploiting makes Mesmers balanced, all three, or none of those?

> >


> Dude, did you get your quotes wrong or is it a bug?^^


> On topic: Yeah, mesmer needs another rework. Improve AI and all that. Make shatters ranged 1500.


I'm genuinely curious as to why people are going "we need to abuse mirage clone pathing to create an opening to beat the toxic" and the general response to that is "yeah, mesmer needs more buffs".

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"Megametzler.5729" said:

> > > @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > > > @"Murmaider.1805" said:

> > > > Both of these so much, Exploiting the game engine is Mesmer's downfall. The Clone AI is just as **pathetic** as pet/minion AI. You hear that @ANET , **PATHETIC!!!!!!!111one**

> > >

> > > So are you angry that exploiting the bad AI of clones is damaging to Mesmer and want them buffed, accepting that exploiting the clone AI is one of the only ways to fight your class, arguing that clone exploiting makes Mesmers balanced, all three, or none of those?

> > >

> >

> > Dude, did you get your quotes wrong or is it a bug?^^

> >

> > On topic: Yeah, mesmer needs another rework. Improve AI and all that. Make shatters ranged 1500.


> I'm genuinely curious as to why people are going "we need to abuse mirage clone pathing to create an opening to beat the toxic" and the general response to that is "yeah, mesmer needs more buffs".


Well, I was just being sarcastic. :tongue: It affects all clones though, not only mirages. An improvement on general AI movement would be great, and also work for ranger's pets and all (and in PVE of course...). I don't know if that should be a counter for all these classes/builds... but of course, balancing would have to have another look at it.


Still, you quotet @"Arlette.9684" up there in your post, but it says @"Murmaider.1805" as the source. Maybe have a look at it. :smile:

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If it's a good mesmer, they will consistently lay on burst and condi pressure throughout the first 20+ seconds of battle. Do NOT try and trade damage with them, they will ALWAYS win the trade since they can dodge and burst at the same time. Wear them out, stretch out your sustain skills to match their offence and pressure them with auto-attacks/individual skills. Save your chase/pursuit skills and burst for when they run out of utilities (and they will). Berserker stance, Featherfoot Grace, Healing Signet, GS and X/shield, full-counter + some condi clear sigils should allow you to last plenty of time against a good condi mirage.


If this is specifically a 1v1 like in wvw roaming, or a duel in a duel server and you know it's a condi mirage, you could drop Endure Pain for something else, perhaps bull's charge for a nice evade, mobility and way to pin them down for a burst.

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