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Do you still play dungeons? (Excluding fractals)


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> @"Talindra.4958" said:

> Wait sec.. 50g an hour?



Not in pugs even if they are coordinated. You need to be organized very good and at best together in a voice chat because you have to split up during different paths and people have to do several tasks/kill bosses on their own. A 100CM 200 KP+ meta group would be able far from achieving those gold numbers.

Additionally you have to exploit things, for example doing all explorable AC paths in one single run etc.

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> @"Linken.6345" said:

> > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > I'd love to do them, but it's been a long while since I have and I don't remember most of the strats. Since all of the groups in LFG require 'experienced level 80s' and I haven't been to the dungeons recently enough to remember them, I don't get to play them. I at least got the chance to play them in the past - there are many newer players that will likely never get the chance because of the seemingly-standard 'experienced only' attitude in the explorable paths.

> >

> > I'll probably never get all the unique skins, but my weekly key runs will eventually yield enough Tyrian Exchange Vouchers to get the 7 runes of the monk I need for my druid, plus whatever currencies I need for oldschool legendaries.


> Yea becouse noone I mean noone can start a chilled relaxed/first timer post in the lfg its against the rules right?


I'm late here since I didn't notice your response, but I've got some pretty major social anxiety and have had literal panic attacks at the thought of leading - or even _joining_ - something I know nothing about. If I was taken through the paths and learned them (not just from reading up on them, but from actual experience), I might be comfortable with putting up an LFG and teaching new players. Everyone has different limits.

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I still run them, but really only rarely.

To be honest I havent completed the dungeoneer achievement and would love to, but those people pugging in lfg are mostly slow and unexperienced.


When I joined Ascalon some weeks ago, someone insisted on killing all the mobs, because he "couldnt spare the XP" (he wasn't lvl80 yet).

I had to explain everything, and I'm fine with that, but I really missed the feeling of just bursting through that little content with a better group.

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> @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > @"Linken.6345" said:

> > > @"foozlesprite.8051" said:

> > > I'd love to do them, but it's been a long while since I have and I don't remember most of the strats. Since all of the groups in LFG require 'experienced level 80s' and I haven't been to the dungeons recently enough to remember them, I don't get to play them. I at least got the chance to play them in the past - there are many newer players that will likely never get the chance because of the seemingly-standard 'experienced only' attitude in the explorable paths.

> > >

> > > I'll probably never get all the unique skins, but my weekly key runs will eventually yield enough Tyrian Exchange Vouchers to get the 7 runes of the monk I need for my druid, plus whatever currencies I need for oldschool legendaries.

> >

> > Yea becouse noone I mean noone can start a chilled relaxed/first timer post in the lfg its against the rules right?


> I'm late here since I didn't notice your response, but I've got some pretty major social anxiety and have had literal panic attacks at the thought of leading - or even _joining_ - something I know nothing about. If I was taken through the paths and learned them (not just from reading up on them, but from actual experience), I might be comfortable with putting up an LFG and teaching new players. Everyone has different limits.


If you put chilled or first timer run people wont yell at you for not knowing your way around some people with experience usualy ask if you know what to do before bosses.


Sometimes they even get snarky replies you dont tell me how to play dude but mostly the newbies are friendly.


> @"Clyan.1593" said:

> I still run them, but really only rarely.

> To be honest I havent completed the dungeoneer achievement and would love to, but those people pugging in lfg are mostly slow and unexperienced.


> When I joined Ascalon some weeks ago, someone insisted on killing all the mobs, because he "couldnt spare the XP" (he wasn't lvl80 yet).

> I had to explain everything, and I'm fine with that, but I really missed the feeling of just bursting through that little content with a better group.


To be fair mate most dungeons if mechanics dont stop you like paths 1/3 cof and all 3 coe you can run through with 2 people out of 5 knowing what to do.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I mean, if you're looking for speedruns to return, I think it's pretty unlikely Dungeons will be your thing since Fractals shifted from 2 minute wonders to full sized dungeons. But, as stated above, some new players have some very weird ideas about the game. Dungeons are a good place to explain the ins and outs in a more relaxed setting, like explaining what CC is or when to use certain skills.

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I did TA a couple of nights ago for the Nightmare Runes, it was fun learning again just how much of Arena Net's hard work it's possible to skip. I feel sorry for dungeons tbh as they were really cool, and back in the day, exceptionally difficult. At this point they don't really have a niche anymore since fractals offer better rewards and are more challenging. If new dungeons were released I would definitely do them though.

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So, fractals are dungeons. They really aren't as different as people say, and if more "dungeons" were added today they would just be fractals that don't scale and aren't accessed from the Observatory. A lot of the things that make dungeons "cool/different" are a feature of fractals that are just better designed in fractals which makes people think they are unique to dungeons (skips and non-combat sections) or a relic of game design that they wouldn't do any more because it is way too much work (multipath nature of dungeons)


But I digress. I do oldschool dungeons every once in a while for fun. I think they need tuning. The bosses are badly designed and the reason skips happen is because trash is badly done.


That said, They aren't all bad. I do like some of the enviroments. CM is fascinating to me, because back in the day it was always done with stealth skips, and now people just kill the trash because it isn't worth waiting for a thief that knows what they are doing. Killing the trash and treating it like a real dungeon makes it a lot more fun, and I bet that it isn't the only dungeon where this is true.


Arah sucks. Its trash is over tuned for the modern game, while the bosses are boring and easy and has too much health. I'd love to see them go in and nerf the trash, just so people would do the god damn dungeon every once in a while, without forcing everybody to be good at some quite difficult skips.

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> @"DragonSlayer.1087" said:

> I wish they would just dumb the dungeons down to make it more noob friendly and easier to solo. Fractals and Raids have completely made them obsolete for high-end PvE Team Play.


They are already pretty soloable, with a few exceptions like CoF p1. AC story takes 10 mins for an experienced person to solo, and I'm sure a new player who's careful and has situational awareness could do it in reasonable time as well. However, scaling by party size would be nice, would help me solo faster.

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I played these a lot after I completed Hot and before Poi came out. Many of the skins you can get were neat, and it was fun to follow people who knew how to beat them well.


Also dungeons are my main help for leveling without having to do too much story. Easy to repeat and good exp rewards.

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> @"Ericon.5104" said:

> the only thing you need dungeons for now is if you need some dungeon currency for a core legendary weapon you want to make

Not even for that, you can just farm Istan and buy black lion keys cause [that's a thing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Tyrian_Exchange_Voucher "that's") (it's a common drop).



P.S. Raid / PvP Exchange Voucher, when?

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I do, when I need the tokens for a build, but that's about it.


Also, people comparing fractals to dungeons: While some of them undoubtedly are (Twlight Oasis, Deepstone, etc.), some are also rediculously short and simple (like Swampland), and can't really count as a dungeon, more like.. an instanced event.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i'm not particularly loving them but it's fun to run with friends/newbies now and then. a good way to promote group play. also get everyone some needed tokens if they want to work towards something.

i like them but i'm not those types that would farm them countless time a day.

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