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Balance vs Uniqueness - a point many players ignore


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I don't find the classes very unique. They have become less so over the years with skills distributed among various classes ( confusion, moa and alacrity were all once unique skills of Mesmer and no longer are .)


So I don't find the point valid. **ANET has attempted to balance by distributing skills. It has been ineffective and reduced class uniqueness in the bargain.**

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I don't find the classes very unique. They have become less so over the years with skills distributed among various classes ( confusion, moa and alacrity were all once unique skills of Mesmer and no longer are .)


> So I don't find the point valid. **ANET has attempted to balance by distributing skills. It has been ineffective and reduced class uniqueness in the bargain.**


You dont find the classes unique?

All the classes have very unique mechanics that make each class play very differently, take a look at the clothies : mesmer ele necro

clones/attubemnts/shroud are very distinct mechanics

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> @"Ithilwen.1529" said:

> I don't find the classes very unique. They have become less so over the years with skills distributed among various classes ( confusion, moa and alacrity were all once unique skills of Mesmer and no longer are .)


> So I don't find the point valid. **ANET has attempted to balance by distributing skills. It has been ineffective and reduced class uniqueness in the bargain.**


Engineer always had confusion, so did thief.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.


Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.

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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> Scourge was unique and look where it got them.


> Necros were shoehorned into being boon corrupters for pvp and have been having a never ending battle with both anet and the QQers who cry about boon corrupt.



ANet seem hellbent to give necromancer more and more boon corruption even necromancer players are dead sick of ANet giving them boon corruption. Boon corruption seem like ANet's all around solution for every necromancer issue. Lack damage? Here is your boon corruption treat. Lack support? Sure, how about some more boon corruption? Lack defense? I think a bit more boon corruption should resolve it!... Boon corruption suck in PvE? Uh... But we gave some boons to mobs, how can you say that?


ANet push and push again boon corruption onto the necromancer and this create imbalance issue between gamemode. More than anything, ANet have an absolutely awful way to balance that revolve around the principle that if something is an issue, the first thing to do is to nerf things around.


Uniqueness or not, there is always moment where the balance team have choices to do. I'd rather see them do the proper choices than continue to repeat always the same errors. Even uniqueness need to be balanced somehow and scourge is/was the perfect example of an imbalanced uniqueness.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> > This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.


> Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.


It must be super hard to lower certain damage modifiers and/or base damages to equalize damages... hmm...

Anet even split PvE, WvW and PvP so they can put different values in each game mode, yet it still seems super hard to balance and equalize.

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You really think that GW2 lacks balance? Try other MMORPGs with PvP and then return here, you will change your mind.


Even MOBAs lack balance and they literally have no PvE content to spend resources to. I returned to LoL a couple of days back after a 3 year break, played a couple of games against AI just to refresh my muscle memory and immediately jumped into an actual game, obviously rusty I didnt expect much but I got lucky in the early game got a double kill and then I was so far ahead the opponents that I actually carried my team.


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> @"MikeL.8260" said:

> You really think that GW2 lacks balance? Try other MMORPGs with PvP and then return here, you will change your mind.


> Even MOBAs lack balance and they literally have no PvE content to spend resources to. I returned to LoL a couple of days back after a 3 year break, played a couple of games against AI just to refresh my muscle memory and immediately jumped into an actual game, obviously rusty I didnt expect much but I got lucky in the early game got a double kill and then I was so far ahead the opponents that I actually carried my team.

> #balance


I actually think that considering how unique the classes are the balance is very good.

The popular whine in this forum is that a-net simply doesn't "do enough" to balance their competitive pvp and that if only they "did more" - classes would be unique and perfectly balanced.(which ofc is impossible)

As you can see by the first few nonsensical borderline moronic comments people just dont understand

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > You really think that GW2 lacks balance? Try other MMORPGs with PvP and then return here, you will change your mind.

> >

> > Even MOBAs lack balance and they literally have no PvE content to spend resources to. I returned to LoL a couple of days back after a 3 year break, played a couple of games against AI just to refresh my muscle memory and immediately jumped into an actual game, obviously rusty I didnt expect much but I got lucky in the early game got a double kill and then I was so far ahead the opponents that I actually carried my team.

> > #balance


> I actually think that considering how unique the classes are the balance is very good.

> The popular whine in this forum is that a-net simply doesn't "do enough" to balance their competitive pvp and that if only they "did more" - classes would be unique and perfectly balanced.(which ofc is impossible)

> As you can see by the first few nonsensical borderline moronic comments people just dont understand


Shoehorning necros as boon corruptors isn't balanced though.Its very broken in spvp and nearly useless in pve, and necros aren't the only ones having issues, dare i mention lets say elementalists?


Elementalists have problems of survivability and tempest is still underpowered for pve.

Anet needs to give a role for all the older stuff, like they did for scrapper in pve and warrior still being good with banners and stuff.


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> @"Axl.8924" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > @"MikeL.8260" said:

> > > You really think that GW2 lacks balance? Try other MMORPGs with PvP and then return here, you will change your mind.

> > >

> > > Even MOBAs lack balance and they literally have no PvE content to spend resources to. I returned to LoL a couple of days back after a 3 year break, played a couple of games against AI just to refresh my muscle memory and immediately jumped into an actual game, obviously rusty I didnt expect much but I got lucky in the early game got a double kill and then I was so far ahead the opponents that I actually carried my team.

> > > #balance

> >

> > I actually think that considering how unique the classes are the balance is very good.

> > The popular whine in this forum is that a-net simply doesn't "do enough" to balance their competitive pvp and that if only they "did more" - classes would be unique and perfectly balanced.(which ofc is impossible)

> > As you can see by the first few nonsensical borderline moronic comments people just dont understand


> Shoehorning necros as boon corruptors isn't balanced though.Its very broken in spvp and nearly useless in pve, and necros aren't the only ones having issues, dare i mention lets say elementalists?


> Elementalists have problems of survivability and tempest is still underpowered for pve.

> Anet needs to give a role for all the older stuff, like they did for scrapper in pve and warrior still being good with banners and stuff.



Dude, obviously there are still some issues and theres always gonna be work to do but its not nearly as bad as people on the forum claim it is.

And when compared to other MMOs Ive known its very good.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> > > This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.

> >

> > Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.


> It must be super hard to lower certain damage modifiers and/or base damages to equalize damages... hmm...

> Anet even split PvE, WvW and PvP so they can put different values in each game mode, yet it still seems super hard to balance and equalize.


Except balance isn't JUST about DPS ... hum ...

especially in PVP .... hum ...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> > > > This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.

> > >

> > > Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.

> >

> > It must be super hard to lower certain damage modifiers and/or base damages to equalize damages... hmm...

> > Anet even split PvE, WvW and PvP so they can put different values in each game mode, yet it still seems super hard to balance and equalize.


> Except balance isn't JUST about DPS ... hum ...

> especially in PVP .... hum ...


So it is that hard to reduce heal numbers on skills? Reduce boon uptimes on skills? Reduce boon application/removal/corrupt on skills? Increase cooldowns on skills that are used way too often, reduce mobility skill ranges so people stop escaping so easily and so on... just open your mind to possibilities :)

Maybe it's just about what anet wants to be overpowered for certain amount of time, rather than what they accidentally made op.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> > > > > This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.

> > > >

> > > > Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.

> > >

> > > It must be super hard to lower certain damage modifiers and/or base damages to equalize damages... hmm...

> > > Anet even split PvE, WvW and PvP so they can put different values in each game mode, yet it still seems super hard to balance and equalize.

> >

> > Except balance isn't JUST about DPS ... hum ...

> > especially in PVP .... hum ...


> So it is that hard to reduce heal numbers on skills? Reduce boon uptimes on skills? Reduce boon application/removal/corrupt on skills? Increase cooldowns on skills that are used way too often, reduce mobility skill ranges so people stop escaping so easily and so on... just open your mind to possibilities :)

> Maybe it's just about what anet wants to be overpowered for certain amount of time, rather than what they accidentally made op.


The simple answer to your infantile question is yes.

People will crunch the numbers and something will always be on top and in a competitive environment where people care more about winning people will flock to whats on top.

You want a game thats 100% skill based? completely balanced without any luck elements? go play chess.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> The simple answer to your infantile question is yes.

> People will crunch the numbers and something will always be on top and in a competitive environment where people care more about winning people will flock to whats on top.

> You want a game thats 100% skill based? completely balanced without any luck elements? go play chess.


If you can't undestand that I want anet to balance things that are overtuned at the moment and you call it infantile then I am sorry.

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > The simple answer to your infantile question is yes.

> > People will crunch the numbers and something will always be on top and in a competitive environment where people care more about winning people will flock to whats on top.

> > You want a game thats 100% skill based? completely balanced without any luck elements? go play chess.


> If you can't undestand that I want anet to balance things that are overtuned at the moment and you call it infantile then I am sorry.


> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > The simple answer to your infantile question is yes.

> > People will crunch the numbers and something will always be on top and in a competitive environment where people care more about winning people will flock to whats on top.

> > You want a game thats 100% skill based? completely balanced without any luck elements? go play chess.


> If you can't undestand that I want anet to balance things that are overtuned at the moment and you call it infantile then I am sorry.


What you almost insanely fail to understand is that there is inherit imbalance in the mechanics themselves and no number-tuning will ever be perfect or even close.

You can clearly see them tuning and tweaking numbers constantly, are they just retarded? Maybe you should go join a-net and fix everything with a little bit of number tuning eh?

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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > > > > If you make the classes unique - it becomes harder to balance them and the other way around.(more balance - more homogeneous claases)

> > > > > This game is very casual in nature and they decided to make the classes very unique - just play what you want because balance is impossible.

> > > >

> > > > Yup ... we get different styles of play and there is some compromises to that. Some people just don't want to acknowledge balance is harder to achieve; I guess faith is a strong virtue. We will see; we are _only_ 6 years in.

> > >

> > > It must be super hard to lower certain damage modifiers and/or base damages to equalize damages... hmm...

> > > Anet even split PvE, WvW and PvP so they can put different values in each game mode, yet it still seems super hard to balance and equalize.

> >

> > Except balance isn't JUST about DPS ... hum ...

> > especially in PVP .... hum ...


> So it is that hard to reduce heal numbers on skills? Reduce boon uptimes on skills? Reduce boon application/removal/corrupt on skills? Increase cooldowns on skills that are used way too often, reduce mobility skill ranges so people stop escaping so easily and so on... just open your mind to possibilities :)

> Maybe it's just about what anet wants to be overpowered for certain amount of time, rather than what they accidentally made op.


No it's not hard to change number, but that doesn't create balance. My mind is open to possibilities; the possibility that the best balance you're going to get in a complex interaction of mechanics like this game has is primarily due to player skill ... and that makes alot of sense to me.


Besides ... maybe you are right ... maybe it is about what Anet wants to be OPed ... so nothing anyone says is going to change that intentional inbalancing is it?


Either way, whatever level of balance exists is what you should get used to. If that's a problem, you can make choices in the game to address that yourself.

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> @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> What you almost insanely fail to understand is that there is inherit imbalance in the mechanics themselves and no number-tuning will ever be perfect or even close.

> You can clearly see them tuning and tweaking numbers constantly, are they just kitten? Maybe you should go join a-net and fix everything with a little bit of number tuning eh?


What mechanics? Thief perma stealth? Soulbeast bursts at 1,5k+ ranges? I wonder, what do you think is overtuned currently.

From my point of view, I find overtuned things in gw2 atm easily fixed by number tuning :)



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> @"cryorion.9532" said:

> > @"Amaranthe.3578" said:

> > What you almost insanely fail to understand is that there is inherit imbalance in the mechanics themselves and no number-tuning will ever be perfect or even close.

> > You can clearly see them tuning and tweaking numbers constantly, are they just kitten? Maybe you should go join a-net and fix everything with a little bit of number tuning eh?


> What mechanics? Thief perma stealth? Soulbeast bursts at 1,5k+ ranges? I wonder, what do you think is overtuned currently.

> From my point of view, I find overtuned things in gw2 atm easily fixed by number tuning :)




You don't see it, but this post explains exactly what you don't understand; balance isn't just about the few mechanics you think are overtuned. A class is defined by all it's toolset, not just the overtuned portions. In fact, correct balance could result in overtuned mechanics.

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