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Make Choices in Character Creation Great Ag... Still


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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > @"Lizdeath.5143" said:

> > > @"Rognik.2579" said:

> > > > @"Lizdeath.5143" said:

> > > > > I'm always positivie on having more diversity options. It sums up to your character uniqueness.

> > > >

> > > > This so much.

> > > >

> > > > They don't even have to do it all at once. They could record an extra environment line here and there during recording sessions and add them as a slow patch by patch overhaul.

> > > >

> > > > Additional voices would be cool, but I'd expect to pay to unlock them for the account, as that's a lot of dialogue lines to record.

> > > >

> > > > They could do it as race/sex voice packs (Charr Male voice pack), and have 10 things for some amount of gems where you could buy all of them for the price of an expansion, say 240 gems per pack. It would allow players to buy voice packs for their most commonly played character type. How many VAs do they have on contract?

> > > Sadly, a voice pack won't work because your character speaks in so much of the game. I'd argue that it'd be more jarring to hear a different voice while in the story, and after paying money for a voice pack, there'd be complaints. There's too much dialog already to redo all the old chapters. It's a nice idea, but impractical.

> >

> > Sorry, I thought that it would be implied that a voice pack would be for every line in the game, there would be absolutely no sense in producing one otherwise.

> >

> > Different concept than adding more environmental lines.

> That's even worse, as there are tons of lines that'd have to be rerecorded and downloaded in all the files, increasing the .dat bloat.


Also just to point out it would cost a lot, voice acting isn't cheap.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> Also just to point out it would cost a lot, voice acting isn't cheap.


Distributed over a number of buyers, the cost is negligible.


Environmental lines would be worth trivial amounts if tacked on to a current recording session.


Keep in mind that $1 million distributed over 1 million people is $1.


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> @"Lizdeath.5143" said:

> > @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> > Also just to point out it would cost a lot, voice acting isn't cheap.


> Distributed over a number of buyers, the cost is negligible.


> Environmental lines would be worth trivial amounts if tacked on to a current recording session.


> Keep in mind that $1 million distributed over 1 million people is $1.



That assumes there is enough interest for it. It would also take a lot of time that might take from other things/projects/works. I'm fairly certain there is a reason we don't have this already, and that is likely because ANet decided when making the initial game that it wouldn't be worth it for them.


I could see text-packs, possibly even changes to the default comments (like I could outrun a centaur etc), possibly even by the same voice actors just making variations and different tones to the existing ones (so they remain compatible with the story voicing).


Just pointing out that there are a lot of things to consider, and that ANet probably already considered them while developing the game, and thus not likely to change it now.


If they do change that however, sure, nice for whoever likes that. Personally don't really mind either way, not interested in it myself.

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Most of them are basically unimplemented features at this point.


There's a choice for the lvl 10 story chain, the lvl 20 story chain, which NPC appears in your home instance, and a bunch of stuff that isn't implemented anymore (like dignity etc). Ghosts of a content patch long past...

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> The damage in the personal story is done for me. I have 18 Alts and I've completed personal story on 14 of them. You could redo the whole thing right now and slap a "GW2.5" label on it and I probably still wouldn't play it again.


The different story paths in the personal story (up to Claw Island, where it got extremely bad) was the best part of GW2 so far. It was all about you, not about some Elder Dragons or Gods, simple (wo)men stuff. There were personal storylines that were so much fun to play, because they let you truly immerse in the game and made your character feel more unique.


I miss that approach, and the impact of personality choices.


> What we have right now is a writing team that seems to think Buffy the Vampire Slayer was great storytelling, mimicking Joss Whedon's "joke a minute" irony and self -depricating gags as if they were in some way something to aspire to.


:+1: That is true, but I have been feeling some distinct improvement in that department lately. Haven't you?


> It's become afraid to take itself seriously in terms of both story and delivery. It's chosen to follow the dialog stylings of the Avengers films instead of carving it's own niche and relying on itself, rather than gimmicks.


> Changing that, going forward is all it would take for me to fall back in love. Show some passion and dedication to the lore, don't be afraid to take yourselves seriously once in a while and throw out the cringy jokes from Taimi every 4 lines.


I have been complaining about the lack of mature, non-colloquial dialogue for a long time now. But I haven't given up on the writers with the recent improvements. ;)

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> :+1: That is true, but I have been feeling some distinct improvement in that department lately. Haven't you?


It depends on what you mean by "lately".

Since Core? Absolutely.

The story, it's dialog, presentation and flow started improving around HoT. Season 3 was uneven, but the heights of it (The Lake Doric episode and some of ep6) were actually quite good.


Path of Fire continues this uneven cadence, with the instance in Kormir's library, Vlast's sacrifice, or the cutscene in Kesho being among the best moments this franchise has given us. Other parts, like the calls to Taimi, the plot line involving Rytlock and Balthazaar, or the story of us "tricking" our way into command of Joko's army, being some of it's worst and most cliche'.

The rest of PoF was *so* good that the uneven story got a pass from me.


Since PoF?


The three LS3 episodes we have been given have been technically excellent, but the story and dialog gets objectively worse with each part. The world building has been a genuine step above anything we've got since all that passion was poured into the world at launch. But the story?

Ep3 left an unqualified bad taste in my mouth. I won't remember it for the new mount, I won't carry memories of the new map. I will remember it for how the main villain for the past year was reduced to corny dialog, how our victory taken from us by bad writing and the burp jokes after the deus ex.


There's been a real increase in quality of the delivery, absolutely. You just have to compare the final fight of the personal story and the fight against Joko at the end of the last LS episode. The actually fight we got was so much better.

But that's the delivery.

The story itself and the dialog especially, is objectively poor. It's propped up pretty heavily by the map designers and the art department. The story mission devs are doing an incredible job, the artists are at the height of their game delivering some of the best content in the industry. Anet is killing it these days and it makes me happy.


But the story is still not something that can be recommended, and I think the quality varies so heavily from episode to episode that it's not really fair to say it's getting better.

The product as a whole sure is, though.

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> If you do a search, somewhere, probably on Google, there was an explanation from ArenaNet why they left the Charm/Dignity/Ferocious options behind...it was deliberate and there was a very good reason.


I would think the wiki got that very good reason but I cant spot it..... care to googlefu some for me?




If I would have to guess its the spagetti code we have in game that would break down the personal story that use it from time to time.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > If you do a search, somewhere, probably on Google, there was an explanation from ArenaNet why they left the Charm/Dignity/Ferocious options behind...it was deliberate and there was a very good reason.


> I would think the wiki got that very good reason but I cant spot it..... care to googlefu some for me?


> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality

> Edit

> If I would have to guess its the spagetti code we have in game that would break down the personal story that use it from time to time.


I'll have to admit a slight mistake, it's a lot harder to find than I thought...it's also possible that it wasn't anyone from ArenaNet, but there have been discussions on this particular subject before, which I will be glad to link here. One was on these forums: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/22586/my-story-doesnt-matter-anymore and another was on Reddit:

. They may or may not give you more insight on the matter.
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  • 1 year later...

Yeah, it once seemed to have real impact. https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Personality But I must admit I feel "off' when my Norn keeps insisting that "might makes me right" even when I dont' roleplay the character with that mindset. On the otherhand, my Asura warrior saying "You're dumb. You'll die, and you'll leave a dumb corpse." fits her personality perfectly.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> GW2 is years behind Star Wars The Old Republic, in terms of impact from choices in dialog or action.


Beside those problems,c an we also PLEASE drop the title "Commander"!? I don't know about Human, Sylvari and Norn but Asura and Charr have title that fit: "Krewe leader"; "Centurion", instead of calling Dragon Watch a guild, call it a Krewe or a Warband. How about give us 1 race-specific quest? Looks up SWTOR: Rishi classes mission. Anything really to make my character's race matter but Nope! Let just be lazy and call everyone Commander and also make my Charr join the Shining Blade, a Human faction. Heck even in Onslaught, 1 character addressed your Sith Inquisitor's original title.

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Agree with most people here the lack of immersion in this game is over 9000... Characters not knowing us, annoying character lines over and over.. Being called the commander has got zero meaning now.. Character races joining groups that never should have been allowed... Its just bad form.


Dunno where it happened but somewhere along the road GW2 crashed into the trees, rolled over a few times and burst into flames story and mechanics wise.

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> @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > GW2 is years behind Star Wars The Old Republic, in terms of impact from choices in dialog or action.


> Beside those problems,c an we also PLEASE drop the title "Commander"!? I don't know about Human, Sylvari and Norn but Asura and Charr have title that fit: "Krewe leader"; "Centurion", instead of calling Dragon Watch a guild, call it a Krewe or a Warband. How about give us 1 race-specific quest? Looks up SWTOR: Rishi classes mission. Anything really to make my character's race matter but Nope! Let just be lazy and call everyone Commander and also make my Charr join the Shining Blade, a Human faction. Heck even in Onslaught, 1 character addressed your Sith Inquisitor's original title.


Actually the Commander title is used consistently well and isn't one of the places the delivery drops the ball too badly. During the personal story we are generally referred to by the correct honorific that changes from story step to story step. We are called Warmaster when applicable, Recruit when applicable ect... the Commander title doesnt stick until this is indeed our title as Pact Commander.

After the personal story that's how we are known across the world. Banghar, for example refers to us by this honorific very pointedly, in respect. It's our last known "job"... very much like a past president still being called "President".

It really is a pretty small nit to pick.


I also wonder why so many people have a problem with our non-human player characters being allowed into Shining Blade when there was clearly a precedent in Canach being part of the group. Always seemed to me to be a strange rallying cry for people when clearly opposition to it runs against the established lore of the game.

There's tons of things wrong with the delivery of the story without the need to fall into rhetoric because your ego isnt stroked enough or the story deviates from your head-cannon.

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> @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > @"Ultramex.1506" said:

> > > @"mindcircus.1506" said:

> > > GW2 is years behind Star Wars The Old Republic, in terms of impact from choices in dialog or action.

> >

> > Beside those problems,c an we also PLEASE drop the title "Commander"!? I don't know about Human, Sylvari and Norn but Asura and Charr have title that fit: "Krewe leader"; "Centurion", instead of calling Dragon Watch a guild, call it a Krewe or a Warband. How about give us 1 race-specific quest? Looks up SWTOR: Rishi classes mission. Anything really to make my character's race matter but Nope! Let just be lazy and call everyone Commander and also make my Charr join the Shining Blade, a Human faction. Heck even in Onslaught, 1 character addressed your Sith Inquisitor's original title.


> Actually the Commander title is used consistently well and isn't one of the places the delivery drops the ball too badly. During the personal story we are generally referred to by the correct honorific that changes from story step to story step. We are called Warmaster when applicable, Recruit when applicable ect... the Commander title doesnt stick until this is indeed our title as Pact Commander.

> After the personal story that's how we are known across the world. Banghar, for example refers to us by this honorific very pointedly, in respect. It's our last known "job"... very much like a past president still being called "President".

> It really is a pretty small nit to pick.


> I also wonder why so many people have a problem with our non-human player characters being allowed into Shining Blade when there was clearly a precedent in Canach being part of the group. Always seemed to me to be a strange rallying cry for people when clearly opposition to it runs against the established lore of the game.

> There's tons of things wrong with the delivery of the story without the need to fall into rhetoric because your ego isnt stroked enough or the story deviates from your head-cannon.


All i'm asking is to add more variety in the story to acknowledge your character race and keep thing interesting because all you need is just one character to do the story (and unable to skip the dialogue doesn't help either) People have problem because they are forced to join (some would like to argue that joining in is also against the lore) its not because of the lore but because we aren't allowed to choose, would be interesting if we can refuse and have the story play out differently (Which Anet stopped doing so after Vanilla stories)

And i'm confident to say that i'm not interested in being hailed as Savior of the Planet, i prefer doing what i'm good at in secret and without celebration, so ego stroking is not needed nor i want to.

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They could in fact sell personality types on the market. Make it change some poses or emotes, just like eso does. And change or even better add some more sentences from time to time depending on what you bought. I don't buy a lot of fluff on the store, but I would definitely buy something that makes my character feel more alive and personal. (and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be the only one)

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