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We need a few more "Report player" functions

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It is painful to see this game has a report function that doesn't suitable for every situation, I even personally think these are perm-bannable offense if I think about it, such as trolling in PvE game modes, spying in WvW as I've seen quite a handful of players with same guilds yet on different team walking together instead of attacking each other.


I believe trolling should be also an offense that can affect players' gameplay qualities simply because of someone wants to stir up some troubles on purpose and watch these people doing verbal abuse on purpose just so griefers can watch for the chuckle yet victims suffer for the cause.


So, I hereby request more report offenses, such as trolling in the game, sexual harassment for players who like to harass one another with disgusting fanfictions, and trash talk as some players really love to stir up unnecessary troubles just to bait a flame war in map chat.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> So, I hereby request more report offenses, such as trolling in the game, sexual harassment for players who like to harass one another with disgusting fanfictions, and trash talk as some players really love to stir up unnecessary troubles just to bait a flame war in map chat.


If players are doing the ERP fanfiction stuff to *one another*, that's their business, although I'd prefer them to do it in party chat or something so I don't have to look at it.


If one is doing it to another to harass that other (i.e. it's one-way), then *and only then* it becomes harassment, but that's already against the terms of service, so you can report it as harassment without the need for a special offence of "sexual harassment". Same for trash talk. Two friends doing that to each other because it's what they do is no problem (but jeez, guys, don't broadcast it to the whole map!), whereas trash talking other players (especially following them around to do so) is covered by harassment anyway.


"Trolling" is excessively vague and subjective, so no, nothing as such for that.

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Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?


If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.


If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.


Good luck.

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I think most of these come under verbal abuse. The way I interpret it that covers anything a player types which is worthy of reporting.


Visual trolling IMO would be better handled with a support ticket so you can explain exactly what they were doing and why you feel it's trolling. There's a lot of stuff which is very open to interpretation - I've known some people who think standing your character directly on top of another, even in crowded places like the bank is hugely offensive and the only reason someone would do it is because they're deliberately trolling another player. Whereas other people have never even thought about it and probably never noticed if they did it or not. Even with 'obvious' stuff like constantly following someone around or jumping in front of them I doubt an automated ticket would contain enough information to make it clear what they did to get reported.


As for WvW spying that will be a non-issue Soon when they scrap servers and WvW teams are determined by guild. But until then I think it's another one that's more suited to a support ticket than an automated report, so you can include more information. Two people from the same guild being on different servers is almost unavoidable, and there's not actually any rules to say you have to attack enemy players, no matter who they are. I know some people will leave enemies alone if they're obviously doing relatively harmless dailies like capturing monuments or killing veterans, and even serious WvW players will sometimes ignore a lone enemy if they're not worth chasing. I think you'd need evidence (or at least reason to suspect) they were actually providing information to the enemy through their guild, or otherwise sabotaging their team.


My guilds have their own unofficial rules on what to do if you see a guild mate on an enemy team. In one it's drop what you're doing and hunt them down mercilessly. In the other it's wave or dance if there's time...and then kill them. And then argue in guild chat over how the winner 'cheated' and it was completely unfair.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> As for WvW spying that will be a non-issue Soon when they scrap servers and WvW teams are determined by guild


I'm not convinced that's 100% true that it will be a total non-issue. For sure, two members of one guild won't be able to represent that guild and be on opposed teams, but it will (always) be possible for you and me to be in Discord while I represent This Guild [ThiG] and you represent the unallied That Guild [ThaG]. Because the two guilds are not allied, it's likely that they will be on different teams, and there's no way to even tell that we are or are not spying.


And of course I could be a member of both [ThiG] and [ThaG] and represent [ThiG] while passing info using /g2 to broadcast into [ThaG]'s chat.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> It is painful to see this game has a report function that doesn't suitable for every situation, I even personally think these are perm-bannable offense if I think about it, such as trolling in PvE game modes, spying in WvW as I've seen quite a handful of players with same guilds yet on different team walking together instead of attacking each other.


> I believe trolling should be also an offense that can affect players' gameplay qualities simply because of someone wants to stir up some troubles on purpose and watch these people doing verbal abuse on purpose just so griefers can watch for the chuckle yet victims suffer for the cause.


> So, I hereby request more report offenses, such as trolling in the game, sexual harassment for players who like to harass one another with disgusting fanfictions, and trash talk as some players really love to stir up unnecessary troubles just to bait a flame war in map chat.


No, no! 1000 times no! Our current report system more than covers everything.


1. In wvw a lot of people might use it to 1v1. Granted some people do that in pvp arenas and some do it in the guild hall, but sometimes in wvw people like to not fight or they like to 1v1. Reporting someone for having a different playstyle than you just seems a little draconian. I have hung out with guildies on different servers in WVW before and we weren't spying. We were just chilling and 1v1ing.

2. Trolling might affect people's feelings but it doesn't affect gameplay. Unless you are talking about the trolls who leave aviator boxes on loot chests. Those people SHOULD get reported because that is a big problem in a lot of meta events. Either that or those items should be disabled within a certain radius of a chest.

3. If the ERP is consensual who really cares? I have a lot of friends in the roleplay community who ERP. You can always disable say chat around RP areas like the DR home instance if it really bothers you.

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So, If someone decides to put a troll chat joke in Istan he should be permabanned? Or imagine a blob in WvW and someone yells "INC" - permaban, right? Thank god you are not a judge... And you will never be with this mentality!

But there is an option for you - block.

P.S I was 50/50 posting this comment as you may report me for Personal Attacks / Insults / Harassment / Naming & Shaming or Offensive or Inappropriate Language or Oher.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?


> If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.


> If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.


> Good luck.


You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.


It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > So, I hereby request more report offenses, such as trolling in the game, sexual harassment for players who like to harass one another with disgusting fanfictions, and trash talk as some players really love to stir up unnecessary troubles just to bait a flame war in map chat.


> If players are doing the ERP fanfiction stuff to *one another*, that's their business, although I'd prefer them to do it in party chat or something so I don't have to look at it.


> If one is doing it to another to harass that other (i.e. it's one-way), then *and only then* it becomes harassment, but that's already against the terms of service, so you can report it as harassment without the need for a special offence of "sexual harassment". Same for trash talk. Two friends doing that to each other because it's what they do is no problem (but jeez, guys, don't broadcast it to the whole map!), whereas trash talking other players (especially following them around to do so) is covered by harassment anyway.


> "Trolling" is excessively vague and subjective, so no, nothing as such for that.


No, I am fine with ERP, in fact, I am not even bothered to notice such things as I am always busy managing my inventory with all the materials, then head out to Silver Waste to dive some more.


The point is, there are disgusting players that make their characters naked and hover them around other players on purpose, they won't stop even the victims asked them to stop.


Trolling is, people purposely make others to be killed by monsters in PvE, such as that one Slime creature would turn into a shield in a fractal level. After ppl told one another do not attack, yet, one still attacked on purpose and type "Hahaha" later. This is an act of trolling and should be perm-banned immediately as this kind of garbage will ruin others' fractal run as well.


I can put down more, like people place down a toy box on purpose near any objectives during Triple Trouble runs, pulling creepers into the group during Tequati The Sunless, and kicking random players when fractal run is almost ended.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?

> >

> > If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.

> >

> > If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.

> >

> > Good luck.


> You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.


> It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.


The point is, you do not know what players are doing in WvW just because they are from the same Guild and do not attack each other. One of the Guilds I belong to has members from many different Worlds. Should I see a Guild member in WvW on another team, I would not attack them, and I would hope they would not attack me, though they would have every right to. Doesn't mean I am spying for their World. Nor would it be fair to be 'perma-banned', or even reported, just because we did not kill each other.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?

> > >

> > > If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.

> > >

> > > If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.

> > >

> > > Good luck.

> >

> > You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.

> >

> > It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.


> The point is, you do not know what players are doing in WvW just because they are from the same Guild and do not attack each other. One of the Guilds I belong to has members from many different Worlds. Should I see a Guild member in WvW on another team, I would not attack them, and I would hope they would not attack me, though they would have every right to. Doesn't mean I am spying for their World. Nor would it be fair to be 'perma-banned', or even reported, just because we did not kill each other.


Because spying must act as less suspicious as much as possible, luckily, I caught a few of them. Because they basically walked by a hill to another one which can SEE everything perfectly, then they even sneaked a wall down just so the enemy player with the same guild can come in and know everything inside. The NPC guards should have instant kill damage for players like these and bigger aggro range.


I know what they're doing, and they're nervous when I called them out, using every way to shrug off the suspicion and accusation and evading my questions.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?

> > > >

> > > > If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.

> > > >

> > > > If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.

> > > >

> > > > Good luck.

> > >

> > > You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.

> > >

> > > It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.

> >

> > The point is, you do not know what players are doing in WvW just because they are from the same Guild and do not attack each other. One of the Guilds I belong to has members from many different Worlds. Should I see a Guild member in WvW on another team, I would not attack them, and I would hope they would not attack me, though they would have every right to. Doesn't mean I am spying for their World. Nor would it be fair to be 'perma-banned', or even reported, just because we did not kill each other.


> Because spying must act as less suspicious as much as possible, luckily, I caught a few of them. Because they basically walked by a hill to another one which can SEE everything perfectly, then they even sneaked a wall down just so the enemy player with the same guild can come in and know everything inside. The NPC guards should have instant kill damage for players like these and bigger aggro range.


> I know what they're doing, and they're nervous when I called them out, using every way to shrug off the suspicion and accusation and evading my questions.


You must film this mate I have never seen anyone be able to take down their own walls to let enemy inside their objectives, thought that was impossible.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?

> > > >

> > > > If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.

> > > >

> > > > If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.

> > > >

> > > > Good luck.

> > >

> > > You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.

> > >

> > > It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.

> >

> > The point is, you do not know what players are doing in WvW just because they are from the same Guild and do not attack each other. One of the Guilds I belong to has members from many different Worlds. Should I see a Guild member in WvW on another team, I would not attack them, and I would hope they would not attack me, though they would have every right to. Doesn't mean I am spying for their World. Nor would it be fair to be 'perma-banned', or even reported, just because we did not kill each other.


> Because spying must act as less suspicious as much as possible, luckily, I caught a few of them. Because they basically walked by a hill to another one which can SEE everything perfectly, then they even sneaked a wall down just so the enemy player with the same guild can come in and know everything inside. The NPC guards should have instant kill damage for players like these and bigger aggro range.


> I know what they're doing, and they're nervous when I called them out, using every way to shrug off the suspicion and accusation and evading my questions.


Walking up a hill is illegal now?

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> @"Maikimaik.1974" said:

> > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> > > > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > > > Are you suggesting that Guilds be required to only allow members from one World? That, if members of a Guild happen to be from different Worlds, they _must_ fight each other in WvW?

> > > > >

> > > > > If someone falls for 'bait' and responds, then, unfortunately, they are as responsible as any others; thus no need for reports or special report categories. The rule for any untoward behavior is: Block and Report.

> > > > >

> > > > > If you feel, at any time, there isn't sufficient allowance in the in-game Report feature to cover the issue, you can contact the CS Team via the 'Support' link above/below, and explain the issue as much as necessary.

> > > > >

> > > > > Good luck.

> > > >

> > > > You got me wrong, I am sorry I didn't explain further.

> > > >

> > > > It's they can "SPY" everything each side, giving away all the info and striking when the Fort or Keep's defending players are out to fight other players.

> > >

> > > The point is, you do not know what players are doing in WvW just because they are from the same Guild and do not attack each other. One of the Guilds I belong to has members from many different Worlds. Should I see a Guild member in WvW on another team, I would not attack them, and I would hope they would not attack me, though they would have every right to. Doesn't mean I am spying for their World. Nor would it be fair to be 'perma-banned', or even reported, just because we did not kill each other.

> >

> > Because spying must act as less suspicious as much as possible, luckily, I caught a few of them. Because they basically walked by a hill to another one which can SEE everything perfectly, then they even sneaked a wall down just so the enemy player with the same guild can come in and know everything inside. The NPC guards should have instant kill damage for players like these and bigger aggro range.

> >

> > I know what they're doing, and they're nervous when I called them out, using every way to shrug off the suspicion and accusation and evading my questions.


> Walking up a hill is illegal now?


I have no problem with that, the point is, 2 players on different side yet in the same guild, walking together on the hill spying our team's everything. Then slowly use cheesy angles to destroy our siege golems and other weaponry.

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> @"AlenaVolkova.8179" said:

> It is painful to see this game has a report function that doesn't suitable for every situation,

Actually, it's almost always better to have fewer options. Players being humans tend to ... not be as careful about selecting the appropriate option. (As a big example, bug report forums for virtually any product tend to include 'I don't know how this works' as well as actual bugs.)


And regardless of the categories we see, someone on staff has to take a look and decide where to route things. The more categories there are for us, the more often they need to reevaluate. It also makes it harder to re-arrange internal teams, because the ticketing system gets tied to the names we see.


> I even personally think these are perm-bannable offense if I think about it, such as trolling in PvE game modes, spying in WvW as I've seen quite a handful of players with same guilds yet on different team walking together instead of attacking each other.

Spying in WvW is perfectly within the rules. And a lot of people think there's "trolling" in PvE when it's just people who aren't sure how things work. (Not to say that there aren't trolls or griefers; it just doesn't seem to happen as often as _some_ claim.)


> So, I hereby request more report offenses, such as trolling in the game, sexual harassment for players who like to harass one another with disgusting fanfictions, and trash talk as some players really love to stir up unnecessary troubles just to bait a flame war in map chat.


Trolling in game is ideally reported via a support ticket, because it's nearly impossible for ANet to guess what happened without a written explanation. Sexual harassment falls under "verbal abuse."



I think we'd be better off if ANet consolidated the existing functions with more descriptive names:

* Botting or Exploiting or Cheating or Griefing (Consider mailing a detailed report instead)

* Inappropriate Names (Character, Pet, Guild)

* Scamming

* Gold Selling

* Verbal Abuse (including harassment, baiting, personal attacks; anything textual that doesn't fit above)

* ~~Spamming~~ (probably not needed, since the anti-spam filter is really strict now)


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  • 2 months later...

> "Not everyone enjoys pranks and it has nothing to do with learning to deal with it as the person you quoted says. We all have a right to not be messed with and that should not be determined by the prankster but rather others understanding what reasonable behavior is. If someone asks another to stop and they refuse that is a problem."


First of all, I merely gave an example of how interpretation

1. Not enjoying pranks is your problem, not someone elses.

2. It has everything to do with having a social shield which is what you develop by learning to deal with it.

3. You do not have a right to "not be messed with" as that doesn't mean anything. Completely arbitrary.

4. "but rather others understanding what reasonable behavior is" like your understanding, I suppose? lol get out.

5. Even that depends completely on context. Others have rights too including the rights to tell you "no" and "get lost". Refusing that is not a problem.



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  • 3 weeks later...

> @"Warlord.9082" said:

> > "Not everyone enjoys pranks and it has nothing to do with learning to deal with it as the person you quoted says. We all have a right to not be messed with and that should not be determined by the prankster but rather others understanding what reasonable behavior is. If someone asks another to stop and they refuse that is a problem."


> First of all, I merely gave an example of how interpretation

> 1. Not enjoying pranks is your problem, not someone elses.

> 2. It has everything to do with having a social shield which is what you develop by learning to deal with it.

> 3. You do not have a right to "not be messed with" as that doesn't mean anything. Completely arbitrary.

> 4. "but rather others understanding what reasonable behavior is" like your understanding, I suppose? lol get out.

> 5. Even that depends completely on context. Others have rights too including the rights to tell you "no" and "get lost". Refusing that is not a problem.




1. If someone don't enjoy it, you should stop. Don't force others to accept your mischief, alright?

2. There's nothing about social shield, it's about you're being annoying to others and refuse to stop when they ask you to.

3. You don't have a right to prank me, if I don't like it, then stop.

4. I don't care about what you interpret as trolling and griefing, because they both have universal definition. Can't take it? Get out.

5. Again, your rights are entirely done on a private space, aka, Guild Wars 2, if I tell you to get lost, then get lost. Refusing to do so will be reported, period.


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