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why is there no personal housing in GW2 yet

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Go play Aion. Buy 16+ houses, tons of hours spent farming and standing in a bidding war every Sunday, to have it all taken from you for a server merge, only for them to say it was a mistake and re-introduce more servers.

Now i'm sure that won't here right? No one wants server merges. I think a personal instance is a great work round. However once bitten and all that. Not interested in doing any bidding for a house again.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Go play Aion. Buy 16+ houses, tons of hours spent farming and standing in a bidding war every Sunday, to have it all taken from you for a server merge, only for them to say it was a mistake and re-introduce more servers.

> Now i'm sure that won't here right? No one wants server merges. I think a personal instance is a great work round. However once bitten and all that. Not interested in doing any bidding for a house again.


Aion is also owned by NCSoft and they probably like all the money that they are getting from it

they will do it to guild wars 2 too because they are sad it isn't making as much money as Blade and Soul or its mobile games

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > Go play Aion. Buy 16+ houses, tons of hours spent farming and standing in a bidding war every Sunday, to have it all taken from you for a server merge, only for them to say it was a mistake and re-introduce more servers.

> > Now i'm sure that won't here right? No one wants server merges. I think a personal instance is a great work round. However once bitten and all that. Not interested in doing any bidding for a house again.


> Aion is also owned by NCSoft and they probably like all the money that they are getting from it

> they will do it to guild wars 2 too because they are sad it isn't making as much money as Blade and Soul or its mobile games


You seem quite sure it will happen, but I hope not. But have fun if it does.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > Go play Aion. Buy 16+ houses, tons of hours spent farming and standing in a bidding war every Sunday, to have it all taken from you for a server merge, only for them to say it was a mistake and re-introduce more servers.

> > > Now i'm sure that won't here right? No one wants server merges. I think a personal instance is a great work round. However once bitten and all that. Not interested in doing any bidding for a house again.

> >

> > Aion is also owned by NCSoft and they probably like all the money that they are getting from it

> > they will do it to guild wars 2 too because they are sad it isn't making as much money as Blade and Soul or its mobile games


> You seem quite sure it will happen, but I hope not. But have fun if it does.


there is a new sun lounge coming out that is supposed to be like an upgraded version of the home instance but an actual customizable housing system

and NCsoft wants money

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > > seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings

> > >

> > > im not talking about the home instance players already have thats a horrible form of housing

> > >

> > > i mean fully customizable housing where you can personally decorate your house and do things in it like in FFXIV or Runescape

> > >

> > > lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals

> > >

> > > please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!!

> >

> > Be cause this shallow pile of crap content is the most unimportant thing in an MMO. I would never use it, never care. If you want this crap go play Sims.


> It's not the most unimportant thing in an MMO but it's probably the most unimportant thing for you in an MMO. Just because you hate it doesn't mean everybody else or most people do to. You're not the template of the player base.


> Look at how many MMOs have housing these days and there's the proof that you're wrong. Apparently it's something that enough people want to make it interesting for them to do.


> Do try to look a bit beyond your own preferences once in a while, it's enlightening really. In the end you will find people here with different things on what they find the most unimportant in a game and that's the whole point. An MMO needs to appeal to various player groups to keep a solid player base, but you also need to realise that whatever you add, there will be a bunch of people saying it's terrible and a waste of resources. No matter what it is.


I am self-reflecting and well aware that it is my own opinion. That said it makes me so mad with the whole gaming market going downwards with casualisation that I am venting my frustration with such posts. That said, in my whole circle of acquaintances no one ever bothers about housing.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> > > > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > > > seriously anet u would make a lot of revenue off of this and then ncsoft would be less disappointed by the annual earnings

> > > >

> > > > im not talking about the home instance players already have thats a horrible form of housing

> > > >

> > > > i mean fully customizable housing where you can personally decorate your house and do things in it like in FFXIV or Runescape

> > > >

> > > > lots of players want their own houses and spaces to call their own and housing and decorating would be a good side activity when not farming istan or silverwastes or doing raids and fractals

> > > >

> > > > please anet add player housing in one of the next living world episodes or in the next expansion we need it and u would make a lot of money!!

> > >

> > > Be cause this shallow pile of crap content is the most unimportant thing in an MMO. I would never use it, never care. If you want this crap go play Sims.

> >

> > It's not the most unimportant thing in an MMO but it's probably the most unimportant thing for you in an MMO. Just because you hate it doesn't mean everybody else or most people do to. You're not the template of the player base.

> >

> > Look at how many MMOs have housing these days and there's the proof that you're wrong. Apparently it's something that enough people want to make it interesting for them to do.

> >

> > Do try to look a bit beyond your own preferences once in a while, it's enlightening really. In the end you will find people here with different things on what they find the most unimportant in a game and that's the whole point. An MMO needs to appeal to various player groups to keep a solid player base, but you also need to realise that whatever you add, there will be a bunch of people saying it's terrible and a waste of resources. No matter what it is.


> I am self-reflecting and well aware that it is my own opinion. That said it makes me so mad with the whole gaming market going downwards with casualisation that I am venting my frustration with such posts. That said, in my whole circle of acquaintances no one ever bothers about housing.


People tend to choose their friends or acquaintances based on common interests, so it's not strange that a person like you would find themselves surrounded by like-minded people.


And being mad about what you call "casualization" is rather pointless though I do understand it. And, well, adding housing is not making the game easier as it is. It's cosmetic and a fun side activity for many players (though I cannot say how many). So for me that has nothing to do with it by itself. Of course you would like them to put these efforts into tough content for you to play and enjoy but I suspect that that will chase too many paying customers away.


I think you'll agree with me that HoT was a much harder expansion content-wise. Well the reality is that after HoT the downward revenue trend continued. PoF was a lot more casual oriented and revenue went up this year for the first time in years. So for the game it was the right decision. I think that the right approach is in the balance of content for multiple player types but where that balance lies and why may not suit your needs, but it does suit the game's need.


I can understand that this upsets you, but that's the issue when you're part of a minority. Casual players have discovered MMOs as cool places to hang and older players have gotten tired of the endless gear treadmills etc. and just want to relax a bit more in game. And that's probably a much larger part of the player base than you would like, but that doesn't change the reality of it.


For me personally I was more into harder content in other games but since GW2 has a combat/class system that doesn't really do much for me, I play this game as a casual and that's fine for me. I guess I'm one of those older players ;)

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The game does have housing. sort of. it's the housing instances. It's just you can't really decorate them aside of the nodes that spawn in there. and the cats.


But, like take your human characters, if you go to dr's salma district. there is a house that belongs to you if you're one of the nobles. Lord Farren is always in it like he lives there. :/


I think for the other races though; the way they live isn't like that. The charr, sylvari, and even asura all seem to thrive in a more communal sort of living style than individual areas they decorate. Like for an asura, culturally would have lab. or charr's a garage. and in the sylvari instance, there is a spot that seems like it's supposed to be yours....


and lounges are for sure NOT housing at all. they are just public convenience joints.

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also if we're referencing how other games do player housing; I've spent A LOT of time in Lord of the Rings Online. Their housing is pretty awesome. The hooks to put stuff up on teh walls is a little limited, but the way you can stack and rotate things to create unique looks can be fun. People spend copious amounts of money there for upkeep for premium housing. To assume arena net wouldn't make money on some legit individual customization housing is ludicrous. It's just the sort of thing whales will come and dump all their $$$$ on. It'd be a win for Anet. The real con to it isn't that people wouldn't do it. It'd probably be sort of like how after mounts came out. People lost their kittens over the lootbox skins. It'd be like that. If desirable items for housing were gated behind lootboxes; they'd probably be in an uproar.


Also fair point not many hang out in the instances everywhere, but people who role play do use them. Just because you don't see people using them isn't' the same as them going unused.

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This reminds me of the old mount threads....

*crosses fingers for a gigantic housing zone* and they could split the players up by server.


Similar to Dark age of Camelot housing.


I dont think we should be allowed to have crating stations in our house though. That had a negative impact on daoc (killed city pop)




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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.

> >

> > Actually, player housing fits GW2 very well imo.. it's predominantly an extension of the fashion wars the game is geared to (no pun intended, at least not this early in the morning). Allowing players to take their fashion sense into decorating mode can lead to some interesting and fun things, but sure it won't suit everyone.

> > SWTOR has a pretty decent player housing system and is a great extension to good gameplay. Yes sure it could take players away from major cities and it could make some maps feel a little less populated, but that's something that ANET can address in otherways.

> > Player housing should not be looked at or targeted to be new content, more filler content, but when the players open the floodgates to their creative juices... who knows what might unfold. Personally I think of the fun I've had decorating my properties in SWTOR, but then think of the GW2 Guild Hall debacle and hope that if they do introduce some player housing , not to even go near the same concept they used with GH.


> Well, let's be careful ... Fashion wars is about your character, housing is not. You don't wear or hold or have a house on your person. I get excited when I get a skin I can put on my character because I can see how it interacts with my character .... putting a chair in a personal instance does not have the same impact.


Doooh… Player housing is an extension of your character and should you own one then you will undoubtedly try to make it your own by way of decorating it out to suit your own tastes.. just like you do your character... you don't put a skin on for functionality its about appearance so actually some people might say putting chairs, tables etc in does have an impact . Ever wondered why they have been experimenting with placing chairs, sitting animations etc.. everything in an MMO is potentially a trial of future things.

Just because you can't or wont thank outside the box, doesn't mean others won't.. thankfully.

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> @"crepuscular.9047" said:


> i think most people dont really give a kitten about housing just base on home instance and guild hall usage


> especially guild hall, it's player housing on a bigger scale, but look at how much time people spent their time in there? most people go in for daily node farm, guild buff, daily guild credit merchant and runs off; all those chairs, decorations, custom made JP / race race pretty much sits there gathering dust



You're kind of missing the point of how some of us enjoy housing.

For example the guild hall. I've made expensive gifts and done map completion to make decorations. Our tiny guilds hall is very very decorated. How much time do we spend in it? Very little. But .. sitting looking at it for hours isn't how we enjoy it. We enjoy the journey, the goal of making involved stuff. Moving things around to look better, designing. The rare occasions we are static in it just admiring or have bought an outsider in to gaze in awe, (lol), aren't the actual activity to us.


The current player housing instance just doesn't cut it for me at all. I want to decorate it myself not just have a preset area and not be able to change it. I hate that there is so many random npcs in it too, what the hell, get out of my house! Why can't I have a bed, chairs, a dining area, etc. It's completely impersonal and allows for no creativity.



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> @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> > @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > Because, out of everything this game can add and needs, player housing is nowhere near the top of the list.


> It's probably the most sought after feature after GHs, Capes and Mounts. Not sure what game you have been playing till now.


I can think of others more often requested, ecspecially when it comes to WvW, and PVP game modes.

Hell, GVG is 100x more requested.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> I can think of others more often requested, ecspecially when it comes to WvW, and PVP game modes.

> Hell, GVG is 100x more requested.


WvW, GvG and PvP are for the most part irrelevant to 90% of the game's population. The meme that they are dead game modes exists for a good reason. I mean lets be realistic here, if the PvP and WvW systems got discontinued, the game would still live on. If PVE got discontinued, the game would be dead within a week. I'm not saying that those features shouldn't be developed heavily as well. But Player housing is a much bigger potential retention factor for the majority of the player base. Furthermore, there are a lot of people who didn't even pick up GW2 because it had no "farmville" factor.



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> @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > I can think of others more often requested, ecspecially when it comes to WvW, and PVP game modes.

> > Hell, GVG is 100x more requested.


> WvW, GvG and PvP are for the most part irrelevant to 90% of the game's population. The meme that they are dead game modes exists for a good reason. I mean lets be realistic here, if the PvP and WvW systems got discontinued, the game would still live on. If PVE got discontinued, the game would be dead within a week. I'm not saying that those features shouldn't be developed heavily as well. But Player housing is a much bigger potential retention factor for the majority of the player base. Furthermore, there are a lot of people who didn't even pick up GW2 because it had no "farmville" factor.




I highly doubt its 90% as you say when Anet has stated that 40% of the population plays WvW and PVP heavily. If player housing was never added..most of the population of the game wouldnt care; i say this because its been 6 years since the game has came out *and* if players needed player housing to continue to play they would have moved on already, and i doubt its going to be a majority thats affected. *IF* the sunspear sanctuary is going to be there version of player housing, and theres building involved at all that requires crafting i know i wont decorate the place, period, the only way ill have stuff in there is going to be through achievements, and story unlocks, and i know theres probably a bunch of players with the same mindset.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > I can think of others more often requested, ecspecially when it comes to WvW, and PVP game modes.

> > > Hell, GVG is 100x more requested.

> >

> > WvW, GvG and PvP are for the most part irrelevant to 90% of the game's population. The meme that they are dead game modes exists for a good reason. I mean lets be realistic here, if the PvP and WvW systems got discontinued, the game would still live on. If PVE got discontinued, the game would be dead within a week. I'm not saying that those features shouldn't be developed heavily as well. But Player housing is a much bigger potential retention factor for the majority of the player base. Furthermore, there are a lot of people who didn't even pick up GW2 because it had no "farmville" factor.

> >

> >


> I highly doubt its 90% as you say when Anet has stated that 40% of the population plays WvW and PVP heavily. If player housing was never added..most of the population of the game wouldnt care; i say this because its been 6 years since the game has came out *and* if players needed player housing to continue to play they would have moved on already, and i doubt its going to be a majority thats affected. *IF* the sunspear sanctuary is going to be there version of player housing, and theres building involved at all that requires crafting i know i wont decorate the place, period, the only way ill have stuff in there is going to be through achievements, and story unlocks, and i know theres probably a bunch of players with the same mindset.




And I doubt that 40% of the population plays WvW and PvP heavily. But I'm open for a quote because if they said that, I'd like to know when they said that. It's mostly the term "heavily" that makes me doubt it by the way.


But as it stands, the older a game gets, the more interesting it is also to introduce new things to the game to not become too stale. In the end more of the same only goes so far as well.


I do have to laugh at these anecdotal comments like "I don't have any friends that want housing" as if that means anything. Bottom line is that it won't appeal to everybody but if it appeals to a large enough group to get involved in then it's worth doing because it adds an activity for a good chunk of players and a trade opportunity for the others, as well as monetization options for ArenaNet.


Those are things people can't really deny. Truth is though, no matter what someone suggests, there will always be people who think it's a bad idea for the game simply because they don't like it....which is of course a poor reason from a meta point of view, which ArenaNet needs to have of course. If they add sPvP maps, the PvE'ers get upset as well as the WvW'ers cause it's not what they want, etc. etc.


The fact that the game is six years old doesn't mean jack either. There is interest and if ArenaNet sees a good return on such an activity, they'll implement it. If they don't, they won't.


But between people actually decorating their places and others hunting or crafting down decorations to sell, I'd say it will affect the vast majority of players because both those sides are part of it. Decorations can be expensive to make or hard to get. There's a market opportunity there.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"GreyWolf.8670" said:

> > > > Do people really want to sit in their ~~garrisons~~ personal housing all day instead of being out in the world and playing? I just never understood the point of it.

> > >

> > > Actually, player housing fits GW2 very well imo.. it's predominantly an extension of the fashion wars the game is geared to (no pun intended, at least not this early in the morning). Allowing players to take their fashion sense into decorating mode can lead to some interesting and fun things, but sure it won't suit everyone.

> > > SWTOR has a pretty decent player housing system and is a great extension to good gameplay. Yes sure it could take players away from major cities and it could make some maps feel a little less populated, but that's something that ANET can address in otherways.

> > > Player housing should not be looked at or targeted to be new content, more filler content, but when the players open the floodgates to their creative juices... who knows what might unfold. Personally I think of the fun I've had decorating my properties in SWTOR, but then think of the GW2 Guild Hall debacle and hope that if they do introduce some player housing , not to even go near the same concept they used with GH.

> >

> > Well, let's be careful ... Fashion wars is about your character, housing is not. You don't wear or hold or have a house on your person. I get excited when I get a skin I can put on my character because I can see how it interacts with my character .... putting a chair in a personal instance does not have the same impact.

> >

> Doooh… Player housing is an extension of your character and should you own one then you will undoubtedly try to make it your own by way of decorating it out to suit your own tastes.. just like you do your character... you don't put a skin on for functionality its about appearance so actually some people might say putting chairs, tables etc in does have an impact . Ever wondered why they have been experimenting with placing chairs, sitting animations etc.. everything in an MMO is potentially a trial of future things.

> Just because you can't or wont thank outside the box, doesn't mean others won't.. thankfully.


Yes it is an extension ... I didn't say it wasn't; that's not the point I'm making. I said for visual 'bling', you can't put it on your character. I don't run around with my house attached to me, so putting pretty things in it is rather useless if I have to GO to the house to continually enjoy them ... and it's even worse if I can't do content. That's much different than a cool thing I can put on my hand or wear as a skin because you have to choose between bling you can show off in the open world while you can do content ...


or you can stand there in your personal instance and stare at an item that does nothing except look nice in the corner while you do just ... stand there.

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> @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > @"bara yaoi.3824" said:

> > > > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > > > Go play Aion. Buy 16+ houses, tons of hours spent farming and standing in a bidding war every Sunday, to have it all taken from you for a server merge, only for them to say it was a mistake and re-introduce more servers.

> > > > Now i'm sure that won't here right? No one wants server merges. I think a personal instance is a great work round. However once bitten and all that. Not interested in doing any bidding for a house again.

> > >

> > > Aion is also owned by NCSoft and they probably like all the money that they are getting from it

> > > they will do it to guild wars 2 too because they are sad it isn't making as much money as Blade and Soul or its mobile games

> >

> > You seem quite sure it will happen, but I hope not. But have fun if it does.


> there is a new sun lounge coming out that is supposed to be like an upgraded version of the home instance but an actual customizable housing system

> and NCsoft wants money


... and you have assumed that NCsoft thinks the only way to make that money is with personalizing home instances. You continue to say homes make lots of money for games but you don't actually have any idea how much revenue it makes.


If Anet thinks the BEST way for them to make money is static garbage in a personal home instance, this game is VERY much in trouble. If players have to sit in their home instance to enjoy something they buy in this game, it's the beginning of the end IMO. There isn't actually alot of opportunity for Anet to monetize home instance stuff. At least not moreso than the things we have now.

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> @"Lambent.6375" said:

> This reminds me of the old mount threads....

> *crosses fingers for a gigantic housing zone* and they could split the players up by server.


> Similar to Dark age of Camelot housing.


> I dont think we should be allowed to have crating stations in our house though. That had a negative impact on daoc (killed city pop)





As much as I absolutely loved DAoC's housing, I couldn't see it working for GW2, primarily because they'd have to dedicate a lot of space on the world map for it simply due to how many players there are, and it would just cause a ton of issues thematically. That being said, it is ANet we're talking about, and if anyone could figure out how to make it work, it's definitely them. And totally agreed that there shouldn't be crafting in houses, it would only kill cities even more than lounges already have.


On a side-note, I'm almost 100% certain that Sun's Refuge is a first pass/trial run at player housing to gauge interest in housing and gather feedback.

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Personally, I don't need any fancy housing to customise, but it would be a nice to have somewhere simple I can see some kinds of plaques or trophies or other indicators of all the different achievements I've accomplished in the game, like a gallery or.... a bat-cave! If that place included all my unlocked nodes so much the better.


The current home instances *could* suffice for that - they already have various NPCs who show up when you accomplish certain tasks, so the precedent is there. The downside is the home instances are designed to look like public spaces. There's also the Hall of Monuments. Currently, it's not much use unless you've played GW1, but maybe it could be extended to include GW2 trophies.


However, it sounds like Sun's Refuge might be a step-up from those. I don't know what to expect but I'm looking forward to it, whatever it is. :D

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The "personal character instance" is likely as personal as a collection is. You unlock a collection part and the instance reflects that giving you access to specific vendors for rewards.


I'm putting my expectations so low that I'm hoping that this IS NOT the player housing that was mentioned in the leak for PoF that didn't make it into the expansion.

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