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How's the Rev after the update?


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A sidegrade with no use in PvE and a sligth downgrade in PvP/WvW. Overall: 3 months of work wasted.


Is also amazing how anodyne the new Facet of Nature mechanics are: you can play at any game mode without ever using FoN or True Nature and literally nothing changes or is missed. Both specs (Herald and Renegade) are utterly lacking in personality.

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Is also laughlable that, while trying to refocus the Herald into a more support oriented legend, they removed the major trait which converted 2 seconds of damage into healing while rezzing in exchange for Core Value. How could Herald be considered more supportive now once Radiant REVIVAL was removed from the game? Is out there anything more supportive than trying to rezz an ally in downed state? Plus, half of the properties of Core Value are selfish (removing boons from enemies, transfering conditions), and some supportive ones were way stronger before the changes (boon duration: better pre patch). Lesson learned: I no longer try to rezz allies while playing PvP or roaming, and only swap to Glint for AoE cleave/cc. Enjoy my supportive Herald, fellas!

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For pvp, minor downgrade with much lower boon up-times across the board which are somewhat counter balanced by glint consume skills being a bit better but feels like a net nerf overall. For pve power herald lost about 10% of its dps moving it from suboptimal but decent down to the lowest power dps class in the game for both burst and sustained damage (also now the only class with sub 30k benchmark for power). The damage loss came from bug fixes which is fair, but there was pretty much no attempt to compensate how much the bugs were propping up the damage and as a result it is back to trash tier after being in a good spot. To add insult to injury we still have all the classic painful bugs like unrelenting assault failing sometimes either from slow or just randomly, targeting inanimate objects with various skills and losing damage as a result, and there is the new bug with legend skills swapping back to default positions so you can't customize your key binds, and one of the new raid bosses (conjured amalgamate) is totally immune to impossible odds damage because "Obstructed. Been a rough month seeing power herald finally get pulled out from the dumpster only to be kicked right back in.

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You know what? thats the point, where i doubt my existence as a revenant main, to the point that it goes at a identity crisis. I personally am the guy that likes to have a "god" class (not the op context but viable/strong everywhere) and kinda got into revenant because i really love the class mechanics. but hearing from people left and right that this class is total bullshit is just spirit breaking even though revenant is in pvp for example my best class. tried to get into something else like mesmer but got bored of it quickly and nowadays trying elementalist, but i cant really see through this class in pvp. mained guardian befor heart of thorns and after revenant got useless (was broken at release) but it kinda felt to easy allways fighting the same style day in day out without real change. And the next class i tried my hands on was ranger and i allways got flamed on because i played power dps and everyone complained about me using a greatsword but never about the usage of longbow, but never when i was a revenant. not even in t4 fractals which went way better because i knew my class.

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Wait what update? Let me check this out.


Oh the new Herald update. Lol that was nothing Imo. FoN is actually worst imo when using Dragon legend. Lol the irony. The bonus healing for Support is real lame. I can't even take that mess seriously.


Lol the cost is also another big problem that negates the buff of the darn thing.... genius!!


Shield,,,, lol just lol... Still sucks. Anet seem afraid to change shield and make it great. The new Condition cleanse from the traits should be baseline for such a terrible weapon. It needs a revamp. The heal need to be greatly improved on the throw and make it do damage as well. The Rootshield need to be changed into a block that heals nearby allies when you get hit.

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> @"Knighthonor.4061" said:

> Wait what update? Let me check this out.


> Oh the new Herald update. Lol that was nothing Imo. FoN is actually worst imo when using Dragon legend. Lol the irony. The bonus healing for Support is real lame. I can't even take that mess seriously.


> Lol the cost is also another big problem that negates the buff of the darn thing.... genius!!


> Shield,,,, lol just lol... Still sucks. Anet seem afraid to change shield and make it great. The new Condition cleanse from the traits should be baseline for such a terrible weapon. It needs a revamp. The heal need to be greatly improved on the throw and make it do damage as well. The Rootshield need to be changed into a block that heals nearby allies when you get hit.



well im healing arround 3.8 to 5k on shield 4 :\ i dont have a SS atm but here are som evalues on zealots stats 1350 healing power.

Shield 4 atm isnt that bad, but shielf 5.... its a lol... i completelly agree :)

FON (Facet of Nature with vetari ??), heals arround 1k-1.2k+1k from elevated compassion if i trait small scale build, ment for 5 players instead of 10.

(Note: some heals werent higher cause that was the health laking on the players)

Atm using water runes since every 10sec will heal the 2k from the skill plus 2k from the rune as well, probably will swap to monk.

![](https://i.imgur.com/Y2pdcPQ.png "")



> @"Zhaid Zhem.6508" said:

> I still don't understant the point of F2.


It consumes a bit to much IMO, -2 would be the sweet spot (just -1 difference can make a huge difference).

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I did some calculations to compare FoN: Ventari to simple regen on a healing build. FoN gives you bigger ticks, but they only occur once every three seconds. Regen from Facet of Light heals for over twice as much per second than FoN and only costs one energy (two in pvp) to upkeep instead of three. The only advantage FoN has is that it's a special effect and cannot be stripped or corrupted. Even if it only cost two energy to upkeep, it would still be far worse than just maintaining Facet of Light.


It's really, really bad. I'd only ever use FoN: Ventari if I had no way to give regen to my allies or for its consume skill, a 600 range aoe condi cleanse.

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From a support herald perspective, I feel like this patch was a buff if running Glint, but otherwise I definitely feel it's a nerf. Although the regen ticks are nice (1053 has been my highest on 10 targets with proper food, stacks, and oil), I do really miss the old traits too: superspeed on stunbreak, protection on heal, additional stab stacks, and the extra concentration. I feel like this patch was aimed specifically at trying to make support herald more viable, but the changes feel like they come from a total lack of experience and perspective and like they are pigeonholing support herald into running Ventari/Glint even though Glint has no active support abilities besides the superspeed from the elite. The consume abilities are primarily offensive, and even Glint's Song of the Mists seems to indicate that it is meant to be used primarily as an offensive spec.


I also feel like it was made in a blind haste, as is evidenced by Facet of Nature and True Nature. Best thing to come out of this patch is Draconic Echo. In another poll I rated the patch a +2 on a scale of +3 to -3, but after playing support herald almost every day in WvW since the patch, I'd give it a 0 (middle). It has potential, but it feels like a small bandaid that only partally covers the issue. Also, shield still has its same issues as before.

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As a 100% solo/small group wvw roamer (glint/shiro), the changes were not only unnecessary (rev was finally in a reasonable spot before the patch) but overall feel like a nerf.

I've lost my beloved superspeed on stunbreak, which saved my ass so many times.

I've lost a considerable amount of boon duration, which now forces me to stay on glint more than i probably should just to see my boons disappear very quickly anyway if i have to stay on shiro for too long. Longer fights just increase the chances that i will end up having no swiftness or very few might stacks as soon as they get stripped/corrupted even once.

F2 glint passive is useless and expensive, the active is even more useless. I've lost a reliable source of many boons (=more damage) and especially protection on demand, i've gained nothing meaningful.

F2 shiro passive is very weak and by using it I will end up being overall less mobile because of the upkeep cost, which slows down energy regen. The active is interesting but not enough to make up for everything else i've lost.

The damage multipliers are okish in glint, but in shiro are never really usable without putting yourself at high risk for an arguably modest increase in damage.

They swapped 20stacks of vulnerability for a 15% damage increase on burst of strength which, although it's not a condition (can't be corrupted/stripped) it's still 5% damage less than before, it has shorter duration and it's only useful to the caster, while vulnerability is a group-oriented debuff which any ally would have benefited from.

The only actually buffed skill was chaotic release, but then they reverted the CD to 45sec so now it's just ok, although now the caster gets superspeed aswell (not just allies) so that's something, i guess.


Overall the revenant feels slower to play and way less rewarding than before, which is basically a constant trend since they removed my beloved equilibrium from the game, but even more so when compared to the easier, borderline idiotic, alternative roaming professions currently in the game.


On top of all that, the horribly annoying stance swap bug is still there after a week, which on its own it's destroying my will to play revenant.

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The biggest problem with the new Herald is the F2 upkeep cost. It feels off since you are better off spamming the active F2 ability so you can avoid the passive's energy cost. Also some of the new F2 abilities seem like are only useful in certain situations. The old F2 was much more versatile and had uses whether you were running around solo or playing with a large group.


This is much less of a problem, but I'm also annoyed with the new set of traits. There's too many traits focused on healing or the F2 ability. It feels like they did this to allow people to play support in raids. I miss old traits like Radiant Revival, Vigorous Persistence, and Enhanced Bulwark which were much more useful in WvW.

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> @"wisebear.9176" said:

> As a 100% solo/small group wvw roamer (glint/shiro), the changes were not only unnecessary (rev was finally in a reasonable spot before the patch) but overall feel like a nerf.

> I've lost my beloved superspeed on stunbreak, which saved my kitten so many times.

> I've lost a considerable amount of boon duration, which now forces me to stay on glint more than i probably should just to see my boons disappear very quickly anyway if i have to stay on shiro for too long. Longer fights just increase the chances that i will end up having no swiftness or very few might stacks as soon as they get stripped/corrupted even once.

> F2 glint passive is useless and expensive, the active is even more useless. I've lost a reliable source of many boons (=more damage) and especially protection on demand, i've gained nothing meaningful.

> F2 shiro passive is very weak and by using it I will end up being overall less mobile because of the upkeep cost, which slows down energy regen. The active is interesting but not enough to make up for everything else i've lost.

> The damage multipliers are okish in glint, but in shiro are never really usable without putting yourself at high risk for an arguably modest increase in damage.

> They swapped 20stacks of vulnerability for a 15% damage increase on burst of strength which, although it's not a condition (can't be corrupted/stripped) it's still 5% damage less than before, it has shorter duration and it's only useful to the caster, while vulnerability is a group-oriented debuff which any ally would have benefited from.

> The only actually buffed skill was chaotic release, but then they reverted the CD to 45sec so now it's just ok, although now the caster gets superspeed aswell (not just allies) so that's something, i guess.


> Overall the revenant feels slower to play and way less rewarding than before, which is basically a constant trend since they removed my beloved equilibrium from the game, but even more so when compared to the easier, borderline idiotic, alternative roaming professions currently in the game.


> On top of all that, the horribly annoying stance swap bug is still there after a week, which on its own it's destroying my will to play revenant.


I really, really do not think you could get any more accurate than this.


Our boon uptime, which was supposed to be a staple of the class, has been absolutely gutted. If you don't run a boon duration rune you get a grand total of 8% boon duration. 8%! That's less than any engi who happens to take Alchemy, any scourge that happens to have two or more (effective) shades up, any ranger who takes NM, any Ele who takes Arcane...


or, MOST INSULTINGLY, less than any thief who takes Acro OR Premeditation in Deadeye. Either of those two on their own would give the thief more boon duration than the rev's new trait Reinforced Potency. They watered down both Elder's Force and Envoy of Sustenance and combined them both into a lackluster GM minor, and somehow, despite taking one less trait slot than the former 2, it sucks spectacularly.


Like really, a THIEF beating out Herald in terms of boon duration. Let me direct you to a comment made by Roy, one of the original designers of (if not THE original creator of) the revenant and herald.


**"The focus of the herald is on support via boons, utility, and personal defense."**


This focus has been completely abandoned with this rework. I would take a 10% damage decrease across the board in WvW if the current balance team would just remember the original point of herald itself.


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> @"Buran.3796" said:

> Yeah, after one week more of play and summing up the bugs, the lack of distinctive features that this class had in time and now lacks and the increasing snowball of bugs dragged from its very inception and ramping up patch after patch the best way to describe it is: **worse than ever**.


Lack of distinctive features??


I'll have you know that somebody worked very hard on Sevenshot, and it's actually a fairly useable skill now if you're aiming at a bus at point blank range. Thankyouverymuch!

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