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Sun's Refuge as a hybrid home and personal instance.


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So, I finished the story and I believe I finished almost all the collections and whatnot for Sun's Refuge except the second armor collection and getting all of the runes. It would be cool if they added the home instance nodes, garden, hunter board, cats, etc. to some area of the instance.


Additionally, it would be cool if they didn't require you to gather the runes to open the door with the chest that has crap loot after every reset, if what I've read elsewhere is true.


Oh, and we should get access to our storage/bank by interacting with the Xunlai Chest. OH! And a profession changer in the Command Post.

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It might as well be, otherwise after a little while when everyone does the Jahai story and map activities, it will lose most of its relevance once a new map comes out and thus be wasted content. While I'm sure most people don't visit their home instance (or even know about it), there are a decent number of people who do visit their home instances regularly. Plus, it would be a cool location to visit often if there was an ongoing reason to.

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TBH sun's refuge is hardly a fitting personal instance, it's nice to have a place that is influenced with the choices we make but to me a personal instance is something we as players have full control over.

IMO they should've made it like the strongholds of SWTOR, even if story NPC's are added with their designated places we should be able to make our instance our way.


_If_ they would add an actual personal instance i would love to see the level of customization like GH's have, not everyone cares or is able to get a GH yet allot of ppl do want some kind of personal space they can make their own.

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I really don't see the point of it. The decision to make this an instance instead of an area in the open world map unlockable by story baffles me. It's annoying to go to, cause you have to go in the instance and then still travel to get to the center area and there's literally nothing more you can do than speak to some npc's about collections. They daily chest doesn't require it to be an instance and neither does the pet.


It just adds no value but it does annoy.

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To be fair, I am kinda glad decorations aren't part of this new thing (yet?). I put loads of effort into our guildhall, after which such an addition would feel like to me my effort was misplaced.


I would rather have them expand on the guildhalls/guild features than give everyone a personal space to play in. (Or make it so guilds can allocate personal spaces within a guild hall, sort of like personal housing within the guild hall.)

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Has been discussed before. Here is what I have to say on behalf of it:


> I've read that Sun's Refuge represents what the Home Instance was initially supposed to be, but so far, I don't find any practicality in it that the Home Instance has to offer. There are many NPCs in Sun's Refuge, and you can do many achievements in it, but once done, it is practically useless to the player.


> **So, will there be upgrades to this instance in future content?** I wonder... If not, it would be a real waste of a location that holds a lot of potential (adding your complete book collection from previous content, displaying achievements and/or titles, adding all your farming nodes from the home instance, useable Xunlai Chest, maybe a TP and crafting stations?).


([source](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/690937#Comment_690937 "Source"))


> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> Tbh, i kinda expected to be able to decorate it, like we can in thee GH


That, too! I really hope there will be more to come.


Also, **I would appreciate if we spawned at the center of the hub, not at the entrance**. The way into the cavern is annoyingly long.

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I think it wouldn't be a bad place to have home instance, except the devs would put all the nodes in precarious places and that would suck. Plus taking people to your home instance wouldn't be possible if they didn't own the episode, all home instances now are free to get to. (core tyria) plus there really isn't room for more stuff in sun's refuge. Later one you'll be groaning about having to goto it once the story starts heading in another geographic direction.

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> @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> So, I finished the story and I believe I finished almost all the collections and whatnot for Sun's Refuge except the second armor collection and getting all of the runes. It would be cool if they added the home instance nodes, garden, hunter board, cats, etc. to some area of the instance.

It would be interesting, but I'm not sure they want people just going to Sun's Refuge for _everything_. It seems intended as a cool way to spend time and, unfortunately for you, you've already pushed completion of everything.


> Additionally, it would be cool if they didn't require you to gather the runes to open the door with the chest that has crap loot after every reset, if what I've read elsewhere is true.

While it would be cool, I seem to get plenty of the runes just hanging around Jahai. It's just a fun gimmick, nothing more.



> Oh, and we should get access to our storage/bank by interacting with the Xunlai Chest.

I wonder if that will come in in the next story (it seems there's a missing part of the map still, so maybe there's more to Sun's Refuge than what we are seeing so far).


> OH! And a profession changer in the Command Post.

Profession changer? They aren't going to make that available in any form.


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"CedarDog.9723" said:

> > So, I finished the story and I believe I finished almost all the collections and whatnot for Sun's Refuge except the second armor collection and getting all of the runes. It would be cool if they added the home instance nodes, garden, hunter board, cats, etc. to some area of the instance.

> It would be interesting, but I'm not sure they want people just going to Sun's Refuge for _everything_. It seems intended as a cool way to spend time and, unfortunately for you, you've already pushed completion of everything.



Yeah, the amount of stuff to do was relatively small, though I will still probably do the whole mindless grinding of events in the map and hunting mistonium and whatnot. In any case, just seems kind of a waste of resources to make something that will have little relevance in a relatively short amount of time. Though I guess that happens with LS maps and core Tyria maps and whatnot.


> > Additionally, it would be cool if they didn't require you to gather the runes to open the door with the chest that has crap loot after every reset, if what I've read elsewhere is true.

> While it would be cool, I seem to get plenty of the runes just hanging around Jahai. It's just a fun gimmick, nothing more.



Yeah, I think this too would fit nicely into the whole lose relevance theme.


> >

> > Oh, and we should get access to our storage/bank by interacting with the Xunlai Chest.

> I wonder if that will come in in the next story (it seems there's a missing part of the map still, so maybe there's more to Sun's Refuge than what we are seeing so far).



Not sure, maybe, though if it's not going to have the other home instance stuff, probably doesn't really matter if they do this. Once you do the achievements and collections, there's really no reason to access the bank from inside the sanctuary. Just pop into the Mistlock Observatory or WvW/PvP lobbies to get bank access.


> > OH! And a profession changer in the Command Post.

> Profession changer? They aren't going to make that available in any form.



That was a joke. It's pretty obvious they wouldn't do that. Convenient in GW1 though.


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