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Kicked from Fractal for being a herald?

Bacon Please.8407

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Just got booted from a Pug group for being a herald? I main rev and have ever since I switched over from warrior. The guy who went down every 3 seconds complained that we needed a druid and that herald is useless in fractals. I've never had a problem in any other PUG groups or guild groups. The group chat became really toxic and then I was suddenly booted. I was not rude to them at all and we were on an easy T4 fractal (snowblind). Not sure what I did wrong. Any insight would be appreciated.

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You did absolutely nothing wrong. If other players can't - or aren't willing to - adapt in any way to the situation they find themselves in (Especially when in a pug) the fault lies entirely with them. One of GW2's major strengths is the fluidity of character builds, and their ability to be adapted to certain situations. These type of players you describe need to go far far away from GW2 and back to whatever toxic game they came from, because they arguably have zero place here among this largely wonderful community.

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You weren't kicked from a group for being a Herald, you were kicked from a group cuz it was failing and bad groups need something to blame to make themselves feel better. In this case, I'm almost 100% sure that guy kept killing himself with Social Awkwardness.


I've had many Heralds pass through my 100/99 CM + t4 groups and it's almost always fine. Yes Herald's burst potential is meh, but they do steady, solid dps and have good clear times on all the split phase dps portions (Skorvald, Artsariiv, Siax, Anomalies).

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Typical gw2 pve player...... omg im dying blame others cause he believes he is the best.


IMO it feels that the player if dying every 3 sec or arround had:

Awfull positioning

Awfull reflect to avoid skills

Lack of unerstanding what he can step into and not.


Most players play this game in expectation to get carried with mindless spam (reason mobs in this game are very BASIC and effortless beside high telegraphed damage and HP sponges) and use some gimmick builds for easy reward, that's a issue anet kinda imbued in most players head.

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I have more than 3k plus hours on just Rev alone. Rev's are amazing in fractals and dungeons. Lately, I've been primarily playing power renegade. I do tons of damage while also having lots of survivability. I solo dungeons and some fractals all the time just to push myself so I can master the class. Rev's really do have everything in their tool set to take on almost any encounter if played correctly.

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> @"Caligrafers Blade.3871" said:

> 'Revenants are the masters of fractals' quoting Derior here, the god of fractals. Check out this video here at 10:45.



> So whoever kicked you out had probably no idea what they were doing. Of course, they didn't seem very nice either, so I don't expect them to stay long in gw2. This community, especially pve, don't do rude.


I don't think a video from 2016 is really accurate when it come to the current statut of the different professions in any gamemode. We are far into 2018 and the professions and their traits/skills changed a lot in 2 years. The video autor would probably have a very different speech in an up to date video. With the announced patch that will give some fresh changes to herald, things will probably change even further and make this video even more outdated.

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