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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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A Net please fix the following.


• UI Hero panel.

Occasionally it gets stuck in a certain section, eg. Minis.

Even if you later switch to gear. When you next open the Hero panel again, it's back in the minis.

It's not major, but gets annoying after a while.


• Legendary scorpion.

Please fix its projectile aoe radius.

That thing didn't even touch my character, but it got it dead.

Things like this make you have to wp, and more often than not don't want to make you go back to the fight.


• Go for the gold.

I've been stuck for ages with the last 3 remaining ones, and been around Silverwastes about 10 times, to no avail.

Any tips in the designated window on where they are, would be


• Mini sounds and other player sounds.

For the love of God, will you please add a tick box or a slider to mute other players minis, or laughs, etc...

I don't feel like hearing the mad King's laugh for ages while crafting or sorting out my inventory.

Just like other players silly /laugh .

Also leveling up sounds are still too loud.


Thanks for your time.

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-Having the possibility to spawn a hostile version of one of our account character to fight it for fun. Make it a novelty or a feature for home instance/ guild hall.

-Possibility to turn ourselves hostile like when it happens sometimes when using class II Stabilizer. Again, as a novelty.


Totally another thing:

Well, in the past we used to have the possibility to purchase gift of war for 500 badges but now, there is no big cost items anymore. No items for 500 badges. Why not, selling mystic clovers for badges? Imho ascended armors for skirmish tickets was a bad idea, it should require badges. 350 skirmish ticket is insane. Also add a possibility to convert badges to skirmish tickets.


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Add Customization of Infinite Gathering Tools into Equipement Templates.

Infinite Gathering Tools have same behavior as any Legendary Gear. We can freely move Glyphs in and out without losing them.


Example: I have character for WvW, which is used for PvE too. For PvE i have Additional resources Glyphs, but for WvW i have Glyphs of Industry for all three tools. Lately i am tired of switching them in and out, and left Additional resources Glyphs for both modes, but it doesn't really bring much in WvW. For PvE and WvW i am switching Equipement and Skill Templates. If Equipement Templates will be able to hold same Infinite Gathering Tools, but with different Glyphs ( just like any Legendary Gear can use and re-use runes and infusions ) it will be most awesome.

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Please consider the following (if it hadn't already been suggested)

- Accessory/Ring Transmutation (To be specific, the legendary accessory Aurora, Vision, Coalescence)

- Include Mystic Chromatic Ooze as part of the novelty

[Would be great if we could the option to apply the visual effects to all characters instead of just one]

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Being able to open bags/use salvage kits/ consume luck when seated in a chair please! I'd love to be able to sort inventory while seated in the garden i made :)

By chair I am referring to placed chairs or chairs in the environment you use the action "sit" on, not the novelties. (I love that you can sort with the novelty chairs tho)

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Please make spawn timer of the veterans for daily achievements @ World vs. World maps shorter, like 5 mins shorter or something, they take too much time in waiting while doing stuff. Especially if they have been killed recently.


Oh and camping the champions is out of the time spent on fighting for your server or just you are filling the spot someone else might have from queue.

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I feel that a 'Portal Tome' style book for the hub locations; Mistlock Sanctuary, Royal Terrace, Armistice Bastion, etc. would be a great addition to the game QoL-wise. I have most of the passes but find that I only use 1 regularly. I, personally, believe that if they were all in a single inventory slot (or shared slot in my case) that I would be more likely to go to other places. As someone that doesn't see the backend, I don't know how difficult it would be for these items, but I hope that a feature like this is on the table. :smile:

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A new way to obtain BL statuettes like at laurel merchant or as login rewards.


Dear Anet, I love the ambiance of the core game, and I am an Alt- Holic, when I create a new character, I can't simply turn it into a key farmer and delete it 3 days after. Characters are part of my adventure and love them. No new useless characters = no new map completion = no map reward key or level 10/40 keys = 0 statuettes.

Those are nowhere, absent from reward tracks, login and laurel. I can't even have them from gold.


I ask you again, considering the bl statuettes vendor, 1 statuette = 1 gold coin (commemorative coin), so, I wonder, why can't I exchange gold for statuettes?

Or gems for statuettes if that is the matter?

I love bl chests skins. I like a lot the steampeak wings, what are the chances for me to have them? 0%


Thanks you.


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Hey team,

So, I've been thinking about a few things, and I have decided to pass along an idea to you. This is in regards to some core features of the game itself.

I'll be discussing About-face and its functionality, and the clickable boxes on character models for purposes of targeting.

Lets start with About-face. Currently, About-face allows your character to do a 180 degree turn away from your camera's facing direction. This can be a crucial tool to use in situations requiring quick retreat to re-position yourself or get out of the way of an attack. You can even bypass the camera turning with your character to remain looking ahead by holding the left mouse button (left click) while you press the key that you bound to your keyboard for About-face. But there is a small nuance that really prevents it from being used in an efficient manner, either by design or by accident. And that is this: If, lets say, immediately after you turn yourself using About-face and you kept the camera forward by holding the left mouse button, if you were to let go of the left mouse button and then click on the right mouse button to turn your character back toward the initial camera's looking position (great for movement juking), the game for some reason still reads your left mouse button being depressed, and counts that right mouse button click as a left + right mouse button combination, which forces your camera to turn around to look in the direction opposite of your camera's looking position. It's as if there is a short time that the game is still reading the left mouse button as depressed. So my inquiry for this would be: is there a way the team can look into eliminating, or at least significantly reducing, this period before being able to right click to turn your character back into the initial looking position without having the camera spin your camera around?


Second inquiry, is the character model boxes for purposes of targeting. I honestly think they may be either too big, or something is happening that is giving me a hard time clicking OFF of a character to de-target them (for mobility purposes when wanting to use a skill away from them that may auto target them, Engineer Hammer 3 as an example). I almost feel as if the boxes are a set width, regardless of distance away from you, and that width is too big (also noticing targeting nearby players/monsters quite difficult to do as well). Would there be a way to dynamically scale the size of the boxes based on how near or far your enemy/friendly target is away from you, and maybe a set reduction of the width for all models of character to meet a universal variable?


I think addressing these 2 things would make gameplay much more efficient and smooth, while also allowing more freedom in how players choose to approach and avoid many situations in the game. Please consider?

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Cross-posting this:


The new LFG update is a huge step forward, and makes maps much easier to navigate to - a solid QoL update, thanks to the developers!


A little more housecleaning would be great:


*Remove the achievements tab - achievement-oriented groups are almost always posted in maps, anyway, no need for an extra tab

*Remove the strikes tab - they're map-based, and should fall under maps.

*Remove Mentoring and Role Play tabs, two completely unused tabs

*Remove the "Living World" page under Central Tyria - people just use "Central Tyria - Parties" or "Central Tyria - Squads" (frankly, one of those two could be removed, too)

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Fix a long held irritation for new players in Central Tyria by removing the ability to interact with Season 1's Energy Probes.


New players are trained to investigate, and prep for meta events, and, as a result, expect the energy probes to have a point (not to be leftover detritus from Season 1).

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Suggesting again for "Collapse All" "Expand All" options for crafting recipes. To scroll thru them is wearing out my mouse scroll wheel. To use the name search, I have to remember the name of the item and then, when I hop to my next crafting char, I have to remove or change the name, as it shows the name permanently from the previous char until removed. To open the search filters, filter out my choices, then hop to my next crafting character and wonder why the recipe isn't there, realizing I filtered, resetting the filters, is way to much and unnecessarily complicated when a simple click of "Collapse All" will lead me to my desired section a hell of a lot faster.


Scroll Method:

Step 1: Scroll

Step 2-x: Repeat Step 1 until desired recipe.

Step y: Click on desired recipe


Filter Method:

Step 1: Click filter

Step 2: Uncheck unwanted filter parameters

Step 3: Check wanted filter parameters

Step 4: Scroll thru the remaining recipes

Step 5: Click on desired recipe.


Name Search Method:

Step 1: Type in the name of the desired item if you know it

Step 2a: If name is remembered, click on desired recipe

Step 2b: If name is not remembered, wiki it or go to scroll method.

Step 3: Repeat Step 1

Step 4: Click on desired recipe


Suggested Collapse All (and Expand All) Method:

Step 1: Click Collapse All

Step 2: Scroll to desired Subsection

Step 3: Expand desired subsection

Step 4: Click on desired item


'Collapse All' is less stressful, quicker, and nothing impeding will carry over to the next crafting character you go to.


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This may have been noted before, but I'll list some QoL improvement for guild decoration:

* Being able to tilt guild decorations.

* Being able to downscale guild decorations by, let's say, 50%. For instance, the new Peppermint Platform is HUGE and I would like to make smaller versions of the same platform.

* A new UI that allows you to control the tilt, direction and scale of the guild decoration. Default for size of the guild decoration would be 100%.

* The adventure UI and being able to place checkpoints for racing in the guild hall. I'm not asking for reward part in doing race in the guild hall, just the checkpoints and the same UI you see in any adventure.


There is flexibilty with these points. Tilt in guild decorations doesn't mean we get a full 360 degree rotation, perhaps just make it from 0 to 90 degrees with increments being 15 or 30 degrees. Same can be applied to the scaling of the guild decorations.

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Can we please bring some consistency to the unlocking text and colour? trying to distinguish grey and white is rather bad at times when you are in a hurry :\


The other night I accidentally bought pvp armor skin I had already unlocked, took support couple of days to sort out (PS: thanks support :))


Ideally, the most UX friendly would have probably [something] unlocked / learnt!

simpler option maybe change it to red text You have already unlocked this skin!


![](https://i.imgur.com/uPLnaTW.png "")


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Few minor ones:

- If a merchant is selling an account bound recipe, it should not sell if it already unlocked (for some merchants, this is the case, others not)

- Ability to hide 'nearly complete' achievements. I sometimes look to those for things to finish up, but some show up which while near (227/250 fractals) is hardly something quick to finish up. Or some festival related ones (costume brawl) which I'm not likely to advance much until next halloween.

- Ability to suicide (/gg) in pve - I sometimes get in situation where I know I'm not going to survive, but it takes the creatures a while to finish me off. I'd rather just go back to waypoint immediately (given that armor repair is free, I'm not even sure if preventing TP to waypoint in combat really makes sense anymore)



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o Add an option to have a confirmation when clicking "Exit to Desktop" to avoid mistakenly closing the game when you're trying to click "Log Out" which is IMMEDIATELY above it on the usual ESC key list. Either that or separate it so it's far enough away from the "Log Out" button to avoid such mistakes. Note that you already added an option to "Move Inventory Compact Option" to the bottom of the list for similar reasons.


Edit: Yes I know about the F9 option, but hitting ESC is deeply ingrained in muscle memory that despite trying to get used to using F9 instead just doesn't lock in. Besides, the ESC option list would still remain an issue when using it instead.


o Have already open windows pop to front when they are re-requested. For instance, if you open the mail window and you later bury it behind some other window (or five), then choose "Mail item to..." or use a hotkey for it, it just stays there buried in the background forcing you to juggle windows to find it and bring it to the front again, or mess around with the icons on the top row which then resets the window which isn't necessarily what you want. Even larger windows that are still partially visible are often annoying to try and manually bring to front depending on what parts are visible due to the partly transparent edges and how many other windows with all their overlapping edges are in the way...it's just annoying, believe me.


Edit: I suppose such behavior would be best as an option toggle a la the one for ESC closing or not closing windows. I close windows either by ESC or by clicking the X, but others might prefer to just hit the same hotkey to close a particular window.


o Add an option to disable autocomplete in the mail window's recipient field and either along with or in addition to allowing autocomplete only against whitelisted names (using the friend's list would seem like a good option to avoid a totally separate white list to be added).


o Add a customizable targeting function so we, the players, can pick and choose what goes onto our valid target list and what doesn't, at least in general groups. Things such as yellow mobs, inanimate non-attacking objects (such as destructible boxes as opposed to an enemy turret), etc. I've long since grown immensely tired of trying to re-target quickly only to start murdering a nearby moa or going ham on a weapon rack while my enemies laugh and jeer at my antics. Or heck, just give us an option to remove just those two things from our "Choose nearest target" or what have you functions. They account for 90%+ of the mistaken targets all by themselves.

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Requesting a colour change on gear rarity.

Not all, but just rare, and exotic.


Could change rare to orange or exotic to a deeper brown.

Maybe retain yellow in rare, but make exotic a luminescent orange to stand out; or brown?


Since Ascended is pink, and Legendary is Dark purple, they can be distinguished clearly from one another.


The others are also easy identified.

But rare and exotic are sometimes very difficult to distinguish.

Please change this ANet.



Also a timer option for minis to display only after a period of stillness and disappear once we move again.

I don't display minis because I don't want them always on show, as it's not very practical them being in the FoV while in battle.


Also, want to request again the Dye templates for armour, at least.

5 should do to start with.

I like to change armour colours according to the terrain I'm in, and being able to save them could be used for quick load, without having to change the whole thing again, and again.

Would be nice to have variations in colour dyes saved on templates.

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