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Patch Notes - 30k DPS Power Reaper incoming


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the rotation isnt "thaaat" simple. a screwed weapon swap or falling out of shroud early punishes the dps. the marging of error to go above 30kdps is small. however a not perfected rotation doesnt end up with 60% of the professions dps (like staff weaver was in the past - dont know about current weaver builds, but i imagine them being somewhat like staff weaver in terms of losing dps for unperfected rotations)

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> @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> I expect complaints about how "simple rotation" and "tanky" Necro builds now do acceptable dps. A lot of Necro builds received improvements and am waiting for the calls to nerf.


If Anet is smart they'll just nerf Reaper in WvW and PvP. We will just have to wait and see. In the past they rarely split balance for Necro, and nerfed it in all game modes.

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No nerf is justified. In competitive game modes Blighter's Boon is still superior.


Reaper's Onslaught builds are extremely squishy. Once you dodged/blocked the first shroud burst, that Reaper is fucked. No healing in shroud and not enough LF generation for a second shroud uptime.

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No need really. Community itself is the biggest nerf here. Hitting 30k dps does not make us desired, just acceptable, unlike before. It's "30k mentality". Also our support isn't that desirable either, unless it's a beginner group/mediocre pug. The better the group the more "no necro" gets posted on the door.


This rework mostly gave open world necros the status of ultimate farmer (which i vastly enjoy), while making spvp and wvw reapers a double edged weapon - ability to burst and and fast, but at risk of being slowed via boon corrupt and taking some serious punishment for it.


As for raids, necro needs either harder dps still (which i don't think he should have given his innate sustain), or unique party utility that is offensive in nature, and not another way to save bad pugs from themselves (looking at you transfusion + barriers), while contributing nothing to well organized groups.

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> @"Kam.4092" said:

> > @"Anchoku.8142" said:

> > I expect complaints about how "simple rotation" and "tanky" Necro builds now do acceptable dps. A lot of Necro builds received improvements and am waiting for the calls to nerf.


> If Anet is smart they'll just nerf Reaper in WvW and PvP. We will just have to wait and see. In the past they rarely split balance for Necro, and nerfed it in all game modes.


If Anet is smart they will not nerf Reaper in PvP because Reaper is still underperforming in PvP.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> >

> >

> > Ehm ? well we did it


> Its not overall 30.7

> It's 29k DPS


> Guys one number doesn't show the overall DPS. You have to take all 5 numbers and divide by 5. That gets you to 29.0k


> Which is on par with no kit engineer




DPS numbers in the combat log are the compiled average. What you're trying to do is weight the average to the start of the fight.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> >

> >

> > Ehm ? well we did it


> Its not overall 30.7

> It's 29k DPS


> Guys one number doesn't show the overall DPS. You have to take all 5 numbers and divide by 5. That gets you to 29.0k


> Which is on par with no kit engineer




1. You're average averages

2. Unless you can cancel the after cast every time shroud auto will out do gravedigger.

3. In realistic scenarios missing shroud auto is less damaging than missing grave digger

4. Shroud auto lowers the cool down in your strongest skill.

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> @"Boops.3852" said:

> I wouldn't get too excited about that quickness in the context of benchmarks; they're all done assuming 100% quickness provided by chronos. Kinda neat for overworld/roaming though.


The great thing about quickness is that it baslines everything so that there isnt a wonky interaction between the attack speed buff and quickness because I'm reasonably sure that the 15% from reapers onslaught actually canceled out the quickness in raids

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> >

> >

> > Ehm ? well we did it


> Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?


Well IDK I didnt this video, Subli does. I just post it

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > @"Catchyfx.5768" said:

> >

> >

> > Ehm ? well we did it


> Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?


Shadow fiend looks like the first thing that comes to mind, but it helps with applying chill and keeping life force up in a shroud heavy rotation. So it doesn't seem so obvious to me.

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> @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?


Well if you think that you can make the boss step in and out of the wall every second for the "perma fear" to be possible... It would be nice and dandy if _spectral wall_ wasn't working like any other wall skill in game and instead pulsed it's effect but sadly it's not. If it was possible maybe terrormancer would have been meta long ago. All in all it will most likely lead to a dps loss to use _spectral wall_ instead of the current skills.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?


> Well if you think that you can make the boss step in and out of the wall every second for the "perma fear" to be possible... It would be nice and dandy if _spectral wall_ wasn't working like any other wall skill in game and instead **pulsed it's effect** but sadly it's not. If it was possible maybe terrormancer would have been meta long ago. All in all it will most likely lead to a dps loss to use _spectral wall_ instead of the current skills.


Holy shit this is so good. Now the trait that makes feared enemies receive more damage (forgot the name) will finally be useful in PVE while not breaking PVP (what idiot would willingly stand in spectral wall?).

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > > Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?

> >

> > Well if you think that you can make the boss step in and out of the wall every second for the "perma fear" to be possible... It would be nice and dandy if _spectral wall_ wasn't working like any other wall skill in game and instead **pulsed it's effect** but sadly it's not. If it was possible maybe terrormancer would have been meta long ago. All in all it will most likely lead to a dps loss to use _spectral wall_ instead of the current skills.


> Holy kitten this is so good. Now the trait that makes feared enemies receive more damage (forgot the name) will finally be useful in PVE while not breaking PVP (what idiot would willingly stand in spectral wall?).


you got it wrong. it is NOT pulsing. an enemy has to walk through it to make the fear proc.

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> @"Aetatis.5418" said:

> > @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > > > Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?

> > >

> > > Well if you think that you can make the boss step in and out of the wall every second for the "perma fear" to be possible... It would be nice and dandy if _spectral wall_ wasn't working like any other wall skill in game and instead **pulsed it's effect** but sadly it's not. If it was possible maybe terrormancer would have been meta long ago. All in all it will most likely lead to a dps loss to use _spectral wall_ instead of the current skills.

> >

> > Holy kitten this is so good. Now the trait that makes feared enemies receive more damage (forgot the name) will finally be useful in PVE while not breaking PVP (what idiot would willingly stand in spectral wall?).


> you got it wrong. it is NOT pulsing. an enemy has to walk through it to make the fear proc.


Yes exactly, that's why I say that it is wishful thinking to use _spectral wall_ in PvE to exploit _dread_'s potential. _Dread_ as it is can just be use for very short burst of damage, which is fine for PvP and WvW. As for the "idiot" willing to stand in _spectral wall_, I guess he would have quite a hard time to do so since he would be feared kicking him helplessly out of _spectral wall_.

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> @"Jinn Galen.2468" said:

> > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > @"NICENIKESHOE.7128" said:

> > > Heya just a question, if my guildies (2-3 reapers) want to chain spectral wall for perma fear. What utility is should be swap out/lowest dps utility wise?

> >

> > Well if you think that you can make the boss step in and out of the wall every second for the "perma fear" to be possible... It would be nice and dandy if _spectral wall_ wasn't working like any other wall skill in game and instead **pulsed it's effect** but sadly it's not. If it was possible maybe terrormancer would have been meta long ago. All in all it will most likely lead to a dps loss to use _spectral wall_ instead of the current skills.


> Holy kitten this is so good. Now the trait that makes feared enemies receive more damage (forgot the name) will finally be useful in PVE while not breaking PVP (what idiot would willingly stand in spectral wall?).


No, it's not good. Current spectral wall is the only solid counter to evasion/dodge users in competitve modes. Reason is because it's a barrier that acts upon contact and not just pulses fears. If it pulsed fear, it wouldnt be hard at all to dodge through it, between pulses. Maybe if it was a combination of both like thief's smoke screen (block projectiles always, while pulsing blind each second) then it could work. But it then could be subject to double fear application (1 from collision, 2nd from pulse that happened at same time) making it unreliable and hard to balance.


Maybe a follow-up skill that destroys the wall for larger fear application around it, given you can only do so in first 2 seconds (paying price in losing at least 3s uptime of your "fear barrier").

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> @"Lily.1935" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > Just like that scourge meta is gone... :+1: Reaper flood in coming all the pervious scourge players who played it for the damage will be going right back to reaper.

> > All the reaper players will continue to play reaper.


> Actually no. Scourge got buffed too. Lingering curse and Furious demise are both pretty good buffs. And the new skill Devouring darkness gives condi scourge some new tech. Still sticking with scourge.


ok you got a point..... but still ive wanted to long for some nice reaper buffs that were not simply 10% axe damage. I guess i was so happy that i blurted that out without thinking about the lingering curse / devouring darkness > scourge combo. oh well its still a win win situation

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > Just like that scourge meta is gone... :+1: Reaper flood in coming all the pervious scourge players who played it for the damage will be going right back to reaper.

> > > All the reaper players will continue to play reaper.

> >

> > Actually no. Scourge got buffed too. Lingering curse and Furious demise are both pretty good buffs. And the new skill Devouring darkness gives condi scourge some new tech. Still sticking with scourge.


> ok you got a point..... but still ive wanted to long for some nice reaper buffs that were not simply 10% axe damage. I guess i was so happy that i blurted that out without thinking about the lingering curse / devouring darkness > scourge combo. oh well its still a win win situation


It is. If both can be good in team fights I'm happy. I personally think reaper should be bonkers for Sabathia on the cannons due to most its damage being on itself. And that 260% crit damage!

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> @"Loki.4871" said:

> > @"Ceit.7619" said:

> > The only real use I see for personal quickness generation is for split situations where a Reaper might need to go off on their own. (I.E. Sab Cannons) or other situations where the Chrono just might not be able to buff them. It'll still look like an irrelevant buff to benchmarks though.

> True but raiding is not the major gamemode and raiders are not the majority players. Most players (in pve anyway) are roaming around on their own or in very small groups and don't have a pocket chronomancer.



On the other hand, necro was always extremely good in OW, to the point of "anything goes". In fact, I'd bet majority runs pet builds there, which couldn't care less about quickness. Buffs in OW don't matter. In raiding they do though, as that's where necro lacks.

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