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If multibox legal how i can run 20 game at the same time

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If you have 20 legit accounts, and you want to run them at the same time, there are various guides available. The 3rd party tools essentially shortcut the tech details and present a simple UI to manage all the accounts at once. Unless you are tech savvy, you will want these tools as a work-around (and if you are tech savvy, you should be able to find the guides without too much effort).


However, you will need a reasonably beefy computer to make it work, as each program will need 1-1.5gb of RAM if you're running with pretty graphics and probably 0.3-0.5GB if running minimalist.



In brief, you have to set up multiple versions of your gw2 folder, disable the MuTex for the game, and launch the games one-by-one. Again, this is much more easily done by writing scripts to automate the process, which is the reason why GW2 Launcher and GW2 Launch Buddy were invented.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Use a chair with rollers? You can only input on one game at a time, though you can have multiple clients up and running at the same time.


I sometimes multibox with actual multiple boxes, i.e. computers(0), and they are placed so that I can (clumsily, very clumsily) move both characters at the same time through "safe" areas like e.g. home instances for node farming.


You know, one hand on each keyboard, walking with WASD.(1) Use one screen, and have the character on the other PC be in front so you can see what both are doing.


But *twenty* accounts? Why on earth does OP have so many? (Not "how" - that's easy - but "why"...)


(0) If you think about it, that's where "multibox" comes from, having MULTIple BOXes.


(1) Well, ZQSD, since I use AZERTY keyboards, but you get the idea.

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I'm not interested in multiboxing, but I honestly wonder if it is THAT profitable. Sure you can farm tons of gold probably but what about skins you cannot buy? You only get them via achievements, so multiboxing doesnt give you an advantage. Also story instances only work for max 5 people I think.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> @Steve, you know what I meant. Just reminding the OP that sure, you can multi-box, but you can't use any kind of program, app, device, etc. that let's you move/interact/control, etc. more than one character/item/etc. at a time.


True. But moving clumsily on two adjacent PCs (or anything else you could conceivably do with one hand per character) is about the best you can manage in terms of "simultaneous" use of two accounts while staying in the terms of the agreements.

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > But, could you reach 20 without the chair? :tongue:


> Sure, one finger/thumb on each of ten W keys, then one toe on each of ten others. Some mighty weird-shaped keyboards, of course. :p B) =) ;)


who cares about "W", i have a portal on mesmer

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> @"Morozzko.2136" said:

> > @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > > But, could you reach 20 without the chair? :tongue:

> >

> > Sure, one finger/thumb on each of ten W keys, then one toe on each of ten others. Some mighty weird-shaped keyboards, of course. :p B) =) ;)


> who cares about "W", i have a portal on mesmer


You'd still need to press F on 19 characters before the portal runs out.

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You can remap some of the keys though so that differant keys all equal pressing F for a differant character.

Since you have 10 fingers , its essentially 2 sets of key presses.

Likewise you can map the WASD keys to other sets of 4 keys for each char, so that takes 80 keys for 20 chars ,so 2 keyboards would be needed.

Most intensive multiboxing Ive ever seen was in WOW with 6 accounts playing 5 mages and 1 healer, and the player was extremely good, but still not as effective as 6 individual players.



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To answer the original question: How you do it is your choice.

You could use 20 PC with 20 monitors and spend your money on electricity instead of gems.

You could also run multiple clients per PC which maybe would cut it down to 5 PC with 5 monitors each running 4 clients at 1/4 size.


Don't forget that no matter how you do it, you will have to be able to pay attention to all 20 clients while they are being individually controlled, because if you fail to notice when a GM interacts with any of them, likely all of them will get suspended/banned. If you are considering starting even more clients per PC than 4, you should note that any setup where you are no longer able to see the game clients will result in you failing any GM check because you will neither notice your char being moved/teleported around nor other checks that GMs perform to see the game is played and monitored by you or by scripts/bots.


If you think you are able and willing to monitor and control all 20 clients there is nothing stopping you . Technically you can really only look at each of them about 1/20th of the time, or in other words on average each client will only receive 5% of your attention. Also (as already stated by someone else), you will have to trigger a portal or issue any movement/skill on each of those accounts individually. If you play 20 accounts (1 to cast the portal plus other 19 who use it too) you have 0.5 seconds for each of the 20 accounts to trigger the portal within its duration. Have a relaxing game experience :)

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