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can you please stop making us lose progress inside instances if we get DC'ed?


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the last two times I've tried to do the Night of the fires instance quest I've got DC'ed and lost ALL progress! the first time on the last of the 4 generals, and the second time just after I had actually killed the boss and was in the dialogue afterwards.

I've got ZERO interest in trying a third time until you guys can get your servers more stable.

In the meantime I'll go play another games that value their players enough to not give them random DC's or at least not making them loose all progress in an instance if they get DC'ed

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I've been having DC issues in story instances going back to HoT. I also would like ANet to: find a way to prevent these happening as often as they do; establishing checkpoints; or doing what they did back in Guild Wars, which was allowing you to log back in on that character and rejoin the instance at the point where you DC'd. It's a pity they could figure out how to do this more than 10 years ago, yet can't seem to muster what it takes to do it now.


Story instance DC's happen way too often for my taste. Being unable to complete story steps hinders Mastery progression and can bar one from zones, never mind one cannot go further in the story. Fix this, please, one way or the other.

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Don't forget to thumbs up the guy if you really do care about this.


I've been DCing a lot during stories. And it is always towards the end. A number of these are long segments and they can be incredibly frustrating to have to restart two or three times because of something that was completely out of your control.

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I have enjoyed every bit of this game since I started playing in May until this started happening to me. I honestly thought with this issue being so known for so long, that in PoF it was going to be one of those unsung improvements. Then it happened during the longest PoF mission. It challenges my commitment every time. I figure after a year of this, I'll be tired beyond desire to play, but that's still 7 months away. Please Devs, is it not possible to code autosaving at default timed intervals?

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I had some dc's as well, often at the very end...very frustrating. I'd love to listen to the dialogues or look at the environment more, but now it's just like "bla bla bla shut the f up, not another dialogue!!! Please come to an end!!",beeing nervous all the time, because i just want the mission to end. Thats sad...because i'd like to be relaxed while listening...

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> @Rennie.6750 said:

> That's not really possible, if you lose your connexion with the server it can't save any progress.


Why? If I solo an instance in another game, DC and return, the instance is still open, much like it is still open when I DC but other players do not. It's a design choice that it closes immediately, not a neccessity.

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> @Maunzi.3764 said:

> > @Rennie.6750 said:

> > That's not really possible, if you lose your connexion with the server it can't save any progress.


> Why? If I solo an instance in another game, DC and return, the instance is still open, much like it is still open when I DC but other players do not. It's a design choice that it closes immediately, not a neccessity.


Exactly, World of Warcraft gives you 5 minutes after you leave an instance (either by DCing or simply by walking out the front door) before it shuts the instance down. GW2 could do the same.


Don't shut the instance down until 5 minutes have passed since the last player left it, or until the last player enters another instance, whichever comes first.

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There is already a checkpoint system. It worked pretty well for me in Night of Fires.


However, in Crystalline Memories, I DCed not long after dropping the Facet Guardian and it threw me back to before the fight, so I have to do that all over again.


A checkpoint right after a major enemy is beaten would be a good idea. I can't imagine why we're even having to discuss this. It should just be.

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  • 3 years later...

> @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> And it just freakin' happened to me again - finished all the rulers in Hallowed Ground, was talking to them at the end and *poof* DCed and have to start the stupid thing all over again.


> Really nice.


..and yet years later at Hallowed Ground, talking to the rulers after defeating the two glowy sisters at same time..talking to the group at the end...poof (sever dc) and log back in outside the instance forced to redo everything.


so much fun =s

How many more dcs untill this actually works?

maybe in anther 3 years?

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> @"Skabs.8791" said:

> > @"Sarpan.9074" said:

> > And it just freakin' happened to me again - finished all the rulers in Hallowed Ground, was talking to them at the end and *poof* DCed and have to start the stupid thing all over again.

> >

> > Really nice.


> ..and yet years later at Hallowed Ground, talking to the rulers after defeating the two glowy sisters at same time..talking to the group at the end...poof (sever dc) and log back in outside the instance forced to redo everything.


> so much fun =s

> How many more dcs untill this actually works?

> maybe in anther 3 years?


Wow. A blast from the past.

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Been saying this forever and even recently.

Being disconnected which is hardly NEVER on my side, on the VERY LAST bit of a story (happened to me twice recently on the annoyingly long "departure" story instance of PoF) has always been a big issue.


It is not just an oversight... compared to other games it is an absolute disgrace how often we have to replay ENTIRE parts just because Anet has

- Poor server connections

- Lack of interest to ad checkpoint

- Lack of interest to fix older content


Thumbs up on this post.

Lets hope it finally wakes the developers up.


What I propose:

1. Checkpoints! Beat a boss, start a boss? Good checkpoint to save progress

2. Skip buttons on ALL Cinematics since those are, at least from my experience, the most common times you disconnect

3. An end to the lie that "router settings" are the "most common reason" because that is insulting. I put in place ALL recommondations I got from Anet after a support ticket. Inprovement due to that? ZERO. My router is NOT the problem! Proven beyond reasonable doubt!


Anet please STOP ignoring this and DO SOMETHING.


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Let’s not forget that stepping outside the “bounds”’ for even a few seconds while inside any instance, results in the player losing all progress as well.


What’s worse, these arbitrary boundaries are often way too restrictive. If they’re going to be in there to help guide the player along a path, that’s fine, but they shouldn’t be enforced with the severe punishment of potentially hours of progress loss.


Please remove every piece of server code that ejects players from their instances and forces a loss of progress!

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> @"iynk.9053" said:

> Let’s not forget that stepping outside the “bounds”’ for even a few seconds while inside any instance, results in the player losing all progress as well.


> What’s worse, these arbitrary boundaries are often way too restrictive. If they’re going to be in there to help guide the player along a path, that’s fine, but they shouldn’t be enforced with the severe punishment of potentially hours of progress loss.


> Please remove every piece of server code that ejects players from their instances and forces a loss of progress!


What personal story instance take hours to do?

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