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Hi! So.. Basically, after playing GW2 since release(Absolutely love it). The past year I have went on the search for other MMO's that were as good as GW2.. But obviously met with disappointment, I in-return, found an MMO that made me realise what the next GW game could well and truly benefit from, to become the actual **NUMBER ONE MMO** of all time!

Some of you may be aware of an MMO called Black Desert Online(BDO)?


It's a pretty cool game to say the least.. Graphically intense, very competitive, really good combat, openworld..

The problem is, it has absolutely no community content, aside from its PvP, an about 5 world bosses.. It has a **REALLY BAD RNG** Pay to win system, that has people spending large amounts of money, an still failing to get the stuff that they desire. You could also do a months shopping with the amount of money they ask for a digital costume. And they just generally don't listen to their community AT ALL, and keep losing more an more active players each month.

But despite all of this.. They do have things i know GW3 would be absolutely amazing to play with.. First i'll list what i love about GW2, followed with what i personally think GW3! would benefit from. :D


The things i love the most about Guild Wars 2 is.. Their developers and staff FULLY listen to their community, have monthly conversations with them on Reddit an forums. Add things into the game that are asked for. Put more than 1 players skin into the game that's won a design competition. And work REALLY hard to make the utmost BEST environment and content for their community..

On top of that.. The game is free to play with buyable expansions, but you get the seasonal episodes+extra maps for free after purchase. An actual good story with amazing lore. Has no ridiculous RNG system. Has pay to win when it comes down to crafting(items, armour, weapons, etc).. But, its no where near as bad as BDO, because theres no RNG system. So you actually get what you're paying for, an its much cheaper and COMPLETELY understandable. Because the DEV's and their families have to eat somehow, right?

But with all this aside.. Heres what i think GW3 would highly benefit from.. Keep in mind that these are just my personal opinions and that anything that might sound complicated could easily be worked around with creativity and ideas! <3


-A Playerkill system. You have PvP for smallscale, and WvW for largescale.. Even though both of these are fun.. It would add so much more depth to the game if say maybe you added an extra mastery point to the mix that made Playerkilling OPTIONAL? with like a tiny PvP bonus added, so that people who choose not to upgrade this mastery WOULDN'T feel left out in content.. It would also be much more exciting to be traveling across a map and happen to stumble upon parties fighting each other to settle differences an such. It just adds much more depth an intensity to the world map itself, an brings a much more real and immersive feeling to the in-game world, in my opinion! :open_mouth:


-An open world map.. I know this one has been regularly talked about and considered. I just want to add my approval to the idea of an open world guild wars environment! It would indeed be THE MOST immersive world in MMO history if this was to happen in a future GW game.


-"Waypoints". These allow you to fast travel to any Waypoint location that you've encountered on your travels.. The reason this bothers me, is because it kind of(for me) takes away the essence of what it feels like to journey and explore the in-game world with friends, or on your own. Because there's literally like 3-7 Waypoints on every map segment. Once you've got to a location an looked at everything just once.. You just end up fast traveling half way across the world to go and collect something, because its fast and easy. Totally missing out on sooo much scenery and activity on the way. I'm not saying eliminate Waypoints completely.. I'd be completely fine if waypoints were limited to cities only.. This way, with an open-world, You would literally be forced to travel more. Experiencing a vast Beautiful world that shouldn't go to waste! <3


-Lastly, Combat System.. Its not rubbish, its really good and flexible for a MMO. But obviously, time is moving forward. And if you haven't seen it yet, BDO has set the benchmark for a very diverse and dynamic Combat System.. I think this is where a lot of people may disagree. But i know most of you that disagree, is purely due to how buggy, desync, an unbalanced BDO combat is. I personally agree that its trash in that sense and that it could be better. But i also know that some of you just don't like change.. But I think if anyone could pick up from where BDO attempted a very dynamic Combat System, an succeed? It's definitely the Guild Wars DEV's. They show absolutely nothing but promise, every single time. GW2 was a big change from GW1 and everybody LOVED it. So i just know Guild Wars DEV's can set a Benchmark for future MMO's if they consider going as diverse and dynamic as it gets with their Combat System!


So, yeah.. I'm hoping all of these points can be changed in the next upcoming guild wars game(If there is one) because it would literally be the perfect MMO ever created. And i could finally rest easy :tongue:


Let me know what you lot think? Maybe we can even get this to stand out and taken in to consideration! :D <3

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I don't think that copying an existing MMO is the way forward but let's talk some specifics.


A playerkill system is a bad idea. It's why Aion failed in the west. You know, it's an NcSoft game. I certainly avoid games that have that. Making it optional doesn't work. People will just turn it off most of the time even if they want to kill players because everybody will be looking for that unsuspecting player they can gank by surprise.


As for waypoints I think there are too few. One of the things that irks me in this game is that the more recent maps have fewer of them. The reason for feeling there are too few because when there are events going on and people ask for help it happens a lot that I get there too later because I have to travel too long to get there.


And well the combat system in GW2 has advantages and disadvantages. I can enjoy it as a more casual player, but as far as combat encounters go it's a lot of dancing around and repeating the same stuff over and over and over again. I find the trait system and locked weapon skills uninteresting and therefore lacking.


And yes GW2 combat was a big change from GW1 but contrary to what you claim NOT everybody loved it. In fact in vanilla GW2 it didn't really matter what you put in your traits back then. It might lengthen the combat a bit but in the end result you'd win regardless of it. They made some changes, which was good, but overall I just can't get myself to care about the GW2 combat because boss fights are generally not interesting enough and the way it works doesn't inspire me to care about it.


For me GW2 combat is casual combat that's made more difficult with annoyance rather than challenge. So the way to deal with that is to have more players around. So I like open world bosses and meta events because you're with 50 or 100 other players and you can just auto-attack, sort your inventory and occasionally get into the fight and the rest is just dodging circles. Some people might hate me for that but I actually enjoy that it is that way for open world.


That's why I stay way from fractals and raids because then you have the same thing except you have to stay with it and then it gets boring for me because then I have to do all kinds of things I don't care to for the same reason.


I would like GW2 (or GW2) to make some changes so that weapon choice gives you a limited group of skills to choose from, but not just fixed skills. I'd like a trait system that is not linked to specific weapons and builds on the flavor of the classes and the types of builds you get. It's partially there but not enough for me. And I'd like defensive stats to have more of a role so that many stats sets in the game actually get meaning. Oh and as a side note I'd like better character models for various reasons, but one of them being not having heavy armour skirts sit around the hips like you're wearing a barrel and then have skin tight chest armor. The barrel look is just odd, especially on Norn characters.


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From me an absolute NO to game-supported griefing aka player killing. It's the reason I left BDO right after hitting lvl 50 and never returned.


The combat system in BDO isn't that special. If you cast your skills from the bar, it's essentially the same as in GW2. The biggest difference is that you can also cast your skills via a combination of hotkeys, movement keys and comboing one skill with another. In my opinion stuff like that should stay on consoles where they have no alternatives due to a lack of keys.


As for the open world: Different zones in the world have different population densities. Is there any game that found a solution for balancing population in every area of an open world? I haven't seen any yet.


The only thing ANet could take a look at is the character creation. I love having more options rather than less and I especially love options that allow the creation of unique visual features, be it freckles, a sun-tan, tattoos, multi-coloured hair or anything like that.

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@"Gehenna.3625" I understand some of your points.. First off. "copying an already existing MMO" has already happened with every single MMO thats being release to this day INCLUDING GW2... i've mentioned 4 aspects.. open world, playerkill, fewer waypoints, more dynamic combat system. this is hardly duplicating an already existing MMO.


Playerkill system.. With this, i didn't mean a switch to turn it on and off at will. If you actually read what i said. I explained it as a type of mastery that you can optionally decide to upgrade or not.. Obviously people who have upgraded, cant attack people who haven't. It would be unfair. And if it was an accidental click, they could maybe get a free one time item off the store to reset it or send a ticket in explaining it was an accident. And then have it reset, so that they ain't getting "ganked" all the time.. Obviously theres ways around this if you use your head to think about it.. A lot of people dont like the idea because they don't like PvP. But if there was an option to switch this on **AND** keep the non PvPers safe from getting Playerkilled, then i don't see the problem?

EDIT: And griefing isn't a thing in guild wars due to the fact if you get 1 hit, you get the same exp and get the loot.. Which makes griefing slightly irrelevent.


As for Waypoints, we share a totally different opinion.. You want to be able to travel an get to places really fast. And i like to try enjoy the full content and environment i'm in by getting to places on foot, or on my mount. Instead of using Waypoints as a means of transport. It's unfortunate that you end up late to your events.. You should consider blaming your slow pace, or time keeping rather than Waypoints, considering events can last a considerably lengthy amount of time.


As i said.. The combat system is REALLY good for an MMO. I personally just think it would benefit with and be more attractive with a more diverse and dynamic combat system. the way you mention it, you don't like to PvP an you'd prefer to auto attack a target an move on.. Thats perfectly fine. I'm pretty sure if GW DEV's put their souls into a next game, they could easily make this happen all while improving the combat system at the same time.


YES more character models, armour styles, weapon styles, facial features, etc.. the more customizations, the better!

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While debating the possibilities of GW3 and what or how it should be like, realize that it's just that: theory and speculation with near no chance of success.


The MMO market and how it continues to develope (or not develope) will have way more effect on any future games in the installment.


That said, MMOs in general pull less players and more important players who spend their gaming time different than in the past. To believe Arenanet would risk moving from a successful (debatable how successful but at minimun functional bill paying) MMO as is GW2 and take a risk of making GW3 with the current market, beyond unlikely.

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But if you look at historic MMOs, there is *no indication* that a player-kill system has any positive effect on your game, but in fact multiple indicators that it has negatives.


So why include it? It costs dev resources to implement / balance / maintain, *nevermind* that it shifts the balance of classes heavily to 1v1 in PvP, an inherent issue if you want your game to be class-based or at least spec-based. Unless all player characters are equal in everything (and hence it's all down to player skill), then a 1v1 PvP centric focus is just... well let's say it isn't a good idea. To put it mildly. And WoW had this and it never took off - at all. For good reason.


It's just not a mass-market compatible feature. It's not why people play MMOs, largely a social and "relax" experience compared to other games. If they want PvP action, they got everything already, from fighting games on the smallest 1v1 scale over team shooters and MOBAs up to Battlefield's 32v32 battles. Adrenaline is easy. Social fun and relaxation is where MMOs excel.

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@"Carighan.6758" This is why i listed it as **OPTIONAL**. A system that doesn't effect players that don't upgrade this mastery.. Or cross a border and player killing is allowed? Theres plenty of ways to implement ideas so that it satisfies everyone.. We can't expect Guild Wars DEV's to fail just because another company have? For all you know, Anet could be MMO GOD in the next few years :tongue:

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why gw3? i don’t want to do all over again. cost much time to build something nice in an mmo. even if you don’t spend irl money. and guildwars 2 is good enough. also graphics. when i sometimes see screenshots of ppl with 4k monitor it’s beautiful. anet better create new things for guildwars 2 instead of new start. then it feels like a small game (content) but instead guildwars 2 get bigger every time. yes more fps is welcome. but if we get dx 12 like battlefield and get many direct x errors i am happy to stay with dx9.

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@"titje.2745" This is what happened with GW1.. It got really old and outdated by other MMO's. An it was time for Anet to work on something that would last more years.. This game could last a lot longer, definitely.. But just like everything else, they will move forward from this, eventually. And gift us with another masterpiece! <3

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"titje.2745" This is what happened with GW1.. It got really old and outdated by other MMO's. An it was time for Anet to work on something that would last more years.. This game could last a lot longer, definitely.. But just like everything else, they will move forward from this, eventually. And gift us with another masterpiece! <3


GW1 was no MMO.

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Why a PK system in open world would be different than playing in WvW? "_traveling across a map and happen to stumble upon parties fighting each other to settle differences an such_" is exactly what you can do in WvW. We already have it. If there are few people playing this mode, maybe it's right because most of the players don't like it. If you think the reason is because there are only 5 maps, with no dynamic events on them, you could ask to add more maps, not to merge 2 very different game modes.


I also like to walk, more than using teleports, so I would agree on reducing the waypoints. However, this could be safely done only in PoF (and they are already doing it, as Gehenna said) because in core maps you would have players with mounts (that wouldn't be so disadvantaged) and players on foot (that will greatly suffer the difference). Reaching a far dynamic event on foot on a core map, before other players with a mount already completed it, might be impossible. So unless they decide to forbid the mounts, I wouldn't remove waypoints.


I never played BDO, so I can't comment about their combat style. It would be interesting to know more about it though.

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> @"Urud.4925" Future game bro.. Not Guild Wars 2. i agree GW2 has already dug its hole in this sense, but i wasnt talking about GW2

So you want a GW3 with some sPvP, some WvW and a big open world mode with optional PK system? That's basically like Aion with the Fast Track Server (that protected leveling players from PvP), like @"Gehenna.3625" said. That game is now dead, because casual players abandoned it, even if it was a good game. It's something completely different from the current GW2. I mean, I'm fine as long as they leave GW2's servers up, so people are not forced to play the new one.

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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> This is why i listed it as **OPTIONAL**.


Nothing is ever optional. Dev hours, maintenance work, code bloat, all of that. Plus it means another feature gets axed instead, and I can't think of many features I'd *not* rather have. And that includes greener grass in my home instance tbh.


> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

>For all you know, Anet could be MMO GOD in the next few years :tongue:


Oh please. You know as well as the rest of us that if anything - between their tight budget and in-out-in-out issues - it'll be the opposite. They do well considering their shaky income, but that's about it.



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> @"iLLUMiNARSTiE.5017" said:

> -A Playerkill system.

This is something that would never work in Guild Wars 2 because PVP uses different versions of skills (and some items) than PVE. Further, the entire idea of killing other players outside specially designated areas is something that should disappear from gaming in general.


> -An open world map..

This would destroy so many of the best features of the game, like guesting, no queue times to join maps and so on.


> -"Waypoints"

Play around Path of Fire and you will see the difference. But your idea of no waypoints at all is all backwards, sending us to the stone age of gaming. Fast travel is in every game now.


> -Lastly, Combat System..

Again, this game is a hybrid between tab-target and action combat and works because it's built that way. A full dynamic/action combat system would be like a different game and it would disallow many players from playing this game. After all we've seen so many that fail at this game the way it is, if it was full action combat more would fail at it.


> Let me know what you lot think? Maybe we can even get this to stand out and taken in to consideration! :D <3

Taken into consideration as things to avoid in the future you mean. None of what you posted is worth adding to the game, or in a future Guild Wars.

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I would absolutely NOT play a game with the regular world containing PvP. And I am a wvw'er! I absolutely totally embrace the fact that regular gw2 is cooperative. No fighting over nodes bosses mobs hearts...


And go to swtor if you want to see how well having a PvP instance is demanded. Those are almost always dead.

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