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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> If you're in a squad or party and you leave it, everything in party and squad chat gets deleted when you change maps or look at a different chat tab


> Chat should be changed so everything is kept


> If the chat box has become very full with any kind of chat, when we change maps or look at another chat tab, the top half of the chat will be deleted, including map chat and team chat


> The chat box shouldn't delete anything. Instead we should be able to choose in the options menu how much chat we'd like to show in the chat box. And please, make it much more than what it is now. We can only see a few hundred lines of chat at the moment. It should be at least twice as much


or at least dump to a text file log.

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A larger patch job but something I think the GW2 roleplay community would appriciate alot.


As an EU RPer it is hard for me at times to find fellow rpers and even with the LFG tool for RPers I think it isnt really working, my proposal is such:


In City hubs only (LA/DR/Rata/Grove/Black/Hoel and possibly Amnoon) It'd be nice if it were possible to add a mega server option that exclusivly filters you with other rpers in the area.


I know its a rather big ask and I cant expect something like this to appear tommorow, but I am suggesting it as a possible future update, so theres a mega-server filter, similar to how there was in GW1.

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Inspired by the discussion about movement speed in and out of combat: Sometimes mobs put non-damaging conditions on me that tick for what feels like an eternity after they died and that keep me in combat. I.e. walking slower and unable to mount. This is even more annoying with cripple or chilled. Sure, I could radically change my build to get access to a condition clear. (Remember: revs can't just switch a single skill). But I'd like to suggest a QoL approach: if a player has non-damaging conditions but would otherwise be out of combat, the condition should be ignored or cleared, so that the player can actually *be* out of combat. Maybe restricted to PvE, since keeping an enemy player away has value in PvP context.

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When Guardians hold their weapons and they have Aegis buff, there's a glowy purple shield on top of their left arm. That's the Aegis


![](https://i.imgur.com/X4idctp.png "")


We should be able to turn off the picture in the options menu


Guardians also have a blue fire picture around their F1 button Virtue of Justice. It disappears when they use it and it comes back when the Virtue is charged


![](https://i.imgur.com/omcidc2.png "")


We should be able to turn it off too in the options menu

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Right now, one of the hardest things for new players is understanding which skills cause soft-CC and which cause hard-CC. Why not make that easier by having the shape of the skill button on taskbar tell you that?


Instead of having all the numbered skills be squares, why not have normal skills be circles, soft-CC skills be square shaped, and hard-CC skills be eight pointed stars?

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So I am farming unbound magic using the gathering tools. I would love an opinion ingame (not in the gem store) for either an item that we can stack a single gathering tool in and uses the charges, like the pick axe has 50 uses, using this tool you could add maybe 4 pickaxes and have a single tool with 200 charges, or just have a way to stack these themselves. I think this can save a lot of bag space especially if you have the plant gathering tools since those are limited to 25 uses, and you still have the same use amounts but just in one tool/item, also saves annoyance with having to change tools every 3 minutes because it runs out because it has that few of charges.

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I've been doing some map completion and this still pisses me off.


I've mentioned this one before I'm sure but heck I'll say it again: Why does the content guide seem to prioritize hearts? I don't see the point in having a content guide that points me halfway across the map for a heart and just outright ignores everything else unless I'm already within spitting distance of it. I'd just add a "Prioritize hearts" checkbox somewhere.


> @"kamedin.4698" said:

> So I am farming unbound magic using the gathering tools. I would love an opinion ingame (not in the gem store) for either an item that we can stack a single gathering tool in and uses the charges, like the pick axe has 50 uses, using this tool you could add maybe 4 pickaxes and have a single tool with 200 charges, or just have a way to stack these themselves. I think this can save a lot of bag space especially if you have the plant gathering tools since those are limited to 25 uses, and you still have the same use amounts but just in one tool/item, also saves annoyance with having to change tools every 3 minutes because it runs out because it has that few of charges.


They don't want you to save bag space, they want you to buy bank and inventory tabs :P


On a serious note, I do agree though, same thing for Black Lion Salvage kits, I've been getting a lot of Chests of Black Lion Goods lately and I have so many salvage kits that even after I put one on each char I still have a few in the bank. It would be nice if you could stack salvage kit and tool charges.

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When someone invisible whispers us, we can't reply because they appear offline


Invisible should have an extra option to allow people we whisper to whisper back, while still appearing offline to everyone else


When we're invisible, we don't receive guild chat


Invisible should have an option to receive guild chat


There should also be extra tick box options to be invisible to all our friends, and all our followers

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**_I have not read all 22 pages of this thread.. I just.. I can't do it_**


QoL Suggestions:


1: **Meta Event Maps w/UNIQUE and INTERESTING Infusions** - Queen Bee, Chak, Pinata, Auric, Fractals, and Festival infusions are all "farmable", produce population, as well as multiple lines of incentive. Others I didn't mention, don't.. But, by creating more UNIQUE and INTERESTING infusion and placing each ONE in their OWN meta event map - I feel it would produce similar results and then some. Players would also get to enjoy content without ~~the stress of~~ begging for a group or assistance..


2: **Dungeon Incentive** - See above suggestion. However, I wouldn't just _bandage_ everything in Infusions.. Maybe update the gear skins. Maybe boost the chance for precursor drops within? Maybe a chance at BLC keys? Maybe a chance at old school skins that aren't available in market place atm? Whatever it is, it should be an item people want. Badges are needed but, obviously not bad enough. LFG Dungeon search is definitely not as busy as it once was.


3: **Player Housing** - Now.. personally, I find implementing player housing as a sign that the PvE community has taken over and it's time for me to move on. However, when it's something that came out at launch, that's different. So, I'm not sure if it's "too late" for player housing or not. Either way, if implemented, It could open a lot of market place transaction opportunities for Anet(and the community since items can be crafted). Aside from a marketing value.. City populations could see a spike. Especially if they are accessed via the home instance portal. RP communities would probably flood the streets! There'd be carnage and mayhem around every corner!


4: **Figure out the server mess(WvW)** - I'm seriously tired of moving servers every relink and i'm certainly not the only one.. It's BEEN hurting the WvW community/population for a while now. I mean, I know the money from xfers is obviously too good to pass up, and that's fine. But that won't last forever.. With the way things are now - it's just making the WvW community look forward to "the next best thing". That makes me sad, cause I really love the WvW community and competitiveness.


Hopefully "the powers that be" see some of the suggestions in this thread and breath them to life!

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Sorry for my English.


* Increase Magic Find by 300%, after limit add merchant selling Booster(30min) for magic find( we can use MF which we ate.

* More Giants to kill ( we need branded giants too, we lost posibility for Mordant Giants(Joko is dead)

* Add large button in inventory to deposit materials.

* New jumping puzzle like one in Draconic Mons, Gandarian Fields (Aether blade one) or Siren Landing

* Add new categorry in the Novelities "Mask & Capes"

* Add merchant in the guild hall with new novelities "Mask" and "Guild cape" to sell for Guild Commedations. Cape will be always with the Guild emblem. Mask style like Ninja, Assassin one, you can it put on face, left, right, back and behind head.

* Add Dragon weekend "Dragon Slayer" like one from year ago in Pavilon with good rewards bassed on kill tier.

* Add Daily Reward chest for choice for PoF metas for example: Amalgamated Gem stone, Supreme Rune of Holding (one source from casino), Piece of music box ( need 50 to complete Music box, every PoF map has diffrent music box for it) and few Elegy Mosaics

* Add Daily Reward chest to choose for HoT and PoF living story maps. Rewards to choose for example for HoT living story maps: Mystic Coin or map currency or 500 (or more Unbound Magic). For PoF living story maps: cloth, leather, trophy, wood, metal Shipment or map currency or 500 Volatile Magic (or more)

* Add Reward for the best Server in the week fight bassed on score points. For example first place final chest from the diamond and 2 Gramdmaster mark shard, second from the Gold and thrid from the silver.( that is additional reward)

* Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of kill players in the week match. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.

* Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of acquired objects. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.

* Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of defended objects. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.

* Golem week or different one for wvw sometimes.

* Additional 0,3 silver (30 copers) per level rank in WvW.


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> @"oFfIcEr.8730" said:


> * Add Reward for the best Server in the week fight bassed on score points. For example first place final chest from the diamond and 2 Gramdmaster mark shard, second from the Gold and thrid from the silver.( that is additional reward)

> * Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of kill players in the week match. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.

> * Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of acquired objects. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.

> * Add Reward for Server with the largest amount of defended objects. For example first place final reward chest from the Gold, second from the silver and thrid from the bronze.




It would be nice, but they've tried giving rewards before.. It just encourages transferring servers. So, the community would still move, but worse.. now there's a prize if you stack a server. Know what I mean? A reward would be nice, but.. idk if that'd be the way to go.


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Can you let us move the target nameplate to the side so that we will know if we're not actually targeting the enemy in front of us? With all the unnecessary visual clutter in this game, sometimes, the only way we know we're hitting an enemy is seeing the white damage numbers. Against large enemies, the target nameplate can obstruct and rob us of even that visual cue.


Because of the nameplate being at the center, blocking my view, it took me a few seconds to realize I was not targeting/attacking the enemy in front of me. This happens too frequently against large enemies.

![](https://i.imgur.com/5PXdW17.jpg "")

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Please please PLEASE provide us with recipes (mystic forge would be easiest) to change the type of our inventory bags. I have a 20-slot Invisible pack that no longer suits my needs. Crafting a brand new 20-slot bag is WAY too expensive for this kind of adjustment. And the same goes for the Reinforced Olmakhan Bandolier. I love the extra space, but I HATE HATE HATE that items won't sort. Please give us just a simple mystic forge recipe where we throw in the original inventory bag, a philosopher's stone or something, a crafting material for the bag base we want (cloth, leather, metal, etc; maybe an Olmakhan Latigo Strap or a Fury-Scorched Stone for the bandolier), and then a fine material for the functionality we want (dust for invisible, bone for oiled, etc).

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Can you let us move the target nameplate to the side so that we will know if we're not actually targeting the enemy in front of us?

> Because of the nameplate being at the center, blocking my view,

I've been asking for this since release. /em cries silently


Different topic:

In a raid content, with particle firework and [quickness](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Quickness), I find it difficult to read when an auto-attack [chain](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chain "chain") ran through (for optimal dps).


-> I suggest a toggle checkbox in the option to switch off the hotbar icon animations. Both flip and expanding area. That would help greatly and additionally reduce the visual overload.

An even better, but more extensive solution might include a colored frame or an overlay icon (e.g. red 1, yellow 2, green 3).


For illustration, that's the weaver air sword auto-chain with quickness.

![](https://i.imgur.com/tzSeRVW.gif "Elementalist Air Sword Chain")

Please picture it with a background like this: :-)

>! ![](https://i.imgur.com/30IwcIN.jpg "")



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Thank you for Elegy and Requiem armor!!! With, not one, but two light pants that are actually pants, PANTS!!! I love that they are without skirts or anything covering them up!! And, AND Requiem is not plain, it has SHINIES!!! <3 :3

They were easy enough to get since I had most of the materials already. Thank you!

![](https://i.imgur.com/a4vdxRB.jpg[/img] "") ![](https://i.imgur.com/oQmVWMZ.jpg[/img] "")










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Hey, so a small, but in my opinion a very nice idea.


Make Wardrobe Preview Window _adjustable_ or incrase it's size, or just width, since some races are very bulky and the weaons showcased can't be seen from all angles.


Also another suggestion - Scale up the Norn Female character in the Preview Window because they seem so fragile and little, badly adjusted to the size of box. Or just give players the ability to scale the character so they can see everything in detail etc.


Hope this wouldn't be hard to implement :) A simple thing but I'm sure it would be a huge deal for some!

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