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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Greetings Arenanet. I do not know if my following requests fall under the category of QoL. They are requests for new stat combinations which I would like to incorporate into builds.


The combinations are as follows:



**Combination #1 (Suggested Prefix Title: Peacekeeper's)**


Healing Power (Major)


Toughness (Minor)


Vitality (Minor)


**Combination #2 (Suggested Prefix Title: Hunter's)**


Power (Major)


Precision (Minor)


Vitality (Minor)



Thank you.

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**Buttons "collapse all" and "expand all" on craft UI**


May be buttons or menu options, both functionalities:

"Collapse All (tabs)" and "Expand All (tabs)".

Currently when in craft UI, we need colapse or expand one tab at time.

Could be useful for craft speed and quality of life.

If no hard to implemente...

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There are a few QOL things I'd like added that other people may want as well.


-**A message in chat when a setting has been changed**. I have a hotkey to turn auto targetting on and off and another for lock ground aoe's to target. It would be very useful if I could get a message in chat to quickly see whether it is on or off without having to open the settings and scroll down. Similiarly for other settings i.e. "autoattack ON".

-**A message shown in chat when switching between build templates**. i.e. "build slot 1 loaded" / "Zerk DPS loaded".

-**A keybind to switch build templates AND gear templates at the same time**. Currently you can have a bind for build slot x and a bind for gear slot y but it'd be great if there was a third option to switch to both build slot 1 and gear slot 1 for example. This would be truly one button press per swap.


I think these would be pretty simple to implement but would be very much appreciated. Im sure others have some more ideas for small things like this.

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All very good ideas.


My workaround on the snap to target is to take a moment to try to aoe something and see where the target circle goes. If it doesn't snap, I right click to undo without firing, hit my hotkey toggle, and resume. The thing is I don't undo snap to target very often -- at the moment it's for if I need to heal the Visions tank Right Now and it's on the move so I need to 'lead' it a bit to land the scrap in the right spot -- so this isn't too cumbersome for me. If I was playing my Druid and needing to rapidly swap back and forth for dropping the staff missile barrier between me and my target, it would get very tedious having to double check each time.

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Exactly it can just be a bit annoying sometimes having it on when you want it off and vice versa. Another example is eater of souls where you need to have ground target on when throwing the orbs otherwise they might miss, plenty of times I've messed that up.


The notification is only for builds i believe but yes there is something in place already.

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Don't know if this counts as QoL, but here goes!


The ability to pause boosters, like the birthday booster. Even food would be nice. Some boosters only make sense in one game mode. If you want to play the same character in several game modes it is a shame to be wasting valuable boosters as hop.

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So I wonder if anyone is testing all the changes over the last few months or so (revenant) I mean. Surge of the mists? Its more like self stun of the mists now. No one even gets struck by it, even PVE lame mobs dodge it. Most all skills on glint have some sort of delay or graphic now that causes a delay. Auto attack stops any time you press a skill, causing the skill to malfunction or something, pressing a key that is a double click to get the attack to work does not really work 50% of the time even when you have clicked it 5 times. I mean, do the devs even play the spec enough to see how much lag, delay, straight up slow skill casting that has been put into rev that its almost useless to bother with. Ya might want to just have auto attack cause dmg to rev next, then as usual, you will have completely wrecked it. So many other classes in PvP have instant dmg, no delay, skills do not take seconds to cast and also do not come with some huge sign that says GET READY TO DODGE< here comes my skillfull attack that misses now due to self stuns, long delays to cast spells and so on.. I mean, the only people who fall for it now are people who are not looking. Its just terrible and obvious Devs are not really playing the changes they make. Play Rev for a few days, a few hours and watch how stupid it is now. How is it that even the heal, we rely on incoming dmg for heals yet it almost never fires when you click it. Almost all skills in glint do not work right when you double tap them, its like ya have to spam 50 clicks to make it work, all the while auto attack wont work during this time when other specs all can attack when using the skills. I mean wow, every other class functions with flawless execution on the skills yet rev seems to have added lag, latency problems, plain and simple added stuff to cause skills to not really work right. Play the class for more then (checking if it crashes the server) and you will see the mechanics of revenant are just so lousy now. (the glint lag in skills has always been there and everyone who plays rev for the first time complains) why do the skills not fire when you click them? Everyone knows this is just dumb, all other specs with this type of system work flawlessly.

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First, I'd like to agree wholeheartedly to the suggestion of being able to pin characters on the character-select screen. It would solve the issue of characters getting buried unintentionally while swapping, without forcing people into a manual-sort system if they're fond of the one that exists.


More Quality-of-Life Suggestions, by category:


**Inventory oversights, and Crafting Tweaks**

* **Ornate Rusted Keys** are a physical item you have to have in your character's inventory when interacting with the sunken chests. Migrating these to the new key storage system in the currency tab would be incredibly useful.

* A **Portal-Tome Anthology** gizmo would be a welcome addition. Portal Tomes as they exist are fantastic, but now that there are so many available, I find myself wanting an overarching master-book that I can put my tomes in for a singular multi-level menu (rather than using so many of my shared inventory slots). I'd love to see a vendor in game with this available for purchase.

* The **Homegrown Flowers ** from the home instance garden-plots (Krytan Spiderwort, Koda's Blossom, etc) don't have a material storage slot yet, which feels like an oversight. I'd love to be able to deposit these to my mat storage and stop having to store them in my bank.

* **At crafting stations, separate plank/ingot/bolt/cured-square refinement into a "Basic Refinement" category.

Right now, refinement encompasses everything from turning ore into ingots, to crafting Exalted weapon cores. It would make more sense to have the very very basic refinement options have their own drop-down. It would also prevent the frequent (and incredibly frustrating) mistake of accidentally clicking "___ Wood Dowel" instead of "___ Wood Plank" when refining, since they're right next to each other on the list and visually similar sequences of words.

* **Sort Refinement categories at top of crafting station dropdown lists**

Really minor tweak that can make all the difference sometimes. It can be annoying to scroll all the way down alphabetically (past Axes and Consumables and Feasts and Legendary Components etc...) when you're just doing the basic routine task of refining your raw materials.

* **Guild scribing-mat storage**

Since scribing is pretty guild-related as a profession, it would be awesome to have an area to deposit scribing materials for use by guild scribes. While this would surely need to be one-way deposit without withdraw abilities, you could then have a permissions setting to allow certain ranks to see items in the guild-materials storage as available while representing that guild at the scribing station. This could also house scribing trophies (Arid Dowels, Pristine Feathers, etc)

* **Allow deposit of standalone guild banners** (like the ones from the world boss events) **into guild storage**

The ability to toss ascended food into the guild storage is amazing. I'd love to be able to put in banners I've been awarded personally as well, for use by any guild officer, rather than having them take up my bank/inventory space.



**Guild Management**

* **A separate level of guild chat for officers/guild leadership. **

This is something I've seen well implemented in other games, and it has been fundamental in community moderation. Having a rank permissions-checkbox for "can read and send messages in officer chat" would allow guilds to utilize this feature or choose not to as they feel necessary.

* **Separate permissions settings for allowing a rank to invite members and kick lower-ranked members. **

I don't really understand why these permissions are tied together in the first place, and I know it's been suggested in singular threads before. Right now, this issue is highly limiting guild functionality, as it hinders recruitment and creates way more distrust than necessary between members (whether its officers having to heavily question who they want to give permission to invite members because kick-permission comes along with it, or members wondering why they aren't trusted to invite others and not realizing that the permissions are linked.

* **Separate Deep Cave treasury permissions from Treasure Trove permissions. **

As it stands, the vast majority of guild treasury slots (200/250) are tied to the same permissions. Yet, the Deep Cave is already separated as a tab visually (and adds a third coin deposit area). It would be much more helpful and intuitive to have Deep Cave have its own permissions.


**Gemstore and Cosmetics**

* **A Gemstore Wishlist** is something I've heard lots of support for from many people. Not only would this allow for more relevant gifting to and from friends, but being alerted when a watched item comes back to the store would be super helpful (and generate more sales since things won't be missed by people who want to buy them).

There aren't great third-party ways to manage this. It's much better suited to being a native feature.

* **Ability to decline gifted items** feels necessary and overlooked. I've known so many people who have told similar stories of having gotten a gift of something they already own from someone who didn't know. That's a waste for the gifter, and it makes people hesitant to gift to others at all in fear of wasting their money giving them a duplicate. The aforementioned wishlist would help with that for sure, but allowing someone to decline a gift/return-to-sender and refund the gifter their spent gems would make gemstore gifting a much better system overall.

* A consistent piece of wardrobe/character customization feedback I often hear relates to the helm slot of the wardrobe (glasses removed during cutscenes, wanting to wear custom headgear with outfits, etc). Since your character's face is their most defining point, that makes sense. My suggestion for this, (which I may have voiced before, but can't remember?) is to have a separate cosmetic "wardrobe" slot where you can apply skins for glasses, face paints, scars, and other small accent trinkets independent of the character's armor, outfit, or wardrobe-helm. Then, people wouldn't have to choose between a helm and face-paint or scars, opening a whole new world of options for skins in that direction, and when helms are removed for cutscenes, the cosmetics stay. Two birds, one stone.

* Now that back pieces are dye-able, I understand not wanting to apply dye slots to every back piece ever created. However, I feel we should be able to dye backpieces that came as sets with dye-able gliders. Hopefully it wouldn't be too difficult to apply corresponding dye slots to the backpacks of those sets?



* I recognize this one is a major change, so bear with this suggestion— **Make NA and EU server choice per-character, rather than per-account**

As someone who has friends on both NA and EU, and has been playing for a long time and have made a lot of investments in my account, I've found myself wishing there was a way to interact both with the people I know on NA, and the EU friends I've made in the community in-game without having to create another account and start from scratch. Currently, we are able to pay to change our server location even as far as from the NA to the EU servers, however, it is a universal decision that affects our whole account, and then has a time limit before you can switch back. I understand that since the advent of the megaservers, server choice (outside of NA vs EU) is primarily for WvW, so it makes sense to not want people hopping servers to manipulate WvW status. However, since NA servers and EU servers don't compete with each other, allowing an account to choose one NA server and one EU server at a time shouldn't impact WvW negatively in this way.

Allowing us to choose to migrate a single character (or multiple) from NA to EU, and play on that server while on that character, would bridge that gap well. And restrictions on time cooldowns, and/or paying to re-transfer the character would likely prevent people from over-using something resource-intensive like transferring character data between megaservers.


Finally, **Feedback/Suggestions:**

I know it might seem a bit over the top, but something similar to a trello board for suggestions/feedback threads might prevent redundant suggestions and streamline readability for both devs and those interested in the status of these things! A running list of open/closed ideas that we could +1 or -1 to agree or disagree might allow for more productive conversations on the feedback-oriented forums altogether lol.


(edited for formatting typo)

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> @"Tawniey.3796" said:

> First, I'd like to agree wholeheartedly to the suggestion of being able to pin characters on the character-select screen. It would solve the issue of characters getting buried unintentionally while swapping, without forcing people into a manual-sort system if they're fond of the one that exists.


I would rather have manual sort than current which sometimes characters move to front and sometimes they are not, and it has to do with keeping character last activity in `short datetime` format.



> More Quality-of-Life Suggestions, by category:


> **Inventory oversights, and Crafting Tweaks**

> * **Ornate Rusted Keys** are a physical item you have to have in your character's inventory when interacting with the sunken chests. Migrating these to the new key storage system in the currency tab would be incredibly useful.


Consistency dictates any new key added to game should by default go to currency tab, I'm not sure why anet forget this sometimes? may be some of developers don't play the game at all?


> * A **Portal-Tome Anthology** gizmo would be a welcome addition. Portal Tomes as they exist are fantastic, but now that there are so many available, I find myself wanting an overarching master-book that I can put my tomes in for a singular multi-level menu (rather than using so many of my shared inventory slots). I'd love to see a vendor in game with this available for purchase.


Totally agree, I rather have a single tome with all portal scrolls even a multi page. also introduce tome with first portal scroll, my last 2 portal scrolls are still in inventory.


> * The **Homegrown Flowers ** from the home instance garden-plots (Krytan Spiderwort, Koda's Blossom, etc) don't have a material storage slot yet, which feels like an oversight. I'd love to be able to deposit these to my mat storage and stop having to store them in my bank.

Not that they worth anything, most of the dyes that they can unlock, If I'm not mistaken was unlocked at some point during PoF launch. the rest can be purchased below 10 silver from TP. I would rather these flowers would at least unlock some rare dyes. currently I only plant carrots since they are the most expensive items in TP (1silver and something)


> * **At crafting stations, separate plank/ingot/bolt/cured-square refinement into a "Basic Refinement" category.

> Right now, refinement encompasses everything from turning ore into ingots, to crafting Exalted weapon cores. It would make more sense to have the very very basic refinement options have their own drop-down. It would also prevent the frequent (and incredibly frustrating) mistake of accidentally clicking "___ Wood Dowel" instead of "___ Wood Plank" when refining, since they're right next to each other on the list and visually similar sequences of words.

YES, Want this since start when I refined a stack of planks to dowel by mistake.


> * **Sort Refinement categories at top of crafting station dropdown lists**

> Really minor tweak that can make all the difference sometimes. It can be annoying to scroll all the way down alphabetically (past Axes and Consumables and Feasts and Legendary Components etc...) when you're just doing the basic routine task of refining your raw materials.

I like to see all categories collapsed when opening the UI and then I open the one I want to see, currently I can craft about 120 types of glyphs and the first thing I do is collapsing that group (and inscription).


> * **Guild scribing-mat storage**

> Since scribing is pretty guild-related as a profession, it would be awesome to have an area to deposit scribing materials for use by guild scribes. While this would surely need to be one-way deposit without withdraw abilities, you could then have a permissions setting to allow certain ranks to see items in the guild-materials storage as available while representing that guild at the scribing station. This could also house scribing trophies (Arid Dowels, Pristine Feathers, etc)

> * **Allow deposit of standalone guild banners** (like the ones from the world boss events) **into guild storage**

> The ability to toss ascended food into the guild storage is amazing. I'd love to be able to put in banners I've been awarded personally as well, for use by any guild officer, rather than having them take up my bank/inventory space.


No, Don't want it, I have 5 guilds and I don't want to deposit my mats in different guild by mistake. I rather have mat deposit in my own account.



> **Guild Management**

> * **A separate level of guild chat for officers/guild leadership. **

> This is something I've seen well implemented in other games, and it has been fundamental in community moderation. Having a rank permissions-checkbox for "can read and send messages in officer chat" would allow guilds to utilize this feature or choose not to as they feel necessary.

> * **Separate permissions settings for allowing a rank to invite members and kick lower-ranked members. **

> I don't really understand why these permissions are tied together in the first place, and I know it's been suggested in singular threads before. Right now, this issue is highly limiting guild functionality, as it hinders recruitment and creates way more distrust than necessary between members (whether its officers having to heavily question who they want to give permission to invite members because kick-permission comes along with it, or members wondering why they aren't trusted to invite others and not realizing that the permissions are linked.

> * **Separate Deep Cave treasury permissions from Treasure Trove permissions. **

> As it stands, the vast majority of guild treasury slots (200/250) are tied to the same permissions. Yet, the Deep Cave is already separated as a tab visually (and adds a third coin deposit area). It would be much more helpful and intuitive to have Deep Cave have its own permissions.


Don't care since I never had permission to any of those.


> **Gemstore and Cosmetics**

> * **A Gemstore Wishlist** is something I've heard lots of support for from many people. Not only would this allow for more relevant gifting to and from friends, but being alerted when a watched item comes back to the store would be super helpful (and generate more sales since things won't be missed by people who want to buy them).

> There aren't great third-party ways to manage this. It's much better suited to being a native feature.

> * **Ability to decline gifted items** feels necessary and overlooked. I've known so many people who have told similar stories of having gotten a gift of something they already own from someone who didn't know. That's a waste for the gifter, and it makes people hesitant to gift to others at all in fear of wasting their money giving them a duplicate. The aforementioned wishlist would help with that for sure, but allowing someone to decline a gift/return-to-sender and refund the gifter their spent gems would make gemstore gifting a much better system overall.


Totally agree not that I ever received an in game gift from someone.


> Finally, **Feedback/Suggestions:**

> I know it might seem a bit over the top, but something similar to a trello board for suggestions/feedback threads might prevent redundant suggestions and streamline readability for both devs and those interested in the status of these things! A running list of open/closed ideas that we could +1 or -1 to agree or disagree might allow for more productive conversations on the feedback-oriented forums altogether lol.


Totally agree, I don't even know if anet reads my suggestions or even anyone if I post here. and I don't even know if people like them or hate them. My post from 3 weeks ago is buried here around page 35~36 and you can't even relate replies to posts.


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Also, since ascalonian, coastal and palm lumber core are used to make trees by scribes, can the alpine one be used to make pine tree? The Krytan one used for swamp like trees like the ones in godslost swamp? And arid one used to make silverwastes like trees?

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A season 3 material/currency exchange vendor.

For instance, we could exchange 50 Jade Shards for 50 Fire Orchid Blossoms.


Also a spirit shard for tomes of knowledge exchange.

So just like the current opposite, which is 20 tomes for 1 spiririt shard, we could get 20 tomes for 1 spirit shard.




Last but not least.

We could also get BL statuettes in exchange for spirit shards.

So 1 spirit shard = 1 statuette



Keep up the good work.

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