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Why did you bring back the Dragon Emblem Shirt?


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> @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> "I am so very angry at the moment because other people have a chance to get the same pixels that I have (and that I use to lift my virtual ego above them)! It is outrageous!"


> /thread


> edit: and they say raiders are elitist, all I see here is fashion elitists (and _this_ is the real sad thing honestly)


This is fairly disingenuous.


Excessive ego and pride are different things. Legendaries, titles and birthday rewards are all exciting to get because of the sense of time, reward & dedication. If Arenanet today introduced a promotion that bumped everyone up to their sixth birthday, I sincerely doubt anyone would be using the 'pixels' or 'virtual ego' argument against the inevitable complaints, because it entirely invalidates what makes those rewards unique.


This was a fairly rare outfit given to people who went to meet Arenanet at conventions pre-launch, and various other giveaways. To say it doesn't matter is to say other items and rewards don't matter and can be granted to anyone, and I'm fairly certain most people would disagree with that sentiment.

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> @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


> You complain about a shirt that in your perspective shows prestige and dedication, while at the same time stating you moved away from the game. It seems to me that this dedication you're talking about doesn't amount to much in the long term (a common occurence for the majority of people in this world, regarding anything, really). It seems to me that people who still play this game on a frequent basis and love it "deserve" this shirt more than you do, by your own standards. Prestige is relative. It's just a status symbol, the need to impress, the need for acknowledgement by a larger community. The question is: why are you so hung up on the availability of a t-shirt from a franchise you've moved away from? You loved the franchise, emphasis on past tense. You thought it was going to be amazing but don't think that anymore. All I see is someone who thinks they've moved on, but haven't let go yet.


The shirt was rarest and most unique item ingame, it should have stayed that way. Just like multiple other rare skins and mini's before they added them to the black lion chest. For example molten jetpacks, scarlet weapons, and the original halloween skins. I certainly still do play, I log on and do stuff at least a few times a week. I still do love the franchise. You're wrong, they do not "deserve" it just because they play a lot more than me now than I did in the past


I admit the post was rushed and I should have took more time to write it out.

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Hate to burst your bubble OP but some guy could have gone to a convention years ago, got a code for that tea shirt, put it on his new account and took a five year break and still had that exclusive shirt because he happened to be at the right place at the right time. This isn't something someone earned by being super dedicated. It was lucky. Lucky he was at that convention. Lucky he was in the right place at the right time to receive that code. Few people are as dedicated as me, but I live in Australia where those were never given away.


It doesn't prove you're a loyal dedicated fan. It doesn't prove anything.

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> @"Vayne.8563" said:

> Hate to burst your bubble OP but some guy could have gone to a convention years ago, got a code for that tea shirt, put it on his new account and took a five year break and still had that exclusive shirt because he happened to be at the right place at the right time. This isn't something someone earned by being super dedicated. It was lucky. Lucky he was at that convention. Lucky he was in the right place at the right time to receive that code. Few people are as dedicated as me, but I live in Australia where those were never given away.


> It doesn't prove you're a loyal dedicated fan. It doesn't prove anything.


Someone could have made an account on launch day, taken a six year break, and logged on the receive all the exclusive skins. I don't think this argument of some people not being "true fans" is a fair one, if we're going to be consistent with other rewards of a similar nature in the game.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > @"TheNecrosanct.4028" said:

> > > @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > > It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> > > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.

> >

> > You complain about a shirt that in your perspective shows prestige and dedication, while at the same time stating you moved away from the game. It seems to me that this dedication you're talking about doesn't amount to much in the long term (a common occurence for the majority of people in this world, regarding anything, really). It seems to me that people who still play this game on a frequent basis and love it "deserve" this shirt more than you do, by your own standards. Prestige is relative. It's just a status symbol, the need to impress, the need for acknowledgement by a larger community. The question is: why are you so hung up on the availability of a t-shirt from a franchise you've moved away from? You loved the franchise, emphasis on past tense. You thought it was going to be amazing but don't think that anymore. All I see is someone who thinks they've moved on, but haven't let go yet.


> The shirt was rarest and most unique item ingame, it should have stayed that way. Just like multiple other rare skins and mini's before they added them to the black lion chest. For example molten jetpacks, scarlet weapons, and the original halloween skins. I certainly still do play, I log on and do stuff at least a few times a week. I still do love the franchise. You're wrong, they do not "deserve" it just because they play a lot more than me now than I did in the past


> I admit the post was rushed and I should have took more time to write out the post.


GW2 is not that kind of game. There is little to no prestige in the items you can get ingame. If ANet ever supported that idea, they abandoned it a long time ago. And I agree. If people need certain items to feel special, there are plenty of other games that do give that kind of prestige. And in my personal opinion people who need a certain shiny to show off prestige are lacking in other regards. Then again, I never understood the need to show off, or the need to feel special. To me it sounds like a self-esteem issue. I mean, all this shirt does is show you were at the right place at the right time to get it. Beyond that it means nothing whatsoever. It doesn't show loyalty, dedication, or that you've played the game extensively for 6 years.


I've heard these arguments before. "Voice In the Void" or "Leave No Hero Behind" (just a few examples) don't mean anything because you can buy the titles. Legendaries don't meant anything because you can whip out your CC and buy them off the TP. And you know what? They are right. It doesn't mean anything, not in that way, at least. I have a guildie who scoffs at the Dungeoneer title because you can now get it by never setting foot in a dungeon. He has the tokens to complete the achievement, but he won't simply because of this reason. To me, that's both hilarious and petty. Then again, the need for exclusivity in a game played by (hundreds of) thousands of people never fails to amuse me. Status/prestige is something that's awarded to you by others based on their perception. And seeing how quickly perceptions can change, it's ultimately meaningless. Just enjoy the game for yourself. Who cares what others think of you?

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


GW2 has a long history of bringing back "rare" items in different ways for more people to enjoy. The Jetpack skin, the recent BL chests that were giving a chance at the chak egg sac, the new vouchers ...it's a long list.


You really should have seen this coming and realized it ahead of time.


Also... driving 8 hours to attend an event just for a promotional digital item?

Billy isn't at fault here.

Nor is Anet.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> > It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


> GW2 has a long history of bringing back "rare" items in different ways for more people to enjoy. The Jetpack skin, the recent BL chests that were giving a chance at the chak egg sac, the new vouchers ...it's a long list.


> You really should have seen this coming and realized it ahead of time.


> Also... driving 8 hours to attend an event just for a promotional digital item?

> Billy isn't at fault here.

> Nor is Anet.

I should have realized it ahead of time? I got the shirt before any of that. I didn't drive for the digital item, I did it for the game and event. You're twisting my words here bud.



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> @"Theportalmaster.5026" said:

> > @"Edgy McEdgelord.4790" said:

> > "I am so very angry at the moment because other people have a chance to get the same pixels that I have (and that I use to lift my virtual ego above them)! It is outrageous!"

> >

> > /thread

> >

> > edit: and they say raiders are elitist, all I see here is fashion elitists (and _this_ is the real sad thing honestly)


> This is fairly disingenuous.


> Excessive ego and pride are different things. Legendaries, titles and birthday rewards are all exciting to get because of the sense of time, reward & dedication. If Arenanet today introduced a promotion that bumped everyone up to their sixth birthday, I sincerely doubt anyone would be using the 'pixels' or 'virtual ego' argument against the inevitable complaints, because it entirely invalidates what makes those rewards unique.


> This was a fairly rare outfit given to people who went to meet Arenanet at conventions pre-launch, and various other giveaways. To say it doesn't matter is to say other items and rewards don't matter and can be granted to anyone, and I'm fairly certain most people would disagree with that sentiment.


I don't know about anyone else but the things I like about the birthday gifts are the stuff I find useful or which suits my characters. The weapon skins, which are probably the most recognisable, are my least favourite part because they only look good on 1 alt I almost never play. It saved me buying something for him, so it's not a total loss but that's their only appeal to me.


I'm not going to use them on characters I don't think they look good on just in case some random stranger might notice and be jealous. It would just look silly and if they do notice it would probably only be to think how out of place it looks.

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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours straight to attend, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


There is nothing "prestigious" about this shirt. It is the equivalent of a concert T-shirt that says "I was there".


Your big accomplishment for which you seem to want to be admired is that you had to drive 8 hours to get your shirt. I would have had to drive for a couple of _days_ and taken time off of work to get to that convention. Should that have earned me an even rarer, more "prestigious" item? What about folks who came from overseas? This shirt has no "prestige" attached. It only indicates that you live closer than us. (I actually EARNED mine through an in-game contest. THAT should be worth more admiration).


If you want people to gush over you for being a long-time player, then you can display your TITLE which indicates your characters' age. Most of my characters got their "Devoted" titles (6 years old) last week, having been created on Day One. **Admire me! Love me! Bow down to me!**


But of course "prestige" in all in the mind of the beholder. Other people might look at my Devoted title and say **Showoff! Braggart! Get a life!**. The same goes for Legendary owners. Some folk may admire their efforts, but with few exceptions I look at them and think "Ugh! Why would anyone want that ugly thing?" So don't assume that just because you own something rare, people will admire you for it.


(And by the way... when you got your shirt, you had only been playing GW2 for 2 months yourself. So give little ol' Billy a break. Maybe his Mom drove him 8 hours too).

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You're upset that the item was a symbol of dedication but you've moved away from the game.


Sounds like you're not dedicated after all. So by your logic, the shirt was meaningless in your hands before this promotion even existed.


There are better things to do than complain about a whole lot of nothing.

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I am a big supporter of the idea that there should be a few rewards that are exclusive to people who were "at the right time and place" to receive them. I think it's a fun idea, even if I'm not always among the group able to obtain them. In GW1, for example, when I first started, it was fun to see how long a person had been playing just by looking at their festival helm.


The Dragon Emblem Shirt has never been exclusive to just a single event; it's been a give-away more than once. So what's the big deal if it's a freebie again, with less stringent requirements?



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> @"Fenom.9457" said:


> > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event,



> wait, wait is there a way to get it in game now!?!??!?!



same question here. Couldn't find it at the moment.

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:


> > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event,



> wait, wait is there a way to get it in game now!?!??!?!



Not in game. See the Kung Fu Tea thread. It is a promotion you can get a code for as well as a Heroic Edition code for installing the KFT app and linking it to a social media account. Currently the promotion has not been working for a lot of people as it seems the KFT app is having technical difficulties.

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> @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> >

> > > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event,

> >

> >

> > wait, wait is there a way to get it in game now!?!??!?!

> >


> Not in game. See the Kung Fu Tea thread. It is a promotion you can get a code for as well as a Heroic Edition code for installing the KFT app and linking it to a social media account. Currently the promotion has not been working for a lot of people as it seems the KFT app is having technical difficulties.



Wait so we need the app AND some social media crap?

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > @"JustTrogdor.7892" said:

> > > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > >

> > > > Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event,

> > >

> > >

> > > wait, wait is there a way to get it in game now!?!??!?!

> > >

> >

> > Not in game. See the Kung Fu Tea thread. It is a promotion you can get a code for as well as a Heroic Edition code for installing the KFT app and linking it to a social media account. Currently the promotion has not been working for a lot of people as it seems the KFT app is having technical difficulties.



> Wait so we need the app AND some social media crap?



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> @"Nihevil.8024" said:

> It was an exclusive reward for dedicated players of your franchise. It was a prestigious outfit, to show that you're a long time and dedicated player. Now it's nothing, thanks Arena Net.

> Now little ol Billy that has been playing for 2 months has the same item I received at your booth I drove 8 hours to attend the event, because I loved your franchise, and I thought guild wars 2 was going to be amazing. Not really anymore tbh, the decisions that this company makes over the many years has pushed me away.


Actually, the Dragon Emblem Shirt was never promoted as what you describe it as. The [Celebration Hat](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Celebration_Hat "Celebration Hat") were. I guess I could somewhat understand you if they had started providing _that_ again — but, I don't see a reason to be upset over the shirt. Having the Dragon Emblem Shirt was kinda dependent on luck; you had to attend a real life games convention in a country you may not live in, or be lucky enough to know someone who got a code to give away and/or get one while watching an officially sponsored stream. Very little about it were related to being a dedicated player. You can always put on your Celebration Hat, sport your new sixth-year title combined with the new sixth-year armor skins to enjoy an "I have been with the game for 6 years" status that nobody probably really cares about besides ourselves.


To put it in a correlated perspective; the return of the town clothes as outfits for BLC tokens has completely plummeted the value of my tradable tonics for said outfits. It has directly affected my Gold worth. It has made them much more common. Am I complaining though? No, because I think it's nice that people can get them if they want, without needing to spend 1200 Gold. They had become way too rare. Did your Gold worth go down because of the Dragon Emblem Shirt returning? No. How is Billy affecting you? If you're a longtime dedicated player, should something like Billy getting something you've had for a bunch of years make you less interested in the game? That doesn't sound like dedication to the game to me.

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