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I don't like how Anet is spending their resources.


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Instead of a living story every 3-4 months, I would rather see more improvements on the class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes, wvw arenas!

What we have now is a small content that requires A LOT of work for anet developers, when in reality, players just finish the story it in 2 hours, visit the new pve map, do some achievements and go back to their regular things.

Living stories are great, don't get me wrong, but i think they are spending too much for giving us a content for free, when instead we need repeatable pve-pvp-wvw game-modes.

As a pvp/wvw player, i just feel abandoned.


My suggestions: Lesser living stories, more pve-pvp-wvw-balance updates.



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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> Instead of a living story every 3-4 months, I would rather see more improvements on the class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes, wvw arenas!

> What we have now is a small content that requires A LOT of work for anet developers, when in reality, players just finish the story it in 2 hours, visit the new pve map, do some achievements and go back to their regular things.

> Living stories are great, don't get me wrong, but i think they are spending too much for giving us a content for free, when instead we need repeatable pve-pvp-wvw game-modes.

> As a pvp/wvw player, i just feel abandoned.


> My suggestions: Lesser living stories, more pve-pvp-wvw-balance updates.




Except Raids is another form of LS. Just not as big or in depth as open world LS

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> What we have now is a small content that requires A LOT of work for anet developers, when in reality, players just finish the story it in 2 hours, visit the new pve map, do some achievements and go back to their regular things.


Really? ;) How do you know what others do or want?

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As long as pvp/pve and wvw use the same skill and gear sets balance will never be achieved. They could balance the DPS output a bit more between classes but beyond that balancing patches serve more to shake things up than to actually achieve balance....and it's not new content. LS brings new content, though admittedly it's usually more of the same but at least it gives you the idea to have something new to do.


If you want more pvp/wvw content, I get that. But to be honest, I'm pretty sure ArenaNet spend their resources where they think they bring in the most value for most players and themselves. I guess that's not in the pvp/wvw area.

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Regardless of some of the opinions many on this forum will share, I fully agree with you OP. Waiting months on end for short bursts of story which don't have replayability is very very bad for this game.


Where is the content? Where is the sustainability?


WvW (and PvP) is sustainable. It never ends, it doesn't get boring fast, it's pure gameplay (which is GW2s biggest strength, not the story - don't get me wrong, it's serviceable. But you hardly can't wait to see what happens next - I don't think a personal story approach is best for that in an MMO, it's too hard to suspend the disbelief that you're not one of thousands). Good Meta events with enticing cosmetic rewards are sustainable and exciting.


The game needs more content that doesn't end. I don't except ArenaNet to abandon their Living World structure - they would never do that. But perhaps money can be saved and the focus of that budget can be centered around making sustainable content instead.


I am not a casual player. I play the game daily (well actually I play every other day because of the poor sustainability, but I would like to play daily). I see this game needs to appeal to casual and dedicated players alike. Right now, the dedicated players are suffering due to the casual focus.

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> @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> I agree. Anet is putting too much effort into Raids, WvW, and PvP.


> Dungeons? Really? Why do people keep bringing them up? They've been dead for years. Move on to Fractals. Fractals are dungeons.


Since I never got into them. What sort of rewards do fractals offer that I can't get elsewhere? Maybe I'll finally see a reason to do them. So far it just seems a place where you grind higher infusions for the sake of grinding even higher infusions. At least some of the original dungeons had some cool skins to collect.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> Instead of a living story every 3-4 months, I would rather see more improvements on the class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes, wvw arenas!

> What we have now is a small content that requires A LOT of work for anet developers, when in reality, players just finish the story it in 2 hours, visit the new pve map, do some achievements and go back to their regular things.

> Living stories are great, don't get me wrong, but i think they are spending too much for giving us a content for free, when instead we need repeatable pve-pvp-wvw game-modes.

> As a pvp/wvw player, i just feel abandoned.


> My suggestions: Lesser living stories, more pve-pvp-wvw-balance updates.


For me it's the exact opposite - very occasionally something will attract me to playing WvW or Fractals or Raids and I'll do that for a little bit until that one goal is done, then go back to what I do normally - which is playing the story and exploring the PvE maps. So for me more focus on those game modes would actually mean a lot less content and probably less time spent playing GW2. (This is why I only buy 1/2 the DLC/expansions for Elder Scrolls Online - every other one is just a pack of 2 dungeons and I haven't even played all the dungeons in the base game so I don't see any point in buying more of them.)


I'll do a dungeon path once to see it, and maybe repeat it if I want some of the drops or to help a friend out but I'm unlikely to repeat it just for the sake of it. WvW is fun for a bit but it's just going round and round capturing and re-capturing the same objectives over and over with nothing achieved in the long run - even the server scores reset at the end of the week and you're back where you started. The combat itself can sometimes be fun but if that's all I had to look forward to in GW2 I'd be looking for a new game to play because it's not going to hold my attention for long. Even if they add new WvW maps it's still just doing the same thing with difference scenery.


The desert borderland does have some new mechanics which can be interesting, but they're fairly minor and don't change the basics of what you're doing. And from what I've understood both new WvW maps (Edge of the Mists and Desert Borderlands) have been pretty unpopular with WvW players (Desert always seems to be the least populated on my server) so I can imagine Anet might be reluctant to spend too much time on developing another new map for it.

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> @"narwhalsbend.7059" said:

> You just want more attention to your gameplay choices. Others have different priorities.

> Personally, I believe the entire concept of a "raid" is dumb in the context of GW2, and I wish they wouldn't waste all their resources on it when they could spend that all on making the PvE LS bigger and better.


The mechanics envolved on raids arent that great to start with, i also thing they are spent on the wrong stuff... i think it went over-hyped as in its another content that was made for players do not fail if using gimmick to cut effort.

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I like the overarching story, I guess, but I really don't like the dialogue or the instanced fights. You could tell the story better without instanced content, in my opinion. Heck, Dragon's Stand is decent at this. I just want more maps to explore and goodies to unlock.


I don't do WvW/PvP, but I think I might PvP if there was a way for me to not tank my team's performance. I don't want other players to lose because of my tremors(or my play). I think these two game modes should see more content updates.


I don't like raids. Raids are fine in theory, but they get treated as end-game for all PvE. They aren't. Barring Open-World PvE from legendary armor for the sake of raiders irritates me. To add insult to injury, I frequently see the sentiment that they are better than OW PvE and more deserving of rewards. Makes me think raids were a mistake.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"kappa.2036" said:

> > Instead of a living story every 3-4 months, I would rather see more improvements on the class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes, wvw arenas!

> > What we have now is a small content that requires A LOT of work for anet developers, when in reality, players just finish the story it in 2 hours, visit the new pve map, do some achievements and go back to their regular things.

> > Living stories are great, don't get me wrong, but i think they are spending too much for giving us a content for free, when instead we need repeatable pve-pvp-wvw game-modes.

> > As a pvp/wvw player, i just feel abandoned.

> >

> > My suggestions: Lesser living stories, more pve-pvp-wvw-balance updates.


> For me it's the exact opposite - very occasionally something will attract me to playing WvW or Fractals or Raids and I'll do that for a little bit until that one goal is done, then go back to what I do normally - which is playing the story and exploring the PvE maps.


Sorry but how are you not done with that already? Story and exploration is a done-and-dusted affair.


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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"DeanBB.4268" said:

> > I agree. Anet is putting too much effort into Raids, WvW, and PvP.

> >

> > Dungeons? Really? Why do people keep bringing them up? They've been dead for years. Move on to Fractals. Fractals are dungeons.


> Since I never got into them. What sort of rewards do fractals offer that I can't get elsewhere? Maybe I'll finally see a reason to do them. So far it just seems a place where you grind higher infusions for the sake of grinding even higher infusions. At least some of the original dungeons had some cool skins to collect.


Fractal weapon skins, gold fractal weapon skins, ad infinitum, fractal related titles, stat infusions with ar. Cobalt weapons (though they're just the blue ascended weapon skins you can choose any stat on)

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what resources?

The team that gives us new pvp content like new maps? oh that does not exist...

The team that gives us new wvw content like new maps or anything that is new for that matter? of that does not exist aswell...

The team that gives us new raid content? It's been almost one year since the last update and we got two bosses so that team is probably only one person...

The team that gives us new dungeons? oh that does not exist...

The team that gives us new fractals? Just like raids it takes an eternity to get a small little map that takes 20 minutes to play through so that team is probably also only one person...

The team that gives us a new ls map? Considering that the expansion is out for a year and we got three new ls maps means there is a team, but a small one of maybe 3-5 people...

The team that gives us new legendary weapons like the new legendary ring that still cannot even be completed after almost one year although it does ont even have a skin? oh that probably does not exist either...


Anet seems to be so short on resources that they cannot even update the black lion chests anymore... The festival of the four winds is long over yet you still get "Gnashblade Zephyrite Supply Box" and the new weapon skins that were updated into the game two weeks ago are still unoptainable...


This game, as fun as it is, lacks content in any form... the engine is way outdated (single cpu core is used and gpu almost ignored) and it gets stale and boring.


Just think what we've gotten since the beginning of this year. Since january the first... two ls maps and one fractal map. You can play through all of it in one day and the story is very questionable...


If only we would get a new expac or the like every year, maybe not only pve expacs but also wvw/pvp focused expacs, but the focus of this game is to milk the whales and sell completely overpriced skins (25€ mount skins wtf?) to the one per mill of the playerbase who pay for the few people still working on this game...


If this goes on for another year this game is probably dead.

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> @"kappa.2036" said:

> Instead of a living story every 3-4 months, I would rather see more improvements on the class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes, wvw arenas!


I don't use any of those systems, with the exception of occasionally mashing buttons in pvp to complete the daily in a hurry.


Funny how that works, eh? Different people like different things about the game. Interestingly, I am not complaining that those things exist and time is spent on them, because, well, I'm not that selfish.

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> @"narwhalsbend.7059" said:

> You just want more attention to your gameplay choices. Others have different priorities.


And so do you, if Anet focuses all of their resources on a feature that doesn't satisfy everyone, it shouldn't be top priority, Sandswept isles and Kourna were a complete waste of time if you ask me, nothing pulls you back to the maps after you've finished the story and the achieves, they just stands there for the new players to do the same thing the loop continues. PvP and WvW players need some attention too, so does core Tyria, fractals, raids, balance and so on... and I think that class balance, more dungeons, fractals, raids, pvp gamemodes and wvw arenas are important to the game too.


you can't pretend that only you and people that like the content you like exist.



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Fr those saying that anet is placing too much focus on raids...you are aware that we have had relatively few raid releases right. We are right now sitting at 5 raids. 3 of them where released in 2016 and 2 of them in 2017. We basically get a new raid wing every half a year. How exactly is that a ton of resources focused on raids?

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > @"narwhalsbend.7059" said:

> > You just want more attention to your gameplay choices. Others have different priorities.


> And so do you, if Anet focuses all of their resources on a feature that doesn't satisfy everyone, it shouldn't be top priority.


So they should only prioritize features that satisfy everyone. Okay. Can you name a few of those features? And explain why you think everyone would be satisfied with it (and how you got that information)?



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