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How many WvW alliances have been formed so far?


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Currently NA has five alliances. Kain, SoR, AR. The Rekt/KeK/Pyro+others on FA, and the smallest of the bunch Rqm/Ntm(now gV?)/CF on GoM. BG has plans to form an alliance, and apparently already a discord.


There are several small collections of guilds considering alliances together, and several server communities planning to transition to the alliance system. But they're all waiting for Anet to introduce real alliance mechanics.

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On NA right now, I'd say there are just 3 -- Kain/SoR/AR. They went to linked servers and became the main force there. The other groups on FA, GoM, etc. are probably not with an "alliance" group yet, they're just having fun with people they enjoy playing with. Alliances are still 6+ months away, (IMO) so it might be a bit early to really worry about which alliance people will end up in.

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> @"shiri.4257" said:

> The question should be, how many alliances will be around 2 months after launch?


I would say it would be unchanged for at least six months, since usually the initial success of rolling over randoms is enough to have it going for a while until some setback occurs and then people look for fingers to point and shuffle around to escape "toxic" people only to realize they're now they're just with the same people except the names have changed.

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> @"ArchonWing.9480" said:

> > @"shiri.4257" said:

> > The question should be, how many alliances will be around 2 months after launch?


> I would say it would be unchanged for at least six months, since usually the initial success of rolling over randoms is enough to have it going for a while until some setback occurs and then people look for fingers to point and shuffle around to escape "toxic" people only to realize they're now they're just with the same people except the names have changed.


I was going to say, how many alliances will make it to launch? But I wanted to be optimistic for the current guilds.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Anvil Rock has an alliance?

> Am i missing something here?

> A certain server had their borderland claimed/camped for 2 days. 2 days.

> When we asked a couple players, 1 blamed EU and other blamed SEA.

> And you telling me they have alliance.


There is nothing saying an alliance is actually good.


Nor PPT focused.


That AR alliance may be small, fights focused, or on hiatus lol.

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Interesting discussion some of us had in WvW last night. Considering the fact that alliances are already being talked about a LOT... and people forming informal alliances amongst some big fight guilds... it should be interesting to see how ANet attempts to create a BALANCE! In their announcement of the idea they talked about having a balance of experienced and not-so experienced players, along with guilds in alliances etc.


BUT... if the big groups of wxp players form alliances (kind of like STACKING THE SERVER!) how do you break them up? You don't.. because alliances are honored right? You can't go and pull apart guilds and alliances ... soo... already well ahead of the new system we have stacking being set up... and so it continues...


All the good things I had thought about the new alliance system have been put on the back shelf in my mind now. I can see how it is already being setup by many guilds prepared to stack their alliances and frankly there's nothing anyone will be able to do about it.


At the end of the day the 'small' guilds and people not experienced in this system will be tossed around until hopefully they find a place to fit... but it's my belief now that there will definitely be powerful (BG like alliances) and not so powerful (Eredon Terrace) like alliances.


It will be interesting to see how ANet attempts to deal with this one.. ;)

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