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You will no longer be able to obtain PvP Leaderboard titles


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This is a call out to all fans of Guild Wars 2 and why you should be upset about the removal of Ranked PvP titles.


If you ever decide to play PvP competitively, you will be unable to receive unique top 250 or above titles when playing Ranked PvP.


Instead of addressing the real problem, ANET is choosing to not permanently ban Win trading accounts after repeat offenses.


All current and future legitimate players are being punished for actions of a small portion of the player base.


It's not to late to reverse this poorly thought out decision by ANET before it reduces the PvP player base even more.


At least give us 1 more season to try to get these titles. Do not just remove them without a Warning. It's extremely unfair and upsetting to your dedicated PvP fan base.


When you take something away, it only makes sense to replace it with something else.


This is probably the biggest mistake that ANET will make that will effectively kill this game mode for dedicated and competitive players in Ranked play.


Please reconsider this action , before it is too late.


I will still play this game for the love of the game, but I will definitely play ranked PvP considerably less if this is implemented.


It's wonderful that Duo que is coming back for all players and I'm so glad that this is actually being implemented.


When Duo que was removed from Season 6, it effectively killed the game mode and we are now currently left with a very low PvP Ranked population from one simple decision.


History is repeating itself once again. Instead of ANET choosing to actively Ban Win traders and all associated accounts, they took away Duo que to reduce intentionally rigging matches to cheat the system.


We have a serious problem as Guild wars 2 is now Free to Play and players can virtually make multiple accounts to rig matches with no fear of penalty from ANET.


Please keep this in the General forum discussion as it effects all future PvE players that may want to play Ranked PvP competitively in the near future. This issue deserves to be discussed and recognized by all fans of Guild Wars 2.

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Although you may have no interest in PvP now, the entire Guild Wars 2 community is losing the opportunity to aim for these titles in the future.


For example, can you imagine how upset people would be if the Legendary PvP Backpack was removed so that new players would no longer be able to obtain this item?


Thankfully, this is not happening. But that's how much this upsets me as gold 3- platinium 1 player trying to remain and achieve a top 250 spot on the Leaderboard for 2 seasons now.

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> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> For example, can you imagine how upset people would be if the Legendary PvP Backpack was removed so that new players would no longer be able to obtain this item?


Btw their original plan was to have a new pvp backpack each year, before they decided that its too much work.


As far as the titles are concerned, anyone who is able to get one of those titles probably has one already anyway and for everybody else those titles are out of reach anyway. Removing them is not a big deal.

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Umm. I'm not trying to tell you what to think. Only that if you plan on playing Ranked PvP anytime in the future, those titles will not be achievable anymore.


I'm also aware that only 10% or less of the Guild Wars 2 community actually plays PvP.


But that is still 10% that play both PvE and PvP. So that was my intention of having it here.


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I don't actually see this as a bad move. I am actually extremely opposite to the idea. Some titles should be timed only like it has in many other MMO's so other players can see that abc guy was there 5 years ago putting effort into the game to obtain the xyz title.

If all title's are obtainable any time anyone wants then it loses its WoW factor (pun-intended)

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"breno.5423" said:

> > PvE titles mean s**t

> > PvP titles mean skill level.

> >

> > Theres the difference.

> > If you see someone with a god of pvp title you will feel a pressure/fear/intimidated/etc, this is because of the prestige/recognition that these titles give to his owner.

> > See the point now?

> >

> > Don't compare pvp titles with pve titles plz.


> Usually when you see 'god of pvp' first that comes in mind some1 did huge work on wintrading xD


Name 3 players who wintraded "god of pvp" which weren't getting top 100 in their region "fairly".

Name 1 player who wintraded "god of pvp" which wasn't top 100 in their region "fairly".


Obviously there's a HUGE difference between top 100 and #1 - that's why wintrading is bad. But most gods of pvp that actively wintraded a lot to get it still meme all over the players pretending titles are meaningless and everyone that gets one is bad.


Some people wintrade - there's some drama about it - suddenly all the silver players believe the only difference between them and #1 PvP players is the amount of wintrade... Lul. No amount of wintrade will get even a plat 2 player to god of pvp. Even succesfully manipulating matches you'd lose 4v5 against other top-end players.


Half the thread being PvE players going "I can't get the titles / don't play pvp / hate pvp by default / don't enjoy competition so I don't care and you shouldn't either"... You boys sure make a compelling argument. Brilliant minds we've got here. We shouldn't care about minorities anywhere, ever. Clearly as they're a minority their problems are irrelevant to the majority, right?


Extra funny because the moment these lower-ranked players do play PvP and end up with high-rated players in their games because... there's just not enough high rated players left to produce games between themselves they rush to the forums to cry about it. Funny how you'll actively spam "no, don't care about others!" until it negatively impacts you... JK we're obviously the friendliest community by playing content with no competition and no performance requirements whatsoever ;)

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Name 3 players who wintraded "god of pvp" which weren't getting top 100 in their region "fairly".

> Name 1 player who wintraded "god of pvp" which wasn't top 100 in their region "fairly".


> Obviously there's a HUGE difference between top 100 and #1 - that's why wintrading is bad.

You ask and then answer your own question ? Naming and shaming isnt allowed

> Even succesfully manipulating matches you'd lose 4v5 against other top-end players.

I cant express my feelings how ridiculously dumb you are... Implying each time you get 3-4 wintraders all would be stacked in 1 and you get 'top-end players' in your ...

>No amount of wintrade will get even a plat 2 player to god of pvp

False ,only difference is how obvious it is

cba to continue

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> @"Odik.4587" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > Name 3 players who wintraded "god of pvp" which weren't getting top 100 in their region "fairly".

> > Name 1 player who wintraded "god of pvp" which wasn't top 100 in their region "fairly".

> >

> > Obviously there's a HUGE difference between top 100 and #1 - that's why wintrading is bad.

> You ask and then answer your own question ? Naming and shaming isnt allowed




> > Even succesfully manipulating matches you'd lose 4v5 against other top-end players.

> I cant express my feelings how ridiculously dumb you are... Implying each time you get 3-4 wintraders all would be stacked in 1 and you get 'top-end players' in your ...


MonkaS. Where am I implying you get 3-4 wintraders all stacked?

I'm saying PvP is a SOLO game at high rating, right. You know that, right?


Ok so to WINTRADE to #1, you need to RELIABLY get several alts into the "top rated" games together. This is mostly done by players who are already top 100 who reliably, constantly get into these games. Then ONE OF THEM dc's if they lose a game, or they throw / afk if they WIN the game. They then need to grind back the rating on these alts that constantly lose rating.


These guys need to WIN as soon as they're not in the game with the target wintrade. Else their rating drops too low to stay in these games. Guess what - their rating needs to be higher than plat 2 in eu at least ;)


Even if you get into the same games, you still need to be able to win against other actually good players who are triharding. And even with a 1 player throwing advantage, most plat 2's won't win against top 10 players in a 4v5 advantage. They'll get farmed. Keep in mind any fuckup where you don't have someone in your team "dc" will lose you a LOT of rating. Especially because most do this during off-hours, where you need even higher winrates (but it's also easier to boost accounts into the top-rated games).


Again, not going to succeed that on your acc / alts with puny mid plat rating. Maybe NA is dead enough. Instead you'll get farmed and lose every game where you fail your wintrade and even end up struggling in 4v5's because plat 2 isn't good enough to wintrade to god of pvp on EU.


> >No amount of wintrade will get even a plat 2 player to god of pvp

> False ,only difference is how obvious it is


Keep pretending and rationalizing how you could be god of pvp. Even with sick wintrades, most of ya couldn't. And keep in mind that there's plenty of top players who will happily target and snipe you just to screw you over out of spite / dislike / memes.


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I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.


I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Obviously there's a HUGE difference between top 100 and #1 - that's why wintrading is bad.

Thats made all your wall of text below irrelevant that I wont read

> Keep pretending and rationalizing how you could be god of pvp

Where I said I want to be god of pvp or pretend I will be?

>Even with sick wintrades, most of ya couldn't

With your rating you wouldnt for sure :)

>And keep in mind that there's plenty of top players who will happily target and snipe you just to screw you over out of spite / dislike / memes.

If you dont know how to avoid it doesnt mean its cant be done

I said cba , talking to clueless people thats meh

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> @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.


> I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )


Before the first banwave, there were guilds which would very regularly wintrade. Won't mention them but most high end EU players know who, what, where. Wasn't exactly a secret nor uncommon. Nowadays not so much.


But all of those players are still top-end EU PvP players. Not random low plat scrubs magically getting god of pvp. I'm sure some players traded quite a lot of games- but they still had to be top 100 to top 250 material to even breach into top 5.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.

> >

> > I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )


> Before the first banwave, there were guilds which would very regularly wintrade. Won't mention them but most high end EU players know who, what, where. Wasn't exactly a secret nor uncommon. Nowadays not so much.


> But all of those players are still top-end EU PvP players. Not random low plat scrubs magically getting god of pvp. I'm sure some players traded quite a lot of games- but they still had to be top 100 to top 250 material to even breach into top 5.


All I'm reading from you guys is that it's ok to win trade if you're top 100...


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>@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 said:

>The removal of the titles was something we've been considering for a while. They haven't really felt great for a while, in my opinion. Mainly because the design of the reward actively discouraged you to play once you hit a certain position on the board. People didn't want to take the risk of losing their position and would often play the bare minimum required.


It's pretty clear and cut as to why they're getting rid of titles in their current iteration. The conspiracy of win trading making this change is unfounded but people like to grasp which is why conspiracies are sexy and alluring.



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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.

> > >

> > > I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )

> >

> > Before the first banwave, there were guilds which would very regularly wintrade. Won't mention them but most high end EU players know who, what, where. Wasn't exactly a secret nor uncommon. Nowadays not so much.

> >

> > But all of those players are still top-end EU PvP players. Not random low plat scrubs magically getting god of pvp. I'm sure some players traded quite a lot of games- but they still had to be top 100 to top 250 material to even breach into top 5.


> All I'm reading from you guys is that it's ok to win trade if you're top 100...



At no point did I say that.


What I said is it's ridiculous howmany players pretend anyone can just wintrade their way to any title and skill doesn't exist. Sure - titles aren't strictly representative of skill - but most players got them FAIRLY and even many wintrading players are vastly, vastly better than everyone here whining about how none of it matters because what... 20 players wintraded? lul.


If you're not in top 250, wintrade doesn't matter much to you, does it? If you're not top 250, you won't be able to wintrade into top 50 much less top 10 either. And if you wanna wintrade into top 250 - be my guest. It's not that simple, because there's a lot more players playing there, to wintrade up consistently. Yet it's actually goddamn easy to achieve by ... PLAYING THE GAME.


Wintrade is BAD. Pretending wintrade makes all competitiveness irrelevant is also BAD. Most players are NOT affected by wintrade at all, but rather use it as an excuse for their own rating / them not caring / yada yada.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > > I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.

> > > >

> > > > I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )

> > >

> > > Before the first banwave, there were guilds which would very regularly wintrade. Won't mention them but most high end EU players know who, what, where. Wasn't exactly a secret nor uncommon. Nowadays not so much.

> > >

> > > But all of those players are still top-end EU PvP players. Not random low plat scrubs magically getting god of pvp. I'm sure some players traded quite a lot of games- but they still had to be top 100 to top 250 material to even breach into top 5.

> >

> > All I'm reading from you guys is that it's ok to win trade if you're top 100...

> >


> At no point did I say that.


> What I said is it's ridiculous howmany players pretend anyone can just wintrade their way to any title and skill doesn't exist. Sure - titles aren't strictly representative of skill - but most players got them FAIRLY and even many wintrading players are vastly, vastly better than everyone here whining about how none of it matters because what... 20 players wintraded? lul.


> If you're not in top 250, wintrade doesn't matter much to you, does it? If you're not top 250, you won't be able to wintrade into top 50 much less top 10 either. And if you wanna wintrade into top 250 - be my guest. It's not that simple, because there's a lot more players playing there, to wintrade up consistently. Yet it's actually kitten easy to achieve by ... PLAYING THE GAME.


> Wintrade is BAD. Pretending wintrade makes all competitiveness irrelevant is also BAD. Most players are NOT affected by wintrade at all, but rather use it as an excuse for their own rating / them not caring / yada yada.


Win trading happens at all ranks though? I know it does in high gold anyway and there's lots of complaints about it happening in the top end of PvP too.


I'm sure there are a lot of players who reached their goals fairly, but we're all aware of the banwaves against numerous players too.... Which only happened to the top end players due to their visibility, if you're some random scrub no one looks twice at you.


This is just the same thing as the WvW kills title, some rare people earn it fairly then a few servers went to the OS and farmed each other freely for the title making the other people who earn their title invalid to the whole community.

Terrorism gets the same sort of outlook, 1 bad apple and they're all bad, it's natural for humans to think this way... You sort have to live with it now thanks to those who soiled it for you, and because of this outlook, it's almost logical to not care about titles or rank, it has a bad stigma associated with it now.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > > @"Abazigal.3679" said:

> > > > > I think the wintrader argument gets overused and probably on the wrong end. Let's be honest, Etheri is right, these players still have the level to be plat 2-3 at least and there aren't many wintraders in each zone. Furthermore, i'm pretty sure most of them did " buy " 1 or 2 matchs to get their objective rating and that's it.

> > > > >

> > > > > I don't believe at all titles are removed because of wintraders. Probably only because of DuoQ, in order to avoid unfairness from time to time ( i.e DuoQ at 3 am against poor opponents and get free rating )

> > > >

> > > > Before the first banwave, there were guilds which would very regularly wintrade. Won't mention them but most high end EU players know who, what, where. Wasn't exactly a secret nor uncommon. Nowadays not so much.

> > > >

> > > > But all of those players are still top-end EU PvP players. Not random low plat scrubs magically getting god of pvp. I'm sure some players traded quite a lot of games- but they still had to be top 100 to top 250 material to even breach into top 5.

> > >

> > > All I'm reading from you guys is that it's ok to win trade if you're top 100...

> > >

> >

> > At no point did I say that.

> >

> > What I said is it's ridiculous howmany players pretend anyone can just wintrade their way to any title and skill doesn't exist. Sure - titles aren't strictly representative of skill - but most players got them FAIRLY and even many wintrading players are vastly, vastly better than everyone here whining about how none of it matters because what... 20 players wintraded? lul.

> >

> > If you're not in top 250, wintrade doesn't matter much to you, does it? If you're not top 250, you won't be able to wintrade into top 50 much less top 10 either. And if you wanna wintrade into top 250 - be my guest. It's not that simple, because there's a lot more players playing there, to wintrade up consistently. Yet it's actually kitten easy to achieve by ... PLAYING THE GAME.

> >

> > Wintrade is BAD. Pretending wintrade makes all competitiveness irrelevant is also BAD. Most players are NOT affected by wintrade at all, but rather use it as an excuse for their own rating / them not caring / yada yada.


> Win trading happens at all ranks though? I know it does in high gold anyway.


> I'm sure there are a lot of players who reached their goals fairly, but we're all aware of the banwaves against numerous players too....


> This is just the same thing as the WvW kills title, some rare people earn it fairly then a few servers went to the OS and farmed each other freely for the title making the other people who earn their title invalid to the whole community.

> Terrorism gets the same sort of outlook, 1 bad apple and they're all bad, it's natural for humans to think this way... You sort have to live with it now thanks to those who soiled it for you.


Nobody that "farmed OS" for ultimate dominator got more than 10% progress on it. I doubt people even got more than 5%. Everyone that has ultimate dominator got it "fairly" by grinding ;). And by the way, I got that one too :trollface:


Sure, some players will pretend people "farmed" ultimate dominator - just like you'll pretend wintrading is something that happens in gold - but in reality the community is just making up excuses that hold no rational sense. I'm sure wintrading is super common in gold :trollface:


Yes - it happens. And then players pretend that instantly means everyone that has it just got it 100% unfairly and it means nothing! And both the players trying to make progress unfairly, as the ones that pretend it suddenly means nothing anymore are ...wrong?


But really, do you think "wintrade" is something common or relevant for high gold players? MonkaS.

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