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Serious error in herald, are you reviewing it?

rev in love.8439

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This happens to me in 2 different accounts and in all my revenants characters. When changing the legend in pvp, classified or unclassified games, the skills 6, 7 or 8 of my place character are changed, for example by being in the legend of Shiro using Grim Response and changing the legend just after completing the Shady Response animation makes Glint's ability that I had placed in the place of 7 to be swapped out of the one that I had set as skill 9, sometimes in Shiro some are also exchanged. It has been happening since this last update. How much time are we going to wait? It is on review? We need some info @Anet, thanks



Traducido de Español:

Esto me sucede en 2 cuentas diferentes y en todos mis personajes revenants. Al cambiar de leyenda en partidas pvp, clasificadas o sin clasificar se cambian de lugar las habilidades 6, 7 u 8 de mi personaje de lugar, por ejemplo al estar en la leyenda de Shiro usando Respuesta sombría y cambiando de leyenda justo después de terminar la animación de Respuesta sombría hace que la habilidad de Glint que yo había colocado en el lugar del 7 se intercambie de lugar por la que yo había configurado como habilidad 9, a veces en Shiro también se intercambian algunas. Me lleva pasando desde esta útima actualización. Cuanto tiempo vamos a esperar? Esta en revision? Necesitamos algo de info @Anet, gracias

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They know of the bug so don't worry. Basically how it works is that certain glint skills are linked to certain shiro skills. For example Burst of Strength (Facet of Strength) is linked to Impossible Odds, so if u cast Burst of Strength and swap legend from glint to shiro mid cast it will swap impossible odds to be the same button as Facet of Strength if they don't already align. So if you haveFacet of Strength on 7 and Impossible odds on 6 it will switch place between your shiro 6 and 7 ability. The other linked abilities are Facet of Darkness - Riposting Shadows and Facet of Elements - Phase Traversal.

Unless you already have your buttons coincidentally match this way then rev is unplayable until it's fixed since it will change your binds mid game and u can't do anything about it except wait until the game is over to change it back.

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> @"Schnuschnu.9857" said:

> Go into the pvp lobby and sort the skills like you want. The skills are different in each mode so you have to arrange them in every mode seperately. If you jump from pve directly into pvp the order of the skills might not be the same. So go into the lobby first and arrange them how you like. For WvW it's the same.


No, the skills themselves will straight up rearrange themselves in the middle of a match.

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Yeah, rev is figuratively unplayable till this crap gets sorted out. Try to press your stun break to find it randomly swapped places with something else and you are dead. Then you have to spend the rest of the match fighting your muscle memory on where you think the skills are supposed to be and hope they don't swap again at an inoportune moment.

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Hasn't it always been this way? As far as I can remember that is how rev utities have worked.


> @"djoun.3425" said:

> They know of the bug so don't worry. Basically how it works is that certain glint skills are linked to certain shiro skills. For example Burst of Strength (Facet of Strength) is linked tdang typos lol o Impossible Odds, so if u cast Burst of Strength and swap legend from glint to shiro mid cast it will swap impossible odds to be the same button as Facet of Strength if they don't already align. So if you haveFacet of Strength on 7 and Impossible odds on 6 it will switch place between your shiro 6 and 7 ability. The other linked abilities are Facet of Darkness - Riposting Shadows and Facet of Elements - Phase Traversal.

> Unless you already have your buttons coincidentally match this way then rev is unplayable until it's fixed since it will change your binds mid game and u can't do anything about it except wait until the game is over to change it back.



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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> Hasn't it always been this way? As far as I can remember that is how rev utities have worked.


I am translating into English, do you understand the error we have? He is very upset and what he does is reorder the skills 6,7,8 in the middle of the pvp matches randomly apparently. This needs urgent repair!

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> @"rev in love.8439" said:

> He is very upset and what he does is reorder the skills 6,7,8 in the middle of the pvp matches randomly apparently. This needs urgent repair!


That is the thing. It isn't random. Skills in the different stances are tied to each other. If you move them around that you have put every skill at the same spot under the different stances.


Or if you want to have the easy way: After the skills had been moved, don't move them back. They are than under a different number but wont move back (unless you change your skills again).

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> @"BadHealer.3608" said:

> > @"rev in love.8439" said:

> > He is very upset and what he does is reorder the skills 6,7,8 in the middle of the pvp matches randomly apparently. This needs urgent repair!


> That is the thing. It isn't random. Skills in the different stances are tied to each other. If you move them around that you have put every skill at the same spot under the different stances.


> Or if you want to have the easy way: After the skills had been moved, don't move them back. They are than under a different number but wont move back (unless you change your skills again).


ive been playing rev with those keybinds for 3 years... i dont wanna get new keybinds and change my habits because anet released a new bug with the latest patch...

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> @"Cifrer.6013" said:

> Hasn't it always been this way? As far as I can remember that is how rev utities have worked.


> > @"djoun.3425" said:

> > They know of the bug so don't worry. Basically how it works is that certain glint skills are linked to certain shiro skills. For example Burst of Strength (Facet of Strength) is linked tdang typos lol o Impossible Odds, so if u cast Burst of Strength and swap legend from glint to shiro mid cast it will swap impossible odds to be the same button as Facet of Strength if they don't already align. So if you haveFacet of Strength on 7 and Impossible odds on 6 it will switch place between your shiro 6 and 7 ability. The other linked abilities are Facet of Darkness - Riposting Shadows and Facet of Elements - Phase Traversal.

> > Unless you already have your buttons coincidentally match this way then rev is unplayable until it's fixed since it will change your binds mid game and u can't do anything about it except wait until the game is over to change it back.





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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> This bug is known and being investigated.


We appreciate your response


I would like to add that the Facets are as united with the abilities of shiro, the Facet of strength is united with Against the impossible, the Facet of the elements uses the same place as inexorable Approach and the Facet of Darkness uses the same place as Response gloomy when changing legend from Shiro to Glint. Maybe this is useful.


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> @"Ben Phongluangtham.1065" said:

> This bug is known and being investigated.


Can you also look at the bug with Ele's where the new Detonate Aura would appear wrongly? for example, Detonate Frost Aura would be the #4 skill instead of Ride The Lightning aswell as not having Frost Aura on you anyway. I expected it to be fixed with this patch but i guess not

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This is not only a Herald problem. It happens to me fairly often when I play my Renegade, usually when I dismount, when I find that my skills have moved themselves around. It's one of the main annoyances that is keeping me from enjoying the class (that and the consistent pathfinding/line of sight issues).

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