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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Hide Weapon Tool Tips, for those that have been playing for months/years, we REALLY don't need to see a WALL OF TEXT whenever we mouse over a weapon ability (this ability is already in game, so to speak, as they vanish upon pressing that ability and stay vanished until you move the mouse off and then back onto the ability)

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With raids being a thing lately and new builds flying around. We need a way to test gear sets out with specific stats without having to invest all our money for a CHANCE of an idea working. This being said:


Make the advanced raid training arena have the following:

* Hologram Food/Item that lets us use any stat food/utility thats available in game for sake of testing. Stats are removed after exiting the Raid Training Arena the same as boons and banner buffs are.

* An outfitter similar to the ones in the PvP arena that lend you gear, however this is test gear like we get in betas/ temp 80 boost (the exotic armor boxes) - Also offers temporary ascended stats and trinkets. - maybe BLAND legendary gear that always disappears after you exit the arena.

* Rune/Sigil merchant that lets us lend the runes or sigils for testing.


These merchants temporarily lend you the gear while within the raid instance. Foods, Runes, Sigils, Armor, Weapons with all the stats you would need for testing builds.

Upon leaving they are refunded BACK to the merchants. (no you can not keep them).


This would allow builds to be theory crafted/tested to the fullest.



Please !

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> Over time, we've seen a lot of good QoL suggestions on the forums. It seems to be it'd be good to have a regular sticky post -- yes, yes, I know, we already have too many stickies! ;) -- so that these can be better seen, added to, commented upon, and so forth.


> So here's the official QoL suggestion thread. I will try to merge in previous threads on the topic of Quality of Life, but if you see any I missed, could you please PM me to let me know?


> Thanks!


Increase the number of mails you can send, or cut back on the 'squelched' time. I offered simple dyes to the guild, and after four mails, I'm on timeout. I get it for big, expensive things, or sending money, but c'mon.

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LOL at the new rev changes... Thanks, throws in the towel... Yea maybe high end peeps didnt like the combo attacks with rev and others, thats what rev is supposed to do. Nerf.... I do not think rev is ever gonna be viable in PVP with what you are doing. Ive suggested and suggested. Now Everything ganks me like im not even fighting back. Wrecked it even worse again. Maybe its just me... IN pvp we always hit the rev first because they die so stupid easy.... the set up should be for majority not for the few who have played 6 years and are very dang good at it. There are hardly ever any revs in the top 250 who only play rev... Its because they play other classes to make up for all the fails.... anyhow, Wrecked it again.... No idea what to say, I quit rev again. It just gets worse and worse. Paper armor or more like, crown of thorns armor, it does more dmg then good. FAIL.., Sorry, just truth there. Total fail. Why not just make them not even able to attack back, thats what it seems like now, EVERYTHING is wasting me like nothing now.

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Few ideas I would like to see


**Wiki menu option:** A lot of new players don't know about the /wiki chat code, would be nice if every item that had a right-click menu had a **Show on wiki** option


**Sort squad alphabetically:** Trying to find someone in a full or mid sized squad can be a real pain because the order is so random


**Commander/Lieutenant in front:** This one is a rarity, but occasionally, Lieutenants are not in the front of the subgroup


**Lieutenant should have a visible marker:** could be clutter, but maybe have it only show if the commander is not in the same map, or only show the Lieutenant of your subgroup. this would be useful for locating the Lieutenant on the map.


**Ready check visible regardless of map:** Currently if you do a ready check members that are not in the same map will be asked if they are ready, but the commander can not see their ready status.


**Guild Hall Instance size:** I get that this is rare and is a cost savings system, but I would ask for one change, if a member of a squad enters the guild hall, PLEASE make the initial instance shard for the size of the squad, it can take up to 4 map changes to get a squad of 50 into a guild hall.


**Nicknames/Account Names/Character Names:** the in-game mail and character tool tips should always show the actual account name next to the nickname/character name. This one is really infuriating Ill send an emails to our guild lottery winners account names asking them to pick a prize, but when they reply it sometimes comes from the character name and there is no way to cross reference the character name to the account, especially if they are offline. Same with nicknames, once you set a nickname on a user you cant see their real account name anymore.


**Guild leaders mail spam removal:** So i get why there is a spam limit on in game mail. But there shouldn't be one (or a more relaxed one) for guild leaders sending message to guild members. an example would be when its time to clean out the guild banks we like to give away items to online guild members, and as you can guess after sending 3 dyes, things come to a screeching halt. we also purge members that have not logged into the game for over a month. we where sending message to the users to let them know why they where kicked and how to reach to get back into the guild when they get back online. but again this becomes a painful task because of the spam system


Think that's all I have <3 keep up the good work anet


-Tiny Taimi

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Lot's of great ideas. I didn't make it thru all 30 pages so I hope I'm not repeating something but can we please break the novelties away from the mounts on the HUD? The mount spot is used a lot. The novelty spot is likely not used anywhere near as much.


I'm getting concerned over trying to mount up to leave a bunch of approaching enemies only to find I'm instead attacking them with an umbrella or balloon. I understand not wanting to change the HUD but it's been basically the same since the start of the game and a redesign might allow for numerous beneficial changes. I'm about ready to delete all my novelty items just to prevent it.

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Simple Request a Portal Tome for all of our city passes.


Just off the top of my head:

Royal Terrace Pass

Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey

Captain's Airship Pass

Noble's Folly Pass

Home Portal Stone

Lava Lounge Pass

Invitation to "Lily of the Elon"

Armistice Bastion Pass



I believe should be able to be entered into a book just like the living world scrolls for their season tomes. These are gem store items and I feel that they should not take up the amount of space they do in our inventories. It would be nice to get back some of my shared inventory space for other things.

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Can you ( please! ) fix mesmer's Signet of Illusion?

Make this signet spawn clones in PvE only if player in combat with chosen target.


Since your chrono rework, i had to use this signet for better Shatter activation, but mechanics of this signet is hell. It's simply randomly spawn clones if you have even a glimpse of combat situation.


Simple example in my case. I fought off hostile mobs, after a fight there is a small timeout for combat to wear off. And during this small timeout signet spawns clone, and it goes to fight with nearest neutral mobs even if my current target is nobody, even if that mob is not hostile to me. My actual hostile target is dead, no need for clone to spawn and run around map taking agro.

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This has probably been suggested already but I think it's something that is needed in game.

Objects like trees, houses, cliffhangs, whatever can obstruct your view should become transparent when it is in fact obstructing your view.

Right now it either just obstructs your view or (if it is a massive object) it'll jerk the camera between the object and your character which is very disorienting. Instead, objects which obstruct the view of your character and it's surroundings should turn transparent as it is done in Divinity Original Sin 1 and 2 for example.


The issue with this not beeing the case in GW2 is not only that you'll sometimes be disoriented or just plain die because you didn't see some deadeye or whatever in WvW but it also really breaks the immersion when you can't even see your character or his/her surroundings. I'm used to playing third person but loosing sight of my character because it is obstructed feels very weird and unsettling.


And about the camera jerking between your character and some massive object is even worse since it makes you feel like your not even in control of that character's third person view.


Thanks for reading and I hope for a time where I can move my camera around my character freely without beeing obstructed by stuff :)

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Hey Devs,


I've just had this idea once when I was swapping around legendary equip and so on between characters.

Would it be possible to create something like a mobile armor stand which can be placed in a shared inventory slot to make swapping gear between chars less tedious.


I imagine a chest-like item that holds one of each (armor, gear, 2 weapon sets) that can be opened from inventory using only one slot.


Thanks for reading.

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Would really love an option to perma LOCK the camera zoom level! So many events these days seem to mess around with the zoom setting (bosses/event triggers each time u accidently go OOR and back etc) so you get quickly disoriented especially when playing on these huge monitors/screen setups.


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Add a yes/no message before we attune or infuse equipment.

When I click on something to show me a location DO NOT take me there in map view, lock the map and close the map view immediately afterwards. Did it ever occur to you I might wanna look around the map and teleport to a nearby waypoint?

Oh, and actually remove the 10k TP limit.

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In addition to the points I made below:

- What about saved dye combos per character or over the entire account, just in case you want to return to an old combo or something?

- A version of the game you can play offline with your guild/family/friends.

- Add a Favorites option to the Trading Post and The Gem Store so you can remember stuff you like.

- Dyeable back items.

- Items in Safe or Invisible bags and boxes should **_**not**_** show up when using the Mystic Forge.

- Quaggan glider, chair, weapons, kite.


What about:

The back item version of the Floral glider, complete with a shower of flowers?




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