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This game mode is really stupid, or im doing something wrong


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So help me understand, why would anybody play a build other than bunker anything in this game mode? If you stay on a colored circle without dying till the end of the match you win. This game mode is basically it. Also, somebody told me to kite. Tell me how should i kite somebody who is standing on the point i want? Why isn't there an arena gamemode like in WoW where the point is to kill the enemy players? ALSO, there is TOO MUCH CC IN THIS GAME. Its like respawn, go to point where the fight happens, get cc-locked into hell and die. If you use anti-cc ability it doesnt really matter cuz there so many damn damage on the field you cant do sh*t. I really wanna like this games pvp but its giving me a hard time to not trash-talk. I can't even see what is hitting me in this mess of a spell cluster.


Tell me, how do i get 2 shotted while i play spellbreaker and using ignore pain and berserker stance?

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What build do you use ? Keep in mind that if you are new starting a fight 1v2 or more is not a good idea. Do not rush into enemy team if you don't know what to expect. Don't stand still or you'll be an easy target, put pressure in order to confuse enemies' roatation and put them in "defense state". Understand what can you make you stay alive in your build, you'll understand your weaknesses.

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pro tip if a bunker stands in the point (even if they are standing on your home node) you want, go with your teammates and kill others, cap other 2 point. A bunker that stands on point literally making fights 5vs4 if not 5vs3 as any bunker would have a dps with it. Just don't waste your time, cap other points, make them split and get stressed over the score.


Something to inspire you, this is what community thinks of the class you play, you think of it.


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The quick answer is if all players are bunkers the match will be decided by timeout. A coordinated team with a few dps'ers can effectively kill any bunker leaving your team at a massive disadvantage.


Sounds to me like you just jumped into PvP after hitting lvl 80 the way you describe it, so probably smart to take your time to learn your profession and the game mechanics.


This game is all about active damage mitigation, so simply put:

- Learn what opponent skills to avoid

- Manage cooldowns (learn how to cycle these for maximum efficiency, which to save for an emergency)

- Know when to facetank and when not to

- Know your build, not every build is supposed to handle a 1v2 f.ex.


As a Spellbreaker you can do a multitude of things, you can shut down bunkers and glasscannons alike, you can assist an ongoing 1v1, with your mobility you can contest far point, stall a 1v2, and kite opponents across the map.


Don't just jump into the fray, carefully pick of enemy players who are unaware and out of position, force them to kite you in order to replenish health and cooldowns back up. When you get outnumbered either run or fight if you are confident you will survive. Avoid using dodges proactively, learn what skills do 0 damage to you and which do a ton. Teamfights usually comes down to which team downs an opponent first, and then it's all about the cleave damage on that downed vs. the other teams ressurection potential.


1. Never fight outnumbered, unless a full bunker

2. Don't go down, better to leave the fight

3. Know your role in the team composition

4. If your tactic/capability fails successively, change your approach

5. 9/10 times it's better to focus the opponent than revive your teammate, bonus if you kill and stomp him so your teammate gets up


People also seem to forget there is a timer, which translates into this:


- If you have 2 caps you are winning (keep nodes, if feeling capable go for 3rd node + side objectives)


- If you have 1 cap and the opposing team also has 1, you are winning if you are in the lead and losing if you are behind (if winning keep the 1 node and contest the neutral one, go for side objectives. If losing get the neutral one while keeping the one you have, sideobjectives can also help you even the score)


- If you have 1 cap you are losing (decap atleast 1 node, if not in the lead cap it, if necessary prevent opponent from taking side objectives)


As for side objectives:

Use these to even the score when your team is behind, but ONLY if you have opportunity and means. They should NEVER have higher priority than keeping your nodes if winning, or decapping nodes if losing.


Good luck though, this forum and youtube will both have tons of guides if you need, so hopefully it will make more sense after a while.

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> @"gylph.2360" said:

> @"rng.1024" Thanks for the helpful comment. Gonna try to improve on the things you mentioned.

> But i really think there should be more pvp modes in the game. Its mind boggeling that anet addes just 1 mode in , i don't know, 8 years?


6 years. I agree though, more modes would be refreshing. But it's hard to top conquest, as was latest seen with the stronghold mode, but also with the deathmatch there are glaring issues. Conquest is by far the most versatile mode because it eases matchmaking, open for different strategies and gives good comeback potential.


You also have to consider a majority of the population still don't have a complete grasp on how conquest works even after all this time, and a dwindling playerbase to boot - which means adding new modes will always be risky as it could:

- Split the playerbase

- Give harder matchmaking (longer queues)

- Force players to reroll profession simply based on it being a different mode

- Leave the old modes obsolete


None of these would be beneficial and would hurt the gamemode more than help. I'm not really sure what's best to be honest. I do know we need something new though like you said, but it needs to cater to everybody and preferably new players. One idea could be to force map rotation, while adding new modes into it slowly. Problem is it's quite resource heavy and by far the biggest portion of customers are playing for PvE content, so naturally they take priority.


But - things are happening although at a slow pace. We as players are responsible for the amount of haste we imbue onto the developers, in the sense of:

- More customers playing the mode demands more attention

- If the scene is thriving any change will have a lesser negative impact

- Using this forum section as a tool to communicate constructively with anet

- Teach our fellow players how to get better, as it stands right now there is a huge divide in skill level causing an opinion disparity, so if we can have a uniform consensus about balance and such that would help a ton (this can be seen working in WvW - community agrees and anet patches simply based on numbers)

- Stay positive. Instead of complaining we should offer solutions, ideas for improvement and generally become easier to work with.

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It's ok bro it's not you. Circlequest circle dancing has been a joke since about 3 months after launch. You have the right idea beacause of the low skill nature of circlequest you could easily win like that.


In reality tho the easiest win is just play core theif. You don't even need a second weapon. Just use bow skill 5 the whole matvh and go stealth to flee if confronted.


Game won.


Lack of a competitive game mode has ruined PvP in gw2

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There is a lot of trolling going on this topic.


rng.1024 answeras are on point


For a quick TL:D: Conquest is probably closer to a MOBA than it is to death match. At first impressions it is a bunker game but once you get in dept it can get pretty complex at higher level play.


Usually the game is played under a few non-predefined roles:

- Bunker: Specially defensive build which job is to hold the point long enough for the team to arrive.

- Duelist: Closer to what would be a bruiser on other games. It works like a point holder except it changes full survivality for a more counter pressure. There are countless variations depending on what class you are playing, but in the end this class is all about winning duels against classes who are weaker against you and holding the point against class that aren't. Until the roamer arrives...

- Team Fighters/ Team Support / Team DPS: Classes that are suitable for team work. Usually on conquest 2 o 3 players make the "Squad" that goes around the map winning the fights meanwhile someone else holds the points. Here we can include Support classes and well as classes that have high damage but doesn't have much sustain by itself.

- Roamers: Classes quick on their feet that specializes on making rounds on the map, decapping unprotect points and granting number advantage when necessary.



Overall strategy to win conquest is to have 2~3 menbers form a core squad that goes around winning the fights, meanwhile Duelist and Bunkers hold points. Roamers make the map spin decapping unprotected points and helping duelist and bunkers to deal with anyone entangled fighting then.


As far as you example. No, a full team of bunkers can't win a game. Since you can just zerg the map, kill then one by one and force the enemy team on an almost permanent 5x4 due to the time they take to return to the game. A good roamer can also keep decapping unprotected points wasting time and forcing the enemy to split forces.

In fact, in the current meta most full bunkers builds are classified as "bad". Duelist do their jobs and are more effective for the rest of the game.


All that said, you are son, a new Rabbit, don't expect people around you to understand all of the games mechanics.

Our recommendation is pick a class you like and focus on protecting 2 points to win. And kill the weakest on the enemy team first to force outnumbered fights.

Revive the downed on your side to prevent rallys. Cleave/Kill the enemy downed to ensure Kills. And don't die.




Here are a few videos that somewhat explain what you need to know about Conquest:


Jawgeos PvP begginer Guide P1



Part 2 the video above



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Lol ok so got my comment deleted because I told the truth a bit and that was not liked. So I'll restate what I said so it won't again.




No need to explain how to play a uncompetitive game mode. Since all that is required to win is that you play teef and use bow skill 5 all game then just hide and go stealth the if someone attacks you.


When a game requires speed more then skill then it just becomes a joke. Huge maps with 3 tiny spots that matter lol sounds legit.


l.....................................................l map size

l...l part of the maps that matter


Circlequest has been a joke since launch and it's one of the main reasons PvP will never be competitive in gw2. Gotta wait for guild wars 1 remastered or guild wars 3 for actual competitive PvP again.

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You should use the node to your advantage. If you're being pressured and you kite off node most players will genuinely not focus you, or half will and half won't allowing you to survive if you play well. Many will also feel strangely... attracted to the node allowing you to easily land your own damage.


Imagine you're 1v1'ing on a node against another guy. You see the enemy thief in your direction to +1 you. Most players will stay on node, get 2v1'd and die relatively quickly while attempting to hold the node. Then as soon as you're dead you lose the node and the team is in a 4v5 for your downtime. At higher ranks players will, upon seeing the thief, climb on random stuff to ensure he can't steal, kite the players trying to kill them and give up their node because staying alive is more important.


You fight for both kills (or rather, momentum to cap nodes) and nodes and being able to use that to your advantage is a big aspect of how PvP is balanced. Not being able to do this isn't a class or gamemode issue, it's a L2P issue.

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> @"gylph.2360" said:

> So help me understand, why would anybody play a build other than bunker anything in this game mode? If you stay on a colored circle without dying till the end of the match you win. This game mode is basically it. Also, somebody told me to kite. Tell me how should i kite somebody who is standing on the point i want? Why isn't there an arena gamemode like in WoW where the point is to kill the enemy players? ALSO, there is TOO MUCH CC IN THIS GAME. Its like respawn, go to point where the fight happens, get cc-locked into hell and die. If you use anti-cc ability it doesnt really matter cuz there so many kitten damage on the field you cant do kitten. I really wanna like this games pvp but its giving me a hard time to not trash-talk. I can't even see what is hitting me in this mess of a spell cluster.


> Tell me, how do i get 2 shotted while i play spellbreaker and using ignore pain and berserker stance?


You wouldn't, and that's why the game has slowly drifted from "bunker meta" to "everyone is a bunker but bunkers now also deal thousands of damage per attack." It wasn't great to begin with, and it only got worse. The concept of side-grades is kill, and any attempt to have off-meta fun or shenanigans will never be viable due to how the mainstream builds just walk through all incoming effects while vomiting out low-effort damage and CC in PvE-rotation style.


GW2's entire metagame is comprised of stacking utilities and heal slots with the most effect-negation abilities (invuln, block, immunity to whatever) possible, and waiting until devs randomly buff weapon skills until they deal thousands of damage per attack. All meta traits make players immune to various effects; the rest of a player's traits are basically just more brainless damage boosting.

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> @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > @"gylph.2360" said:

> > So help me understand, why would anybody play a build other than bunker anything in this game mode? If you stay on a colored circle without dying till the end of the match you win. This game mode is basically it. Also, somebody told me to kite. Tell me how should i kite somebody who is standing on the point i want? Why isn't there an arena gamemode like in WoW where the point is to kill the enemy players? ALSO, there is TOO MUCH CC IN THIS GAME. Its like respawn, go to point where the fight happens, get cc-locked into hell and die. If you use anti-cc ability it doesnt really matter cuz there so many kitten damage on the field you cant do kitten. I really wanna like this games pvp but its giving me a hard time to not trash-talk. I can't even see what is hitting me in this mess of a spell cluster.

> >

> > Tell me, how do i get 2 shotted while i play spellbreaker and using ignore pain and berserker stance?


> You wouldn't, and that's why the game has slowly drifted from "bunker meta" to "everyone is a bunker but bunkers now also deal thousands of damage per attack." It wasn't great to begin with, and it only got worse.


You don't get the difference between duelist / roamers and bunkers.


> GW2's entire metagame is comprised of stacking utilities and heal slots with the most effect-negation abilities (invuln, block, immunity to whatever) possible, and waiting until devs randomly buff weapon skills until they deal thousands of damage per attack. All meta traits make players immune to various effects; the rest of a player's traits are basically just more brainless damage boosting.


People use defensive utilities and a mix of defensive / offensive traits in pvp? Who'd have thought! Clearly stunbreaks and invulns would never be used in a game with stuns and downstate... :trollface:

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> Lol ok so got my comment deleted because I told the truth a bit and that was not liked. So I'll restate what I said so it won't again.




> No need to explain how to play a uncompetitive game mode. Since all that is required to win is that you play teef and use bow skill 5 all game then just hide and go stealth the if someone attacks you.


> When a game requires speed more then skill then it just becomes a joke. Huge maps with 3 tiny spots that matter lol sounds legit.


> l.....................................................l map size

> l...l part of the maps that matter


> Circlequest has been a joke since launch and it's one of the main reasons PvP will never be competitive in gw2. Gotta wait for guild wars 1 remastered or guild wars 3 for actual competitive PvP again.


That's actually true.


Do u really think Anet cares?

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Bro that's why I quit ranked after season 6 because it was just boring circle dancing in ranked. Now ranked is the kingdom for wintraders, bots, and pve reward hunters.


I play stronghold unranked because it's a less toxic community and the map is actually fun unlike the circlequest dancing maps. More skill involved with stronghold then running around circles all match.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Swagg.9236" said:

> > > @"gylph.2360" said:

> > > So help me understand, why would anybody play a build other than bunker anything in this game mode? If you stay on a colored circle without dying till the end of the match you win. This game mode is basically it. Also, somebody told me to kite. Tell me how should i kite somebody who is standing on the point i want? Why isn't there an arena gamemode like in WoW where the point is to kill the enemy players? ALSO, there is TOO MUCH CC IN THIS GAME. Its like respawn, go to point where the fight happens, get cc-locked into hell and die. If you use anti-cc ability it doesnt really matter cuz there so many kitten damage on the field you cant do kitten. I really wanna like this games pvp but its giving me a hard time to not trash-talk. I can't even see what is hitting me in this mess of a spell cluster.

> > >

> > > Tell me, how do i get 2 shotted while i play spellbreaker and using ignore pain and berserker stance?

> >

> > You wouldn't, and that's why the game has slowly drifted from "bunker meta" to "everyone is a bunker but bunkers now also deal thousands of damage per attack." It wasn't great to begin with, and it only got worse.


> You don't get the difference between duelist / roamers and bunkers.


Sure I do. The dichotomy of duelist/roamer is a simple flow chart:

* (1) Find opponent in 1v1.

* (2) Just by looking at opponent's class, will your build be able to win without really risking anything? (because that one-second, surface-level evaluation is all it takes to determine how a fight will go within this shallow, brainlet meta)

* (3a) If you can win, beat opponent and take the nearest point.

* (3b) If you can't win or the fight will drag on forever, just go to the nearest undefended point with your movement skills/teleport spam/portal.

* (4) After capping, rotate around the cluster of icons dancing around each other on your minimap and head toward another open point or just +1 for free wins.


However, that sort of flow chart works with every class in the game. Since PvP is just about standing on points and taking easy, no-risk fights, every class can follow this chart and win no matter what build they're running. It's all the same.


Bunkers, on the other hand, just turtle points, get free rezzes, occasionally walk between two points over the course of the entire game, play whack-a-mole with invuln/self-heal cooldowns, and move with teammates who somehow manage to exist within the meta without excessive amounts of instant immunity defenses (i.e. Firebrand-Scourge combo). Moreover, just because a player rolls a bunker build doesn't mean that that player doesn't manage to do thousands of damage per attack to zerker builds. I also understand that zerker builds almost don't exist anymore, but the empirical evidence remains that a player with stock armor and no bonus toughness or vitality can get melted by a """defensive""" build in the current meta just by how a bunker will often spam collateral AoEs or effects while healing one's self (or, in the case of druid, how meta weapon options will just do thousands of damage regardless of how defensive your amulet is). This basically means that everyone naturally builds as tanky and passive as possible, and those who don't--for whatever reason--get effortlessly demolished by what one would consider to be a bunker build by current standards.



> > GW2's entire metagame is comprised of stacking utilities and heal slots with the most effect-negation abilities (invuln, block, immunity to whatever) possible, and waiting until devs randomly buff weapon skills until they deal thousands of damage per attack. All meta traits make players immune to various effects; the rest of a player's traits are basically just more brainless damage boosting.


> People use defensive utilities and a mix of defensive / offensive traits in pvp? Who'd have thought! Clearly stunbreaks and invulns would never be used in a game with stuns and downstate... :trollface:


Yes, but considering how none of those things are standardized or normalized in any way shape or form, it automatically means that 95% of the game's skill options are obsolete since they don't stun-break or make the user invulnerable for X seconds. Moreover, instant-activation, self-target effects are absolutely the most boring, uncreative and lack-luster abilities that a player can use (or a developer can design). They don't provide any movement, they don't really show any cue, they don't provide any risk-reward scenarios, and more often than not they completely frustrate other players with the low-effort press of a button. By making the entire game into nothing but WoW trinket stunbreaks paired with weapon skill spam which cannot be adequately countered due to all of the stability and instant effect immunity on every player from the onset of a fight, GW2 has stripped itself of any sort of player expression and identity. Everything is the same, and the only thing truly separating each class from any other one is the color of the particle vomit that it throws into the air.

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