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Best Birthday yet

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Love the armor! So hard to decide.


Light -- I want to get this *just* because the helm looks like She-ra's helm, so I could create a light armor, sword wielding She-ra. Would I actually _play_ this character? No. But it would be awesome for some pictures. And isn't that the point of mix and match armor skins, being able to create a unique look?


Medium -- I like this the best... for my human medium armor characters I'm not currently playing. But they'd sure look extra spiffy on the load screen or picking flax. Doesn't look good on sylvari. But most armor looks best on humans. So not a big deal.


Heavy -- probably not... but I do like the pony-tail helm. Don't really have a female heavy armor, and can't decide of floofy side bustle is terrible or wonderful (I think it's both)


So She-ra cosplay helm VS good looking coat/pants/gloves/boots/shoulder. Frivolous whimsy or realistic elegance. I'll need to think about this some more.

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I´m quite happy with this birthday presents.

The only thing I dislike, that you get everything just once per account.

I just got the lvl 60 ticket, 2 lion statuettes, the dye kit and a 5000 karma ticket on my second char.

So choose wisely on the armor.

Wouldve been nice if you get a free wardrobe unlock or weapon unlock on second char. This way it just feels a bit meh.

Too bad I chose the light armor, heav

Happy birthday to all 6 year accounts^^

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> @"La Sirena.6873" said:

> I´m quite happy with this birthday presents.

> The only thing I dislike, that you get everything just once per account.

> I just got the lvl 60 ticket, 2 lion statuettes, the dye kit and a 5000 karma ticket on my second char.

> So choose wisely on the armor.

> Wouldve been nice if you get a free wardrobe unlock or weapon unlock on second char. This way it just feels a bit meh.

> Too bad I chose the light armor, heav

> Happy birthday to all 6 year accounts^^


Ehm woops, I thought I would get the heavy version too. Well I made the wrong choice then :P

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> @"aspirine.5839" said:

> > @"La Sirena.6873" said:

> > I´m quite happy with this birthday presents.

> > The only thing I dislike, that you get everything just once per account.

> > I just got the lvl 60 ticket, 2 lion statuettes, the dye kit and a 5000 karma ticket on my second char.

> > So choose wisely on the armor.

> > Wouldve been nice if you get a free wardrobe unlock or weapon unlock on second char. This way it just feels a bit meh.

> > Too bad I chose the light armor, heav

> > Happy birthday to all 6 year accounts^^


> Ehm woops, I thought I would get the heavy version too. Well I made the wrong choice then :P


Dont worry you can chose it next year.

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I love how birthdays give more every year. On top of more of what they already gave before, I mean.


Dye packs? Nice! Dye packs plus a choice of cultural backpacks? Awesome! Dye packs, another choice of cultural backpacks and two picks from a new weapon set? Yes please! Dye packs, yet another choice of cultural backpacks, two more picks from the birthday weapon set, and a choice of birthday armor sets? Stop it, you're spoiling me!


I wonder what they'll add to it next year. :D

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Thanks bunches for the gifts ArenaNet!


So as to not spoil anything for anyone else...


A much coveted item was part of the gifts this year and was in fact, something I mentioned to one of my friends I hoped would be part of the 6th Anniversary celebrations. Wishes really do come true...says this 53 year old gamergirl. Thank you so much AranaNet!!


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