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[SPOILER] Storm Tracking / Motion sickness: How to finish it?

Dreamy Lu.3865

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Due to motion sickness, I cannot finish the instance Storm Tracking. The path is too long and since there is no possibility to rest for some seconds due to AOEs, no way to stabilize stomach once in a while before to continue on the path. At the top of it, once arrived at the floating rocks, that are moving, combined with the slow motion... Oh my... I can do the first two ones and then I have no other choice than stopping before the worst happens... :s


Anyone knows if it is possible to enter into the instance of someone else, let the player who is the instance owner do the mount part (or do a part of it until sick), then get completion for all party members? That would be my only chance...


Or if anyone else having motion sickness like me, found a trick to cope with this part of the instance up to the end of it, could you please tell me how?


Thank you :3

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If you have the griffon and the new endurance mastery you can switch to the griffon in the low gravity zone and fly to the end ignoring all the blocks. The lower gravity combined with the wing flap from the griffon and if needed extra flaps with the endurance skill should be more then enough to make it to the end.

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Not done this yet, but the motion sickness was a reason I couldn't play, I was soooo gutted. Thankfully I have got my camera sorted so my playing time has greatly improved (although I still do get it a bit from time to time and get headaches) so thanks for the heads up, I hope i will be ok.

On a side note, although I saw it on the notes, that part on the story about those visions in the cinematic was not good and I don't generally suffer with flashes etc. I think it need some kind of warning at the start.

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My usual response (as someone who rapidly gets motion sick even when controlling the steering, let alone watching someone else stream) is to zoom way out. Go into your camera settings in the Options menu and max the field of view, move the camera setting to be above and behind your head, etc. But you've probably already done all that if you are as sensitive as me :(


Still, that instance gave me no illness at all. So maybe camera tweaking will help you?

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I also suffer from motion sickness and wondered when PoF came out if I would ever be able to play. I found that by focusing **just ahead** of my character on her/his mount, not on the character exactly, helped me a lot. Also, once you arrive at the floating rocks, switch to your griffon and fly over them, following their path towards the rift. Best of luck, I know it's hard.

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> @"mysticeyesx.1346" said:

> This is the worst content in that part of the story by far that anet has ever released. At least it plays for you. I can't get it to stop killing me so i can progress. and yes i tried the tricks everyone keeps posting.


Yep. adjust settings all you want(for motion sickness) but it doens't fix crappy mechanics like this. Had to put the game away for today and try it another time.


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I'm gonna have to try the Griffon thing. i gt bad MS. It's better since I adjusted my settings, but I had to go lay down for a bit after all of that jumping around and trying to track the moving stones. It was very disorienting and I died way too many times. I was lucky enough to go in with a friend, on her story, and she's an excellent rider/jump puzzler. I just stayed dead until she finally made it out and it gave me the chance to continue since it wan't my instance. I do want that AP tho, so I may try it again.

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I stupidly watched a walkthrough of this part of the story, after being warned about the motion sickness. Uh...wow... [spinny eyes] I can see...*noises*... The slowly-falling rocks combined with moving forward to them...*ugh*. I was perfectly okay until that part. Does flying a griffon really work?

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> . I was lucky enough to go in with a friend, on her story, and she's an excellent rider/jump puzzler. I just stayed dead until she finally made it out and it gave me the chance to continue since it wan't my instance. I do want that AP tho, so I may try it again.


Oh! Really? I tried to do it that way, with a friend, but I got not such proposal at the end. I was just kicked off the instance when my friend finished, and of course, with no progress saved at all. Maybe it was a bug? :/


Since I achieve to make it with - more or less - bearable motion sickness up to gravity zone, I will try to use the Griffon for last part and see if it gets me through. Thanks for the hint.



Dears, I did enter into the instance 5 minutes ago, to redo it using your hints: I had the surprise to be at the end of it! The instance had been completed and I just had to talk to Taimi and Braham. WOW! Nice surprise. =)

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Friend and I finished this last night and thankfully I didn't feel ill, but I can see how people would be. I hope there isn't so much flashing and fast movements in the next seasons, I may be telling another story.

But Gz on getting past it, having Motion Sickness is not fun *at all*

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> @"Topalai.4789" said:

> If you have the griffon and the new endurance mastery you can switch to the griffon in the low gravity zone and fly to the end ignoring all the blocks. The lower gravity combined with the wing flap from the griffon and if needed extra flaps with the endurance skill should be more then enough to make it to the end.

You don't even need the new endurance mastery. Just swith to the griffon at 2nd checkpoint with the white rocks and fly the entire way from there to the exit rift, using normal wingflaps when the endurance is recharged.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can't finish it either on raptor or griffon. I have a condition that makes it difficult too. I've played for years, used to play competitively in top guilds though now just play casually and can solo most storylines, but this? Must have tried that last step 50 times tonight. Left instance after reading comment above hoping it would put me at end, but no way.... it's embarrassing and so so frustrating. :open_mouth: :

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Thankfully I don't have motion sickness. I wonder if a wide panel monitor would help. I did the first part with the raptor and griffon to finish. I think they should add a portal that activates after a given number of failures to help people hung up on it or something to just trigger something that would take control of the character and send it thru the motions sort of like a cutscene that uses in game rendering. A portal would be the simplest option for them to add.

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> @"Siliconmana.3816" said:

> Can't finish it either on raptor or griffon. I have a condition that makes it difficult too. I've played for years, used to play competitively in top guilds though now just play casually and can solo most storylines, but this? Must have tried that last step 50 times tonight. Left instance after reading comment above hoping it would put me at end, but no way.... it's embarrassing and so so frustrating. :open_mouth: :

If all else fails get a friend to carry you through. Only one of you needs to reach the rift/portal that ends the episode.


Personally, I'm also having a lot of problems with motion sickness all over episode 4, to the point where one hour of playing around Jahai means I'll have to lie down with a splitting headache and ready to throw up for the rest of the day :( . I did however get through this instance twice by taking along a friend and tackling the instance fairly early in a play session. Fortunately I was able to do the race part with my griffon this way (tried with raptor, too, but the quick turns required made me sick after a couple of tries, the griffon allows for much smoother turns).


If you don't have a friend to take you through and are on EU, feel free to send me a message. While this isn't all that easy for me either, I've got a couple of characters I'd still like to play the story on so any excuse to go in there (and possibly drag somebody else along) is good :) .


> @"Tekoneiric.6817" said:

> Thankfully I don't have motion sickness. I wonder if a wide panel monitor would help.

Not really, at least in my case. On the contrary the less monitor in my field of vision, and the more stationary surroundings I keep in view, the less likely I'm to get sick. It's when my eyes think I'm moving because (most) everything on-screen is that I start getting sick. It's also one of the reasons I always play minecraft in a small window rather than in full screen, full screen makes me sick even if it's just blocks on display ;) .



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  • 3 months later...

Me too on the motion sickness. Some tips that might save a few retries: it is a race against some purple-black storms, so you haven't time to get your bearings and take a breath; you need to scramble. If you retry from checkpoint, you need to mount up and get off that point quickly or a storm will get you. If you hit one of the danger-warning circles, the mount will be slowed so that either a storm will take you or the mount won't jump far enough to reach the next rock.

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