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[POLL] Do you like that there are no more leaderboard titles?


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You can like or dislike the titles all you want, but your individual perspective doesn't change the fact that this change caught everyone by surprise, pissed a lot of players off, and now season 13 has no competitive prize pool.


The correct way to deploy this change would have been to let the community know at the beginning of season 12 that this would be the last season to get a title, and then have the replacement prize for titles ready at the time of removal.


Also, regardless of your taste for titles, the fact that Anet is choosing to remove titles instead of punishing the wintraders really points to their commitment & investment to this game mode (or lack there of). It's a lazy and cheap attempt to fix a problem, n that's just a nondebatable fact.

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> @"Sampson.2403" said:

> You can like or dislike the titles all you want, but your individual perspective doesn't change the fact that this change caught everyone by surprise, pissed a lot of players off, and now season 13 has no competitive prize pool.


> The correct way to deploy this change would have been to let the community know at the beginning of season 12 that this would be the last season to get a title, and then have the replacement prize for titles ready at the time of removal.


> Also, regardless of your taste for titles, the fact that Anet is choosing to remove titles instead of punishing the wintraders really points to their commitment & investment to this game mode (or lack there of). It's a lazy and cheap attempt to fix a problem, n that's just a nondebatable fact.


I was hoping they were removing titles to add something better, but if it's just a lazy way to prevent wintrading then that kinda stinks. :/

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Personally, I have little hope of ever gaining a leaderboards title. Still, this decision eliminates a major motivation to play.


The better plan would have been to eliminate win trading by: not permitting free accounts in PvP, strongly policing win trading, policing queue sync'ing and finally by requiring solo queue at all levels ( with the possible exception of ATs );

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What I'm finding sad is it took removing the titles to light a fire underneath everyone's rears about getting rid of obvious repeat exploit offenders since the early seasons. Before no one cared garbo like this was happening, and some even went to defend exploiters. Now everyone is trying to get offending players banned when it's way too late for that, and the decision was made affecting future goals. You're all paying the price for what the top end has done, best thank them for it.

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> @"BadMed.3846" said:

> It was announced earlier. It was done to bring back duo queue. Take your pick!


I don't get why we have to resort to extremes here by having one or the other... never understood this logic even when it was used to replace team queue with solo queue.... like, why not both?


as for OP.... I would prefer if they keep incentives for players to play in the top tiers, I dont want to be matched with the top 20 players nor do I want silvers in my games just because people dont want to actively play.


Im sure anet will introduce something, they stated in another thread that theyre thinking of having rewards based on tiers you reach and the current system encourages players to play the bare minimum games to keep thier achievements which has been an unhealthy set up for everyone, so dont give up hope yet.

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