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Kung Fu Tea Promotion [Merged]

Gaile Gray.6029

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> @"Miss Lana.5276" said:

> > @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > Gail, can I please get a confirmation if an Australian player can get the tee shirt outfit from this promotion? Not angry, just would like to know if I should keep checking the app or give up on this?


> "sweepstakes and app promotion are limited to customers in the U.S."


> That's an *easy* no.


Thank you. I had that impression from the comments so far, but it would still be good to hear from Anet conclusively. Until, and unless, they say otherwise, I'll have to assume this is a promotion I'm not eligible for.

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> @"fabian.3269" said:

> @JustTrogdor.7892 HAHAHAHA wow. At least I can uninstall this kitten fest called "app" now.


> What a move. Changing the terms midway through the promotion. And it is REALLY unfair that NA players get a shot at the outfit, while the rest of the world does not (as always...).


> And ArenaNet should really open their mouth regarding this one. They even PROMOTED it inside the launcher (at least for EU residents, even in f*** german!). Don't tell me "it has always been that way"!


It says US not NA. I live in Canada and cant enter it.


I was really hoping to get the outfit..... :(


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> @"NicholaLord.2630" said:

> WOW and gw2 DEVS have removed the advert from the EU launcher... yet dont have any balls to inform their EU players.. As this clearly was advertised as available to EU from the previous add on the launcher, the add on KUNGFU tea, and the reassurance that we would get the codes... is that 3 lies to EU customers?


Pretty sure they also removed the advert on the US launcher, one of my guildies can no longer see it in the US.



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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"NicholaLord.2630" said:

> > WOW and gw2 DEVS have removed the advert from the EU launcher... yet dont have any balls to inform their EU players.. As this clearly was advertised as available to EU from the previous add on the launcher, the add on KUNGFU tea, and the reassurance that we would get the codes... is that 3 lies to EU customers?


> Pretty sure they also removed the advert on the US launcher, one of my guildies can no longer see it in the US.




My point is they are actively aware and doing things behind the scenes,so are fully aware of the issues but are not man enough to address their player base..

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Okay I'm kind of mad now. Not seething, it's just a game and it's just pixels in that game but the blatant exclusion hurts. How did they think their player base would be happy about this? Nevermind the whole venture being a mess of the hottest variety. They never should have pledged to give away unlimited free accounts for 30 days. The seed of that idea is madness and the outcome should have been obvious.

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Whoa folks, put the pitchforks down and let's wait for a statement from ANET. I'm sure they will find a way to reconcile, just give them a chance to explain the situation from their end. There was obvious miscommunication between the two companies, give them a chance to sort it out.

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> @"Kodiak.4213" said:

> Whoa folks, put the pitchforks down and let's wait for a statement from ANET. I'm sure they will find a way to reconcile, just give them a chance to explain the situation from their end. There was obvious miscommunication between the two companies, give them a chance to sort it out.


Looks like they have sorted it, gz US!

They have already rectified it without a statement, so thats nice!

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> @"NicholaLord.2630" said:

> Also how is it right that some of the "lucky" ones that managed to "connect" are allowed to keep their EU dragon shirt, yet other are now not allowed ... how is that fair?


It wasn't originally limited to the US.


> @"NicholaLord.2630" said:

> My point is they are actively aware and doing things behind the scenes,so are fully aware of the issues but are not man enough to address their player base..


It takes time to craft an official response, plus it's the end of the day, so probably not until tomorrow at the earliest.

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They must have made this promo up before they had their morning coffee..

It is so backwards...

I could have understood if there was a different promotion APP, using the same rewards for the EU server users as the Kung Fu app for US, but.... there isn't.

This is bad for their name sake...

Half their players aren't in the US, so... you've practically told us to go Fkitten ourselves.


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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > @"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:

> > So the app finally works and u can see the rewards. Unfortunately no shirt code. Was there a limited amount of codes or is the app that bad.


> What can you see?


> When I got it there were just 2 GW2 rewards listed on the Social Rewards tab - one for the Deluxe Edition where you had to take a picture of a drink and one for both of the in-game items together.


> Clicking the second one eventually, after several attempts, gave me a message in the Profile section with both codes in the same message, the Heroic Edition code at the top of the message body and the Dragon t-shirt code near the bottom.


The second one doesnt show

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> @"Vyrulisse.1246" said:

> Honestly at this point like I said earlier they should just mail the outfits to everyone. At least that much damage control would be nice especially for EU players who are suddenly left out which just stinks.


It's not even just EU players. Lots of people on NA servers are Oceanic players, who are also left out.

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Hahahahahahha, I just can't stop laughing about this massive überfail ''promotion'' :lol:


Only US-players are allowed to get free rewards? Well, you just shot yourself in your foot, ANet.

ANet strikes once again!


Now me and my wallet know to not support this kind of trash promotion game devs.

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