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> @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > > > @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > > > > @"MUDse.7623" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > Yeah this past two days of roaming after reset are really a pain, matched up with Gankdara and Ganksolation servers.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > It's a constant gank by 5 plus people vs me.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > As soon as I find a fair 1vs1 and I am about to win, literally out of nowhere appears a trash ganker who +1 the fight and kill me.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > The majority are oneshot deadeyes, who just root me and oneshot me with DJ or MB, sometimes reacting fast I can tp to them, reveal them and oneshot them too, but the good ones just run the remove reveal elite, so it is useless.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Power mirages never oneshot me 100-0, because I can evade their burst better since it's kinda telegraphed, it is still a cheesy build abused by noobs who wants easy kills, but yeah nothing new under the sun.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Condi mirages are way more present and more cancerous.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Soulbeasts are another plague too, 90% of them +1 you at 1800 range or use a kitten boon easy mode build and you can't win.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > 50% are deadeyes, 20% noobeasts, 25% memsers and the rest 5% just normal roaming builds.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > Even spellbreaker is a fair build compared to those cheesy lame builds.

> > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > So yeah, from what I learnt toughness won't help in outnumbers against decent players anyway, so better just go full damage and playing more high risk and aggressive.

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > And which class do you play?

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > Playing power herald staff + sword/sword, I have 82 hours on the profession only.

> > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > I run Marauder weapons and armor with dura runes and full zerk trinkets and backpiece, I have about 2450 armor, I was wondering if add toughness trinkets like cavs, but it doesn't seems it makes a big difference, having 3k or 2.5k armor is useless against those deadeyes, soulbeasts and other heavy power builds.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > with a little armor+hp etc. you will be able to survive the 'malicious backstab out of nowhere'. after that its a question if your possibly superior skill is enough to offset the possible difference in buildquality for that fight. but as said above that is only possible if you assume them to be bad to begin with.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Dunno, i was running 3.2k armor and a full malice backstab, maybe this guy was full zerk scholar rune, got me for 23k crit... so it's useless.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > yes a full malice backstab but that is not out of nowhere. or i havent figured how to instantly build 7 malice without the target noticing, got to wait for the next hizen guide i guess...

> > > > >

> > > > > Well, but playing deadeye yourself, you should know you can build malice pretty easily right? And then dodge spam perma stealth without counterplay?

> > > > >

> > > > > I revealed him andhe used elite and so it was useless, so I gave up the fight and walked away and boom 23k malicious backstab.

> > > > >

> > > > > Wonder why 90% of players in wvw are deadeyes right now.

> > > > >

> > > > > On desolation right now there is a new trend, seems a condi hybrid deadeye, he landed on me like 10k DJ but i gave me also confusion torment immob and 10 stacks of poison who destroyed me in few seconds.

> > > > >

> > > > > It's becoming a pretty cancerous build abused by literally every noobs.

> > > > >

> > > > > The different is, against noobs you have a chance at killing them because they do mistakes, against a good opponent he won't die unless he want to.

> > > > >

> > > > > I know you wanna defende your profession you are having fun with, but I would appreciate honesty more instead.

> > > >

> > > > One of the builds I run on one of my characters is a hybrid deadeye from POF launch and it is one of the more potent effective builds but mine comes at a price for loading that much dmg, if that person has a similar build to mine then they only have one or no stun breaks and it relies heavily on deaths retreat. I actually don't use secondary weapon much at all, but could probably run another rifle just for on swap runes. Did they just use rifle? I'm paired with gandarra but I haven't used this hybrid thief this matchup, but hybrid deadeyes I don't come across often unless it was a similar build to boots bad build (immob monster and does about 10k dj, I'm assuming this is carrion+adventure runes maybe), but haven't seen anything similar to mine yet. Mine loads everything in first few seconds, but done in a manner to make the enemy waste condi clear and loading stuff on top that cannot be cleared easily and if I want I can finish with DJ, trb or skirmishers shot and my rotation is easily chained back to the beginning for an almost non stop assault. It's not meant for outnumbered though. Almost all my ini is mainly reserved for deaths retreat though, I don't actually attack with my rifle much at all and the only time I ever swapped to my DD set was only for cloak and dagger for stomps. If you come across another hybrid deadeye I'd be interested to know what they run as I'm not sure what current builds you've been seeing proliferating. I mostly see the one that hizen is responsible for lol. Now I'm going to have to look for some deso deadeyes hehe

> > >

> > > I am running hybrid DE with Grievers using P/d. SB is off hand. Shadowstrike works much like Deaths retreat albeit hits harder and applies more conditions. After malice build I try and do sneak attack for the power damage + torment/bleeds. I found with rifle if one not using Venoms the only Condi add is via an Immob via panic strike and as far iwas concerned that still more a power build.

> >

> > I'm going to have to try this - I know you've been using pd for a long time but that is the only set I have not spent much time on, I think the last time was maybe early 2k16. I think you've posted your build before if I'm not mistaken, but if you don't mind would you be able to message it to me or something or just a general idea of what the build is like and what stats to aim for? I'm interested in trying different stuff. I'd like to do something that doesn't make me rely on rifle, but I still think I would have to take it just for mobility and strangely enough, snipers cover.


> Rifle can certainly be used in lieu of SB. The Build is fragile when compared to others so you have to be able to use resources to defend yourself. . Keep in mind I still "experiment" with it trying to determine the rune and combo of stats that work best. Currently it at around 2240 power base , 1440 condition base , 17400 health base , 39 percent crit base and 185 ferocity base. This is using a DA/CS/De loadout which I have just started on to see if I can manage the all in on damage approach. (armor is 2230)

> There no durations of any type in the build for conditions.


> Now I only recently went the CS route using all other lines prior in place of it outside Acro each having their own advantages. My Gut feel is that it was better overall with the TR line just for BA as that confusion really was useful as a defensive tool added to the damage. SA was just better survival wise. If I go back to TR or SA i will use wurm runes.


> I think the numbers you should shoot for are around 2200 power 1400 condition 40 percent precision with 16K+ health and 180 plus ferocity. Getting Might to stack is key and while you can do do with rifle , I found when you did that you just burn off the INI for power attacks. I also think DA is needed along with Improv. Mercy should always be on toolbar . It hard to get those numbers precisely with your gear comboes but get as close as possible. If you sacrifice too too much in any of them you might as well stick with a power load or condition load.


Thanks, I'll see if I can get this working out for me. For the moment I'll have to get used to the fun of the weaponset, and if I get better I might be using it more regularly. I am pretty sure you probably surprise people when you use it because it is so rare out there, at least in my encounters. I think for the most part I'll be doing changes on the fly depending on encounter, which I find is a big benefit. Looking at the stats, for me as long as power was over 2.1k and condi dmg was above 1.1k it would suffice so long as I could put enough pressure with covering condi's and a few hits here n there. Definitely got a lot of ideas here, thanks again.

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> @"syszery.1592" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> >

> > But nobody can win a 1v2 "unless you get one lucky surprise kill on one of the two guys and then fight the other one." <--- Quoting myself, this is doable by mirage.

> >

> > Thanks for your constructing post. Now you can get out out of here thanks.


> Why should I? Just because you don't agree with my opinion?


> In WvW there were always classes (or builds) that do better in roaming and others that simply don't. And your Revenant is for sure one of the better performing classes.


> Shatter Mesmer one-shotted you already in core if you were unlucky and perma-stealth Deadeye is very annoying, I agree. But your Soulbeast problem is seriously a lern to play issue...


Soulbeast is annoying same as deadeye if not more.

Especially the boonbeast variant has too much sustain on top of crazy high damage and mobility.

Even tho druid is even more brainless and lame to play. 99% of the times you win by profession and not by skill, celestial avatar off cooldown for 100% health regen and stealth carry you a lot.


In the majority of my encounters 90% of soulbeasts just +1 me because they are bad.


You see them running away from a fair 1vs1 if they fail rapid fire, and as soon someone else engage me, they immediately join and +1 me for a cheap easy kill.


Well power core mesmer has oneshot potential but doesn't have even close tools to survive like mirage if they fail the burst.

That's why nobody runs it, you see only some random condi pu core mesmer around, but never power core mesmer, always mirage and sometimes chrono.


Revenant performs really well that's true, but you have to agree that even if it has oneshot burst potential, if you have a shitty energy management, and you use your skills not timed right you will end up losing pretty miserably.


For example playing revenant my worse matchups are against crazy good toughness scourges, condi mirages, rangers in general and dragonhunters.


Rest of the professions are fair fights, playing correctly without mistakes you can outplay a spellbreaker without losing any health at all, but if you makes mistakes their passives will carry them the win pretty easily.

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It's not about toughness (or armor), it's about effective health level.


You need enough MODIFIED effective health (when the damage source is instant with CC) to react to a high damage burst set of abilities. Your reaction time, how many CC breakers you have (coupled with base dodge), conditional removal options (to an extent, high vuln stack can be nasty), and lag factor imputes the amount of effective health you need (assuming you aren't running perma-stealth). It is different based on whether you run a light, medium, and heavy armor class too. You need to decide if you are building for solo (1-2 opponents), small man (typically around 5) or zerg burst (IMO, doesn't really matter what you do if you don't have teleport/evade/invuln/reflect/block options).


[simple calculator I use ](http://output.jsbin.com/ohidik/1 "Simple calculator I use ") <<< Linked found from a thread back in reddit many moons ago

Note, this calculator pre-dates the 10% food bonus and doesn't include bonuses like protection or condi-reduction


Using this calculator, I run north of 50 (if low stun break options) or I die too often I feel unless I get the first jump. I also generally play in melee with higher risk/burst too so not built for 5-man+ really. I imagine if you are really new/zerg all the time, for frontline, you should be planning on running north of 65 or backline north of 50. Running less than 30 (outside of perma-stealth), you'll be a free kill to any burst soulbeat, mirage, deadeye and struggle even against spellbreakers/dh.


I also run north of 50 to hop into/out of zerg battles (tagging from mid/backline) but to each their own.

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You mentioned playing rev I would suggest check out two tonn tubby's build (I think that's how you spell his name). Rev imo is one of the harder classes to roam since you need to manage energy, limited pool of skills/condi clear and you can be locked into a specific legend at a whim's notice.


From personal experience the only toughness I incorporate into my builds are condi ones (e.g; dire, trailblazer). Some professions like warrior can pretty much face tank in full zerker/marauder due to passives like endure pain and low CD shield block adrenal health etc. I have had some success with cav/crusader stat trinkets but one part of me feels like toughness does little to nothing so I end up rocking full marauder or combo it with similar vitality stats.


Hope that helps, have a great day.

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> @"Zephyra.4709" said:

> You mentioned playing rev I would suggest check out two tonn tubby's build (I think that's how you spell his name). Rev imo is one of the harder classes to roam since you need to manage energy, limited pool of skills/condi clear and you can be locked into a specific legend at a whim's notice.


> From personal experience the only toughness I incorporate into my builds are condi ones (e.g; dire, trailblazer). Some professions like warrior can pretty much face tank in full zerker/marauder due to passives like endure pain and low CD shield block adrenal health etc. I have had some success with cav/crusader stat trinkets but one part of me feels like toughness does little to nothing so I end up rocking full marauder or combo it with similar vitality stats.


> Hope that helps, have a great day.


Yeah i saw tubby and lately he is running with cavs and 3k armor.


But i decided to just go full zerk with dura runes, zerk armor weaps and trinkets.

I must say the reward for doing so its pretty high, you have an high risk as well, but this way i have more chances to kill perma protection classes with lot of sustain, otherwise my burst is not nearly enough by stacking too much toughness.


The big enemy of rev are condis and ranged pressure, toughness is useless anyway with condis, and ranged pressure if you play perfectly you have good chances to win.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Soulbeast is annoying same as deadeye if not more.

> ...


Ranger, Engineer and Warrior all have very good sustain, good mobility and deal incredibly high damage. The same is also true for Elementalists but at least it is a bit harder to achieve. Maybe I am just to used to that to complain anymore but tbh Druid was even worse when HoT was released (iirc).



> Revenant performs really well that's true, but you have to agree that even if it has oneshot burst potential, if you have a kitten energy management, and you use your skills not timed right you will end up losing pretty miserably.


> For example playing revenant my worse matchups are against crazy good toughness scourges, condi mirages, rangers in general and dragonhunters.


I would never argue against that that Revenant is not one of the more difficult profession in this game to pick up - at least for me :-)


> Rest of the professions are fair fights, playing correctly without mistakes you can outplay a spellbreaker without losing any health at all, but if you makes mistakes their passives will carry them the win pretty easily.


Actually, SB has exactly one true passive that can save you against burst/misplay and that is Defy Pain (the trait) and it has a fairly long cool down. The other relevant one is in my opinion Adrenal Health which relies on hitting with your burst skills.

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You'll want around 2500 armor as a minimum, but don't go above 3000 and try not to stack alot of Toughness without Healing Power. If you don't have healing, its better to go for Vitality, as Toughness's main value is in your ability to "reset", but if you cannot reset effectively enough than you're better off just maxing your health and going in for an "all in' against your opponent in which you either win or die.


You also need to stack invulnerability traits, Protection and -% damage bonuses and avoid being ambushed.

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I notice a difference around 2500 armor compared to 2200 or 2100 but I primarily roam on guard which has higher base armor than the medium/light classes so getting 2500 isn't so hard. What most people are recommending is best for roaming: Dura runes, then maybe one or two knights/cavalier's trinkets but don't put any more into it than that.


What's often more important is to craft your build with decent access to active defences - evades, invulns, teleports/mobility, blocks, etc.

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I play my Deadeye as a run-and-gun/kite skirmisher. With *much* less stealth uptime than the SA DE's I started using **Durability Runes and Wanderer's Chest/Legs.** That coupled with -10% damage food and -10% damage from my Marked target is enough damage mitigation to survive the bigger hits/combos.

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>hey guys how do i become tanky so people that i can't beat stop beating me

Toughness and vitality won't save you, gotta learn what to do. In this situation, avoid fighting them on open field and use terrair to break line of sight.

>b-but i'm not a coward, i won't run from those noobs!!!

Engaging on fights that you **know** you will lose because they have a MASSIVE advantage on you is not brave, is just stupid. Avoid fighting around SMC, fighting DE/SBs around that area is a terrible idea.



>omg they are so cheesy, stop killing me guys!!! damn you, gankers!!! :(

>i play rev, it's a really hard to play alright!! i don't deserve to be killed by those noobs!!!!!

**You** choose to play a heavy damage melee build with a lot of gap closes, which can detroy those two builds you complain about if you don't die before getting close. The main reason they beat you is because you don't know what to do. Stop hidding behind excuses and get good. Playing a profession/build that you don't consider cheesy and crying about other builds on forum/reddit doesn't make you better than anyone. All it does is make you look like a giant crybaby. :lol:

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> @"Alehin.3746" said:

> >hey guys how do i become tanky so people that i can't beat stop beating me

> Toughness and vitality won't save you, gotta learn what to do. In this situation, avoid fighting them on open field and use terrair to break line of sight.

> >b-but i'm not a coward, i won't run from those noobs!!!

> Engaging on fights that you **know** you will lose because they have a MASSIVE advantage on you is not brave, is just stupid. Avoid fighting around SMC, fighting DE/SBs around that area is a terrible idea.


> Also,

> >omg they are so cheesy, stop killing me guys!!! kitten you, gankers!!! :(

> >i play rev, it's a really hard to play alright!! i don't deserve to be killed by those noobs!!!!!

> **You** choose to play a heavy damage melee build with a lot of gap closes, which can detroy those two builds you complain about if you don't die before getting close. The main reason they beat you is because you don't know what to do. Stop hidding behind excuses and get good. Playing a profession/build that you don't consider cheesy and crying about other builds on forum/reddit doesn't make you better than anyone. All it does is make you look like a giant crybaby. :lol:


Against a good condi mirage, not even the best rev on earth can do anything.


Sometimes it's a challenge and not stupid like you say go into a 1vs2, you will become so much better at the game trying those outnumbers, never complained why i am losing 1vs2s.


Opposite case instead if kill one guy alone with the help of a mate you will become more trash because after if you find yourself in a 1vs1 you will die miserably because you just went for easy cheap kills.


So don't act like a pro, because you seem just a pve hero.

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > @"Alehin.3746" said:

> > >hey guys how do i become tanky so people that i can't beat stop beating me

> > Toughness and vitality won't save you, gotta learn what to do. In this situation, avoid fighting them on open field and use terrair to break line of sight.

> > >b-but i'm not a coward, i won't run from those noobs!!!

> > Engaging on fights that you **know** you will lose because they have a MASSIVE advantage on you is not brave, is just stupid. Avoid fighting around SMC, fighting DE/SBs around that area is a terrible idea.

> >

> > Also,

> > >omg they are so cheesy, stop killing me guys!!! kitten you, gankers!!! :(

> > >i play rev, it's a really hard to play alright!! i don't deserve to be killed by those noobs!!!!!

> > **You** choose to play a heavy damage melee build with a lot of gap closes, which can detroy those two builds you complain about if you don't die before getting close. The main reason they beat you is because you don't know what to do. Stop hidding behind excuses and get good. Playing a profession/build that you don't consider cheesy and crying about other builds on forum/reddit doesn't make you better than anyone. All it does is make you look like a giant crybaby. :lol:


> Against a good condi mirage, not even the best rev on earth can do anything

Against a good _, not even the best _ on earth can do anything.

> Sometimes it's a challenge and not stupid like you say go into a 1vs2, you will become so much better at the game trying those outnumbers, never complained why i am losing 1vs2s.

> Opposite case instead if kill one guy alone with the help of a mate you will become more trash because after if you find yourself in a 1vs1 you will die miserably because you just went for easy cheap kills

I didn't say anything about 1v2s tho. I said it's stupidity engaging on a fight without a plan or knowing what you have to do in order to win and still call them "noobs" after getting your behind beat. Challenging yourself is cool, being a sore loser is not.


> So don't act like a pro, because you seem just a pve hero.


If that means knowing how to fight them and not get salty when i lose, then yeah, i guess i'm a PvE hero. What about you?

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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> Against a good condi mirage, not even the best rev on earth can do anything.


Fought against a decent full trailblazer mirage yesterday on my own hybrid mirage. Was a long while since I saw someone worth his salt - or a full condi mirage at all for that matter. About a minutes worth of a sustain slugfest, before we both downed at exactly the same time (kind of funny). Unfortunetly the condi mirage has a massive advantage over a more power one when downed :/


And not long before that... I had fought a full melee soulbeast (gs, sw/axe, I think, not quite sure) and you know what? *I didnt stand a frikkin chance in hell*. Oh we fought for about a minute too (even a mediocre mirage isnt a pushover), but he had insane hp regen and was tankier than that trailblazer mirage. Far, far, tankier while doing much more damage with what felt like berserker class, I never even got him below 60% hp at any point. And obviously far tankier than me. Earlier I saw him escape from 8 people trying to kill him, no one could catch him on those cooldowns and the few that got damage in he just brushed off and healed up.


TL;DR it doesnt matter what one call cheese, there's always someone worse.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > Against a good condi mirage, not even the best rev on earth can do anything.


> Fought against a decent full trailblazer mirage yesterday on my own hybrid mirage. Was a long while since I saw someone worth his salt - or a full condi mirage at all for that matter. About a minutes worth of a sustain slugfest, before we both downed at exactly the same time (kind of funny). Unfortunetly the condi mirage has a massive advantage over a more power one when downed :/


> And not long before that... I had fought a full melee soulbeast (gs, sw/axe, I think, not quite sure) and you know what? *I didnt stand a frikkin chance in hell*. Oh we fought for about a minute too (even a mediocre mirage isnt a pushover), but he had insane hp regen and was tankier than that trailblazer mirage. Far, far, tankier while doing much more damage with what felt like berserker class, I never even got him below 60% hp at any point. And obviously far tankier than me. Earlier I saw him escape from 8 people trying to kill him, no one could catch him on those cooldowns and the few that got damage in he just brushed off and healed up.


> TL;DR it doesnt matter what one call cheese, there's always someone worse.


A good _anything_ can be obnoxious. Even if they're fighting something that counters them all they have to do is abuse terrain and play smart. In a straight up open field 1v1 however, often times yes, a good player will lose to something that counters them because they have no way/few options to buy time to recover if they need it.


I often pick at the tail of zergs with Reaper and I can be pretty slippery on the slowest class in the game. Just gotta be good at positioning and knowing where you can use Wurm ports, pulls or have Spectral Walk pre-cast. I've been accused of hacking many times as well because I like to put my Wurm behind walls and apparently some people don't know you can do that.


So you're absolutely right about there always being someone worse. If you run in to a player that _really_ knows their class, they don't necessarily have to be a god tier player. They'll still be very difficult to kill or a huge threat because they're perfectly in tune with their limits and capabilities.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > > @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> > > Against a good condi mirage, not even the best rev on earth can do anything.

> >

> > Fought against a decent full trailblazer mirage yesterday on my own hybrid mirage. Was a long while since I saw someone worth his salt - or a full condi mirage at all for that matter. About a minutes worth of a sustain slugfest, before we both downed at exactly the same time (kind of funny). Unfortunetly the condi mirage has a massive advantage over a more power one when downed :/

> >

> > And not long before that... I had fought a full melee soulbeast (gs, sw/axe, I think, not quite sure) and you know what? *I didnt stand a frikkin chance in hell*. Oh we fought for about a minute too (even a mediocre mirage isnt a pushover), but he had insane hp regen and was tankier than that trailblazer mirage. Far, far, tankier while doing much more damage with what felt like berserker class, I never even got him below 60% hp at any point. And obviously far tankier than me. Earlier I saw him escape from 8 people trying to kill him, no one could catch him on those cooldowns and the few that got damage in he just brushed off and healed up.

> >

> > TL;DR it doesnt matter what one call cheese, there's always someone worse.


> A good _anything_ can be obnoxious. Even if they're fighting something that counters them all they have to do is abuse terrain and play smart. In a straight up open field 1v1 however, often times yes, a good player will lose to something that counters them because they have no way/few options to buy time to recover if they need it.


> I often pick at the tail of zergs with Reaper and I can be pretty slippery on the slowest class in the game. Just gotta be good at positioning and knowing where you can use Wurm ports, pulls or have Spectral Walk pre-cast. I've been accused of hacking many times as well because I like to put my Wurm behind walls and apparently some people don't know you can do that.


> So you're absolutely right about there always being someone worse. If you run in to a player that _really_ knows their class, they don't necessarily have to be a god tier player. They'll still be very difficult to kill or a huge threat because they're perfectly in tune with their limits and capabilities.


The thing is if you run into a player who knows how to COUNTER your class, that's even more important than knowing your class.

If you know your enemy, know what you MUST dodge and you succeed you are already half way for the victory.


It happens a lot to me to face many warriors while roaming, everybody with double Endure Pain and passive stab.

Some of them literally don't drop me under 90% health and I completely outplay them, even gold platinum and mithrill ranks with many years of wvw and hours on warrior.

But sometimes I face those warrior, even if they run full zerk with no dura runes I can't drop them under 50% health instead. They dodge perfectly every single I use that they seem scripted, it's just insane.

So I feel toughness is just overrated for roaming, now myself, even tho I am a newbie revenant roamer, i switched to full zerk strength runes, it's risky, but trust me it's double fun, if you dodge correctly and use the block and evade and heal correctly you will see how the best defense is the attack.

Sure toughness might help in outnumbers, but for me seems just a delayed death.


I found a soulbeast like that too, full glass, he completely outplayed me several times and i couldn't drop him under 70% health because i was panicking.


Then I found him again and decided to focus on the fight and the skills. I dodge perfectly all his burst and i landed mine dropping him to 25% with 2 skills he didnt expect, so he panicked instead, made mistakes and i killed him, and he salty whispered me saying i turned on cheats because 5 minutes ago i was trash and now he got destroyed.

He was a full glass build but he knew how to evade and dodge, i was too predictable and that's why he kept killing me.

So it's all about dodging and kiting when it's needed and it's all it matters to win a fight.


We have to mention unfortunately in wvw there are builds who carry bad players a lot.

For example power firebrand roaming using harrier and celestial stats is a pretty carrying build that allow you to 1vs2 and have an easy time even tho you are not so much skilled at the game, build does 90% of the job for you.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > Till anet adjusts the interaction between armor and power, none. Going bunker will just result in you dying.


> Yet people still complain about trailblazer mirages as one of the most OP roamers. Does that means a bunker is both dead and OP until observed?


Both. The only real bunker Ive struggled against was guardian... But well... Its guardian. You hit them and you burn in hell.


Trailblazers are basically the new HoT burn guardians and Core Tyria necros to me. As a thief... I cant get mad as condi always fucks me up. But... My armor of choice is normally valks or maurauders.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Leo Schrodingers Cat.2497" said:

> > Till anet adjusts the interaction between armor and power, none. Going bunker will just result in you dying.


> Yet people still complain about trailblazer mirages as one of the most OP roamers. Does that means a bunker is both dead and OP until observed?


You can't really call trailblazer mirage a bunker.


Going bunker, druid or guardian for example, you stack lot of toughness, healing power while giving up a tons of damage.

The enemy won't be able to burst you down, but yiu at the same time won't be able to kill your opponent and he can just run away and ignore you.


Trailblazer mirage has crazy armor to hold power builds pretty well and on top he doesn't giving up damage at all, and still able to burst you down while tanking, that's why the spec is so noob friendly and too overtuned.

Low risk high reward gameplay.

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