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Superior Sigil of Nullification [Merged]


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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > > @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > > There's quite a lot of too-ing and fro-ing here about details.

> > >

> > > The _real_ issue is that perceived player profiteering (aided by a general shortage in supply) has driven the price so high that people feel like they're being cheated. It's not _just_ the high price, it's also _why_ it's high but the _absolute_ root of this issue is the fact that the price was really low and is high now (if the price had gone up from 1c to 25s, for example, then no-one would be complaining).

> > >

> > > Had ArenaNet replaced the Sigils of Nullification with some new Widget sold at 5g or even 10g then I believe people would be much more accepting of the price, because they wouldn't be feeling like they'd missed out on something (getting the Sigil at 2s55c before they were all snapped up) and wouldn't be feeling like they're being ripped off by other players.

> >

> > It is interesting that people would feel ripped off by a power trader but not by ArenaNet who would arguably make things expensive in gold cost in order to sell more gems. People are just strange, but then I might be stranger here.


> I guess the difference is that it's seen as "fairer" if ArenaNet set a specific price that everyone has to pay.


> Everyone spent 250g to unlock their griffon, for example, the early people didn't get it for 50g and then raise the price to 500g for latecomers.


But ask the same people if it's fair that latecomers have to pay for LS chapters and then it's ok. I just don't get these double standards I guess. But I still think the reason why the feel it's unfair is because of the price they have to pay and not the profiteering, cause people only feel unfairly treated because they have to pay more for the same. Ergo, the price does matter. I mean if the griffon had cost 50g and the latecomers would have to pay 55g I'm not sure that would cause much of an outrage.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> There's quite a lot of too-ing and fro-ing here about details.


> The _real_ issue is that perceived player profiteering (aided by a general shortage in supply) has driven the price so high that people feel like they're being cheated. It's not _just_ the high price, it's also _why_ it's high but the _absolute_ root of this issue is the fact that the price was really low and is high now (if the price had gone up from 1c to 25s, for example, then no-one would be complaining).


> Had ArenaNet replaced the Sigils of Nullification with some new Widget sold at 5g or even 10g then I believe people would be much more accepting of the price, because they wouldn't be feeling like they'd missed out on something (getting the Sigil at 2s55c before they were all snapped up) and wouldn't be feeling like they're being ripped off by other players.


I think its more players feel aggrieved that ANET is seen to be using the inability to even remotely balance supply and demand of the sigil to allow for TP profiteering in an effort to steer gem sales.. A fixed price for the set which includes pricing of specific items would of been the fairer way to of run this and still allow them to promote gem sales and gate the time required to complete if necessary. I guess this way feeds the greed for longer and keeps another nice stash of gold tucked away in those dark corners of the game in readiness for the next big TP item hike.


I mean as I said earlier if you take a conservative number of active players being 250k and lets say a 3rd of those want to get a set, so approx. 83k.. wouldn't be unbelievable imo… 25 sigils per set that's say like 83k x 25= 2,075,000 sigils needed, and I think that's pretty conservative.

With only 1 sigil guaranteed if you choose to reroll to lvl 64 an ungodly amount of times and pay 2k gems for the privilege once your own supply of tomes and tokens is extinguished, that leaves an awful lot of praying to the toilet gods and/or some expensive outlay to buy from the TP.

Except where does the TP get all those extra sigils from in order to keep up with demand, cos evidence so far suggests it isn't going to get anywhere close, anytime soon. I mean since the collection went live supply has dropped off from like 3k to currently under 1k with small amounts coming in along the way.

If the TP could pull in 50k sigils a month, which is highly unlikely it indicates demand is still likely to be outstripping supply for many months to come.. so the only thing that is going to pull demand back is players loosing interest as time goes by, which I think is what will happen..

The price is grossly inflated, but even if we were all happy about paying like 11gold each sigil, plus the gemstones, plus the leather.. the issue still remains that there simply isn't enough sigils in the system or a suitable route to resupplying it anyway.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

> > >

> > > Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.

> > >

> > > I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?

> > >

> > > You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

> >

> > You got a few fair points there but just look at this chart, between 4AM and 5AM 18k sigils vanished from the market, so the assumption that a whale bought up the market is backed by numbers. That whale could of course be a whole guild or just one guy but it looks coordinated.

> > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification


> Yet we have people in this very thread admitting to buying the Sigil at 1g, 3.x gold and other values. Admitting that they bought only their required amount or some extra to later sell.


> You are simply assuming a very tiny minority bought up all the Sigils and while that might well be compared to the entire player base, it is pure speculation that this minority was super wealthy TP barons. As Wanze and I have pointed out, this kind of market reaction and continued market reaction is not achievable by just some few players. It requires an entire shift in player base behavior versus a commodity.


> Are some few making gold off of the initial 18k Sigils? Sure but how many and what type of players those are you can only speculate. Chances are high it is gold savvy players but that is not required. I can guarantee a vast majority of people in this thread would do the same given the opportunity, that is quite evident by the amount of envy and greed through the responses.


> That does not affect in any way the Sigils which are now coming into the game yet are priced similar to previous Sigils which were bought up old stock. Turns out, any one owning Sigils for sale enjoys taking as much gold as they can for them. That too is no TP baron mumbo jumbo but simple normal player market interaction.


> EDIT: the more this thread goes on it becomes evident that people are not actually opposed to the high price, but are rather envious of others having been faster or getting the same collection for less gold. Yes, that is unfortunate (and it affects me too since I don't have my Sigils yet but I don't mind getting beat by some savvy players. On the contrary, I applaud their dedication and speed to figure this stuff out). But that's life, you don't always get to win. What you can do is decide what the collection is worth to you and then buy or not buy the Sigil. There is no reason to cry over spilled milk.


Yeah.congratulate the whales who make the collection a living hell for people with limited time who cant no-life istan to afford a collection of skins.Truly lets applaud capitalism and how it even kittens us over in our videogames. How about you buy all he 11 gold sigils as a way to thank these players for exploiting a flawed player trading system and inconveniencing the whole playerbase.Next time something like this happens i will buy all of the suply cheap and sell it to a vendor so there will be thousands of people searching for an item on the TP which will not exist anymore. Truly amazing design choice

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > >

> > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > >

> > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> >

> > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> >

> > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.


> Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .


> If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .


> So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .


People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > You argued that people flipping the Sigil was unfair. I argued that markets do not need to be fair and are not fair on a consistent basis. You somehow got derailed on that issue or did not understand the comparison I made.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > No, idc about flipping. One of the great things about gw2 is there are so many ways to enjoy it, and playing with the tp is really fun for some ppl and that's great. I know players who enjoy that more than actually playing the game. What I'm saying is that creating a demand for a cheap item with a limited supply and allowing the first few people to discover it to suck up the available supply to manipulate the price is more similar to trolling than flipping. You said that sort of thing happens every day, I asked you to provide examples, which you cannot bc they don't exist. It was your choice to compare the two dissimilar things that has created your confusion . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > I said markets are unfair on a constant basis, and yes these things have happened with almost every single Living World patch (which was not my original point).

> > > > >

> > > > > We are talking in circles, you are not carefully reading what I wrote or deciding not to understand only to then come with new points which again are untrue. I've given ample examples of the market being unfair to support my argument that markets do not need to be fair. You continue to add or change things in your statement or put words in my mouth likely since you did not carefully read what I wrote (I did not say these thing happen on a daily basis, I said markets are unfair on a daily basis).

> > > > >

> > > > Right, that's why it was an invalid comparison. Which isn't really very impt except that you're at a point that you can't admit it's invalid so you have to keep trying to explain it away . . .

> > >

> > > Which is fine, I never made any claims to prove anything which I had not stated. You are free to disagree or not agree that my example fits as counter argument. In the future, say so and stop the wild goose chase. That said, you have not provided a single example to explain any of your statements FYI-

> > >

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > Now if you want to argue that the market in GW2 should be made less free and more restrictive or be circumvented for specific items, fine. There can be arguments for that and against. That's a very different argument than saying market rules do not apply.

> > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > But that's all we're talking about. And the reason it is a solution here is bc new inventory can be introduced into the market without cost, which can't happen irl . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > No we are not. You are, every one else in this thread is/was concerned with if they should or should not interveen. You just don't seem to understand the difference.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No one ever doubted Arenanets ability do intervene.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > So you're just confused with what I said then. Introducing new inventory is an intervention in the market, so arguing about whether they should introduce new inventory or arguing about whether they should intervene in the market is actually the same thing, there isn't a difference . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > No, once again you decide to make things up and not understand, here is the 3 different arguments in this thread:

> > > > > A.) I do not think should intervene in the market at this point in time and as seldom as possible

> > > > > B.) Many players who are unhappy with the price are that Arenant should intervene so that the price drops, ideally as fast as possible

> > > > > C.) You come in with the concept that Arenanet CAN intervene and has the ability to do so (unlike in a real world market)

> > > > >

> > > > > Now please read this and get that you are talking past everyone else in this thread, even if your position is in general congruent with people wanting price to drop on other issues.

> > > > >

> > > > No, the concept I introduced was that the price wasn't the issue, what ppl were actually fussed about was the initial exploitation . . .

> > >

> > > Some admitted to this yes, the vast majority just wants their goodies cheaper than now which is very evident from the vast majority of people posting. You also did not introduce this concept, people on page two were already arguing that they are displeased with flippers aka TP barons on top of the price back when price was around 3-5 gold.

> > >

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > The only reason we started talking about rl vs game economy is bc you said anet should just let the market take its course and it would sort itself out eventually just like irl, and I said the reason you do that irl is bc intervening with an influx of inventory has a cost while introducing inventory into the game does not . . .

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > So to be clear, you agree that the price is based on supply and demand but argue that removing the supply from the tp did not artificially inflate the price . . ?

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I agree that the price is based on supply and demand, but disagree that flippers are responsible for a permanent shift and increase in price as is currently visible (more or less depending on how much left over stored supply is being introduced into the market).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you do not understand the difference I can not help you (or to be more exact I don't feel like explaining economics 101).

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Again, you are absolutely wrong if you assume the new price point at current supply and demand is due to flippers.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > Yeah. I still don't really care about the price though, so . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > This is just what I said would happen when I pointed out my mistake in introducing you to new concepts too quickly in this environment. You would argue that water isn't wet at this point if someone told you was instead of letting you figure it out for yourself :(

> > > > >

> > > > > and you not caring about the price is not my issue unless you want to continue derailing the thread when price is the essential main point of this thread. As far as me arguing water being wet, at least I understand what I am arguing about unlike your continued both side topic, not understanding what is being said (on multiple issues) and continued derailing of the thread.

> > > >

> > > > Except it's not though, which is my point . . .

> > >

> > > and you are wrong, since people keep coming back to price and wanting Arenanet to make adjustments based on price. But keep derailing the thread.

> >

> > Well golly, I don't see how I can be derailing the thread when ppl were making the same point all the way back on page two :)


> Because anger over having people flip the item is not the central issue to most. It's the cost resulting from this.


> No one would care at all and this thread would die in 1 minute if price was suddenly changed to 10 silver again. Not 1 person would mind the initial TP flippers.


But that isn't the issue. The real problem is that this sigil is obtainable only via leveling to 64, or by RNG if you happen to get one from the mystic toilet, or get a specific exotic weapon to drop for you. That problem predates the current situation, but nobody cared since it was a nigh useless sigil to begin with, and was only used to craft one other item for the Dwayna collection. Now that there is a demand for it and the prices soar, this is the effect of the problem, not the cause.


It should never have been designed this way, and hopefully at least, this will cause ANET to sit up and notice, and ensure they never add anything else to the game that is acquired in such a dysfunctional manner.


If they can re-introduce crafting recipes for Revenant weapons that were removed during the beta test, you darn well know they could introduce a recipe to craft this sigil. It isn't an issue of "can't".


A poor design decision remains a poor design decision even if it has little impact; now that it is an issue is not the only reason to address it.


I'm speaking as someone who sees this all as heavy background noise, as I think the skins are ugly and not worth my time or effort to acquire - but I still think this issue needs to be fixed because it is simply a poor design decision.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.

> > > >

> > > > I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?

> > > >

> > > > You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

> > >

> > > You got a few fair points there but just look at this chart, between 4AM and 5AM 18k sigils vanished from the market, so the assumption that a whale bought up the market is backed by numbers. That whale could of course be a whole guild or just one guy but it looks coordinated.

> > > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification

> >

> > Yet we have people in this very thread admitting to buying the Sigil at 1g, 3.x gold and other values. Admitting that they bought only their required amount or some extra to later sell.

> >

> > You are simply assuming a very tiny minority bought up all the Sigils and while that might well be compared to the entire player base, it is pure speculation that this minority was super wealthy TP barons. As Wanze and I have pointed out, this kind of market reaction and continued market reaction is not achievable by just some few players. It requires an entire shift in player base behavior versus a commodity.

> >

> > Are some few making gold off of the initial 18k Sigils? Sure but how many and what type of players those are you can only speculate. Chances are high it is gold savvy players but that is not required. I can guarantee a vast majority of people in this thread would do the same given the opportunity, that is quite evident by the amount of envy and greed through the responses.

> >

> > That does not affect in any way the Sigils which are now coming into the game yet are priced similar to previous Sigils which were bought up old stock. Turns out, any one owning Sigils for sale enjoys taking as much gold as they can for them. That too is no TP baron mumbo jumbo but simple normal player market interaction.

> >

> > EDIT: the more this thread goes on it becomes evident that people are not actually opposed to the high price, but are rather envious of others having been faster or getting the same collection for less gold. Yes, that is unfortunate (and it affects me too since I don't have my Sigils yet but I don't mind getting beat by some savvy players. On the contrary, I applaud their dedication and speed to figure this stuff out). But that's life, you don't always get to win. What you can do is decide what the collection is worth to you and then buy or not buy the Sigil. There is no reason to cry over spilled milk.


> Yeah.congratulate the whales who make the collection a living hell for people with limited time who cant no-life istan to afford a collection of skins.Truly lets applaud capitalism and how it even kittens us over in our videogames. How about you buy all he 11 gold sigils as a way to thank these players for exploiting a flawed player trading system and inconveniencing the whole playerbase.Next time something like this happens i will buy all of the suply cheap and sell it to a vendor so there will be thousands of people searching for an item on the TP which will not exist anymore. Truly amazing design choice


Actually let's congratulate capitalism on how Arenanet is able to provide you a near free service for over 6 years while keeping away from any pay to win shenanigans and keeping necessary items at a very low cost level.


Oh wait, that's not what you were talking about, you were about to mention how you spend 10 dollars per month on gems (a reasonable amount compared to subscription titles) easily affording a vast majority of optional quality of life items from the gem store as well as an ample supply of gold from converting gems to afford collection such as this one.


Oh wait, that too was not what you were saying? So I guess you are complaining about a nearly free game, which you spend almost no money on to support the developers while at the same time objecting to them using a small amount of OPTIONAL achievements to generate revenue so they can pay their employees.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > You argued that people flipping the Sigil was unfair. I argued that markets do not need to be fair and are not fair on a consistent basis. You somehow got derailed on that issue or did not understand the comparison I made.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > No, idc about flipping. One of the great things about gw2 is there are so many ways to enjoy it, and playing with the tp is really fun for some ppl and that's great. I know players who enjoy that more than actually playing the game. What I'm saying is that creating a demand for a cheap item with a limited supply and allowing the first few people to discover it to suck up the available supply to manipulate the price is more similar to trolling than flipping. You said that sort of thing happens every day, I asked you to provide examples, which you cannot bc they don't exist. It was your choice to compare the two dissimilar things that has created your confusion . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I said markets are unfair on a constant basis, and yes these things have happened with almost every single Living World patch (which was not my original point).

> > > > > >

> > > > > > We are talking in circles, you are not carefully reading what I wrote or deciding not to understand only to then come with new points which again are untrue. I've given ample examples of the market being unfair to support my argument that markets do not need to be fair. You continue to add or change things in your statement or put words in my mouth likely since you did not carefully read what I wrote (I did not say these thing happen on a daily basis, I said markets are unfair on a daily basis).

> > > > > >

> > > > > Right, that's why it was an invalid comparison. Which isn't really very impt except that you're at a point that you can't admit it's invalid so you have to keep trying to explain it away . . .

> > > >

> > > > Which is fine, I never made any claims to prove anything which I had not stated. You are free to disagree or not agree that my example fits as counter argument. In the future, say so and stop the wild goose chase. That said, you have not provided a single example to explain any of your statements FYI-

> > > >

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > > > > > > Now if you want to argue that the market in GW2 should be made less free and more restrictive or be circumvented for specific items, fine. There can be arguments for that and against. That's a very different argument than saying market rules do not apply.

> > > > > > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > > > > > > But that's all we're talking about. And the reason it is a solution here is bc new inventory can be introduced into the market without cost, which can't happen irl . . .

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > No we are not. You are, every one else in this thread is/was concerned with if they should or should not interveen. You just don't seem to understand the difference.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > No one ever doubted Arenanets ability do intervene.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > So you're just confused with what I said then. Introducing new inventory is an intervention in the market, so arguing about whether they should introduce new inventory or arguing about whether they should intervene in the market is actually the same thing, there isn't a difference . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > No, once again you decide to make things up and not understand, here is the 3 different arguments in this thread:

> > > > > > A.) I do not think should intervene in the market at this point in time and as seldom as possible

> > > > > > B.) Many players who are unhappy with the price are that Arenant should intervene so that the price drops, ideally as fast as possible

> > > > > > C.) You come in with the concept that Arenanet CAN intervene and has the ability to do so (unlike in a real world market)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Now please read this and get that you are talking past everyone else in this thread, even if your position is in general congruent with people wanting price to drop on other issues.

> > > > > >

> > > > > No, the concept I introduced was that the price wasn't the issue, what ppl were actually fussed about was the initial exploitation . . .

> > > >

> > > > Some admitted to this yes, the vast majority just wants their goodies cheaper than now which is very evident from the vast majority of people posting. You also did not introduce this concept, people on page two were already arguing that they are displeased with flippers aka TP barons on top of the price back when price was around 3-5 gold.

> > > >

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > The only reason we started talking about rl vs game economy is bc you said anet should just let the market take its course and it would sort itself out eventually just like irl, and I said the reason you do that irl is bc intervening with an influx of inventory has a cost while introducing inventory into the game does not . . .

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > So to be clear, you agree that the price is based on supply and demand but argue that removing the supply from the tp did not artificially inflate the price . . ?

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I agree that the price is based on supply and demand, but disagree that flippers are responsible for a permanent shift and increase in price as is currently visible (more or less depending on how much left over stored supply is being introduced into the market).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you do not understand the difference I can not help you (or to be more exact I don't feel like explaining economics 101).

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > Again, you are absolutely wrong if you assume the new price point at current supply and demand is due to flippers.

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yeah. I still don't really care about the price though, so . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > This is just what I said would happen when I pointed out my mistake in introducing you to new concepts too quickly in this environment. You would argue that water isn't wet at this point if someone told you was instead of letting you figure it out for yourself :(

> > > > > >

> > > > > > and you not caring about the price is not my issue unless you want to continue derailing the thread when price is the essential main point of this thread. As far as me arguing water being wet, at least I understand what I am arguing about unlike your continued both side topic, not understanding what is being said (on multiple issues) and continued derailing of the thread.

> > > > >

> > > > > Except it's not though, which is my point . . .

> > > >

> > > > and you are wrong, since people keep coming back to price and wanting Arenanet to make adjustments based on price. But keep derailing the thread.

> > >

> > > Well golly, I don't see how I can be derailing the thread when ppl were making the same point all the way back on page two :)

> >

> > Because anger over having people flip the item is not the central issue to most. It's the cost resulting from this.

> >

> > No one would care at all and this thread would die in 1 minute if price was suddenly changed to 10 silver again. Not 1 person would mind the initial TP flippers.


> But that isn't the issue. The real problem is that this sigil is obtainable only via leveling to 64, or by RNG if you happen to get one from the mystic toilet, or get a specific exotic weapon to drop for you. That problem predates the current situation, but nobody cared since it was a nigh useless sigil to begin with, and was only used to craft one other item for the Dwayna collection. Now that there is a demand for it and the prices soar, this is the effect of the problem, not the cause.


> It should never have been designed this way, and hopefully at least, this will cause ANET to sit up and notice, and ensure they never add anything else to the game that is acquired in such a dysfunctional manner.


> If they can re-introduce crafting recipes for Revenant weapons that were removed during the beta test, you darn well know they could introduce a recipe to craft this sigil. It isn't an issue of "can't".


> A poor design decision remains a poor design decision even if it has little impact; now that it is an issue is not the only reason to address it.


> I'm speaking as someone who sees this all as heavy background noise, as I think the skins are ugly and not worth my time or effort to acquire - but I still think this issue needs to be fixed because it is simply a poor design decision.


What you are describing is an issue of supply, more specifically lack of supply.


Lack of supply causes the cost to go up the moment a higher demand was introduced.


The increase in cost and thus new equilibrium is called price.


You are thus angry about the way the collection was implemented and what effect it has had on the price of said item.


Is that not what I have been saying?


EDIT: and it's both, obviously the increased demand created by the collection is the driving factor (which I stated way way back when mentioning that GW2 TP is driven by demand predominantly) and the problematic low supply allows for the price to increase beyond what people are willing to pay. Again, it's about price.


EDIT2: and the low supply was not a problem before the patch since no one cared about a no demand item. Everything revolves around the new demand and increase in price.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

> > > > >

> > > > > Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.

> > > > >

> > > > > I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?

> > > > >

> > > > > You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

> > > >

> > > > You got a few fair points there but just look at this chart, between 4AM and 5AM 18k sigils vanished from the market, so the assumption that a whale bought up the market is backed by numbers. That whale could of course be a whole guild or just one guy but it looks coordinated.

> > > > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification

> > >

> > > Yet we have people in this very thread admitting to buying the Sigil at 1g, 3.x gold and other values. Admitting that they bought only their required amount or some extra to later sell.

> > >

> > > You are simply assuming a very tiny minority bought up all the Sigils and while that might well be compared to the entire player base, it is pure speculation that this minority was super wealthy TP barons. As Wanze and I have pointed out, this kind of market reaction and continued market reaction is not achievable by just some few players. It requires an entire shift in player base behavior versus a commodity.

> > >

> > > Are some few making gold off of the initial 18k Sigils? Sure but how many and what type of players those are you can only speculate. Chances are high it is gold savvy players but that is not required. I can guarantee a vast majority of people in this thread would do the same given the opportunity, that is quite evident by the amount of envy and greed through the responses.

> > >

> > > That does not affect in any way the Sigils which are now coming into the game yet are priced similar to previous Sigils which were bought up old stock. Turns out, any one owning Sigils for sale enjoys taking as much gold as they can for them. That too is no TP baron mumbo jumbo but simple normal player market interaction.

> > >

> > > EDIT: the more this thread goes on it becomes evident that people are not actually opposed to the high price, but are rather envious of others having been faster or getting the same collection for less gold. Yes, that is unfortunate (and it affects me too since I don't have my Sigils yet but I don't mind getting beat by some savvy players. On the contrary, I applaud their dedication and speed to figure this stuff out). But that's life, you don't always get to win. What you can do is decide what the collection is worth to you and then buy or not buy the Sigil. There is no reason to cry over spilled milk.

> >

> > Yeah.congratulate the whales who make the collection a living hell for people with limited time who cant no-life istan to afford a collection of skins.Truly lets applaud capitalism and how it even kittens us over in our videogames. How about you buy all he 11 gold sigils as a way to thank these players for exploiting a flawed player trading system and inconveniencing the whole playerbase.Next time something like this happens i will buy all of the suply cheap and sell it to a vendor so there will be thousands of people searching for an item on the TP which will not exist anymore. Truly amazing design choice


> Actually let's congratulate capitalism on how Arenanet is able to provide you a near free service for over 6 years while keeping away from any pay to win shenanigans and keeping necessary items at a very low cost level.


> Oh wait, that's not what you were talking about, you were about to mention how you spend 10 dollars per month on gems (a reasonable amount compared to subscription titles) easily affording a vast majority of optional quality of life items from the gem store as well as an ample supply of gold from converting gems to afford collection such as this one.


> Oh wait, that too was not what you were saying? So I guess you are complaining about a nearly free game, which you spend almost no money on to support the developers while at the same time objecting to them using a small amount of OPTIONAL achievements to generate revenue so they can pay their employees.


Strawmaning at its finest

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > > > It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?

> > > > > >

> > > > > > You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

> > > > >

> > > > > You got a few fair points there but just look at this chart, between 4AM and 5AM 18k sigils vanished from the market, so the assumption that a whale bought up the market is backed by numbers. That whale could of course be a whole guild or just one guy but it looks coordinated.

> > > > > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification

> > > >

> > > > Yet we have people in this very thread admitting to buying the Sigil at 1g, 3.x gold and other values. Admitting that they bought only their required amount or some extra to later sell.

> > > >

> > > > You are simply assuming a very tiny minority bought up all the Sigils and while that might well be compared to the entire player base, it is pure speculation that this minority was super wealthy TP barons. As Wanze and I have pointed out, this kind of market reaction and continued market reaction is not achievable by just some few players. It requires an entire shift in player base behavior versus a commodity.

> > > >

> > > > Are some few making gold off of the initial 18k Sigils? Sure but how many and what type of players those are you can only speculate. Chances are high it is gold savvy players but that is not required. I can guarantee a vast majority of people in this thread would do the same given the opportunity, that is quite evident by the amount of envy and greed through the responses.

> > > >

> > > > That does not affect in any way the Sigils which are now coming into the game yet are priced similar to previous Sigils which were bought up old stock. Turns out, any one owning Sigils for sale enjoys taking as much gold as they can for them. That too is no TP baron mumbo jumbo but simple normal player market interaction.

> > > >

> > > > EDIT: the more this thread goes on it becomes evident that people are not actually opposed to the high price, but are rather envious of others having been faster or getting the same collection for less gold. Yes, that is unfortunate (and it affects me too since I don't have my Sigils yet but I don't mind getting beat by some savvy players. On the contrary, I applaud their dedication and speed to figure this stuff out). But that's life, you don't always get to win. What you can do is decide what the collection is worth to you and then buy or not buy the Sigil. There is no reason to cry over spilled milk.

> > >

> > > Yeah.congratulate the whales who make the collection a living hell for people with limited time who cant no-life istan to afford a collection of skins.Truly lets applaud capitalism and how it even kittens us over in our videogames. How about you buy all he 11 gold sigils as a way to thank these players for exploiting a flawed player trading system and inconveniencing the whole playerbase.Next time something like this happens i will buy all of the suply cheap and sell it to a vendor so there will be thousands of people searching for an item on the TP which will not exist anymore. Truly amazing design choice

> >

> > Actually let's congratulate capitalism on how Arenanet is able to provide you a near free service for over 6 years while keeping away from any pay to win shenanigans and keeping necessary items at a very low cost level.

> >

> > Oh wait, that's not what you were talking about, you were about to mention how you spend 10 dollars per month on gems (a reasonable amount compared to subscription titles) easily affording a vast majority of optional quality of life items from the gem store as well as an ample supply of gold from converting gems to afford collection such as this one.

> >

> > Oh wait, that too was not what you were saying? So I guess you are complaining about a nearly free game, which you spend almost no money on to support the developers while at the same time objecting to them using a small amount of OPTIONAL achievements to generate revenue so they can pay their employees.


> Strawmaning at its finest


You were the one to bring up capitalism and how it screws you in this game. I simply connected the dots. If Arenanet were to demand a monthly subscription, many of these collections would get implemented differently. How is that strawmaning based on what you said?

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> There's quite a lot of too-ing and fro-ing here about details.


> The _real_ issue is that perceived player profiteering (aided by a general shortage in supply) has driven the price so high that people feel like they're being cheated. It's not _just_ the high price, it's also _why_ it's high but the _absolute_ root of this issue is the fact that the price was really low and is high now (if the price had gone up from 1c to 25s, for example, then no-one would be complaining).


> Had ArenaNet replaced the Sigils of Nullification with some new Widget sold at 5g or even 10g then I believe people would be much more accepting of the price, because they wouldn't be feeling like they'd missed out on something (getting the Sigil at 2s55c before they were all snapped up) and wouldn't be feeling like they're being ripped off by other players.


It's definitely a perception problem rather than an actual problem. Everyone wants to blame "whales" or "flippers", but the reality is that the market only had enough sigils for 896 players to make their armor, so even if no one bought up the supply and relisted it, the prices would STILL be right where they are now (or possibly even higher) once the first 896 players bought up the supply and everyone was forced to exclusively wait on new supply to enter the market.


Obviously, only ArenaNet knows the actual rate of new Sigils entering the game and it is definitely higher now than it was before (notice that the Major Sigil market prices are rising as players buy up thousands of them to forge new Superior Sigils of Nullification), so we can't readily predict how long the shortage will last, but there are definitely a lot of players who perceive a huge problem right now.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > >

> > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > >

> > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > >

> > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > >

> > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> >

> > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> >

> > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> >

> > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .


> People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.


The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > > >

> > > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > > >

> > > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > > >

> > > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> > >

> > > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> > >

> > > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> > >

> > > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .

> >

> > People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.


> The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.


I was just responding to someone who claimed that people werent upset about the price. That he knew what someone was upset about better than they knew themself, and that he could speak for others about their own emotions.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > > >

> > > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > > >

> > > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > > >

> > > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> > >

> > > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> > >

> > > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> > >

> > > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .

> >

> > People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.


> The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.


I'd use a different term, the price is not the side effect, it's the result of changes to supply and/or demand.


There has been to much confusion about what is supposedly the main issue of this thread. Obviously a change in price is the result of the change in demand, it has to be since by its own definition it is based on supply and demand from an economic standpoint.


Unless you want to argue that the new price change is a side effect of Arenanets intent and thus the way they implemented this collection is of primary concern. Which I do not disagree with but I do believe most people would not care if it was not for the high price result. In this case I guess using the term side effect makes sense.

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> @"Mister Asdasd.6194" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > > > @"gerrylix.5234" said:

> > > > > It's not hard to understand that such a goldwall can be frustrating for many.

> > > >

> > > > Exactly ... it's not hard to understand ... yet Anet did it anyways. Seems to me there is a reason Anet does things, even though it's really easy to understand why those things can be frustrating to players.

> > > >

> > > > I didn't really see much consideration in these kinds of threads of what that reason might be. Everyone who's complaining just assumed the worst they could. That's just not being objective. Do people honestly think Anet went out of their way to make you frustrated for NO REASON? If people do honestly think that, then why would Anet care what they think in the first place? Is there any reason Anet could provide that would change those people's thinking?

> > > >

> > > > You assumed you're feeding whales, so you already assumed the worst. Why should anyone take that seriously? It's part of the game; if you want stuff, you buy it ... or you farm it yourself. Frankly, if you are making excuses to exclude yourself from the market system based on some assumption you made; that's a choice you made. I see little reason to complain about that ... it's how the game has worked for 6+ years now.

> > >

> > > You got a few fair points there but just look at this chart, between 4AM and 5AM 18k sigils vanished from the market, so the assumption that a whale bought up the market is backed by numbers. That whale could of course be a whole guild or just one guy but it looks coordinated.

> > > https://www.gw2tp.com/item/24572-superior-sigil-of-nullification

> >

> > Yet we have people in this very thread admitting to buying the Sigil at 1g, 3.x gold and other values. Admitting that they bought only their required amount or some extra to later sell.

> >

> > You are simply assuming a very tiny minority bought up all the Sigils and while that might well be compared to the entire player base, it is pure speculation that this minority was super wealthy TP barons. As Wanze and I have pointed out, this kind of market reaction and continued market reaction is not achievable by just some few players. It requires an entire shift in player base behavior versus a commodity.

> >

> > Are some few making gold off of the initial 18k Sigils? Sure but how many and what type of players those are you can only speculate. Chances are high it is gold savvy players but that is not required. I can guarantee a vast majority of people in this thread would do the same given the opportunity, that is quite evident by the amount of envy and greed through the responses.

> >

> > That does not affect in any way the Sigils which are now coming into the game yet are priced similar to previous Sigils which were bought up old stock. Turns out, any one owning Sigils for sale enjoys taking as much gold as they can for them. That too is no TP baron mumbo jumbo but simple normal player market interaction.

> >

> > EDIT: the more this thread goes on it becomes evident that people are not actually opposed to the high price, but are rather envious of others having been faster or getting the same collection for less gold. Yes, that is unfortunate (and it affects me too since I don't have my Sigils yet but I don't mind getting beat by some savvy players. On the contrary, I applaud their dedication and speed to figure this stuff out). But that's life, you don't always get to win. What you can do is decide what the collection is worth to you and then buy or not buy the Sigil. There is no reason to cry over spilled milk.


> Yeah.congratulate the whales who make the collection a living hell for people with limited time who cant no-life istan to afford a collection of skins.Truly lets applaud capitalism and how it even kittens us over in our videogames. How about you buy all he 11 gold sigils as a way to thank these players for exploiting a flawed player trading system and inconveniencing the whole playerbase.Next time something like this happens i will buy all of the suply cheap and sell it to a vendor so there will be thousands of people searching for an item on the TP which will not exist anymore. Truly amazing design choice


Considering that the game economy is directly tied to the gem store which is tied to real life money, it goes without saying that this is capitalism working. Of course in the game ArenaNet is the government and they allow more than governments would because in real life cartels and (near)monopolies are regulated against. Not so much in the game.


This game is tied to real life economy and so what happens in game has an effect on real life money spending of players. You might think it sucks, and I would agree, but ArenaNet does want to make money and this is one element of it. I agree with the person who says that if this game had been sub based from the start, things would work differently.


But, and I cannot state this clearly enough, gold spending is linked to gem spending which is linked to real money spending. This is the core of the game. As much as the developers may want to make a game that is fun to play, ultimately the game needs to entice people to spend money on it, especially because there is no sub. As the revenue had been going down, ArenaNet have been doing things since PoF that upped this. Let's not forget that buying off the TP also is a gold sink. They really don't care so much about the guy that has 200K in gold that he never spends because it doesn't affect the economy anymore. However, when he spends it on a massive investment that makes other people spend more gold and takes more gold out of the game because of the TP fees, then that increases the demand for gold in the game. So that's good for the game, unless of course it chases too many players away. And that's why they are careful and take small steps.


This complaint will likely die down too and then life goes on again. If people massively said this sucks and I'm out and quit, then it would change. Sadly, enough people are happy to throw real money into it. I've done it too to some degree. Getting indestructible gathering tools for my main was a massive QoL improvement. Of course it cost me more than the entire PoF expansion cost me. I'm ok with some of that, but when it gets noticeable that I feel I need to keep spending money to enjoy the game, then it won't last. And yes, I am starting to get this feeling, not because of this but already because of other things but this is also one thing to add to that list.


Once the balance tips for me I'm gone again. It's that simple, but I understand that if this game is your game and your heart and soul have gone into it, it's not that easy...but that dedication is what makes them money. That and people with disposable incomes ;)


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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> > > >

> > > > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> > > >

> > > > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> > > >

> > > > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .

> > >

> > > People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.

> >

> > The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> > ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> > Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.


> I'd use a different term, the price is not the side effect, it's the result of changes to supply and/or demand.


> There has been to much confusion about what is supposedly the main issue of this thread. Obviously a change in price is the result of the change in demand, it has to be since by its own definition it is based on supply and demand from an economic standpoint.


> Unless you want to argue that the new price change is a side effect of Arenanets intent and thus the way they implemented this collection is of primary concern. Which I do not disagree with but I do believe most people would not care if it was not for the high price result. In this case I guess using the term side effect makes sense.


Except the supply hasn't really changed, only the demand.

And if you read back, I think I clearly stated that I believe this was intentional use of the TP to inflate prices based on a known out of whack supply deficiency vs forecasted demand.

The pre-determined side effects are cost and time of this collection, both are allied to generating revenue over a longer period of time.. but out of fairness they could of/should done this in a way that everyone has the same costs in front of them and leave the design on how long a player wished to take complete the collection outside of any intentional gating to slow up content completion, firmly in the players hands.

ANET would still be able to dangle the gem sales carrot.

But we are where we are now and it's now up to each player to assess whether this is really worth the cost and effort to complete, especially once supply diminishes to the point only a handful are actually able to buy sigils each day, which is starting to look a realistic proposition... just 900 left in stock now... best start getting the credit out and hit those 2k gem lvl up tokens or buy up all those major sigils and get flushing.

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > > > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > > > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > > > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > > > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> > > > >

> > > > > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .

> > > >

> > > > People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.

> > >

> > > The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> > > ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> > > Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.

> >

> > I'd use a different term, the price is not the side effect, it's the result of **changes to supply and/or demand**.

> >

> > There has been to much confusion about what is supposedly the main issue of this thread. Obviously a change in price is the result of the change in demand, it has to be since by its own definition it is based on supply and demand from an economic standpoint.

> >

> > Unless you want to argue that the new price change is a side effect of Arenanets intent and thus the way they implemented this collection is of primary concern. Which I do not disagree with but I do believe most people would not care if it was not for the high price result. In this case I guess using the term side effect makes sense.


> Except the supply hasn't really changed, only the demand


Technically not true, supply into the game has likely increased slightly (people gambling on the MF, people making level 64 characters, salvaging weapons with the Sigil with desire to keep the Sigil) while the supply into the market will have increased too (people not vendoring the Sigil).


I do agree that the bulk of the price change is demand based, as mentioned.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > > > > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > > > > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > > > > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > > > > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> > > > > >

> > > > > > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .

> > > > >

> > > > > People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.

> > > >

> > > > The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> > > > ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> > > > Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.

> > >

> > > I'd use a different term, the price is not the side effect, it's the result of **changes to supply and/or demand**.

> > >

> > > There has been to much confusion about what is supposedly the main issue of this thread. Obviously a change in price is the result of the change in demand, it has to be since by its own definition it is based on supply and demand from an economic standpoint.

> > >

> > > Unless you want to argue that the new price change is a side effect of Arenanets intent and thus the way they implemented this collection is of primary concern. Which I do not disagree with but I do believe most people would not care if it was not for the high price result. In this case I guess using the term side effect makes sense.

> >

> > Except the supply hasn't really changed, only the demand


> Technically not true, supply into the game has likely increased slightly (people gambling on the MF, people making level 64 characters, salvaging weapons with the Sigil with desire to keep the Sigil) while the supply into the market will have increased too (people not vendoring the Sigil).


> I do agree that the bulk of the price change is demand based, as mentioned.


Which is why I said had not really changed, meaning some change, just not enough to warrant it a break through in supply... unless you seeing some miraculous input in supply that I am not...from what I can gather were seeing supply in the hundreds per day so far rather than the many thousands really needed and this is while prices are there for the exploiting, which should be much more tempting if rerolling or forging successfully.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > @"Dreddo.9865" said:

> > > > > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > > > > Yes, the entire thread did get derailed by the price discussion, and I also agree that you are very interested in talking about the price, when what is actually at issue is what caused the price to become artificially inflated. This is why I call it a distraction . . .

> > > > > No friend the price inflation on the sigil was normal. As happens everyday on so many useless items in the game. The fact that a developer decided to make the sigil a primary collection item didn't matter at all. It also doesn't matter if this affects tens of thousands of players in favor of 50 or 100, the issue is the price :)

> > > >

> > > > I really can't agree. If instead of a tp item with a low enough price and low enough volume to be purchased completely by the first few players with a desire to do so anet had chosen to use a vendor item with a set price the same as the current sigil of nullification price or even a new tradable item with the same supply as the sigil of nullification, I think this thread would look a lot more like the current mistonium thread. There would be players complaining bc players always complain but it is the initial unfairness that inflamed ppl I think . . .

> > > >

> > > > I could be wrong ofc, but there are ppl who think the current rate of mistonium availability is too slow and should be increased while others think it's fine and should be left alone, but everyone is pretty much 'meh, it is what it is either way' precisely bc that's true, it is what it is either way. Here, it's not. It's one way for some ppl and another way for others, made worse by the fact that the group with easier access was permitted to exploit the group with more limited access . . .

> > >

> > > - **Yet the price would still be close to 11 gold at this point in time,**

> > > - the main difference would have been that a couple of hundred players got the Sigil somewhat cheaper,

> > > - the TP would have drained similarly fast (with maybe 1-2 hours longer until empty IF we assume people do not talk to each other),

> > > - the amount of gold drained from the economy in form of 15% tax would have been less overall since the new equilibrium was not forced by flipper but would have been achieved naturally with more Sigils selling at lower price,

> > > - **and the remaining players would again complain about to the price and how others got it cheaper, some again blaming TP barons.**

> > >

> > > Yes if they had used a different item things would be different, but they didn't and flippers did near nothing to change the resulting price we have now.

> >

> > Yes, but the price isn't the issue . . .

> >

> > If the item was expensive enough or had a high enough volume to prevent the initial exploitation, ppl wouldn't be upset . . .

> >

> > So we agree on everything except what ppl are upset about . . .


> People, including the OP, are explicitly stating that they are upset about the price.


And ppl have also complained about the inequity of availability of the sigil. Compare the mistonium thread and see if you can identify differences that caused this one to run on for thirteen pages now, and see if you can figure out what ppl are upset about . . .

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough **supply potential** to fix either of the issues.

> ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> Less than 1k left in the system, **small amounts coming in daily so far...** even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.


Can you even prove that it’s a small amount that’s being generated each day? No. You cannot.

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What if we think about it like this? On the subreddit user acorico discusses the nature of how the sigil itself and the gold associated with this armor set is an issue because it makes up 82% of the gold cost to make the thing. So we are looking at approx. 335 to 350 gold depending on the market. Even if we say it is 400 gold that is not even close to being the most expensive item in the game.


After the sigil the most expensive items come down to the materials and amalgamated gemstones, but even those have a stable price range. Here we are talking about an item that is in low supply to begin with, acquired through chance or the TP, requires a large amount of and has now jumped 400x the previous value.


Where else have we seen randomness being the driving force for valuable items in this game? Legendary weapons before crafting precursors became an option. Getting a precursor as a drop is still joked about on a regular basis on this forum and the subreddit, with some players and myself included having logged thousands of hours with nothing to show for it, but that is the undeniable nature of randomness.


Your best bet was to throw things into the forge and hope for the best but even then many came out with nothing to show for it. Many burned themselves trying to throw everything into the forge and many quit after that, why though? Because it didn't matter if you threw in 4 or 4,000 weapons into the forge, you had nothing to show for it and no sign of progress. So the community demanded a way to take away the randomness but still require the gold sink and time to get the rare items people wanted.


From what I have seen the legendary crafting system is an overall success and the complaints that do exist with it lie with some points of it being a grind exclusively. The game and community are better with a system like this in place as oppose to one that favors randomness.


My main point is that it's not so much the gold price that is the big issue here. It's more of how it feels to acquire the items. Do that many of us want to leave such a huge quest and journey to chance? I don't.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > The problem of price is the intended side effect of this collection and players will be upset by the price, but also how long it is going to realistically take many to complete.. because there just isn't enough supply or enough supply potential to fix either of the issues.

> > ANET risk players loosing interest in this faster than they hoped because aside from the steer to buy gems and convert to gold to pay the grossly inflated prices.. they wont be able to buy the sigils anyway when supplies hit rock bottom and rely on trickle feeding through in game.

> > Less than 1k left in the system, small amounts coming in daily so far... even if we said there had been 10k sigils pass through the TP since the collection launched (which I am fairly sure there hasn't) that still only accounts for around 400 ish players completing sets plus some that had stashes already or bought stock in the first few hours the recipe became known .. now that initial stock that was in the system prior to the content release has been depleted we are left to hope more players have been sat on stashes or we all get really lucky in the toilet, otherwise it going to be a very slow, very expensive collection.


> Can you even prove that it’s a small amount that’s being generated each day? No. You cannot.


Oh c'mon, really!

You don't need to be a rocket scientist to determine that supply is extremely slow and what little there is coming in, is outstripped by the demand.. unless your seeing some upward trend in supply that no one else is.. of course players could be sat on them hoping for a further significant price hike.. but I think we both know that dog has now had its day , only small spikes up and downs will likely be seen now. The price we are seeing now is where it is pretty much going to be for some time to come unless there is a drastic drop off in demand through loss of interest.. very possible imo.

If your still not convinced try using some maths to determine the mystic forge odds of minor sigil to major sigil conversion, then major sigil to superior sigil of nullification... good luck with those numbers. Then lets ask ANET how many players are buying up hundreds of 2k gem lvl up tokens to feed all our sigil habits... that could be an interesting number for sure. Then take a look at the TP history on the sigil 1 day prior to release and where we are now.. if the supply was anything more than lousy we would not be at 900 sigils now.. it has barely got over 3k sigils early on and its dropped ever since... so how can you determine anything other than supply in is in anyway greater than a hundreds per day, rather than the thousands per day required... please counter with something other than.."you don't know, I don't know"..


EDIT - Apologies 840 Sigils now not 900, whoops 801 now.....

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> @"rrusse.7058" said:

> What if we think about it like this? On the subreddit user acorico discusses the nature of how the sigil itself and the gold associated with this armor set is an issue because it makes up 82% of the gold cost to make the thing. So we are looking at approx. 335 to 350 gold depending on the market. Even if we say it is 400 gold that is not even close to being the most expensive item in the game.


> After the sigil the most expensive items come down to the materials and amalgamated gemstones, but even those have a stable price range. Here we are talking about an item that is in low supply to begin with, acquired through chance or the TP, requires a large amount of and has now jumped 400x the previous value.


> Where else have we seen randomness being the driving force for valuable items in this game? Legendary weapons before crafting precursors became an option. Getting a precursor as a drop is still joked about on a regular basis on this forum and the subreddit, with some players and myself included having logged thousands of hours with nothing to show for it, but that is the undeniable nature of randomness.


> Your best bet was to throw things into the forge and hope for the best but even then many came out with nothing to show for it. Many burned themselves trying to throw everything into the forge and many quit after that, why though? Because it didn't matter if you threw in 4 or 4,000 weapons into the forge, you had nothing to show for it and no sign of progress. So the community demanded a way to take away the randomness but still require the gold sink and time to get the rare items people wanted.


> From what I have seen the legendary crafting system is an overall success and the complaints that do exist with it lie with some points of it being a grind exclusively. The game and community are better with a system like this in place as oppose to one that favors randomness.


> My main point is that it's not so much the gold price that is the big issue here. It's more of how it feels to acquire the items. Do that many of us want to leave such a huge quest and journey to chance? I don't.


I don’t see what the issue is if the majority of an item’s cost is from one component type. It’s like this for a ton other items whether craftable, forgeable, etc.


If the the 300+ gold needed for sigils was instead needed for mithril, players wouldn’t be complaining that one component makes up like 85% of an item’s cost. The issue is solely on the cost of a single sigil.

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> Oh wait, that too was not what you were saying? So I guess you are complaining about a nearly free game, which you spend almost no money on to support the developers while at the same time objecting to them using a small amount of OPTIONAL achievements to generate revenue so they can pay their employees.

No one is complaining (afaik) for the 5g that we had to pay to the NPC for this collection or for the 250g for the griffon. These are gold that all the players must pay, if they want to unlock the content.

The 12g per sigil are money that goes to other players. ANet gains a very small percentage on trading, don't tell me that they pay their bills and payslip with this. They would **remove** more gold from the game if we had to pay a kitten NPC, not by **moving** our gold into other players' pocket. Moreover, you link an achievement to the availability of such item on the TP. Not a smart idea imho. I totally agree with @"Turkeyspit.3965"

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"rrusse.7058" said:

> > What if we think about it like this? On the subreddit user acorico discusses the nature of how the sigil itself and the gold associated with this armor set is an issue because it makes up 82% of the gold cost to make the thing. So we are looking at approx. 335 to 350 gold depending on the market. Even if we say it is 400 gold that is not even close to being the most expensive item in the game.

> >

> > After the sigil the most expensive items come down to the materials and amalgamated gemstones, but even those have a stable price range. Here we are talking about an item that is in low supply to begin with, acquired through chance or the TP, requires a large amount of and has now jumped 400x the previous value.

> >

> > Where else have we seen randomness being the driving force for valuable items in this game? Legendary weapons before crafting precursors became an option. Getting a precursor as a drop is still joked about on a regular basis on this forum and the subreddit, with some players and myself included having logged thousands of hours with nothing to show for it, but that is the undeniable nature of randomness.

> >

> > Your best bet was to throw things into the forge and hope for the best but even then many came out with nothing to show for it. Many burned themselves trying to throw everything into the forge and many quit after that, why though? Because it didn't matter if you threw in 4 or 4,000 weapons into the forge, you had nothing to show for it and no sign of progress. So the community demanded a way to take away the randomness but still require the gold sink and time to get the rare items people wanted.

> >

> > From what I have seen the legendary crafting system is an overall success and the complaints that do exist with it lie with some points of it being a grind exclusively. The game and community are better with a system like this in place as oppose to one that favors randomness.

> >

> > My main point is that it's not so much the gold price that is the big issue here. It's more of how it feels to acquire the items. Do that many of us want to leave such a huge quest and journey to chance? I don't.


> I don’t see what the issue is if the majority of an item’s cost is from one component type. It’s like this for a ton other items whether craftable, forgeable, etc.


Certainly one item does dominate the set, though this set does combine several other relatively pricey materials, one of which that also saw some bad press .. namely Amalg Gems, which adds around 40gold to the cost of this set, but the price for these has been relatively stable for a while. Then throw in a few T6 dust and leather and some Ecto's for sprinkles, it helps make this set an unwelcomed change imo.

Thankfully though supply of those other items is there for all to farm if they like just by running content either as you go, or on a rotation or incessantly like Istan Lake Doric, SW etc etc… if you don't value your sanity.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"rrusse.7058" said:

> > What if we think about it like this? On the subreddit user acorico discusses the nature of how the sigil itself and the gold associated with this armor set is an issue because it makes up 82% of the gold cost to make the thing. So we are looking at approx. 335 to 350 gold depending on the market. Even if we say it is 400 gold that is not even close to being the most expensive item in the game.

> >

> > After the sigil the most expensive items come down to the materials and amalgamated gemstones, but even those have a stable price range. Here we are talking about an item that is in low supply to begin with, acquired through chance or the TP, requires a large amount of and has now jumped 400x the previous value.

> >

> > Where else have we seen randomness being the driving force for valuable items in this game? Legendary weapons before crafting precursors became an option. Getting a precursor as a drop is still joked about on a regular basis on this forum and the subreddit, with some players and myself included having logged thousands of hours with nothing to show for it, but that is the undeniable nature of randomness.

> >

> > Your best bet was to throw things into the forge and hope for the best but even then many came out with nothing to show for it. Many burned themselves trying to throw everything into the forge and many quit after that, why though? Because it didn't matter if you threw in 4 or 4,000 weapons into the forge, you had nothing to show for it and no sign of progress. So the community demanded a way to take away the randomness but still require the gold sink and time to get the rare items people wanted.

> >

> > From what I have seen the legendary crafting system is an overall success and the complaints that do exist with it lie with some points of it being a grind exclusively. The game and community are better with a system like this in place as oppose to one that favors randomness.

> >

> > My main point is that it's not so much the gold price that is the big issue here. It's more of how it feels to acquire the items. Do that many of us want to leave such a huge quest and journey to chance? I don't.


> I don’t see what the issue is if the majority of an item’s cost is from one component type. It’s like this for a ton other items whether craftable, forgeable, etc.


> If the the 300+ gold needed for sigils was instead needed for mithril, players wouldn’t be complaining that one component makes up like 85% of an item’s cost. The issue is solely on the cost of a single sigil.


They wouldn’t complain due to the ludicrous amounts of ways you can acquire mithril in this game.

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