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Does Foot in the Grave need a re-look?


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I used to find FiTG so awesome with a 7 seconds shroud.

Fitting for a Grandmaster Tier trait.


But ever since the cooldown of shroud became 10 seconds...I feel like this trait has lost its edge and feels more like a master tier at best, which in the other thread by Dragonfury, I thought it was a good idea to have the last gasp master minor replace that stun-break on CC role instead.


Do you guys think FiTG should be changed? And if yes, what would be fitting for a Grandmaster tier? Bearing in mind that this will have to compete with Death Perception.

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I don't really play much WvW or PvP where this trait is more useful, so I do not have very much experience with it. However, if you say it felt like a good trait before maybe just tweaking the stability numbers would help with the longer cooldown now and a complete change is not necessary.


Also maybe it's cause I just play Scourge in PvE since PoF, but I didn't realize they changed the shroud cooldown? Was there a trait that got replaced that decreased shroud's cooldown or something?

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Stunbreak on shroud should be baseline, stab not (corrupts from other necros or boon theft are a thing).

Since in pvp i play core necro i know full well how foot in the grave is a mandatory trait.


Core could reallly use additional sources of stab, though ones necro has great control over, and something he can't avoid casting when traited such as stab on shroud

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> @"lombomon.7268" said:

> I don't really play much WvW or PvP where this trait is more useful, so I do not have very much experience with it. However, if you say it felt like a good trait before maybe just tweaking the stability numbers would help with the longer cooldown now and a complete change is not necessary.


> Also maybe it's cause I just play Scourge in PvE since PoF, but I didn't realize they changed the shroud cooldown? Was there a trait that got replaced that decreased shroud's cooldown or something?


it was speed of shadows trait that was changed.

It initially gave 7 seconds shroud CD.

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So here's my suggestion:


1. Add stunbreak into a minor trait (you slot soul reaping, you get stunbreak on shroud no matter the traits you select).

2. Change foot in the grave to:

* gain 2 stacks of stability when entering shroud (3s)

* Duration of fears and immobilizes on you is reduced by 50%


Well, it's called **foot** in the grave, so giving it some anti-mobility impairing defense seems good :)

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I think it could use a number change for sure but not by much maybe 2-3 stacks of stab for roughly 7 seconds it should be long enough to be able to make plays with and currently its not even long enough to use as means to secure a stomp.


Make it good enough to pop into shroud for a harder to rupt rez play or stomp play and the trait becomes solid.


Right now even the crappy dhummfire on a core build has more weight than it.



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> So here's my suggestion:


> 1. Add stunbreak into a minor trait (you slot soul reaping, you get stunbreak on shroud no matter the traits you select).

> 2. Change foot in the grave to:

> * gain 2 stacks of stability when entering shroud (3s)

> * Duration of fears and immobilizes on you is reduced by 50%


> Well, it's called **foot** in the grave, so giving it some anti-mobility impairing defense seems good :)


We already have immob clear on shroud entry via Speed of shadows.

Fear is a rare condition on every other profession and even still some what scarce on necro itself meaning that a fear reduction would be all near pointless.

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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > So here's my suggestion:

> >

> > 1. Add stunbreak into a minor trait (you slot soul reaping, you get stunbreak on shroud no matter the traits you select).

> > 2. Change foot in the grave to:

> > * gain 2 stacks of stability when entering shroud (3s)

> > * Duration of fears and immobilizes on you is reduced by 50%

> >

> > Well, it's called **foot** in the grave, so giving it some anti-mobility impairing defense seems good :)


> We already have immob clear on shroud entry via Speed of shadows.

> Fear is a rare condition on every other profession and even still some what scarce on necro itself meaning that a fear reduction would be all near pointless.


We also have runes that can shorten cripple and chill durations by 50% but not immob, our bane.

As for fear it's anything but rare in competitive. Other necros will fear you all the time, be it with fear skills or corrupts, but biggest slap in the face is thieves stealing skullfear from you and fearing you for 3s...twice! As a necro i expect some degree of immunity to my own specialty.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > So here's my suggestion:

> > >

> > > 1. Add stunbreak into a minor trait (you slot soul reaping, you get stunbreak on shroud no matter the traits you select).

> > > 2. Change foot in the grave to:

> > > * gain 2 stacks of stability when entering shroud (3s)

> > > * Duration of fears and immobilizes on you is reduced by 50%

> > >

> > > Well, it's called **foot** in the grave, so giving it some anti-mobility impairing defense seems good :)

> >

> > We already have immob clear on shroud entry via Speed of shadows.

> > Fear is a rare condition on every other profession and even still some what scarce on necro itself meaning that a fear reduction would be all near pointless.


> We also have runes that can shorten cripple and chill durations by 50% but not immob, our bane.


Reaper has a trait for this too so i can tell you that what you are looking for here to get added into Foot in the grave 100% will not happen.

See [Relentless Pursuit](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relentless_Pursuit "Relentless Pursuit")


> As for fear it's anything but rare in competitive. Other necros will fear you all the time, be it with fear skills or corrupts, but biggest slap in the face is thieves stealing skullfear from you and fearing you for 3s...twice! As a necro i expect some degree of immunity to my own specialty.


umm no fear is very rare in competitive outs side of other necros and the once instance you bring up with thief thats 2 professions of 9, and even if you are hit with it its usually in most cases a very short duration as it is. Fear is very under powered for a whats suppose to be a heavy cc condition. Its got tons of removal, break, and ignore counters even as necro to necro its usually not a big threat unless some one runs a specific fear build which even with the buff is still rather rare.


Necro itself does not have that much stability to get corrupted so thats not a real viable excuse for a trait like this to exist either. Not one that targets fear specifically anyways.


Thief is a necro hard counter skull fear is common and has a massive tell. Still this is 1 skill on 1 profession out of the other 7 that can hit you with a fear only after they steal from you. THATS PRETTY RARE if you ask me. Even if it happens to you in every match its certainly not 6 of the 9 professions hitting you with fears all over. This is what i mean by rare vs common when it comes to this condition. ITs rather RARE! that you get feared enough to need to take counters against fear specifically. Even this is not a reason to have a trait that only reduces the duration of fear its oddly pointless to have a trait that does this.


As a necro you are usually the only one who brings fear the cases you named are very niche and preventable not common enough to have a trait like that even so it would just be better to have foot in the grave provide more stab stacks for a slightly longer duration.

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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > > @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> > > So here's my suggestion:

> > >

> > > 1. Add stunbreak into a minor trait (you slot soul reaping, you get stunbreak on shroud no matter the traits you select).

> > > 2. Change foot in the grave to:

> > > * gain 2 stacks of stability when entering shroud (3s)

> > > * Duration of fears and immobilizes on you is reduced by 50%

> > >

> > > Well, it's called **foot** in the grave, so giving it some anti-mobility impairing defense seems good :)

> >

> > We already have immob clear on shroud entry via Speed of shadows.

> > Fear is a rare condition on every other profession and even still some what scarce on necro itself meaning that a fear reduction would be all near pointless.


> We also have runes that can shorten cripple and chill durations by 50% but not immob, our bane.

> As for fear it's anything but rare in competitive. Other necros will fear you all the time, be it with fear skills or corrupts, but biggest slap in the face is thieves stealing skullfear from you and fearing you for 3s...twice! As a necro i expect some degree of immunity to my own specialty.


And via Reaper with Relentless Pursuit (cripple/chill/imob that is).

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