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Dev Celebration: September 18, 2018

Gaile Gray.6029

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  • ArenaNet Staff

On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").


We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!


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  • ArenaNet Staff

I can't give you an exact time yet, but the normal starting time for our Dev Celebrations has been just about 2:00 PM (Pacific Time), and I anticipate holding to that same timeframe when it takes place on the official forums. Given that most game releases take place in the morning, we'd be opening the celebration after the content goes live. In fact, if there were an unforeseen development that somehow kept us from releasing Tuesday's content at the usual time, we'd hold on starting the Dev Celebration. I mean, we would not want the champagne to get warm and the hors d'oeuvres to get soggy, right? But it's very unlikely we'd have any delays, so we seem good to go for morning release and afternoon celebration.


Hope to see you there!

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").


> We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!



Not on Reddit? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I can't give you an exact time yet, but the normal starting time for our Dev Celebrations has been just about 2:00 PM (Pacific Time), and I anticipate holding to that same timeframe when it takes place on the official forums. Given that most game releases take place in the morning, we'd be releasing after the content goes live. In fact, if there were an unforeseen development that somehow kept us from releasing Tuesday's content at the usual time, we'd hold on starting the Dev Celebration. I mean, we would not want the champagne to get warm and the hors d'oeuvres to get soggy, right? But it's very unlikely we'd have any delays, so we seem good to go for morning release and afternoon celebration.


> Hope to see you there!


Man I read horse d'oeuvres when it was that small =) thinking yea horse is quite good.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").


> We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!



I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...


I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.


But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").

> >

> > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

> >


> I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...


> I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.


> But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


I was thinking the same, I don't think I ever took part in these too early because of easy spoilers, and basically not knowing the content after half a day if I even manage to play that evening.

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!



I can't join as I will be actually playing the latest release...



> @"Arden.7480" said:

> I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.

> But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


It's not just you that thinks that way, it would be far better if they handled it that way.


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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> Ooh! Hope I can monitor/join this. Depends on the timing, I'm usually off the computer by 3:30 pm Pacific on Tuesdays (years-long promise to my husband to give him at least one day a week I'm not gaming in the evening, lol, we picked Tuesdays a bit before they became interesting days).


At least 1 day? then just give him this Sunday and Monday and tell him in advance you wont be free on Tuesday lol.

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Thanks for the heads up. It's always nice to hear more dev insight into the releases they've been working on, especially when in previous AMAs/dev celebrations we've gotten a list of who's participating so we know who to give credit to.


I'm curious that the celebration will be held here on the forums rather than reddit as has been tradition for a while now, but I'm nevertheless expecting lots of interesting back and forth between devs and the community, and hopefully some juicy answers we can then cite in the wiki. :)

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  • ArenaNet Staff

> @"Arden.7480" said:


> I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...


> I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.


> But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


> @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

> >


> I can't join as I will be actually playing the latest release...



> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.

> > But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


> It's not just you that thinks that way, it would be far better if they handled it that way.


The day-of-release celebration is something that we've been doing for a long while. I really do understand what you're saying, though, and in fact I've shared that input quite a few times. It was primarily because of member input that we devised the **ArenaNet Forum Chats**, and the September AFC will take place the week following the release. This will allows player time to play through the episode and then share their questions, comments, feedback, and suggestions for the future. I think we now have a good cadence with both the Dev Celebration and the AFCs, and hope you can join in or read through them later.





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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> I can't give you an exact time yet, but the normal starting time for our Dev Celebrations has been just about 2:00 PM (Pacific Time), and I anticipate holding to that same timeframe when it takes place on the official forums. Given that most game releases take place in the morning, we'd be opening the celebration after the content goes live. In fact, if there were an unforeseen development that somehow kept us from releasing Tuesday's content at the usual time, we'd hold on starting the Dev Celebration. I mean, we would not want the champagne to get warm and the hors d'oeuvres to get soggy, right? But it's very unlikely we'd have any delays, so we seem good to go for morning release and afternoon celebration.


> Hope to see you there!


Maybe you can assist me here, Gaile. Since h'or dourves are pronounced "OR derves", what are the other options? I'm a picky eater ??

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another suggestion, I think the Dev Celebration is more a chance to get immediate feedback from us than an actual celebration,, which is obviously very important on many levels,, so keep it up! But why not also have an in-game celebration maybe just before the release of the content (in the future) where we can interact with devs, you guys could also do some games and give aways which would help build up anticipation of the upcoming release.. Just my thoughts..

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").

> >

> > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

> >


> I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...


> I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.


> But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


You are not the only one. I frankly am not able to participate in a dev conversation that day.


I usually get home at 1 pacific on a release day and start downloading the game.


Assuming there are no problems I put together a squad ASAP and do the first instance.


Ideally I do a fast tour of the new map and head back to my home instance before 5 to mine the new node (and my full instance at 5). I then maybe do some daily things.


Assuming no major problems doing it on at least the second day would allow a lot of players to have seen some of the new stuff. Not everything, but enough to at least be able to discuss it. A content drop then 'ok, talk about it' feels a little rushed. Plus in a decision of play the new content vs talk about it guess what will win?

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> @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> >

> > I kinda hoped you would make such Celebration at least 2-3 days after the release, because not everybody is that nerdy that can complete all the stuff in Sun's Refuge and the whole story not saying about the raid...

> >

> > I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.

> >

> > But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.


> > @"Vavume.8065" said:

> > > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

> > >

> >

> > I can't join as I will be actually playing the latest release...

> >

> >

> > > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > > I personally would like to celebrate this release with devs in game, seeing them running around on the new map, rather than on forums.

> > > But maybe it's just me that thinks that way.

> >

> > It's not just you that thinks that way, it would be far better if they handled it that way.


> The day-of-release celebration is something that we've been doing for a long while. I really do understand what you're saying, though, and in fact I've shared that input quite a few times. It was primarily because of member input that we devised the **ArenaNet Forum Chats**, and the September AFC will take place the week following the release. This will allows player time to play through the episode and then share their questions, comments, feedback, and suggestions for the future. I think we now have a good cadence with both the Dev Celebration and the AFCs, and hope you can join in or read through them later.


Thanks Gaile, the first step was getting it communicated that day-of-release is not exactly the best day for people to show up. I doubt for the devs as well if there are last minute problems.



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> @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > @"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

> > On September 18, 2018, we will be holding our traditional player/developer get-together to celebrate the release of another episode of Guild Wars 2 Living World and the release of [other cool things, too](https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/watch-the-trailer-for-a-star-to-guide-us/ "other cool things, too")! We will be holding the Dev Celebration here **on the official forums** in a special subforum that we will create specifically for the event, much as we do our [ArenaNet Forum Chats](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/categories/arenanet-forum-chats "ArenaNet Forum Chats").

> >

> > We hope you will join us in the afternoon (Pacific Time) of Tuesday, September 18th, to talk about our latest release with members of the Guild Wars 2 Team!

> >


> Not on Reddit? :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o


Probably not officially

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