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What is your Spellbreaker build?

Cave Rock.4869

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I know it's a bit redundant to post the same thing in two different threads, but seeing as this one is a bit more popular, here's my post from the SB SPvP thread:


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4Ynk6Ct6idhAWhAM7ilsAD/C/hLxK1gUXKAZwVACAA-jpBHQBO8IAEgLAAAOIAB8BA8h9H0WZAA


> Is what I came up with for now. I haven't tried using Surging Rune yet for that variant, but this has a lot of flexible strats:


> Rune of Earth syncs up pretty well with Guard Counter. You are going to want to abuse your bursts and counter all the time for the benefits of keeping you beefy, as if > the extra toughness didn't assist you there as well since Mara Amulet only gives Vitality. I've not determined if Power or Condi Damage wrecks me harder, I think condi by > a tiny bit.

> The combo going into D/D is to immediately land 3 into 4, regardless of interrupt or not, the damage values of those skills will still hit for 6-7k on heavies, and if you > > land the combo well over 10k nuke. This is just with two skills, I'm abusing Intelligence Sigil despite having decent Crit Chance because I want these to hurt when I land them.

> GS and D/D means you are ultimately sticking to someone in Melee, the Last Stand Trait plus your Featherfoot grace are methods for avoiding decent CC hammering you, and if you ever do end up under pressure you have traited Endure Pain, your Heal Skill (which is the only decent method to remove those condibombs off of you, otherwise better have Berserker Stance available to wear those condis down) and your general weapon skills to mitigate. Greatsword is still a great mobility tool, and since I don't have a shield I run Dogged March to minimize as much movement conditions on me as possible.


> I could fine-tune the build a bit, you might not want Winds of Disenchantment but either Signet or Rampage. I find Winds to be an excellent tool in group fights, and the cooldown isn't too harsh for it. Elites for Spellbreaker aren't as impressive as Berserker's Headbutt, but Spellbreaker has more power everywhere else I would say. Boon rip makes Guardians cry, interrupts naturally mess over Necros. The only counters I found were SBs running the Revenge Counter to apply reverse condis on me instead, a well-placed condibomb on me without my heal skill and my Berserker Stance, and maybe a sudden Power Burst around 60% life to deny me counterplay.


> Feel free to provide some feedback, I don't know where this fits in the teamplay long run, but Spellbreaker is a natural 1v1 traitline, and I wanted to see if I can bulk it up for teamfights, seems good enough to stick to most targets.





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This is based on my WvW experience this past week. I've actually been super greedy lately running Str/Disc/SB and full glass cannon stuff. Might Makes Right is just such a good trait I can't pass it up. Not to mention Forceful Greatsword, Reckless Dodge. I'm running Discipline for obvious reasons with Burst Mastery. The burst damage potential is insane. You can flank a group, pop the bubble, Arcing Slice, Full Counter, Arcing Slice, and you'll do upwards of 20k AOE damage in about a second.


I don't think it would be that great in organized blob fights since it doesn't have as much sustain without the Defense traitline, and you need to be constantly moving pretty much, where most tags are relatively static. However just running around the flanks of the battlefield and picking people off, laying opportune bubbles, and bursting unsuspecting squishies is amazing. FWIW my server has been in T4 this past week so maybe it wouldn't work against better opponents. My original plan was to start with berserker gear to gauge how I could survive, then eventually tweak the build to get tankier as needed, but I haven't really needed it yet lol.

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> This is based on my WvW experience this past week. I've actually been super greedy lately running Str/Disc/SB and full glass cannon stuff. Might Makes Right is just such a good trait I can't pass it up. Not to mention Forceful Greatsword, Reckless Dodge. I'm running Discipline for obvious reasons with Burst Mastery. The burst damage potential is insane. You can flank a group, pop the bubble, Arcing Slice, Full Counter, Arcing Slice, and you'll do upwards of 20k AOE damage in about a second.


> I don't think it would be that great in organized blob fights since it doesn't have as much sustain without the Defense traitline, and you need to be constantly moving pretty much, where most tags are relatively static. However just running around the flanks of the battlefield and picking people off, laying opportune bubbles, and bursting unsuspecting squishies is amazing. FWIW my server has been in T4 this past week so maybe it wouldn't work against better opponents. My original plan was to start with berserker gear to gauge how I could survive, then eventually tweak the build to get tankier as needed, but I haven't really needed it yet lol.


Hey SWI, yeah three things for sustain are hard to give up might makes right, sun and moon plus adrenal healing. Other things I like are the 25% run speed on melee weapons and condition cleanses on weapon swaps. Oh and giant bubble of doom for boon removal. :)


Cheers and thanks SWI for the awesome post. It was mighty helpful for any but especially new Spellbreakers. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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(PvE comments only) I just wanted to follow up on some of my previous build posts. I played power Spellbreaker for the 2 weeks since the patch dropped and found a couple of builds that worked very well for me (see previous posts above) and was a lot of fun. I was curious, so I just pulled out my old condi Beserker spec and ran it around the new maps to see how it would do. It just flat outperformed anything I could do with the power Spellbreaker. It was so noticeable that I've gone back to the condi Zerker spec. The real issue with Spellbreaker in PvE is that the daggers just don't bring enough damage. I think they would have to be buffed by at least 25% to get them in the ballpark with the condi spec. It is too bad, because I really think the Spellbreaker has a lot of potential. I will be watching the balance patches to see how things shake out.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> (PvE comments only) I just wanted to follow up on some of my previous build posts. I played power Spellbreaker for the 2 weeks since the patch dropped and found a couple of builds that worked very well for me (see previous posts above) and was a lot of fun. I was curious, so I just pulled out my old condi Beserker spec and ran it around the new maps to see how it would do. It just flat outperformed anything I could do with the power Spellbreaker. It was so noticeable that I've gone back to the condi Zerker spec. The real issue with Spellbreaker in PvE is that the daggers just don't bring enough damage. I think they would have to be buffed by at least 25% to get them in the ballpark with the condi spec. It is too bad, because I really think the Spellbreaker has a lot of potential. I will be watching the balance patches to see how things shake out.


Hey once again Stone Cold, you know what we need to play what we think is optimal or best fits our playstyle. If that means playing a core build I totally understand, because I know how it feels if a new build feels weak, predictable or not your typical play style. Also shifting from reliable constant condition damage to potentially unreliable and terribly hard to land power damage can also be a big challenge to master. Plus building for condition damage and duration can be easily used in conjunction with toughness or vitality for sustain. All key features for the core warrior. Straight power damage builds have always felt a little wrong suited for the profession. Strong burst damage, yet very difficult to survive when played. In theory the Spellbreaker looks awesome but in PvE practice not so much.


My feeling is that the Spellbreaker has been toned down in dagger damage because of the fact they can rapidly remove essential boons for enemy players survival. Spellbreaker to me seems very much a SPvP or WvW build. Possibly core Warrior might also be best used in WvW because much of PvE translates over to that game mode.


Cheers for being honest about ditching the Spellbreaker and going back to Zerker Warrior. I agree it is still a fun and strong build to play. I think it has a lot to do with the sustain provided by resistance and adrenal healing, in conjunction with awesome constant condition damage, which is incrediblely easy to apply rapidly.


Cheers Stone Cold for another post, many thanks for your ongoing help with discussion on the Spellbreaker and Warrior in general. Honesty sure is the best policy! Stone Cold you might just have inspired others to return to former or old builds that have been well tested and confirmed to work. Much appreciated from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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Thanks again Cave Rock! I appreciate you starting this thread and continuing to advance the discussion. I totally agree with you about the Spellbreaker being undertuned in PvE because of how powerful it is in PvP/WvW. Unless ANet splits PvE balance from PvP, I'm not sure I foresee Spellbreaker ever receiving PvE focused buffs. I want to say again that I really do like the Spellbreaker concept and hope it evolves into a spec that shines in PvE compared to the other strong Warrior builds available. It's already got almost all of the tools - great survivability (sun and moon style, might makes right, healing sig, and if that isn't enough adrenal health) , great support (banners, boon destruction, might stacking with dagger and greatsword), very good mobility (with DD/GS), an interesting and engaging playstyle, and good looking graphics/animations. It's really just the dagger damage that is holding it back, IMO. I actually do think it is our strongest power build at the moment, but condi builds are just so powerful in the game right now it's hard for power builds to compete.

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> @"stone cold.8609" said:

> Thanks again Cave Rock! I appreciate you starting this thread and continuing to advance the discussion. I totally agree with you about the Spellbreaker being undertuned in PvE because of how powerful it is in PvP/WvW. Unless ANet splits PvE balance from PvP, I'm not sure I foresee Spellbreaker ever receiving PvE focused buffs. I want to say again that I really do like the Spellbreaker concept and hope it evolves into a spec that shines in PvE compared to the other strong Warrior builds available. It's already got almost all of the tools - great survivability (sun and moon style, might makes right, healing sig, and if that isn't enough adrenal health) , great support (banners, boon destruction, might stacking with dagger and greatsword), very good mobility (with DD/GS), an interesting and engaging playstyle, and good looking graphics/animations. It's really just the dagger damage that is holding it back, IMO. I actually do think it is our strongest power build at the moment, but condi builds are just so powerful in the game right now it's hard for power builds to compete.


Hey Stone Cold, that is exactly how I feel when playing the Spellbreaker, so much sustain and plenty of options, but just lacking oomph! The lack of damage from the daggers could be improved by adding some more quickness to the Warrior perhaps on the daggers and to compensate for that buff perhaps slightly tone down the sustain of sun and moon. But still we see a general increase to damage and better performance of damage coming off the daggers.


To me they already seem like a weapon that should attack fast this would just make them an even more fun playstyle. Kinda like a Theif mode Warrior or Spellbreaker.


Anyway Stone Cold I think you totally nailed the problem with the Spellbreakers right on the head. More oomph is required for the Spellbreakers daggers. Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> I'll try a hybrid boonbrealer http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNApeSnUJCF7it6CWhAM7ilgAzYBUCDAItgfQMAPJvknyA-jpxDRAt9HAHBg9JA49AAOlBcHCAA


Hey there Vitali I like your ideas with the Sigils to remove boons. Only problem with the build is the lack of toughness and Sustain as it might hurt a bit. I known in SPvP Arenanet removed much of the toughness amulets but still Deadeyes or any other power damage classes might hurt a lot. Also you have limited condition cleanse.


SPvP can sometimes be about survival more than damage or kills. Nothing is worse than a team snowball. Deaths means points for the other team so try to avoid em as much as possible. Your build might be a bit hit and miss. But Vitali I wish you good fortune and luck in SPvP, this season. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > @Vitali.5039 said:

> > I'll try a hybrid boonbrealer http://en.gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNApeSnUJCF7it6CWhAM7ilgAzYBUCDAItgfQMAPJvknyA-jpxDRAt9HAHBg9JA49AAOlBcHCAA


> Hey there Vitali I like your ideas with the Sigils to remove boons. Only problem with the build is the lack of toughness and Sustain as it might hurt a bit. I known in SPvP Arenanet removed much of the toughness amulets but still Deadeyes or any other power damage classes might hurt a lot. Also you have limited condition cleanse.


> SPvP can sometimes be about survival more than damage or kills. Nothing is worse than a team snowball. Deaths means points for the other team so try to avoid em as much as possible. Your build might be a bit hit and miss. But Vitali I wish you good fortune and luck in SPvP, this season. From Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.


Thanks for the input, maybe i'll change Defiant Stance for Natural Healing (also good to instant cap Attacker's Insight) and Last Stand for Cleansing Ire when seeing condi classes on the other team :)

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Lately I've been WvWing with GS/Hammer, and found it quite fun, more so than GS/Dagger/Shield. The build's pretty normal I guess.




For now, I've given up on Strength / Discipline / Spellbreaker in favor of Defense / Discipline / Spellbreaker. The synergy Might Makes Right + Magebane Tether looks great on paper, however I still feel it's inferior to Adrenal Health + Revenge Counter. Less sustain, no condi copy / resistance, plus a warrior gets kited a lot, and getting might consistently is not an easy thing for me (except against groups). Maybe if meditations could be traited to grant might on use, I'd consider dropping a stance for another meditation skill.


Full Counter shines in group fights. There's always that guy that does not pay attention to it, inflicting damage to his comrades who do (must be frustrating, and I myself have become wary of my allies when facing spellbreakers). In duels however, people are now used to Full Counter, to the point a core warrior build is undoubtedly stronger (except against high condi pressure).


Winds of Disenchantments is obviously superb in group fights, a properly timed one can be devastating, I've been having great fun in that. However in smaller group fights, or duels, it's way less interesting - the opponents get the original debuff, and that's all (not enough ROI for an elite).

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> Hey Elegie, wow thanks heaps for the helpful ideas. Are you tanking hammer for more zerg based AoE boon removal?


I follow friendly zergs here and there - hammer is so nice in large fights! I also love Winds of Disenchantments, especially with a commander that knows how to seize momentum.


In an organized guild run, where I could expect support from allies (water fields to blast in, stability, condi cleanse), I would trait more aggressively - Cleansing Ire, Enchantment Collapse, Loss Aversion - and maybe equip Break Enchantments. Unfortunately, the WvW guild I used to belong to has disbanded years ago... :)


> It's a pity you can't fit in a might make right which might heal you a fair bit with AoE strikes.


Indeed! I was so excited when they provided Might Makes Right on the Strength line, hinting towards Strength/Discipline/Spellbreaker settings. I'll try again for sure, I probably need more training to make it work.


What are you running currently?

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> @Elegie.3620 said:


> Indeed! I was so excited when they provided Might Makes Right on the Strength line, hinting towards Strength/Discipline/Spellbreaker settings. I'll try again for sure, I probably need more training to make it work.


I know you weren't asking me, but I have been using Might Makes Right and I think it is sooo strong on spellbreaker. I saw your earlier comment about not being able to consistently generate might. I have the same problems at times, but I have found some things that help a lot. First of all I use Superior Sigil of Ruthlessness on my Dagger/Shield weapon set. It gives might on interrupt and I have potentially 3 interrupts with that setup. It would probably be really good for the Hammer as well, but I haven't tested it. Superior Sigil of Strength and Runes of Strength are also options. Versatile Power in Discipline and Restorative Strength are traits that help a lot. Obviously you don't have to do all of this, but those are some options to generate more might.


I've been using Str/Disc/SB and while I don't have the auto-proc Endure Pain or Adrenal Health, I think the extra dodges make up for it.

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> @SWI.4127 said:

> I know you weren't asking me, but I have been using Might Makes Right and I think it is sooo strong on spellbreaker. I saw your earlier comment about not being able to consistently generate might. I have the same problems at times, but I have found some things that help a lot.


Thanks for all the suggestions, changing sigils and runes is definitely possible, I'll try and experiment again later with that. Not sure about Restorative Strength though, I'm relying on the passive of the Healing Signet, using the active as a panic button if I let myself condi-bombed.


Aside from Adrenal Health and Defy Pain, what pains me is losing Last Stand. Last Stand gives me regular stability (I'm now used to follow its activation and cooldown), so that frees a utility slot - I use Feather's Grace, Berserker Stance and Endure Pain. Without Last Stand, I feel I need to slot Balanced Stance, losing either Feather's Grace or (more probably) Endure Pain, both of them being quite good. I could exchange the Healing Signet for the healing stance though, and try out Restorative Strength.

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> @Elegie.3620 said:

> > @SWI.4127 said:

> > I know you weren't asking me, but I have been using Might Makes Right and I think it is sooo strong on spellbreaker. I saw your earlier comment about not being able to consistently generate might. I have the same problems at times, but I have found some things that help a lot.


> Thanks for all the suggestions, changing sigils and runes is definitely possible, I'll try and experiment again later with that. Not sure about Restorative Strength though, I'm relying on the passive of the Healing Signet, using the active as a panic button if I let myself condi-bombed.


> Aside from Adrenal Health and Defy Pain, what pains me is losing Last Stand. Last Stand gives me regular stability (I'm now used to follow its activation and cooldown), so that frees a utility slot - I use Feather's Grace, Berserker Stance and Endure Pain. Without Last Stand, I feel I need to slot Balanced Stance, losing either Feather's Grace or (more probably) Endure Pain, both of them being quite good. I could exchange the Healing Signet for the healing stance though, and try out Restorative Strength.


Hey again Elegie two things, first of all trait and utility choice are so difficult these days it's rough aint it. But in a good way, that can also do your head in a times right! /Ponder which to take hmm.


The second thing is I have a that you or other Spellbreakers might be able to answer. is there a way to have almost permanent resistance? Because some Warriors I face manage their resistance much better than myself.


Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42, and thanks as always for the participation in the discussion.

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PVT Mace/Shield as main selection. I rotate between a different weapon as second depending on where I am, but usually rifle for ease at ranged. Utilities vary depending on whether I need condition removal, stability or anything else. The elite I use ofc. Traits are defence, discipline and spellbreaker.


It isn't optimum or high dps, but it's what I enjoy playing and I've used it to solo some dangerous mobs I ordinarily wouldn't be able to go near. It wont get me invited to any raids though sadly, but that's the trade off I guess.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> The second thing is I have a that you or other Spellbreakers might be able to answer. is there a way to have almost permanent resistance? Because some Warriors I face manage their resistance much better than myself.


All is tied to boon duration.

With Diviner Amulet (PvP)+Rune of Leadership you can have 100% boon duration and you can have perma Resistance easily but..

you'll lose damage output and boon strip/corruption will become even more dangerous at the point of making the build unplayable.


[Profession's Resistance access](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQBby0BUFC2qLSUbAcCA)


other sources:

[superior Rune of the Revenant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Revenant)

[superior Rune of Durability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Durability)


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> @Vitali.5039 said:

> > @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> > The second thing is I have a that you or other Spellbreakers might be able to answer. is there a way to have almost permanent resistance? Because some Warriors I face manage their resistance much better than myself.


> All is tied to boon duration.

> With Diviner Amulet (PvP)+Rune of Leadership you can have 100% boon duration and you can have perma Resistance easily but..

> you'll lose damage output and boon strip/corruption will become even more dangerous at the point of making the build unplayable.


> [Profession's Resistance access](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQBby0BUFC2qLSUbAcCA)


> other sources:

> [superior Rune of the Revenant](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Revenant)

> [superior Rune of Durability](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_Durability)



Thanks heaps Vitali that was incredibly help of you Cheers from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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> @"Cave Rock.4869" said:

> has anyone come up with a permanent resistance build or close to it that can help out others?


Commander gear, a rev to boost boon application, some foods and you're already halfway there. But honestly perma resistance is something that is rather limited in actual real world application... especially when Scum meta can just melt anyone with the infamous 4-button-push-to-win technique. While corrupting your boons.


Like, what boons bro ?


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> @mnpksage.4290 said:

> I'm running a Phalanx Strength Spellbreaker with Greatsword/ Dagger - Dagger, it's fun for fractals and group play. Pretty survive-y for solo play, too.


Hey mnpksage, there is just something fun about the Spellbreaker daggers and bladestorm in conjunction with the Warriors greatsword one hundred blades. Plus that survivability :)


I kinda wish I had done more fractals when they came out, I guess it was just that my friends/mates were not really into them at that time or even now. I like the story and idea, perhaps the implementation might be a bit off with fractals for me to get into them myself.


I kinda imagined them like Aincrad out of Sword Art Online, the more you progressed the harder the got, and each level had to be cleared before you got to the next. Not these challenge mode versions and such etc, you know what I mean.


To many for awhile fractals just turned out to be a way to make gold and not an instanced adventure. Well atleast that is how I saw the history of the Fractals of the Mist unfold.Cheers for the post from Cave Rock and Bluevoltron42.

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