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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Home instance gathering is something I do daily with my husband :) sometimes he stood his character outside the instance door waiting for me to be ready to do it with him and I didn't know.. he would be there forever waiting.. uppsy..??. I do not farm other map but home instance us one I do everyday xD we just do it like daily routine sort of thing. Those who does it too will understand ?

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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Home instance gathering is something I do daily with my husband :) sometimes he stood his character outside the instance door waiting for me to be ready to do it with him and I didn't know.. he would be there forever waiting.. uppsy..??. I do not farm other map but home instance us one I do everyday xD we just do it like daily routine sort of thing. Those who does it too will understand ?


Yep even if I simply log in for daily rewards, I always run thru my home!

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On occasion when the New Event Nearby text pops up, going to Map doesn't always show where it is until you travel in the direction of the event. Since not everyone has every event memorized and requesting events in chat for dailies does not always garner a quick reply... wondering if Anet could add an Arrow that pops up below the text with a generalized direction on which to travel to reach said event.


Just a thought.

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  • 3 months later...

I like the daily chores in my home instance. When I log in, I check the dailies and rush to the home instance to harvest. Usually it completes a daily too. It's a fix point in my playtime when I can greet the online guild members and friends and talk about the plans for the day. If they make a service to collect all of the nodes (maybe a cute sylvari for plants, a big ugly charr for mining and a norn for chopping wood) I'll buy them or get them if they story related, but never use them. I just like to do it myself ;)

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> @"HardRider.2980" said:

> Can we have a tool that auto completes a map as well

> Or auto completes a dungeon.


> When you compare it to such things.. it's very mad to ask personally and something Anet would not do.


you will have to agree that harvesting your home instance isn't really an integral part of playing though.

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The point is that this is another variation of one of the most common requests: can someone please either play the game for me, or have the game play itself for me. If you don't find the game fun, don't play. Now of course there may be only certain aspects you don't like (I don't like JPs - should I have the option of a non-mesmer insta-port so I don't have to waste time?). But if they gave in to all these requests there would be no aspect of the game you couldn't opt to skip. So there has to be a compelling reason to abandon the current system, which there isn't. Just people not wanting to play.

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I actually suggest this often myself:


**"Black Lion Gathering Assistant"**


* Gathers all nodes in the home instance for you by talking to them. All nodes are quickly used up and you get the materials in your bags. Make sure you have room or you'll get Encumbered!

* You will be basically 'lending' your tools to the NPC, so tools with uses will lose them, nodes will be left not gathered if you run out of uses, and If you have equipped tools with sigils or special gathering effects that produce bonus materials when talking with the assistant, they would be considered to produce bonus materials.

* It will also open chests if you have keys for them.

* Price would be something like 1000 gems, with a fee of 50 copper per node; or 2000 gems and has no extra fees.


> @"Biff.5312" said:

> The point is that this is another variation of one of the most common requests: can someone please either play the game for me, or have the game play itself for me. If you don't find the game fun, don't play. Now of course there may be only certain aspects you don't like (I don't like JPs - should I have the option of a non-mesmer insta-port so I don't have to waste time?). But if they gave in to all these requests there would be no aspect of the game you couldn't opt to skip. So there has to be a compelling reason to abandon the current system, which there isn't. Just people not wanting to play.


"Constantly pressing F" is by far one of the most boring tasks one can perform.

To the point Gathering needs an overhaul that encourages exploration over repetition, making it less about pressing F, and more about finding and reaching more nodes.

Like making all nodes account wide so they can't be gathered extra times with other characters, but in exchange giving them an accumulative daily login bonus that stacks up to 28 logins. So finding a rich node you haven't gathered in 28 days would give you way more materials per swing than gathering the same one over and over.

More events would reveal nodes when completed like "Kill Korritkir the Chucker" and "Return the arboreal spirit to its husk, and drive away the hylek" do.

More jumping puzzles and mini-dungeons would have nodes that become available to gather when they are completed without using teleportations.

World bosses could be considered nodes after training a Mastery, letting players gather their remains for materials, like getting Corrupted cores and lodestones from remaining ice shards after defeating the the Claw, or Branded cores from fallen Shatterer's pieces.


If they ever add fishing, it better not be a "press F" kind of thing, we have 10 skills slots, more than enough to have a fishing mastery system that unlocks fishing skills, baits to craft with cooking and huntsman to catch different kinds of fish all over the world, bait recipes to learn from regional fishing masters that teach us more recipes as we catch harder and harder fish and show our trophies to them, and of course a fishing collection for each region with all the fish you can catch there, from the basic ones to the Legendary ones.

But definitely **not** pressing F.

Pressing F once in a while is fine, all the time is too boring.

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I use rata sum for the layout, even though the jade node makes me angry every time I see it hidden away. The black lions gathering board was a colossal waste for the returns, so maybe that could be reworked to do the home instance? It's already on a delivery schedule, you get what's there in a nice little bundle and off you go onto the next great adventure. I'd buy it.

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As we all know, with each new LS map, we get a new node for our home instance. Thus, as time advances, collecting everything that our home instance has is starting to become a real chore, to the point that sometimes I'd rather just not do it. However, it does feel like a waste leaving all those nodes there waiting to be gathered.


So I was thinking, why not have an asuran tech gizmo that would allow us to remotely gather everything available in our home instance? It could be like the guild hall synthesizers, displaying a hologram of stuff as it gets gathered. The idea is that instead of running all over the place, pressing F next to each and every node, you'd just run up to your gizmo, press F, and go have some coffee while everything gets gathered up (obviously, the required tools, if any, would still be checked for and consumed).


To me, this would be such a great quality of life addition I would pay some serious gems for it, personally I'd even say this QoS is worth 2k gems for myself, that's how annoying it is having to loot my home instance everyday xD

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I totally missed this discussion when it first came up. And it wasn't actually that long ago...


I'll just say, that a home instance gatherer wouldn't actually yield any returns for a few years (given that most of the home node unlockables cost 50g each, and the gizmo itself would probably go for no less than 1k gems), so it's not going to break the game in any way that may actually matter. All it will do is save a few minutes of daily time for the poor people who actually spent hundreds of gold on nodes that aren't yielding any returns until the end of the game's life.


So, really, it's a QoS which isn't even as impactful as many other items in the gems store (I am looking at you, instant level 80 boost).


PS: Having spent [50g x node] for a bunch of nodes that I am suddenly too lazy to harvest daily, because of how much time it takes, is gonna feel like an even greater waste of gold than it was to acquire the nodes in the first place :x

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > Convenience only goes so far. At some point it becomes detrimental to the game. I've seen people ask for practically anything you can think of to make things easier for them, or to save time, some of it positively ludicrous. I would not buy such an item because I do not want to encourage a practice that, in my opinion, can give people more options to play the game less.


> Yeah, not having to spend 5+ minutes in solitude in a non-gameplay instance doing nothing of importance would be _such_ a detriment to an MMO. I don't think the game can survive people not running the same circuit of nodes time and time again, all by themselves without anyone even aware they're doing it.


Home instance is a daily event in my guild. Every day at reset and often after, I take groups of people into my home instance. We're all on voice chatting the whole time...well most of us are. I usually do 3 full home instance runs right at reset, back to back.

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> @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> Yeah, not having to spend 5+ minutes in solitude in a non-gameplay instance doing nothing of importance would be _such_ a detriment to an MMO. I don't think the game can survive people not running the same circuit of nodes time and time again, all by themselves without anyone even aware they're doing it.


Maybe you haven't realized but a very big portion of the time you spend playing this game is actually spent on "non-gameplay". You can reduce every little and seemingly unimportant thing to its core but in the end you will be left with something that does not resemble a game, a raw idea.


To be clear, I am not claiming that implementing the tool that OP is suggesting will break the game and strip it off its essence but rather that we must be very careful not to get caught up in the "zeroing game".



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> @"Eme.2018" said:

> > @"Manasa Devi.7958" said:

> > Yeah, not having to spend 5+ minutes in solitude in a non-gameplay instance doing nothing of importance would be _such_ a detriment to an MMO. I don't think the game can survive people not running the same circuit of nodes time and time again, all by themselves without anyone even aware they're doing it.


> Maybe you haven't realized but a very big portion of the time you spend playing this game is actually spent on "non-gameplay".

All the more reason to minimize instances of it that we can.

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Just give it the Black Lion Hunter's Board treatment.. Mail all my home instance node materials. Leave such things like chests that require keys, that you have to manually open. The less work I have to do on such repetitive stuff the happier I am. I'm already using Glyph of Industry for my home instance because of how long it takes to go through it.

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I'd be down with this.

Because I forgot those nodes even existed until I saw this.


Plus if you want to do "it makes lore sense", you can pull that too.

Just make it a Pact person who was injured in some battle who volunteers to do it for the Commander so that they don't feel useless. Or make a race-specific one, because what self-respecting Asura is going to walk their happy butt back to their house every day to mine those things instead of just making a cheap golem to do it for them?

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