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Is it worth to get vitality attribute? (ELE)

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> @"Seksiy.3478" said:

> Hello everyone,

> I recently started playing elemental on t3 fractals and I'm dying a lot. I was wondering if I can survive fractals better if I get Marauder or other prefix with vitality/thoughness statted items. I'm using full berserker items right now


Adding survival attributes will help to survive better but it's usually a trade off for damage, and having low damage will extend the combat. Long story short, having survival stats will make it more forgiving to receive damage but not a solution if the player is continuously taking damage(in addition extending the combat).


However, a member alive helping out with dps is better than having one constantly down :lol:. Ideally, you don't need the stats, ideally. Try to minimize the trade off if it's unavoidable but try to practice along the way what type of attacks should be avoided.

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> @"Seksiy.3478" said:

> Hello everyone,

> I recently started playing elemental on t3 fractals and I'm dying a lot. I was wondering if I can survive fractals better if I get Marauder or other prefix with vitality/thoughness statted items. I'm using full berserker items right now

Please do not ever waste any resource on Vitality/toughness for Ele in Fractal higher tier.

Because in higher tier, Bosses can 1 shot Ele if not positioning right or timing dodges. You will experience later in tier 4. Go full Berserker Grears and do dps. With a few attribution if vitality/toughness (13k health) wont give you much of Ele's survival. Have you seen Warrior, Mesmer down in 1 shot at T3?


Learn the mechanic, positioning, timing dodges are the best way to survive for Ele in higher Tier Fracs. Berserker is recommended but once you made Marauder set and still die, or not enough Dps, you will be kicked and you then spend a lot of resources to swap stat again.


Please reconsider.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Marauder replaced berserker meta long ago last I checked. If you still run berserker just toss it.


Marauder was never meta in any pve build.


If you have problem staying alive, take some more defensive utilities. Having just a small amount of vita/tgh wont help you at all since you'll still get 1/2-shotted. Difference is only noticeable if you stack a lot of defensive stats, at which point you just stop doing any significant damage.


Having a downed lava font and downed lifesteal signet from ls3 mastery is the best defense you can get in pve as ele (excluding raids).

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Depend on what game mode you are playing, Fractal and Raid will required you full berserker and you have your team mates save you from time to time so no vitality is needed.


But if u mainly just wandering around the world, questing, exploring or found yourself being alone most of the time then marauder is a much better choice, you trade off 10% DPS for 40% HP increases it will make you feel more comfortable.


Marauder still remain an option in Raid and Fractal but u need a friendly group willing to accept you in and if you play well nobody can really judge you.

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Marauder might work and might help slightly, but it will not be a huge difference. T4 some attacks will wipe you even with higher hit points and if you are lacking chrono and druid support while being positioned incorrectly even marauder will not save you.


Toughness will even have a negative effect. Most if not all fractal enemies work off of the old "more toughness makes you get more attention" thus getting more toughness will slightly reduce the damage you take while at the same time make enemies focus you almost entirely. Old-school fractal guardians and occasionally mesmer used this effect to draw more attention to themselves to allow less experienced players have an easier time. You probably could do the same on an elementalist, but considering you are already having survival issues, definitely a no go.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Marauder might work and might help slightly, but it will not be a huge difference. T4 some attacks will wipe you even with higher hit points and if you are lacking chrono and druid support while being positioned incorrectly even marauder will not save you.


> Toughness will even have a negative effect. Most if not all fractal enemies work off of the old "more toughness makes you get more attention" thus getting more toughness will slightly reduce the damage you take while at the same time make enemies focus you almost entirely. Old-school fractal guardians and occasionally mesmer used this effect to draw more attention to themselves to allow less experienced players have an easier time. You probably could do the same on an elementalist, but considering you are already having survival issues, definitely a no go.


Heh I've been hit for 22k and then absorbed a second hit of the same attack(from being downed) so even if the first hit didn't down me the second would have. That is with 33% damage reduction from protection.

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I've been having fun in fractals with a 20k health a [20k health Celestial-based build](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQJArYnMMoYgmG8NYBmCMxuBdDQHhLRLCA2QMYGcDdbtx2cbQAoA8AA-jRSNABaqUIFlEdeCBAY/Bs0TMn6PdpE0zHEQNKzCAgAcz2MYzbmje0je0je0+uRP6Rvv9N65Nv9tPA-e "20k health Celestial-based build"). Yes, it has less DPS than your zerker, but zerker DPS only works well if you don't die. (Scientific studies have discovered that the state of death massively reduces your DPS) I usually stay alive where my zerker teammates are lying on the cold hard ground, trouble trouble. I usually even have the defense to revive them.

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