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Map Changes in Dragon Stand


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I joined Dragon Stand for a Meta event 15 minutes earlier before it starts. It was with a guild organizing the meta, joined a squad. The map got full. Then you know, map closes and we are placed in another instance map, but then, I cant be with my squad anymore, the one I went 15 minutes earlier to join. I am placed in a map with no meta event, no commanders, and I cant join the map of my squad because the map is full.

So I usually do this meta event once a week and now I can't participate of it anymore because of technical issues. IF you get 30 minutes earlier in a map instance to join a meta event, you may NOT be able to do it. You will just waste your time. So, we buy an expansion and we can't play. If I want I have to wait for 2 hours to try again, and I wonder, if that happens again? Should I be trying the whole day?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> The Dragon Stand maps always close right before the meta starts every 2 hours.


> It's an unfortunate side effect of how that map was designed.


> Yes this can be quite frustrating especially if you load in to slow or the game decide to use you to open a new map.


I have found it doesn't matter how fast the map loads, i have been in squads where 6 of us where from the same guild and we all got loaded into new maps, so 6 new maps, now we where able to right click on commander and join the map they are on, but there is something massively broken about the way the mega server system works on that map.


I dont understand why the OP couldnt just right click and join the commander like everyone else would normally do, the map shouldnt hard cap that quick, unless it was literally a full map of guild members who instantly clicked to join.

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Yes, I wouldnt mind if I came late and I am not able to join the map. But if I am already in and they are going to change maps, placing people logged on that previous map to a next, they shouldn't allow people who were not there to take your spot.

First come first served. An they would probably say, oh, keep trying to join the map, probably someone will dc and you will be able to join, so I have to spend now few minutes, hours or never be able to join trying to join that map.

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In my opinion DS shouldn't be on a timer and instead work like silverwastes. You can start pushing any of the 3 lanes, if you don't complete events, the lane gets pushed back. When all 3 lanes are at the gates the meta goes into its second stage (like SW vinewrath).


That way you could always fill a map via lfg and start the DS meta at any time. Squads would have an easier time finding a map and players who randomly join a map would have a better chance at landing on an active map.

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> @"Majic.4801" said:

> The meta-locking in Heart of Thorns is horrible, and why it's my least-favorite and least-played GW2 content.


> There is absolutely nothing in Heart of Thorns worth waiting around for.


While there is issues with the HoT events. Me personally I much rather prefer having fixed times for events as in HoT versus random times like the bounties in PoF.


Sure you might miss a meta (it's happened to me too more than once, considering I've finished all achievements in HoT) but then you just try again.


Having fixed times helps in funneling in enough people to finish an event regularly even years later. Meanwhile some Bounties on the PoF maps are almost un-doable by now.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Having fixed times helps in funneling in enough people to finish an event regularly even years later. Meanwhile some Bounties on the PoF maps are almost un-doable by now.

I think the low rewards from PoF events might be the bigger issue. It takes about the same time to complete e.g. _Serpent's Ire_ as it does to defeat the Chak Gherent. But in the first case, you get a bouncy chest and a mega boss ground chest, whereas in the latter you get a roomful (plus whatever ambient chests) and the bouncy and the ground chest.


Similarly, Silverwastes & Istan metas are heavily farmed and only one is on a timer.


I think it's good to have a mix of scheduled and unscheduled. For me, my RL already has enough things on a timer, I prefer my entertainment to have fewer. And it's also nice to know for certain when you can pick up specific loot, try for an infusion, work on a collection.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Simply spam "join map" or whatever it is I forget until you land in your teams map. Has always worked for me since the start in all HOT metas...It's annoying but it does work.


This is only so useful if you want to play with your friends. Maps can fill up fast, and it's not fair to have teams split up just because the map reset, or ask the others to join the lonely guy on the smaller, more empty map.

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This happens quite often, and when it does, what people do is to create their on LFG advertizement and try to fill that map. It usually works out. :)


> @"Tsar CUBE.9281" said:

> The fact that you don't instantly load into maps where the rest of you party is, especially if a map just refreshed is a pretty huge oversight.


That is true.

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> @"Tasida.4085" said:

> Simply spam "join map" or whatever it is I forget until you land in your teams map. Has always worked for me since the start in all HOT metas...It's annoying but it does work.


as I said above I dont have to have to spam join map to join anything that I have already joined 30 minutes earlier. I came earlier for the event, hoped to have my fun, joined a successful squad forming for all lanes that was filled with people, but then because of this issue, after long time waiting I am put out of the event map of my squad. And I did try to join for around 5 minutes, how much more time should I waste trying to join a map that I was already in? It is a wrong mechanic of the game that needs to be fixed. 2 years has passed or even more since HoT was released but I only play the game for around a year, and I am sure new people won't like to go thru this. Specially when you have previously planned to join the event and came early.

So if it is still an active content, that people still buy a lot and IMO it is totally worth it, they should still look it up to this issue and fix it. It is an event that takes 30 minutes to 1 hour to get done, and you can only do it again after 1 and half hour or 2 hours, not sure right now. SO you have to wait all that long to try again, or try another day and hope that this issue won't happen with you again.

I dont mind when other maps are full and you can't join them. But if you are already there, you didn't get disconnected or anything, you shouldnt be kicked from the event squad for a game issue.

I am sure they are smart developers and it wouldnt take too much of their time to fix it or find a better way to deal with it.

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You do know the map you join before the meta starts is irrelevant, and the game tells you as much with the timer on the side telling you the map will close? You don't save a space by coming early. Yes, the set up for the meta is pretty weird, and it may be understandably annoying not to be put into the same map as the squad you joined with, but if you don't want to spam join map if you're not put in the same map as your friends, then you're out of options.

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> @"Eloc Freidon.5692" said:

> When changing instances, the biggest failure in the party and squad system is that it mostly fails putting you in the instance the other members are in. Things every older MMO has accounted for before their launches.


You mean "the map queue"? Where you couldn't even enter the zone unless there was room?

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> @"Frenzify.6832" said:

> You do know the map you join before the meta starts is irrelevant, and the game tells you as much with the timer on the side telling you the map will close? You don't save a space by coming early. Yes, the set up for the meta is pretty weird, and it may be understandably annoying not to be put into the same map as the squad you joined with, but if you don't want to spam join map if you're not put in the same map as your friends, then you're out of options.


No, Noone knows it. Everyone who did comment and think it should change or shouldn't happen this way, do not know that yet. but thanks for tell us that it is "irrelevant".

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> @"OlsenSan.2987" said:

> > @"Frenzify.6832" said:

> > You do know the map you join before the meta starts is irrelevant, and the game tells you as much with the timer on the side telling you the map will close? You don't save a space by coming early. Yes, the set up for the meta is pretty weird, and it may be understandably annoying not to be put into the same map as the squad you joined with, but if you don't want to spam join map if you're not put in the same map as your friends, then you're out of options.


> No, Noone knows it. Everyone who did comment and think it should change or shouldn't happen this way, do not know that yet. but thanks for tell us that it is "irrelevant".


ofcourse it is the map litteraly tells you this map is closing in so many minutes so the map you start at is irrelevant.

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I was also finishing certain maps year or two later after release of HoT. The easiest way for me was to just tag meta myself. That way others have to change to map that you are on. Another benefit of taging myself, I didn't have to wait for other guilds events or other people organizing. I would just tag and lfg it whenever i felt like it.

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Until they find and apply a solution to Dragon Stand I wish they would take it out of rotation for the daily event map. It's nearly impossible to get onto a decent DS map when it's the daily event map.


It would be interesting if they could somehow do a cross instance solution for the map. Have the different lanes go on different instances and sync the final battle across all three instances where the boss takes hits on all of them. They could triple the amount of people doing the event. If they built out the forth lane they could have 4x the people doing the same synced event.

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> @"OlsenSan.2987" said:

> > @"Frenzify.6832" said:

> > You do know the map you join before the meta starts is irrelevant, and the game tells you as much with the timer on the side telling you the map will close? You don't save a space by coming early. Yes, the set up for the meta is pretty weird, and it may be understandably annoying not to be put into the same map as the squad you joined with, but if you don't want to spam join map if you're not put in the same map as your friends, then you're out of options.


> No, Noone knows it. Everyone who did comment and think it should change or shouldn't happen this way, do not know that yet. but thanks for tell us that it is "irrelevant".


People may think it shouldn't happen, but that doesn't mean they're unaware of the map changing, especially when you don't even need to look at the timer to know the map will close, as, if I remember correctly, words will literally come up in the centre of your screen telling you that the you'll be blown out of the map soon, or something to that effect. And the map you join is irrelevant. That's not being rude, it's just a fact. I don't know why you seem to be taking offence to that.

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