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PvP Season 13 Starts August 28

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

Hey folks!


As you may have heard, we have several changes coming for Season 13. We’re doing a trial of the return of duo queue for all levels. We’ll reevaluate the effect this had on the season near the end of the season to see if this is something that should come back permanently.


In addition to this, we’re retiring the old leaderboard titles.


We’re looking forward to an interesting season!

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Eliminating Leaderboard titles? Can we get an explanation why?


What is coming to replace the title system that you are taking away?


This is extremely lazy from an Auditing standpoint, and you really should just permanent ban win traders after the second offense.


Why are you punishing the entire player base for the actions of a few?


I have been actively trying to improve every season with the end goal of having the top 250 title at the end of a Season.


But it looks like I will never have the opportunity to ever receive this. I play at a Gold 3 or platinium 1 tier and within the top 500 range.


This is extremely unfair and is going to drive the competitive players away from PvP. I guess I will be playing more Starcraft 2 or Overwatch in the near future.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey folks!


> As you may have heard, we have several changes coming for Season 13. We’re doing a trial of the return of duo queue for all levels. We’ll reevaluate the effect this had on the season near the end of the season to see if this is something that should come back permanently.


> In addition to this, we’re retiring the old leaderboard titles.


> We’re looking forward to an interesting season!


Thanks, @"Gaile Gray.6029", would you let us know if anything is replacing the old LB titles? New rewards, new incentives, or will this just not be a factor this season?

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wintrading is hard, but not impossible, to prove. with a little effort, they could identify and deal with the problem people directly, but instead they choose the lazy route to discourage people from doing it. meanwhile, the cheaters just keep their fraudulently acquired titles unscathed. nothing about this game’s lack of support for competitive play surprises me anymore, but it sure is disappointing.

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You keep titles you have, you can't receive them anymore though.


It was done becasue of the rampant wintrading each season for them, which was honestly a ton of work for something a lot of high level players (myself included) held very little value to anymore due to the wintraders and the rng aspect of actually getting it.

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I've never seen queuing with mixed-size teams working well together with players queuing solo when it comes to 'rated' gameplay, for that it's often better to have only full solo and full made teams, so I'm glad that this is at least a test, so it may not stay.

But will there be enough people to get decent data? People have been rather disillusioned with PvP lately. Maybe there needs to be some fundamental change that will encourage more people to give it another chance.

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I'm guessing our system for rewards will be based purely on ascended shards now. Will there be any incentive to be good at ranked q? In other words, why should I try to get higher rating? Other than a badge and an extra pip, there is no reason. Makes me not care about winning.

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> @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> Are there matchmaking changes to prevent highly organized duos from rofl-stomping random not-in-voicechat noobs?

> Or is that back en vogue this coming season?


I definitely would avoid you "in-voice" pro nab, anytime - that epic attitude. I just don't see how they can change anything about match up system, even if they were collecting all matches data, and player data individually. When sPVP has been in a state of joke, wintrading and casual playground - based on about everything I have had heard and read.

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> @"Senteliks.2360" said:

> > @"Bugabuga.9721" said:

> > Are there matchmaking changes to prevent highly organized duos from rofl-stomping random not-in-voicechat noobs?

> > Or is that back en vogue this coming season?


> I definitely would avoid you "in-voice" pro nab, anytime - that epic attitude. I just don't see how they can change anything about match up system, even if they were collecting all matches data, and player data individually. When sPVP has been in a state of joke, wintrading and casual playground - based on about everything I have had heard and read.


Well, the duos could get a sharp bump in evaluation points when matchmaking is building teams. As in "duo of A and B" is A + B + 100 points by default. It's just I've watched too many streams of duos giving significant advantage to teams (which is why practice was stopped in the first place). Hopefully solo queue participants wouldn't suffer, and I'd love to hear some indication of what was done to prevent problems caused by duo qued higher skilled players in last seasons.

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We already knew this was planned thanks to Ben, but I guess now its more official.

I agree these titles lost most of their appeal after several seasons, but it's still the only thing worth competeing over for many players. For example, my motivation to get better was the top 25 title(RiP me).

I assume there will be something new to compete for, because no serious competetive player is motivated by a badge that you share with people 250 rating below you, or reward chests with basic PvE loot&gold.


Could we get some information on what the new PvP prestige skin/title/badge system will be?

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> @"Vallun.2071" said:

> I'm guessing our system for rewards will be based purely on ascended shards now. Will there be any incentive to be good at ranked q? In other words, why should I try to get higher rating? Other than a badge and an extra pip, there is no reason. Makes me not care about winning.


I echo this, it needs to be said objectively whether Anet devs are or are not ACTIVELY pushing the exclusive pvp player base out of their desired game mode by only rewarding things that have use in PvE, from an official mouthpiece. There is no discussion from the development team @"Gaile Gray.6029" on the future of PvP in regards to population development, ie volume and quality, literally, zero. It seems obvious to me that the development team has made, either of their own accord or from above, choices to continue the degradation of the pvp community as a whole, the current changes seem to continue this path.


The inability to commit to the integrity the game deserves is pretty disenfranchising, as a whole. Couple that with the REFUSAL to listen to pretty much anything your most skilled players have to say, it's no wonder this game is a laughing stock. But hey, at least people who are good at the game can play with a friend again.

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**Retired Titles**

I'm hoping the titles, like all the titles that were from PvP, come back in some way tied to the many PvP achievements that do not have titles associated to them. While titles are honestly quite pointless and many are okay with being "exclusive"...there were so many PvP titles that were just so much cooler that can easily just come back as something that isn't tied to leaderboards. Heck, just let us waste our Shards/Tickets we have piled up for them! We need more sinks anyway. :)

Hope @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" can chime in on the feasibility of this.



Good that this will be another test season to see how this plays out. Most likely, it is probably best for a 2v2 Ladder more so than the Solo Ladder. A good duo can really snowball a game, and given that there are just 5-players to a match, that makes 2-duos and 1 person will always be the odd-player out. This was the exact issue that caused nightmare many seasons ago (after 5-man was dropped). Again, you'll have the data anyway!






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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Hey folks!


> As you may have heard, we have several changes coming for Season 13. We’re doing a trial of the return of duo queue for all levels. We’ll reevaluate the effect this had on the season near the end of the season to see if this is something that should come back permanently.


> In addition to this, we’re retiring the old leaderboard titles.


> We’re looking forward to an interesting season!


Please, oh please, look @ the Guardian forum for suggestions on how to buff DH properly...

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> @"mrauls.6519" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > Hey folks!

> >

> > As you may have heard, we have several changes coming for Season 13. We’re doing a trial of the return of duo queue for all levels. We’ll reevaluate the effect this had on the season near the end of the season to see if this is something that should come back permanently.

> >

> > In addition to this, we’re retiring the old leaderboard titles.

> >

> > We’re looking forward to an interesting season!


> Please, oh please, look @ the Guardian forum for suggestions on how to buff DH properly...


@"Gaile Gray.6029" Help my mans Rauls out he desperate out here smh

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