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Original Mount Adoption License Returning


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So I just noticed the original controversial mount adoption license has returned to the gem store for the same price as before. I can't help but notice there is no "select" license option like the others. I'm a bit disappointed, and I'm just wondering how other people feel about it. I just want 3 specific skins from the pack, but it seems Anet is hell-bent on having me play the lottery to get them. I'm assuming people who already played the lottery would be upset and feel cheated somehow if they added a "select" option, even if that option was more expensive per mount. It makes this whole situation feel icky and unresolved. Is it just me? Does nobody care anymore?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Mike O'Brien specifically stated they would not change the original Mount License pack way back when. Changing it would not only upset those that had obtained Mounts Skins from that pack, but breaking that 'promise' would also be a bad PR move.


I guess they don't want my money then.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Mike O'Brien specifically stated they would not change the original Mount License pack way back when. Changing it would not only upset those that had obtained Mounts Skins from that pack, but breaking that 'promise' would also be a bad PR move.


> I guess they don't want my money then.


Better lose your money than making another community drama :P

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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> I bought a lot of these and wouldn't have an issue with them now having the option to choose a specific skin for a higher price. Whenever you make a purchase of any kind you should be aware it may be marked down or the offer changed in some way later.


Yeah this. I think if anything it would be positive to adapt retroactively, rather than causing community drama.


If they want to decide otherwise they can always communicate it if they think it would otherwise cause drama.


I think the most harmful dramas were when ArenaNet just did and didnt communicate (much). Explaining what youre doing and why will always be met with more reason than not.



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> @"Celsith.2753" said:

> I bought a lot of these and wouldn't have an issue with them now having the option to choose a specific skin for a higher price. Whenever you make a purchase of any kind you should be aware it may be marked down or the offer changed in some way later.


Right if anything, you know exactly what you get with buying them.

I wouldn’t understand why someone wants other ppl to have a hard time just because they had one. I bought around 15 skins just to get the 2 I wanted, but I‘d be more than happy if others wouldn’t need to go through that as well… there are too many skins to be gambling for only 2 skins imo. With 15 skins gambling is more reasonable

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> @"Nash.3974" said:

> > @"Celsith.2753" said:

> > I bought a lot of these and wouldn't have an issue with them now having the option to choose a specific skin for a higher price. Whenever you make a purchase of any kind you should be aware it may be marked down or the offer changed in some way later.


> Right if anything, you know exactly what you get with buying them.

> I wouldn’t understand why someone wants other ppl to have a hard time just because they had one. I bought around 15 skins just to get the 2 I wanted, but I‘d be more than happy if others wouldn’t need to go through that as well… there are too many skins to be gambling for only 2 skins imo. With 15 skins gambling is more reasonable


Agreed entirely. I know it wont change, but if they did align it with others i certainly wouldnt give them a hard time. Deals and prices change regularly in any sales based environment and they have been available at the old pricing for long enough now for those who did splash out to have had their moneys worth. Any streamlining should be welcomed. I certainly dont complain when players get the expansions at a lowered price and this is no different.


It would be a positive move imo

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I feel the same way about them now as I did when they first appeared - I like some of the skins and would be happy to pay for them, but I'm not going to gamble for them. The difference is we now know this is not the only way to get non-festival skins (when the mount adoption licence first appeared the only other mount skins were the spooky pack) so I'm less worried about it because I know it's only that selection of skins which is unavailable.


I don't agree with Anet's decision and I'm not entirely convinced we will never see another way to get these skins (I'm surprised they haven't already given us another option, in spite of what they said at the time) but the important thing for me is there are other skins I can get without gambling.

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I have never really had an issue with the mount skin delivery system, but I won't be buying more of the original set, even though there are skins I want. And I must admit, the lottery system is part of why.


One reason: because the two other mount sets had nicer skins in general, with better odds of getting specific ones you want. After buying (more than?) half the Istani mounts and ALL of the desert racer mounts, I've got a nice, diverse stable, and don't feel much need to buy a license that is just as likely to get me an unwanted additional griffon or skimmer as one of the raptors I've been wishing for.


The second reason: every mount pack so far has, in my opinion, been better than the last. I would much rather save my resources and see what is coming up on offer next than try for some of the first set which I missed.

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Soooo... to be absolutely certain, is this _finally_ the return of the original Mount Adoption License where I can get my **very** long-awaited Tawny Hare and Twin Sands Jackal? (The TP still suffers from not being able to preview mounts until after they've actually been purchased).


If so, then a huge BOOOOOOOOO for having no SELECT license option. I don't know what issues arose from the original release, and I don't care. Regardless of what Mike O'Brien may have said at one time, MANY things are sold cheaper or packaged differently at a later date. Vendors need to make old stuff attractive somehow. And so far, the posts here seem just fine with that.


Things change. From my point of view, those of us that have waited so long and patiently for this set _deserve_ a SELECT license for all the suffering we've endured watching others enjoy these mounts for so many months.


RNG hates me almost as much as I hate it. I am all too happy to pay extra to get what I want. I despise paying for junk I don't want.


**PLEASE... before this leaves the Gem Store, won't some ANet representative address whether ANet is now open to the possibility of giving us a SELECT license from this set?** I already bought the _entire_ (mostly unwanted) Istani line due to poor Gem Store communication / lack of previews. I loathe the thought of doing that again.

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> @"Hamfast.8719" said:

> Soooo... to be absolutely certain, is this _finally_ the return of the original Mount Adoption License where I can get my **very** long-awaited Tawny Hare and Twin Sands Jackal? (The TP still suffers from not being able to preview mounts until after they've actually been purchased).


> If so, then a huge BOOOOOOOOO for having no SELECT license option. I don't know what issues arose from the original release, and I don't care. Regardless of what Mike O'Brien may have said at one time, MANY things are sold cheaper or packaged differently at a later date. Vendors need to make old stuff attractive somehow. And so far, the posts here seem just fine with that.


> Things change. From my point of view, those of us that have waited so long and patiently for this set _deserve_ a SELECT license for all the suffering we've endured watching others enjoy these mounts for so many months.


> RNG hates me almost as much as I hate it. I am all too happy to pay extra to get what I want. I despise paying for junk I don't want.


> **PLEASE... before this leaves the Gem Store, won't some ANet representative address whether ANet is now open to the possibility of giving us a SELECT license from this set?** I already bought the _entire_ (mostly unwanted) Istani line due to poor Gem Store communication / lack of previews. I loathe the thought of doing that again.


Read the prior posts! NO, this is the original set and Mike O'Brien said this set will not change.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:


> Read the prior posts! NO, this is the original set and Mike O'Brien said this set will not change.


I read all of them. What did I say that makes you think I didn't?


Thank you for confirming this is the set with the Tawny Hare / Twin Sands Jackal. I was taking a break from the game when all of this went down originally, and this set of skins came and left before I returned. I bought Path of Fire when I came back, and wound up buying the whole darned ISTANI set, not realizing at the time that it was a different set from the one with the skins I desired. That was clear back in April, and I've been waiting all these months having never once had the opportunity to get these skins at all.


As for Mike O'Brien, I mentioned that I saw other peoples' comments regarding his statement. But so what? You've never changed your mind? I think a lot of the posts here indicate that not so many people would mind if a SELECT license were added. I'm hoping ANet sees a shift in player attitudes and relents.

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> @"artemis.6781" said:

> > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > MO said they would not do this again. Figures. I still will not buy a single mount skin until they're also offered as rewards in-game.


> And they didn't. This is the original ones that MO said would remain the same.


No, he distinctly said they would not package mount skins like this again. If this is the same packaging the original was then he lied.

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> @"Zephyr.5382" said:

> I never could find a single word to describe the mentality, but _was_ able to find this:

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_mentality


But isn't that the opposite of what's happening here?


The crab mentality would be more like what typically happens in other games with "limited time" or exclusive items - players are adamantly against them coming back at all (even if they themselves don't have it) in order to preserve the feeling of it being something special for the people who happened to buy it when it was available. Whereas in this topic what we've got is people being disappointed that it hasn't been made easier to get specific skins from the set.


As far as I've seen no one's objecting to them bringing the licences back, or saying other players shouldn't buy them if they want to, just that they're disappointed Anet stuck by their original statement on the issue and didn't add a select licence for this set, even though that option seems to have gone over well with the Istani and Desert Racer sets.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> AS Anet already explained, this one will not change since so many people already invested in it on its first go-around. Anet has changed methods since.




The Istani Isles and Desert Racer sets, which came out later, had selection licences as well as random ones. But apparently Anet thought if they changed the originals it would upset the people who had already bought multiple licences to try and get the skin they wanted and apparently thought it wasn't worth the risk of doing that to appease the people who weren't willing to gamble.


I am surprised they haven't changed it though, and I'm still not convinced they will never offer these skins through another method. Maybe something which still requires an element of RNG (like Black Lion Statuettes) but it looks like it will be a long time before that happens, if it ever does.


(For me it basically means I'll never get any of these skins. Which is a shame because there are some I really like and would buy if they were available by select licences or another direct-purchase method. But I'll just have to find alternatives.)

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