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Is gw2 really a great community?

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Due to the co-operative nature of GW2, you are more likely to run into a positive instance than a negative one. While GW2 might be so-so, the average online community (Overwatch, LOL, WOW) is typically toxic by comparison, and as such the result is GW2 seeming like a saint by comparison.


A lot of PVE games seem to have this sort of community. For example, Warframe has a friendly PVE style map, though with fewer players.

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I think we're a horrible community and we should feel very, very bad about ourselves.


But seriously, folks...


I think the people of the GW2 community are pretty much the same as in any MMO player base, but the design of the game deliberately (and brilliantly, in my opinion) makes being around other players much more pleasant than in any other game I've played.


I'm okay with this. B)

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  • 1 year later...

It's average. In any mode other than open-world PVE, players will be more likely to be toxic and insult. The forum and Reddit community is nice but full of dissent/tension (usually regarding suggestion topics).


Although it lacks vertical progression, it has the problem of builds changing requiring new ascended gear to be crafted. On that note, I loathe ascended gear being untradable.

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I think in many ways it feels friendlier ingame than in others. Mostly because GW2 is such a cooperative game. It attracts people that enjoy working together.

Look at the game play: coop open world, no resource stealing, no loot stealing, coop events... there is no real benefit to being a jerk. There are much fewer ways to grief other players, so that type of player tends to go elsewhere.

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I guess it depends on what you expect from the community, myself, I have very low expectations so I'm constantly suprised by just how nice/helpful most of the people are, of course if you have low expectations, don't wear your feeling on your shirt sleeve, and try to help others you'll probably get back from the community what you give.

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in the first 2-3 years the community had more numbers and people where more mature in communicating with each others and had more respect even rowards the enemy in pvp/wvw.


today the way alot speak to each others is low level in alot cases. words like hate, rape, aids, cancer are used in common ways to express oneself. also common education is very low, if something did not work out in the past people thought about „why did it not work, what must we do to improve“ while today people cant accept defeat and rather go toxic very quick and rage quit as solution...


times are changing i guess. alot of us are not the 14-20 year old gw1 teenagers anymore who do the homework after school and meet up with friends from the neighborhood to play gw. where almost every ingame friendship existed because we knew each others in real life before.

we have come into our years and have other things in life to take care of. same goes for the ones who where „the elders“ in gw1 already.

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In-game the people seem to be nicer, developers have pretty much removed most ways to "grief" another player anyway. I play solo most of the time and do not stray into instanced group content, so when I see another player in game it is normally just a "do your own thing" moment and we pass by, usually in silence. But, if I am completing a dynamic event, if someone comes along and helps or does not help is never an issue for me. If I happen to come along an event/champion mob that I would like help with, I can normally just tag up and/or ask for help in map chat and most times somebody will show up. Note that this is all from op[en world PvE, in other game modes your experience may vary.

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this concept of a "good community" is just idiotic, people are people no matter where you go or what game you play


gw2 sometimes gives this vibe of a friendly community because it shies away from competition every chance it gets, mobs can be tagged by everyone, resource nodes are client side, no dps meters, easy spam 1 and it will eventually die content ... etc, and because of this people just "act" friendly the same way people will smile and say hi to one another when they really don't care at all.


but the moment you introduce conflict it breaks down even faster than more mature communities, say for example an overpriced feature on the store, an opinion about the death of the game or about the lack of development/effort from the company.


people are people and sure gw2 has a lot of sheep happily meh all around, but even sheep will ram a person if they panic so my advice don't talk about the "community" they don't like it.

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PVP? Toxic as any game, I would say. Haven't tried WVW. PVE? For the most part, it's a great community. Occasionally I will see some toxic ranting if a meta gets messed up (particularly on AB or Dragonfall). But for the most part, people are friendly and willing to help. For those complaining about not being rezzed in battle, do remember if you are completely downed, it takes far longer to rez you and will most likely result in the rescuer being downed as well. Just waypoint. But if you're struggling to get up, most people will help if they can.


Even fractals, which I don't do because I am simply too slow, people are helpful. I needed the swamp for Nevermore I. Put up an LFG request for help and had a group in less than 5 minutes.

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> @"Nunya.4920" said:

> > @"Trise.2865" said:

> > Well necromanced, @"Nunya.4920" .

> >

> > The first mistake is assuming the forums represent the community.


> So, the people who communicate here aren't the gw2 community ? That's odd. Old thread ? Yeah, but people wondering if a game has 'friendly' players, always makes me want to caution them. I have been friendly to complete strangers here, but my point still stands; People in any game, as in life, are usually only friendly, when it gets them something they want. I'm not just talking about material possessions either. If they themselves can be friendly, maybe others can, and will be friendly also ? If people can't or wont be friendly ? Well, that's why I posted here, and the reason the saying, 'Walk softly, but carry a big stick', is famous where I come from. Nunya.


"Part of", yes. "Representative of", no. Forums are the vocal minority, the angry, the slighted, the frustrated, the wanting... and the occasional creative voice and lore discussion.


Roosevelt's quote is "*speak* softly, and carry a big stick", which is what the real majority, the **real** community is doing. These are the millions of players who are contented, accepting, grateful, kind, and very friendly... compared to the few dozen, maybe a few hundred, coming here to complain.

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From the thousands of hours I played, the community in this game isn't really there. Not having recognizable "big time" players or guilds spotted in the wild isn't a good sign.


As for positivity this game definitely has it with how LFG works. Enough of how game play works that anyone can be a help that it makes the gems not quite as brilliant.

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> @"jinxykat.6519" said:

> I can only speak from my own personal experience playing the game the last three years. It is more cooperative than competitive and that's where you'll find the most glaring differences in player behavior. In raids and WvW players are more prone to wanting your gear/rotations/skill/build to be a certain way. In PvE situations such as world bosses, i've found people are much more relaxed. That is to be expected in most MMO's, but in comparison to some others i've played the community is far less toxic and i've met some truly wonderful people on my journey through Tyria. Also, i will cross half a map if i see a little blue skull icon, okay? i'M A RES-A-HOLIC. please do not blip away right as i reach you. :D




I agree and share similar experience as you

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It's always interesting to me when I hear that this community is one of, if not the "best" out there. To be honest, most of the time it doesn't seem any better than other online communities. The playerbase says, "The community is so helpful and kind and they help new players". But I see that in other games too. There are always people that help new players, or people that are new to events, mechanics, dungeons, raids, modes. In fact, I've never not seen this in any online game.


But when you look at any of the "competitive modes", CM Fractals/Dailies, Raids, WvW, PvP, the community is just as toxic if not more than other games. I see people get yelled at, cursed at, trolled, harassed, people throw games to spite others, they boot and call people trash if they don't meet their standards, if their dps is lacking they are often trolled and called garbage, commanders curse people out in discord, etc. In WvW, there are guilds that will pick one person to troll and spam them the entire time they are in WvW because the person said something the guild didn't like. I mean seriously, what's the deal?


For how "casual" this game aims to be, it sure comes across as pretty toxic at times. Otherwise, it seems to have mostly the same community as other games. /shrug

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