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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Increasing the gold amount that can be stored in guild banks. Perhaps 5000, or 10000 gold? 500g withdrawals at a time are sorta fine. but i'm looking at it more for Guild activities QOL. like managing and purchasing stuff to raffle and events (ie: precursors/legendaries, etc).

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Hope I won't be repeating something asked multiple times before :) As it's seems rather obvious request to me, as an elementalist player (though I'm sure at least some other professions face similar difficulties).


**It would be very helpful to be able to evaluate cooldown states of all weapon skills on the rest of the currently inactive panels with one quick glance.**


As an elementalist, I constantly switch attunements. And in the heat of battle it becomes rather difficult to keep all cooldowns on 4 weapon skill panels in mind, while dodging fireballs :) For those who don't play elementalist - you most likely have some buttons like that anyway for your profession, which are shortcuted to keyboard keys F1-F4, so you should know what I'm talking about now. Or you have weapon swap feature, thus you always have at least one inactive hidden skill panel with its own cooldowns.


Hence, the suggestion (and I tossed in some monetizing and money sinks ideas as well, to make it more interesting for Anet ;) ):


1. Add a very thin strap surrounding each of the current attunements' pictograms on the panel at the bottom of the screen; it will be split into 5 segments each of which can light up with 4 different colors independently; for professions which rely on weapon swap feature, this strap appears around the UI button for swapping weapons too; due to how it's implemented (thin strap), it won't make the UI more cluttered

2. Each of mentioned segments is mapped to skill slots 1 to 5; when it's green, that means the corresponding skill on that skill panel is ready to be used; if it's orange, that means less than 5 seconds is left till cooldown will end; red - 5 to 10 seconds left; black - more than 10 seconds

3. The ability to see those color indications is not active by default; to start seeing it you need to buy a special kind of food for ingame currency, available from many merchants throughout the world (money sink); that basic food, if consumed, will allow you to see those indications for 30 minutes (no stacking); to justify it lore-wise: can be some kind of a drug which fires up your character's perception/memory etc

4. Players who specialize in cooking will be able to develop more advanced types of this food/drug - still using the base one bought from merchants as one of the ingredients (maintaining the money sink); those will have prolonged duration, up to 2-3 hours (the longer the higher is the price)

5. A gem-store item will be added which can be applied per character and make this effect permanent for them (a state-of-the-art implant, which will be auto-injecting the drug for you :) )


In before: no, it's not promoting pay to win, as simple food variants (ones that enable this effect for 30-60 minutes) will be affordable for anybody and bought with in-game currency, and more advanced food with 2-3 hours duration will be easily affordable for high-level characters as well. Buying gem-store item thus will just be a QoL acquisition.

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I think it would be a huge QOL boon to allow map/dungeon/fractal specific currencies to be traded to other player or guild banks like with gold.

We already have the Tyrian Exchange Voucher that allows players to collect those currencies without playing through the specific map so I don't think this is setting any bad precedents.


I am sitting on a huge number of Bandit Crests that I do not need as I have everything from Silverwastes (except shovels) that can provide any use for my account. I have guild mates that need Bandit Crests for their goals. I feel that it is silly that I cannot send those to the other player, but I can send 500 gold.


I propose a function kind of like the wallet that can be joined to guild bank vaults and the the mail interface that will allow you to select a type of currency and then an amount to send or deposit. The Tyrian Exchange Voucher would even be a good list of currencies to test this out with.


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Keg Brawl, being a very funny and invigorating activity, is time-gated and hard to access even for those who know and care about it. For those who don't know, it's hard to discover, as it's only accessible from a certain spot of the certain city, at certain days.


1. Activity-related NPCs should be present in every racial capital, not just Lion's Arch, and not just at one spot, but at a few in different points which attract players (still sending all players to a single global pool); ideally, there should be separate NPCs for each kind of the mini-game, and each of them should be available any time

2. A gem-store item could be added, allowing to summon such NPC anywhere on the map beyond city walls (similar to how BL agent NPCs are summoned), allowing those who wish to spend some money to attract more players to some activity to do so; also, such NPCs could be randomly positioned at different smaller towns and villages by the system, attracting more players who normally spend most of their time outside of cities

3. A new consumable should be added, bought with regular cash (gold), which would allow anybody to generate their own private Keg Brawl instance for a limited amount of time, only accessible by a set number of members of their party, allowing them to organize private Keg Brawl games with their friends and guildies, and serving as an additional money sink at the same time.

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Doing any personal story mission as a possible and regular PVE daily option, so advancing the story doesn't fall behind doing daily routine for players with a limited playing time, and to have more people being available for achievements and checking LFG for them on a daily basis.

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> I have no idea if it's possible or not... An item that summon an evil version of yourself choosing permit all your toons. As a toy? Can be funny to see several dopplehanger all around. But surely need a limitation like 10 max in the same area.


Could be quite useful for build testing purposes for PvP, for example, if it would be optionally AI-controlled as well. For example, to summon it in your home instance and check how well your build holds up against different attacks. With possibility to set different behaviour patterns from "stay still" to "dodge around constantly, casting specific defensive spells" to "come at me with all you've got". Could be a gem-store item.

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At the World Selection page it would be much appreciated if we could have a more comprehensive way to organize and select the characters in our account. When you get up to 30 characters it becomes very tedious and a real disincentive to add characters to your daily rotation. Something like an inventory display where you can organize and group the characters, and not have to repetitively scroll through your collection each time you want to load a character would be greatly appreciated.

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It would be nice if we could click on the "Watch" button of Daily Achievements a second time to enable an automatic-Watch function that would automatically add any of the specific indicated dailies to your Achievement watch list. I'm not sure how the order they'd be added would work, but personally I'd want them to be added to the top (since they are daily and should be higher priority) and, if possible, in reverse order of the section's categories (i.e. Overall Dailies added first, then Festival, then latest episode, etc.). A few additional options (like being able to toggle on or off the feature until otherwise indicated), or a separate Achievement tracker for Dailies specifically could be nice as well.


There's a few dailies that I try to do every day, and while I've gotten into the habit of checking the lists every day, it would be nice if I could automate it.

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> @"Generalissimo.8602" said:

> A single button to list an item on the Trading Post for 1 copper less than it's current lowest price would get a lot of use out of me.


This would increase undercutting rather than matching, which is annoying (especially when by such low values and when dealing with high-value, slow-selling items) and can also make it harder to clearly see what the average and steady value for the item is since you'd probably have tons of small-volume price ranges; it would also encourage the practice of posting a "fake" sell order at only slightly higher than the highest "buy" so that the gap is lower and hopefully others sell in bulk before the fake is bought up by someone else.


So it'd be a bit of a trade-off, but not necessarily bad either way. Would be kinda nice though, but I don't know if I'd want it. But if it was a right-click option on items, it definitely could be really nice for a few clutter items that don't have a sell price and arent materials and need to be deleted, like Lumber Cores.

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It is just annoying Anet, some skills have extremely large tooltip boxes that cover quite a lot of the bottom part of the screen. Any plan on intoducing some alt+key or cntrl+key combination to show the skill description so the text is not shown automatically? Another option would be to introduce an optional tickbox in the options menu to choose if you want tooltips to appear automatically on mouse hovering or not. Thanks!

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The only way you'd seen them, is when inspecting (hover over) unless you're what we call a "clicker", meaning, you click the abilities with your mouse.


Try to learn to use the hot keys, i.e. 12345 etc, or bind them to something else? Is that the issue you're having? If so, you'll find learning to use the keyboard much easier and faster in a fight.


If that isn't what you're referring too, I'm sorry I cannot help.

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In WvW, if you want to repair your clothes, you have to talk to a npc and choose to repair them

If you want to also sell something, you have to close the box and talk to him again and choose it, and a merchant menu will appear


You should change it to talking to the npc should automatically repair your clothes and open the selling menu


When you click on a guild banner, it shows a large message saying please enjoy this service. But to get rid of it, we have to move quite far away or click on the X. This should be changed to a small message that automatically disappears after a second and says please enjoy this service from whichever guild made the banner

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Okay this is something for us fashion war lovers out there! I know people have been talking about build templates well this is what I propose ... A fashion template!


So one thing I realized is I have a lot of these cool weapon skins, armor skins, etc. But they seemed to get pushed away with the legendary armor/skins and I kinda don't have much flexibility and what not. Here is something that I WOULD like to do though. Is it possible that in Tyria to be able to get a certain look tied to a certain map?


i.e. I walk into the shiverpeaks I want my character to be clothed well, and have mounts (like the new pack) and be able to have them already pre-fashioned for when they enter the map. So when I walk in my mounts are all changed, my look is changed to how I have had it set to. I don't want to go in to the map and then go into wardrobe and then have to fiddle with it for 30 mins and then go into PoF maps and now I'm all clothed in the desert. You know what I mean? So then I would have another outfit already picked for that map and I would be able to utilize these awesome black lion ticket skins and show them off in the desert. Or my icey weapons in the shiverpeaks. My jungly weapons in HoT.


The reason is I love lots of the skins but I can't be bothered to swapping the skin every fricken time I go to a new type of map. BUUUUT, If I could preset everything and have this awesome character go into a different map looking a different way I would feel more connected to it if you know what I mean? I know transmutations would be a thing but I feel like people would be VERY CREATIVE in their wardrobes and skins and show them off. That would be like Hey where did you get that? To some of the newer people coming in and you tell them what collection or what thing you did for it. Instead I see lot of the 'flashy' skins and like oh you got that from this or that, and that's the one side you see of that one person every time.


I hope this makes sense but I think that would be such a COOOOOL idea if you could implement it. I would feel much more attached to my character and feel like I had a lot more connection to it.


Best regards, hope this has support to come true <3

i.e. you did this with home city and the costumes for home cities but talking about kind of a more flexible and way to make it happen in the open world <3

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> @"ParaNoidAndroid.1406" said:

> This may be too much as a quality of life topic, but I would like to have map shards that allow you to join in after an event has started.


> For example, my friend was hunting Tequatl the Sunless, and I wanted to join in, but the map shard was full. That's a little inconvenient, and I don't know what the solution is, but that would be a huge QoL improvement, where you don't have to wait to join in with friends.


Sorry for yet another post regarding shards. But this same thing happened today, and it did give me an idea.


Can we please have an identifier for which shard of the map we are in? That way it will be easy to tell who is where. Bonus if we could somehow go to a _particular_ shard, by simply choosing from a list, or something like that. I think this will be a very welcome QoL addition.


Thank you!

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Engineer Elite Mortar Kit


1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click, 1, click...


Please turn 1 into a regular auto attack. This gets really tiring.


EDIT: Even with insta cast, you have to spam.

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