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Should all valuable consumables require confirmation?


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I recently dropped a permanent bank contract & accidentally clicked use while using it to find the bltp sell price. I made a ticket asking it to be reverted from account bound & they basically told me I am SOL & out 3400gold.


When I replied that considering sigils, runes, infusions & even legendary collection items that are worthless (as the achievement is granted upon task completion) I was told to take it to the forum. So I am here to see how many others this has happened to & who would want high ticket items to require confirmation before they become account bound/used?


Tbh, I am a bit salty they couldn't help me. I work a lot & am often tired when I play. I also supplement playtime with cash. This kinda makes me feel like they do not value my patronage and will think twice before spending any more on the game.




Should valuable items (permanent bank, merch, bltp & hair contracts) require confirmation?

Edit: _by confirmation I mean selecting cancel or ok not typing in the whole name_.

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I don't own any permanent contracts, and have actually never deleted/sold/bound anything TOO valuable by accident, but yes I wish there was some kind of an additional confirmation with hard-to-obtain/expensive items. 'Being cautious' definitely is a good idea, but it's not always up to you (bugs, lag, distractions, mouse issues, etc.)


Yeah, whether you're using them, selling them or destroying them, we could definitely use a confirmation. It might get annoying in the long run, but if it prevented us from losing our expensive stuff, I know I'd be thankful.

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Simple problem: what is valuable and how does the game know?


Value to most items is drawn from their rarity and what others are willing to pay. It's not about only adding a confirmation, this suggestion would require the game to check the TP pricing of items every single time a player wants to delete one, for each player in the game, all the time... Get it? A ton of useless server queries which can be avoided with some basic care.


That said, yes it gets very annoying to delete certain items already, especially when having to type out the name.

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I voted yes, but I feel there should be something like 4 levels of 'protection' that can be selected from in the game's Options screen:


Item Destruction Protection:

* **No Protection**

I am experienced and if I make a mistake and destroy something I didn't mean to, then I accept the consequences as I chose to enable this option (also requires a confirmation to enable this option)

* **Standard Protection**

Protections as they currently exist in the game (not on all item types or rarities, but on many of the ones you would expect it to exist on)

* **High Protection**

Protections as they currently exist in the game but extended to all items Rare quality and higher

* **Total Protection**

Destroy confirmation on absolutely everything (including 'junk' gear like white, green, blue, etc)

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> @"alphafert.6730" said:

> I work a lot & am often tired when I play.


In the first couple of years playing this game I made some terrible mistakes on the trade post while playing tired, it is way to easy to make mistakes as it is in this game, since very little is actually explained to the player, my advice is take it as a lesson learned the hard way, and try not to do any high value trading while tired.

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The confirmation would be a good [QoL Suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas/ "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas/") but exotic rarity already implies a certain level of value.


I would never right click on a consumable to find its price for EXACTLY the situation that happened. Pressing O and going to sell items shows you the buy and sell prices of any item you select PLUS you have an extra confirmation window from setting the price.

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Even if a confirmation message were somehow added for these things, there would still be the occasional player who will just click "Confirm" without actually reading it because that's just how human beings are. Personally, I'd rather not have to deal with more "Are you sure?" boxes in the game, especially not anytime I want to bind an Exotic quality item.

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> @"Tyger.1637" said:

> The confirmation would be a good [QoL Suggestion](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas/ "https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/53097/suggestions-qol-quality-of-life-ideas/") but exotic rarity already implies a certain level of value.


> I would never right click on a consumable to find its price for EXACTLY the situation that happened. Pressing O and going to sell items shows you the buy and sell prices of any item you select PLUS you have an extra confirmation window from setting the price.


The problem is defining level of value. Take a look on the TP at, oh, minis. The color seems almost random rather than B/G at the bottom, Y a bit more expensive, then O next. Also things that were once near-impossible to get can get reintroduced to the game.

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Perhaps rather than just adding the permanent: hair change; BLTP; merchant; and bank, ANet could add those and subtract other, more common items from the "protected" list. If such confirmation is going to be required for anything, surely things that most people will never get are better candidates than things that are relatively common. One that comes to mind for me is the Box o' Fun.

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> @"IndigoSundown.5419" said:

> Perhaps rather than just adding the permanent: hair change; BLTP; merchant; and bank, ANet could add those and subtract other, more common items from the "protected" list. If such confirmation is going to be required for anything, surely things that most people will never get are better candidates than things that are relatively common. One that comes to mind for me is the Box o' Fun.


Yes! I sympathize with those that don't want _more_ confirmations & would be happy to have less on the silly stuff like deleting random unused event items. I am mostly concerned about super rare items.

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> I voted yes, but I feel there should be something like 4 levels of 'protection' that can be selected from in the game's Options screen:


> Item Destruction Protection:

> * **No Protection**

> I am experienced and if I make a mistake and destroy something I didn't mean to, then I accept the consequences as I chose to enable this option (also requires a confirmation to enable this option)

> * **Standard Protection**

> Protections as they currently exist in the game (not on all item types or rarities, but on many of the ones you would expect it to exist on)

> * **High Protection**

> Protections as they currently exist in the game but extended to all items Rare quality and higher

> * **Total Protection**

> Destroy confirmation on absolutely everything (including 'junk' gear like white, green, blue, etc)


OP's problem is that he *used* the contract and therefore now cannot sell it, so destruction protection wouldn't have helped him.


And no, I don't want things to pop up with "Are you sure you want to use that?" when I use them. (Exception: if the character has direct immediate access to the used version of the item in any kind of inventory slot (shared or private), then "perhaps" it shouldn't let that character use the unused second item *at all*.)


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