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Sun's Refuge: a mix between guild halls and Home Instance? [merged]

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Kelly.7019" said:

> > **If this is supposed to be for player housing it fails since nobody can view it but you. INSTANCED VILLAGES would have been better. Allowing anyone not party bound to freely cycle thru instances and look at peoples homes. It's not open world, but leans towards that directions with interactions in mind. Limiting things to party bound sucks for solo players and not all your friends like to decorate.You can meet new players this way and new friendships are born with like minded idividuals. (assuming decorating your personal space will become a thing.)**

> >

> > because you know specifically after the sun forge thing the guy mentionad "All without a subscription fee" - suggesting personal housing was possible but they doing it the crappy solo instanced anet way. :( Why bother? We have personal homes already, do something different and exciting. At least if its tied thru guild halls that's something, but still not open enough in an instance. (think wvw instances)


> This is a baseless assumption lol


> We don't know if it is player housing, it just seems to be that way. People might just set themselves up for disappointment here. Besides, you are aware that people can join other players home instances right? What makes you think this will be any different if it turns out to not just be a story instance without any relevance outside of it?




LOL, its not baseless and its not definitely what is going to happen. It's a guess.

Listen to what they say about suns refuge at about the 4min mark. right after, they mention "all without a sub fee".

it's been said before it'd would be hard to do player housing without haivng a sub fee. This could be clue as to what they are talking about or not. It is speculation obviously, but its not baseless. (& i'm not the only one in this thread making this guess.)


and did you read that post? you are aware i mentioned the party thing right? yea i misspoke but apparently you didn't continue reading "Allowing anyone not party bound to freely cycle thru instances". The idea of only in a party able to see someones stuff is old and prevents people from exploring other peoples homes that you aren't friends with. Open instance villages would allow you to select a location and freely wander around in it, not bound by a party. Yes this does not currently exist in the game and yes it probs won't happen with the direction anet is going, but these forums are for this kind of thing. Giving Ideas, brainstorming, showing your experiences. It's all useful data (whether people agree with it or not) for the devs and even other players . Discussing new ideas doesn't mean its not going to happen.


People talked about mounts endlessly, others said no that won't happen. We have mounts now.

People talked about being able to sit in chairs since launch. "No that won't happen" nay sayers said. We can sit in chairs now.

many things are like this.

Just because its not currently in game doesn't mean it can't happen.

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> @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > Did they say when this would be dropping? Was trying to find a release date for Sun's Refuge, but doesn't seem to be posted.


> If it can help you on thatshaman expect the next update to be on 28th september.



28th is friday, im guessing you mean 18th ?

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> > @"Lavith.8930" said:

> > > @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > > Did they say when this would be dropping? Was trying to find a release date for Sun's Refuge, but doesn't seem to be posted.

> >

> > If it can help you on thatshaman expect the next update to be on 28th september.

> >


> 28th is friday, im guessing you mean 18th ?


Yes, my bad :p

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> @"MokahTGS.7850" said:

> Really, what I want is something that allows for trophies of content played. I don't even mind having to replay content if that meant that I unlocked some sort of physical trophy I could place in the world and display to my friends.


You want to show your friends how great you are??? Just joking :)




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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:

> > What do you want to bet that we’ll need to first clear it of [gigantic insects](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Secure_the_Refuge).


> Yeah requiring full squad to do it before the individual can own it.

> Then you need to put another 200 levels of scribe on board and endless amounts of grind in order to craft a few pictures for the wall and a statue of ya favourite pet mini....I can see all the same threads popping up again in complaint of the system so I won't be getting to excited just yet.


Reading this, I will not get excited either. Which is fine. Not getting excited will make it sweeter if the content is something I can do, and, if it is stupid content, well, then I will not be disappointed and upset.


Thank you Bloodstealer, sounds like a solid plan.




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> @"Dragana.1497" said:

> So I was watching an interview where they talk a bit about Sun's Refuge and what stood out to me is that Mike Z says that *in this case* we will get an upgradeble armour. **In this case**. Could we be getting something like this for every LW season/expac in the future? And you will need to do (grind?) events in order to upgrade? Using the currencies of the LW/expac the particular instance is connected to?


> Just throwing my thoughts out there. I could be very wrong.


> Starts at 6:40


> [



Thank you for that. Earlier in the video, when asked what's ahead for the Living Story, he says in regard to LS5 they are going to "start to bring answers to some of the bigger questions that we've left unanswered." Only "start to," but that sounds like some plot threads might get attention. Malyck, anyone?


At least Sun's Refuge seems to be showing up a lot sooner than that so we'll get to find out if it's spectacular or if it is draining soon enough. My first thought on hearing it described was "so, WoW garrisons. Whee." But ANet has shown they can take old tired MMO stuff and freshen it up amazingly, eg mounts, and they've certainly had a chance to dissect what went wrong with garrisons, so I'll assume they have something really fun in store for us until proved otherwise.


Just please don't let it take GH-Scribe levels of effort and mats to do tiny little things with the place, pleeeease ... :) Not that it seems to be real "housing" as such, but if it's player-customizable it could be an experimental step towards that.

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Will see, I'm very sceptical and only see that as the pact base of operation in Crystal desert :/ very scared that the instance would be sunspear-human centered again like all the desert maps... I hope that I'm wrong and that is housing with various decos and races but the probalities are low for me...

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ugh.. looks like that 'personal instance' will be somewhere in Elona. So I hate it already.


I just want something in The Grove (or Caledon) for my Sylvari, DR (or Queensdale) for my humans etc pp.


I have learnt to hate the Elonian maps. And I am very sure that nothing they do can change that.


Btw and old place? How about the Hall of Monuments? Or in Deldrimor? How about Denravi? There are many many places that would be nice. But no, they will put us in that horrible place with the unlikeable NPCs and the stupid, annoying wildlife. Thanks, but no thanks.

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Proper player housing has probably been the most demanded feature (along with capes and guild halls) since the launch of this game. While the Guild hall system came sort of close to providing a proper player housing system, it kind of fell short due to needing other players to help will it with decorations... decorations that they didn't even own in the end. Hopefully this refuge will be a good alternative and will allow players to finally have a proper player house and personal zone that they can decorate like a guild hall. If not, this system will probably fail :(

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Don't expect it to be cheap, don't expect it to be useful, don't expect it to come easy. Maybe I'm wrong, but upgrading your personal guildhall will probably be a grind of legendary proportions.

Seing that Anet didn't give us much incentive to spend time in our GHs, I hope they give us something to do in our own instance. I'm just not setting myself up for dissapointment here and expect nothing. I hope for the best but my experiences with the GH system lets me believe that there will be no incentive to spend time in your instance beside RP'ing(to some that's a plus, for me not so much, but to each their own).

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